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Americans oppose bathroom laws limiting transgender rights - poll


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3 hours ago, stander said:

The safety of our children should be paramount and supersede any transgender washroom debate- 
Man chokes 8 yr/o girl in restaurant washroom! 


Nothing to do with this topic.


Descending into desperation now. So much for the hope of intelligent debate on this issue.



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22 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


If you are concerned about men dressing as women to assault women in ladies rooms, then this is not the topic for you. This issue has nothing to do with male sexual predators. There has never been any instance of a trans woman sexually assaulting a female in the ladies room. By buying into the reductionist narrative of the anti-LGBT bigots, you play into the hands of the religious right who want the legal right to discriminate against a minority. Until this narrative is discredited or criminalizes as hate speech, then there is little chance that any understanding will be reached by those who are knowingly or unknowingly complicit in this myth.


On the issue of correcting your speech, yes - I am much happier. I do not understand why people educate in the US incorrectly use this phrase. It is a pet peeve. The logic is clear for everyone to comprehend, yet a number of Americans use the illogical form. When I lived in America and when I visit for work, I have to accept having salad before my steak instead of with it but the expectation that I would eat it with a fork in the right hand is a bridge too far. Just like the 'could care less' thing.


You may not play your incorrect use of the expression into the choice of bathroom.


Saying that you couldn't care less about another person's gender identity does not absolve you from respecting that person's dignity. Baselessly alleging that such a person is a sexual predator is wrong and fits the very definition of bigotry. Despite your indifference to such people, you may wish to try to appreciate the point of view of a trans person to understand what this issue means to them. You would then be very aware of the inappropriateness of your comments. A trans woman is not a man in a woman dress. Likewise a trans man is not a woman in a man's suit.

My comment is not inappropriate the only thing inappropriate is using a bathroom of the opposite sex.


As for salad before the steak it is what we do in America if your that uptight about it then maybe you should see sooner and lay down on a couch and talk about it with the doctor.


It's obvious you just don't like Americans 

Edited by USPatriot
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22 hours ago, DM07 said:

Sooooo...it would be okay for you, if a woman uses the men's- restroom?

After all, she can squad in there, too!

So actually, we need only uni-sex restrooms!

Nice you cleared that up!

are you trolling? we WERE speaking about men only! not women! I don't see any woman rushing into a men's room. only the perverts who for some perverted reason want to go into a women's room. for the last time! men's room for men, women's room for women! can you live with that? or would you prefer to use the women's room and sniff the seat!

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56 minutes ago, daveAustin said:

If you have a wiener, then yes.


The problem is when you have a serial rapist who 'thinks' he's a woman getting into female toilets, legally. Separate bathrooms should be set aside if anything.


Where is this trans female serial rapist? There has never been any example of a trans women using access to female toilets to assault other females. Never.


All that is required for a male sexual predator to assault females in female toilets is for that person to open the door. A law preventing that person being in the bathroom will not stop that door from opening nor will any charges arising from that law supersede the charges resulting from such assault.


The whole male sexual predator thing is a diversion used by those whose ignorance and bigotry refuse to acknowledge trans people.

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1 hour ago, captspectre said:

are you trolling? we WERE speaking about men only! not women! I don't see any woman rushing into a men's room. only the perverts who for some perverted reason want to go into a women's room. for the last time! men's room for men, women's room for women! can you live with that? or would you prefer to use the women's room and sniff the seat!


Troll. We are speaking about trans people. Trans men use male toilets. You may deny this all you wish but it does not change reality.


The only person making reference to sniffing toilet seats is you. Why would anyone care about the opinion of a mind like this?

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20 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Absolutely. Yes. Indubitably. Correct. Right On.


How many times can I affirm this? Well, except for the 'submerse' [sic] thing. I think I can work out what it is meant to be.


Conforming to biology is normal for Transgender people. That makes them normal. You, thank god don't get to define normal. You may think that attacking minorities out of fear and bigotry is normal but it is not. It is typical. It is pathetic. It is the mark of a small mind. But it is not normal.


So what is the cause of your obsession with trans people and your attempt to define them?


Next,  they will be telling us the homosexuality is normal

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On March 11, 2017 at 0:47 AM, stander said:

Transgenderism is a mental disorder like paranoid schizophrenia and multiple personality disorder with a 40% suicide rate (4% is average). People inflicted with these terrible disorders deserve compassion and kindness, but to encourage this behavior is psychotic


It's people like you who will not accept people for who the are that contribute to the elevated suicide rate. There are more transgendered out of the closet in Thailand than maybe anywhere but I've yet to hear it being an issue.

