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Americans oppose bathroom laws limiting transgender rights - poll


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4 minutes ago, dazzz said:

snowflake to me is not derogatry just means people who try to change the rules  to benefit a minority and do so by crying all the time . You cannot by any stretch of the imagination call  a man who dresses as a woman and has relationship with another man is normal it is not . Tolerated and not discriminated aginst yes but normal no


I would not want to stretch your imagination too far. Clearly you are constrained by your environment and have neither knowledge of nor empathy for those who do not conform to your reality.


You are not a moderator of this site. They are the ones who have deemed the word you use as derogatory and insulting.


You imply a weakness in LGBT people. There are plenty of trans people who could put you in your place very quickly but that is a superficial kind of strength. Some quote figures of 40% suicide rate among trans people. The rate among LGBT youth is also high. Think, however, of the strength of those who face your kind of oppression on a daily basis and resist to lead their lives.


You don't get to define normalcy. Just like you don't get to use snowflake as an insult on this site.

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3 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


I would not want to stretch your imagination too far. Clearly you are constrained by your environment and have neither knowledge of nor empathy for those who do not conform to your reality.


You are not a moderator of this site. They are the ones who have deemed the word you use as derogatory and insulting.


You imply a weakness in LGBT people. There are plenty of trans people who could put you in your place very quickly but that is a superficial kind of strength. Some quote figures of 40% suicide rate among trans people. The rate among LGBT youth is also high. Think, however, of the strength of those who face your kind of oppression on a daily basis and resist to lead their lives.


You don't get to define normalcy. Just like you don't get to use snowflake as an insult on this site.

First what is LGBT?? A boat ? i have no idea again what you are talking about. What weakness did i say .Where did i say that ? Why would you say a tranny would put me in my place , for what ?The reason they have 40% suicide rate is that not being normal is difficult .; You are painting me to be a person that i am not and saying i said things that i never and are crying loudly about a little thing . That is a snowflake .
  I have friends that are gay including 2 guys who have lived together for years . i have a few ladyboy friends including one very close friend . I have nothing against anyone , race or  sexuality but being different does not give you special rules . That is the way i have been brought uo and is my religion which you are slagging off . If you were born a man go to the mans toilet if you are a woman go to the womans toilet

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no you are wrong . You do not have to prove you are transgender to use a womans toilet . You need to read correctly , i never said transgenders use their priviliges to spy on females i said men can pretend to be transgender to spy on females and use your brain  there have been lots of recorded cases of men pretending to be women to use female toilets  including spy holes , hidden cams etc , no recorded cases because it is not law yet , do you understand , not law yet .
 I watched a documentary on it and anyone in school or college can just say they are transgender  and thats fine  but who is going to police the toilets to check all the trannies entering are real transgenders .
 Being the parent of 3 girls i know what i would do if i saw a man dressed as a woman going into the toilets my daughters were using
yet literally thousands of recorded cases, where heterosexual "normal" men did this! which is exactly my argument that you cannot see !!!!!!! these men could then put on womens clothes and do it legally . To many snowflakes

Strawman argument, which has nothing to do with reality or the implemented law!
It is and will be illegal for MEN, to go into women's restrooms wether they are dressed as nurses, policemen or maids!
If you can not understand that, no one can help you!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect
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1 hour ago, DM07 said:

Strawman argument, which has nothing to do with reality or the implemented law!
It is and will be illegal for MEN, to go into women's restrooms wether they are dressed as nurses, policemen or maids!
If you can not understand that, no one can help you!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

"Americans oppose bathroom laws limiting transgender rights "
That is what this post is about if you cannot understand that you are beyond help . If they passed this law then it would not be a straw argument it would be a reality and if obama was still in it probably would have got passed .
 The whole point of this thread is about wether it is right or wrong . The law still may be passed  then men  dressed as women will be legally allowed to go into womens bathrooms . not understand why you cannot see that .
 The whole point of this thread is to discuss if it is right or wrong and i think its wrong and am entitled to my opinion wether you like it or not.sorry dont know why its big as caps lock is not on ?

Edited by dazzz
sorry dont know why its big as caps lock was not on ?
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3 hours ago, stander said:

Liberals always look to take away the rights of the majority, to give rights to the minorities, and, with bathrooms they want to take away privacy rights of the many to give special rights to the few.


Equal rights is not cake. Equal rights for one group does not leave any less for others. Unless you're talking about the right to discriminate, which isn't a right at all.


