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Most Thais not understand 'Thailand 4.0': survey


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22 hours ago, Tchooptip said:

Most Thai do not understand  Thailand 4.0 :whistling:Pffff Why they do not asked ThaiVisa?

Many members know  everything about everything about Thailand its people its laws its psychology everything  we tell you!

Only the language not :saai:


this is why they don't understand.

farlang who think it's no big deal if no one reads... and in school they "learn" to never question anything or to think at all.. or to know anything of the sapien world other than what they are verbally told or see in a video. 


farlang who buy the lines "Thai children are shy"... "Farlang cannot understand Thai".... "everyone speaks Pasa Thai"... "Thailand is a poor country".... 

and then rant that White People are smarty pants... etc etc... when in fact it is even simpler. we're not smart.  you don't have to be smart to see there are no spaces between morphemes or that most folks don't even know where their local library is let alone ever visit to make their lives... including social lives.. more interesting than talking about food or "how much did you pay for that?". 

it's not about being intellectual. it's simpler than that. we cry. you are the one ranting.

we cry for the beloved country. ever heard that one before?

except here they do it to themselves.


Edited by maewang99
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I don't know all about Thailand 4.0 but we had a 1 day seminar for the teachers and a half day for the students here (all in Thai so I didn't understand all of it).

What I did understand about Thailand 4.0 in agriculture are goals to modernize the farming methods, get farmers to understand crop rotation and the difference in water needs between different kind of plants, processing and value enhancing, quality over quantity and such things. 

Some examples are:

Shift to grow organic vegetables.

Farm high grade pork and beef instead of today's low-medium grade.

More SMEs producing high grade products made from what's locally grown.

Direct online marketing without selling through middlemen (7-11 and so on).

But many are afraid about this because it is a tough market with CP cornering a huge part with 7-11 and Macro. And the rules for slaughter of animals is getting tougher and tougher for small scale with CP pushing for the harder legislation!

Many see CP as a savior but in reality they are really bad for Thailand with low prices to the farmers, GMO seeds and forcing mama-papa stores out of business with more and more 7-11 popping up all over the place.


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On 3/10/2017 at 8:16 AM, yellowboat said:

A super big website to sell Thai made stuff.  20,000 resellers all on one site.  Sure there is more, there always is, but that is all that was made understandable.

So... a huge Thai market on a poorly made website with an "English" link that just sends you back to Thai.

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