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If your biggest concern is where you can pee, than you must have a great happy life. HOWEVER, if you have a miserable life, then maybe complaining about this type of thing makes you feel better.

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On 3/11/2017 at 3:42 PM, stander said:

If a male feels like he's supposed to be a female, Why don't we give him male hormones so he'll feel like a male? Instead of mutilating his body to conform to his feelings, Why don't we try to fix his feelings to conform to his body? 


Sure.   Let's see if Trump covers the cost under TrumpCare.

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2 hours ago, stander said:

Next,  they will be telling us the homosexuality is normal


This comes from a place of deep insecurity. Those voices getting louder are they? The only reason for someone to be so aggressively homophobic and transphobic is fear.


LGBT people acting according to their genetics is entirely normal. They are not afraid so they are strong. You are afraid, so you are weak. Your problem, not ours.

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2 hours ago, Gary A said:

If your biggest concern is where you can pee, than you must have a great happy life. HOWEVER, if you have a miserable life, then maybe complaining about this type of thing makes you feel better.


Transgender women have been happily peeing in female toilets for ages. Without complaint. The ones complaining are the Religious Right who are using this to promote laws that allow them to discriminate against minorities and protect their hate speech.


So direct your comment in that direction. This perpetuation of the myth that LGBT people are fighting for special or additional rights is dishonest.

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On 3/11/2017 at 9:42 PM, stander said:

If a male feels like he's supposed to be a female, Why don't we give him male hormones so he'll feel like a male? Instead of mutilating his body to conform to his feelings, Why don't we try to fix his feelings to conform to his body? 


Why don't we stop interfering with other people's lives and let them do whatever they like as long as it doesn't hurt other people.

I do agree though, that people with a penis should use the men's room unless ( as in my country ) there is a men's/ women's toilet available.

All new public builds should be individual toilet booths for either gender.


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3 hours ago, stander said:

Next,  they will be telling us the homosexuality is normal


Completely off topic and another of your snide attempts to discredit a whole segment of society but, I have to ask, do you have a monopoly on what's considered 'normal?'


To an homosexual, homosexuality is normal.


Next you'll be telling us that a Caucasian, living in Asia, is 'normal.'



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It's a great comfort to know that our American cousins are concentrating on the most important issues. Flood the internet with porn, forget everything to do with the environment, crank up military spending by 10%, lose world respect...etc


BUT make sure you use the correct lavatory!!!!!

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12 minutes ago, Grouse said:

It's a great comfort to know that our American cousins are concentrating on the most important issues. Flood the internet with porn, forget everything to do with the environment, crank up military spending by 10%, lose world respect...etc


BUT make sure you use the correct lavatory!!!!!

Why do we need the respect of cucked countries? 

If in part we're losing respect from countries because we oppose letting the mental patients run the asylum, in this case letting trendgender people use any bathroom they want willy-nilly then there's something wrong with your countries, not ours.


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On ‎3‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 6:33 PM, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


You imply a weakness in LGBT people. I have to say this for a second time since you clearly missed the sentence earlier. You imply this weakness by using the derogatory and banned word 'snowflake'. You continue to refer to trans people as men in women's clothing when this is highly disrespectful and inaccurate. You refer to trannys [sic] which is an outdated and insulting reference to trans people because it does not distinguish between transsexualism, transvestitism, or transgenderism.


Your words paint you. Not me.


Irrespective of how many LGBT friends you have, this issue of 'bathroom bills' is not about male sexual predators threatening women in female toilets. This issue was manufactured by the Religious Right in the US to promote laws that protect their religious bigotry. They lost the culture war on marriage equality. This is their rearguard action and you are either complicit in this agenda or are playing into their hands. Trans women have never presented any threat to women in female toilets.


And you conveniently neglect to acknowledge the issue of trans men in male toilets.


In support of your argument; as a trans-woman identifies as a woman, what attraction would they have to other women (or girls) in the women's toilets?  Apart from trading beauty, make-up, fashion tips . . .


Just judging from the level of attack by some, just on this one thread, the likelihood of an assault (sexually, physically and/or verbally) on a trans-woman in the men's toilet is very high.


Looking at it another way; why are some arguing so much for trans-women to be forced to use the men's toilet?  Greater likelihood of a discreet, chance encounter?