My daughters went to a Highschool where one "male" student self-identified as female and routinely used the girls' washroom. There were no concerns. My daughters have gay and bisexual friends and I am glad for the hangups-free richness of their lives.


Shed your hangups. You'll be happier. 

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56 minutes ago, dazzz said:

this much else to say just have a look at this



Tucker Carlson invites transgender professor to show, insults her


Carlson appeared very concerned that he could simply decide that he’s a woman and use the women’s bathroom “tomorrow,” and Weiss explained that being transgenderdoesn’t work that way. “The idea that there is no objective factors to be considered in who is transgender and how we determine bathroom use is really not the way that this works. The fact is that people makes this decision after a lot of serious consideration, they see medical doctors, there is psychologists involved.



Might be time you talked to a trans person or found out what they have to say.

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3 hours ago, dazzz said:

First what is LGBT?? A boat ? i have no idea again what you are talking about. What weakness did i say .Where did i say that ? Why would you say a tranny would put me in my place , for what ?The reason they have 40% suicide rate is that not being normal is difficult .; You are painting me to be a person that i am not and saying i said things that i never and are crying loudly about a little thing . That is a snowflake .
  I have friends that are gay including 2 guys who have lived together for years . i have a few ladyboy friends including one very close friend . I have nothing against anyone , race or  sexuality but being different does not give you special rules . That is the way i have been brought uo and is my religion which you are slagging off . If you were born a man go to the mans toilet if you are a woman go to the womans toilet


You imply a weakness in LGBT people. I have to say this for a second time since you clearly missed the sentence earlier. You imply this weakness by using the derogatory and banned word 'snowflake'. You continue to refer to trans people as men in women's clothing when this is highly disrespectful and inaccurate. You refer to trannys [sic] which is an outdated and insulting reference to trans people because it does not distinguish between transsexualism, transvestitism, or transgenderism.


Your words paint you. Not me.


Irrespective of how many LGBT friends you have, this issue of 'bathroom bills' is not about male sexual predators threatening women in female toilets. This issue was manufactured by the Religious Right in the US to promote laws that protect their religious bigotry. They lost the culture war on marriage equality. This is their rearguard action and you are either complicit in this agenda or are playing into their hands. Trans women have never presented any threat to women in female toilets.


And you conveniently neglect to acknowledge the issue of trans men in male toilets.

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4 hours ago, dazzz said:

this much else to say just have a look at this


That went well.


I think Tucker Carlson, who I personally don't care for most of the time, suggested a very important idea that this issue has progressed to this stage by riding the momentum of the gay marriage movement.  But without sufficient extrapolation and due diligence.  The premise is stipulated, and we get right to debate about downstream issues.  Hold on, let's back up and discuss the premise. 


The typical response to a serious challenge to the premise seems to be severe anger and personal insults.  The guest could barely restrain him/herself from unleashing a full blown tirade.

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On 3/11/2017 at 0:47 AM, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

Trump and the old white straight bigots who voted for him are again on the wrong side of history. Muslim bans being challenged by an increasing number of States, Obamacare Repeal and Replace a mess, Administrative cock ups on a daily basis and lunatic tweets of fringe conspiracy theories. Most Americans support LGBT equality. Most Americans support marriage equality. Now most Americans support transgender dignity. The toothless old reactionaries can do no more than make weak, stale and infantile 'jokes' to hide their psycho-sexual dysfunction about toilet issues, a remnant of their traumatic potty training.


Millennials and forward thinking people on the right side of history just need to wait until later 2018 to start reversing the destruction of values by the nihilist trump fanboys.

How do the Trump haters get away with going totally off topic and then insulting people at random without getting banned from this sight? I'm just wondering.

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1 hour ago, Grubster said:

How do the Trump haters get away with going totally off topic and then insulting people at random without getting banned from this sight? I'm just wondering.


The arrogant self absorption of th Trumpy-fanboy who compares his puerile, whiny sense of victimization with an orchestrated campaign of manufactured marginalization and discrimination against LGBT people. Poor Trump supporter having to suffer the slings and arrows of associating with the most ridiculously unqualified person to assume to be the Leader of the US. Sure we see the clear equivalence with the social and emotional stress on LGBT people that results in significantly higher suicide rates than other populations, particularly among LGBT youth and trans people. Yes, we feel your pain Trump boys who cannot reveal their identifies outside of anonymous social media else they will be laughed out of society.


Trump hater. What an infantile, simplistic and unperceptive thing to say. If all you got was Trump hater out of my response to the OP, then the not understanding why my post did not get me banned from this sight [sic], or one might also say, site, is the least of your worries. It would seem that you are so constrained by your marginal, fringe ideology that you cannot read any comment without it being twisted. Did you get beyond Post 3? Do you have any comment on the topic being the majority support among Americans for LGBT issues, specifically on the issue of trans peoples rights and dignity?


I'm just wondering.

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On 3/12/2017 at 8:36 AM, Thakkar said:


These "real Americans" ought to live In the real world.



they DO live in the real world! why would a so called transgender go into a womens rest room? there are no urinals there, is he going to squat to pee? most likely he is a pervert .or is he going to smell the toilet seat?  

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16 hours ago, dazzz said:

"Americans oppose bathroom laws limiting transgender rights "
That is what this post is about if you cannot understand that you are beyond help . If they passed this law then it would not be a straw argument it would be a reality and if obama was still in it probably would have got passed .
 The whole point of this thread is about wether it is right or wrong . The law still may be passed  then men  dressed as women will be legally allowed to go into womens bathrooms . not understand why you cannot see that .
 The whole point of this thread is to discuss if it is right or wrong and i think its wrong and am entitled to my opinion wether you like it or not.sorry dont know why its big as caps lock is not on ?

"I am entitled to my opinion"...oooooh, yes you are!

And I am entitled to point out, that your opinion is based on stupid bias, dumb arguments and moot points!

Men dressed as women will not be allowed in women's bathroom!

I can not see that, because it is not the case!

Transgender people are not "men in women's dresses" or the other way around!

Therefore your opinion maybe your opinion- it is still based on falsehood!

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2 hours ago, captspectre said:

they DO live in the real world! why would a so called transgender go into a womens rest room? there are no urinals there, is he going to squat to pee? most likely he is a pervert .or is he going to smell the toilet seat?  


Clear case of projection here. Please keep your toilet fantasies to yourself.


I remember jokes about squatting to pee from when I was in high school from other 13 year olds. Perhaps mummy and daddy will realize that they protection controls on your computer are not set properly. Until then you should focus on what most 13 year old boys do in their bedrooms and leave the adults to their discussions.

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2 hours ago, DM07 said:

"I am entitled to my opinion"...oooooh, yes you are!

And I am entitled to point out, that your opinion is based on stupid bias, dumb arguments and moot points!

Men dressed as women will not be allowed in women's bathroom!

I can not see that, because it is not the case!

Transgender people are not "men in women's dresses" or the other way around!

Therefore your opinion maybe your opinion- it is still based on falsehood!


This "I am entitled to my opinion" lament implies that the complainant's right to expression is being constrained when what's really happening is that their fact/logic-free brain fart is being justifiably ridiculed. They would like their vacuous blatherings to be given the same weight as informed, thoughtful opinion and are aggrieved that it's not. 


Sorry, that's not how it works. You get to express mindless opinions. You even get to demand sympathy/acceptance for those opinions but you are not actually entitled to any acceptance. 



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14 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


The arrogant self absorption of th Trumpy-fanboy who compares his puerile, whiny sense of victimization with an orchestrated campaign of manufactured marginalization and discrimination against LGBT people. Poor Trump supporter having to suffer the slings and arrows of associating with the most ridiculously unqualified person to assume to be the Leader of the US. Sure we see the clear equivalence with the social and emotional stress on LGBT people that results in significantly higher suicide rates than other populations, particularly among LGBT youth and trans people. Yes, we feel your pain Trump boys who cannot reveal their identifies outside of anonymous social media else they will be laughed out of society.


Trump hater. What an infantile, simplistic and unperceptive thing to say. If all you got was Trump hater out of my response to the OP, then the not understanding why my post did not get me banned from this sight [sic], or one might also say, site, is the least of your worries. It would seem that you are so constrained by your marginal, fringe ideology that you cannot read any comment without it being twisted. Did you get beyond Post 3? Do you have any comment on the topic being the majority support among Americans for LGBT issues, specifically on the issue of trans peoples rights and dignity?


I'm just wondering.