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50 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

Social justice warriors tell each other never to change for the world yet they expect the world to change for them. 

It's about time the narcissistic and decadent elements of the left get some push back. 


It would seem that you are not man enough to do it. So who will? Preferably someone who doesn't speak keyboard warrior. Time to go change those underpants.

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3 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


It would seem that you are not man enough to do it. So who will? Preferably someone who doesn't speak keyboard warrior. Time to go change those underpants.

What the hell are you on about? Man enough to do what? 

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6 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

Why do we need the respect of cucked countries? 

If in part we're losing respect from countries because we oppose letting the mental patients run the asylum, in this case letting trendgender people use any bathroom they want willy-nilly then there's something wrong with your countries, not ours.



Care to rephrase this without the fringe right idiom? You do realize that pseudo-intellectualism is merely a pose right You may think that such fashionable alt right terms are neologisms but to the rest of the world they are cult-speak.


What do you fear from trans people to result in such stupid ignorance?

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12 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

Why do we need the respect of cucked countries? 

If in part we're losing respect from countries because we oppose letting the mental patients run the asylum, in this case letting trendgender people use any bathroom they want willy-nilly then there's something wrong with your countries, not ours.


Hilarious! You really don't understand prioritisation do you! As I say America lost respect over the last 45 years and has now become embarrassing. You talk about letting metal patients run the asylum? Have you had an irony bypass??

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10 minutes ago, Stray said:


In support of your argument; as a trans-woman identifies as a woman, what attraction would they have to other women (or girls) in the women's toilets?  Apart from trading beauty, make-up, fashion tips . . .


Just judging from the level of attack by some, just on this one thread, the likelihood of an assault (sexually, physically and/or verbally) on a trans-woman in the men's toilet is very high.


Looking at it another way; why are some arguing so much for trans-women to be forced to use the men's toilet?  Greater likelihood of a discreet, chance encounter?


It is quite complex and also a little confusing because gender identity does not appear to have any relationship to sexual orientation. Take Caitlin Jenner who transitioned to become a trans woman but is still attracted to women. I am not trans but since trans people are part of the LGBT community, I have taken an interest. I do know that trans people are constrained by the cultural bias of pronouns in the English language. This, of course helps the bigots because there are not yet acceptable or appropriate terms for addressing trans people that encompasses both gender identity and sexual orientation.


It would seem that many of the bigots are just too lazy to bother or too stupid to understand the issue from the perspective of a trans person.


If we go by statistics then the fact that there are no instances of genuine trans women assaulting females in female toilets probably goes to show that trans women who are attracted to women do not prey on other women in toilets.

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6 hours ago, daveAustin said:

If you have a wiener, then yes.


The problem is when you have a serial rapist who 'thinks' he's a woman getting into female toilets, legally. Separate bathrooms should be set aside if anything.


Do you have a link for the serial rapist, dressed as a woman, story?


As for the case of Corey Maison (pictured), part of the reason for her homeschooling was due to toilet/bathroom use at a public school.  Now, happily, Corey attends an high school where she is permitted to use the toilet/bathroom of the sex with which she associates with.


Unlike the cowards that lash out and attack her, Corey is one very brave, young girl.  While at times she did have doubts, she refused to conform to the demands made by the bullies and bigots who did (and still do) attack her.


One standing up against many.

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1 minute ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Care to rephrase this without the fringe right idiom? You do realize that pseudo-intellectualism is merely a pose right You may think that such fashionable alt right terms are neologisms but to the rest of the world they are cult-speak.


What do you fear from trans people to result in such stupid ignorance?

Lol your 'alt-right', 'fringe-right' and 'far-right' categorizing of such terms and concerns are getting extremely tiresome. Im surprised you didn't throw in something about the KKK or Nazis in there so kudos to you for that. 

You people are highly uniformed or more correctly stated ill-informed. There are people all across the political spectrum that use those terms and folk across the political spectrum who are against such policies, though I would say most of that lies in the center to center-right.

I don't fear trans people. I don't have a problem with them, I do have a problem with a tiny fraction of people demonizing everyone else for not playing along with their delusions.

I spend a lot of time in Thailand for crying out loud. That's quite a place for someone to frequent who 'hates' trannies. 

Back to the drawing board pal.

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13 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Thats for you to define. You are the one making the threats. Clearly not man enough to specify what they are.

How am I making threats? Are you that ill-informed that you don't even understand the term 'push-back'? Wow.. I'm speechless.

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