I have nothing against LGBT, and couldn't care less about were or how you pee but I think you should settle down and stop calling me names because I voted with the winner of the presidency. I am hoping he does well for the working class by bringing jobs back to our country. I never could really care less about the smoke screen issues both sides of the isle have been using [ abortion, gun rights, LGBT, etc. etc.] while they all rob us of the incredible wealth in america that used to be distributed much more evenly. I'm sorry you are so bitter, but I and my gay friends find a lot of this bitterness in many gay people. I don't have any straight friends that dislike you either but I doubt you could say the same of them. The world is changing fast, especially for gays, why don't you just settle down and try enjoying whats left of your life?

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1 hour ago, Grubster said:

I have nothing against LGBT, and couldn't care less about were or how you pee but I think you should settle down and stop calling me names because I voted with the winner of the presidency. I am hoping he does well for the working class by bringing jobs back to our country. I never could really care less about the smoke screen issues both sides of the isle have been using [ abortion, gun rights, LGBT, etc. etc.] while they all rob us of the incredible wealth in america that used to be distributed much more evenly. I'm sorry you are so bitter, but I and my gay friends find a lot of this bitterness in many gay people. I don't have any straight friends that dislike you either but I doubt you could say the same of them. The world is changing fast, especially for gays, why don't you just settle down and try enjoying whats left of your life?


What an absolute crock.


If you have no interest in LGBT issues, then why post here? If you believe that LGBT issues are fringe, marginal and part of the smoke and noise of politics, then why attack my comment? If you don't like name calling, then why did you start your response to my post by calling me a name?


Trump was the candidate of the Party that supports, endorses and promotes laws to allow discrimination against LGBT people on religious grounds. He is an entirely legitimate target in this debate.


So let's get off topic and respond to your rather plaintive statement that you voted for him to bring back jobs to America. Well, brace for it. Those jobs are gone. They are never coming back. The only response that government can make is structural reform to create new jobs and to compensate those who are unable to adjust to the new reality. The only way that those jobs can 'come back' are through massive government subsidies that will, like all subsidies be captured by those in least need of them. Conservatives will have to change their view on Entitlement programs if they wish to hold the blue collar male that allegedly won them the Presidency. As a working economist, I can see no other solution.


Now, to get back to the topic of bathroom bills. Your dime store psycho-analysis is lame. You have zero information about me or people like me apart from the few words we write on TVF. You have a seriously overblown regard for your own opinion to be telling anybody to do anything, let alone being a non LGBT person and explaining LGBT issues to someone of the LGBT community.


Stick with your deluded belief in a person who has demonstrated constant and consistent failure to do anything for the blue collar worker, in fact, whose business model is entirely exploitative and does not create jobs, merely accesses and brands existing resources. He will not change the fundamental economics of the coal industry or the steel industry or in fact any kind of manufacturing industry that relies on global supply chains and logistics. Unless, as I said, he directs massive subsidies to prop up these, just like he did with the flim-flam 'job retention' during the transition. But if you choose to enter a discussion on LGBT issues and join your ideological neanderthal buddies, by marginalizing LGBT people and promoting discrimination and hate speech, then expect the names to be flying thick and fast. And drop the attempt to be a shrink for LGBT people. Your attempt was amateurish, superficial and offensive.

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First what is LGBT?? A boat ? i have no idea again what you are talking about. What weakness did i say .Where did i say that ? Why would you say a tranny would put me in my place , for what ?The reason they have 40% suicide rate is that not being normal is difficult .; You are painting me to be a person that i am not and saying i said things that i never and are crying loudly about a little thing . That is a snowflake .
  I have friends that are gay including 2 guys who have lived together for years . i have a few ladyboy friends including one very close friend . I have nothing against anyone , race or  sexuality but being different does not give you special rules . That is the way i have been brought uo and is my religion which you are slagging off . If you were born a man go to the mans toilet if you are a woman go to the womans toilet

So which bathroom are your ladyboy friends using?

sent using Tapatalk

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On 11/03/2017 at 9:10 AM, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


I thought you said some time back that you were a Brit living in America, somewhere along the border. If so, then I guess you have taken up American vernacular. http://learnersdictionary.com/qa/I-COULDN-T-care-less-or-I-COULD-care-less


Using the bathroom that you are 'supposed' to is too broad and general a statement in this context. Some states allow trans people to change their birth certificates. Do that mean you accept those trans people in bathrooms with which they identify? What's with the birth certificate crap anyway? Hospitals have no idea of the future gender identity or sexual orientation of new borns. Genetics has demonstrated that these cannot be discerned by observing sexual organs alone.


If you are scared of trans men using the mens room, then use a stall. Problem fixed.

Obviously I am not afraid. Any male can dress as a woman and use the ladies room that is my concern.


Do you feel better after Correcting me. Now we know why you are so confused on what bathroom to use.


Pretty good memory for the most part.  American living in thailand from a border state with mexico

Edited by USPatriot
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1 hour ago, USPatriot said:

Obviously I am not afraid. Any male can dress as a woman and use the ladies room that is my concern.


Do you feel better after Correcting me. Now we know why you are so confused on what bathroom to use.


Pretty good memory for the most part.  American living in thailand from a border state with mexico


If you are concerned about men dressing as women to assault women in ladies rooms, then this is not the topic for you. This issue has nothing to do with male sexual predators. There has never been any instance of a trans woman sexually assaulting a female in the ladies room. By buying into the reductionist narrative of the anti-LGBT bigots, you play into the hands of the religious right who want the legal right to discriminate against a minority. Until this narrative is discredited or criminalizes as hate speech, then there is little chance that any understanding will be reached by those who are knowingly or unknowingly complicit in this myth.


On the issue of correcting your speech, yes - I am much happier. I do not understand why people educate in the US incorrectly use this phrase. It is a pet peeve. The logic is clear for everyone to comprehend, yet a number of Americans use the illogical form. When I lived in America and when I visit for work, I have to accept having salad before my steak instead of with it but the expectation that I would eat it with a fork in the right hand is a bridge too far. Just like the 'could care less' thing.


You may not play your incorrect use of the expression into the choice of bathroom.


Saying that you couldn't care less about another person's gender identity does not absolve you from respecting that person's dignity. Baselessly alleging that such a person is a sexual predator is wrong and fits the very definition of bigotry. Despite your indifference to such people, you may wish to try to appreciate the point of view of a trans person to understand what this issue means to them. You would then be very aware of the inappropriateness of your comments. A trans woman is not a man in a woman dress. Likewise a trans man is not a woman in a man's suit.

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19 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Clear case of projection here. Please keep your toilet fantasies to yourself.


I remember jokes about squatting to pee from when I was in high school from other 13 year olds. Perhaps mummy and daddy will realize that they protection controls on your computer are not set properly. Until then you should focus on what most 13 year old boys do in their bedrooms and leave the adults to their discussions.

I was talking about ADULT perverts! not kids, no matter how you want to put it. it is not normal for a male human being to want to go to a female restroom unless he has other motives. he can also squat to piss in a men's room, can he not?

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1 hour ago, captspectre said:

I was talking about ADULT perverts! not kids, no matter how you want to put it. it is not normal for a male human being to want to go to a female restroom unless he has other motives. he can also squat to piss in a men's room, can he not?

Sooooo...it would be okay for you, if a woman uses the men's- restroom?

After all, she can squad in there, too!

So actually, we need only uni-sex restrooms!

Nice you cleared that up!

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53 minutes ago, stander said:

The safety of our children should be paramount and supersede any transgender washroom debate- 
Man chokes 8 yr/o girl in restaurant washroom! 

Pray tell: how is this Fox News -article in any way relevant to the subject of "transgender bathroom- rights"?

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5 hours ago, captspectre said:

I was talking about ADULT perverts! not kids, no matter how you want to put it. it is not normal for a male human being to want to go to a female restroom unless he has other motives. he can also squat to piss in a men's room, can he not?


You continually go off topic. What male human beings do is not the issue under discussion. It is entirely normal for trans females to want to use the female restroom and for trans males to use the male restroom.


Your bigotry is obvious. It's cause less so. Why the obsession with this topic? Is it mere prurience? Or something deeper.


Keep arguing this bunk. It makes it easier to discredit.

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3 hours ago, stander said:

Liberals are trying to subverse Americans into accepting Transgenderism and making it appear like it's "normal" behavior.


Absolutely. Yes. Indubitably. Correct. Right On.


How many times can I affirm this? Well, except for the 'submerse' [sic] thing. I think I can work out what it is meant to be.


Conforming to biology is normal for Transgender people. That makes them normal. You, thank god don't get to define normal. You may think that attacking minorities out of fear and bigotry is normal but it is not. It is typical. It is pathetic. It is the mark of a small mind. But it is not normal.


So what is the cause of your obsession with trans people and your attempt to define them?

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