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Tattooed devotees transform in Thai temple trance

Jonathan Fairfield

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3 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

I think the amart/powers-that-be would prefer to move away from many/most of the animism practices here, but they probably figure if it keeps the masses happy why mess with success.


A bit more like it keeps the (far from) smart powers-that-be happy by keeping the masses quiet. Or at least busy/entertained. But yes. 

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2 minutes ago, Songlaw said:


A bit more like it keeps the (far from) smart powers-that-be happy by keeping the masses quiet. Or at least busy/entertained. But yes. 


Amart was not a misspelling, nor is it a market. :sad:




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8 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:


Amart was not a misspelling, nor is it a market. :sad:






6 minutes ago, Songlaw said:

Quite often, I'm not as smart as I think. Beg pardon. What is this word referencing?

Never mind. Got it.

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Dear me not this one again. 
No one taking sacrament believes it is human flesh. 
Nor does mainstream Catholicism claim it gives you magical powers these days. 
Now those talking in tongues or those who talk to snakes. Or those sects who believe in mystical protection and charms or spiritualists who believe they talk to ghosts...
They are as barking as anyone who believes in magical drawings. 

Well, for outsiders like me, who didn't grow up in any "believing" society, don't know whether the christians literally believes the woowoo they're practicing. If they don't believe it then why would they even be doing it. Makes me even more confused. Anyway, christians most certainly do believe something, and some of that is just as wicked as these guys, and other "tribes" who runs around campfires or believes certain animals has a woowoo meaning.
A mass murderer in the sky dictating what you cannot think, cannot do, cannot eat, cannot work and who you cannot love? How is that not equally, if not more, wicked than this?

Don't get me wrong here, i'm not defending anything. Nothing about this practice to defend. It's just another woowoo. But I so often see people who judges others for their weird stuff, simply fail to see their own weird stuff, thinking its normal or less wicked simply because they themselves believe it.

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4 minutes ago, HOAX said:

Well, for outsiders like me, who didn't grow up in any "believing" society, don't know whether the christians literally believes the woowoo they're practicing. If they don't believe it then why would they even be doing it. Makes me even more confused. Anyway, christians most certainly do believe something, and some of that is just as wicked as these guys, and other "tribes" who runs around campfires or believes certain animals has a woowoo meaning.
A mass murderer in the sky dictating what you cannot think, cannot do, cannot eat, cannot work and who you cannot love? How is that not equally, if not more, wicked than this?

Don't get me wrong here, i'm not defending anything. Nothing about this practice to defend. It's just another woowoo. But I so often see people who judges others for their weird stuff, simply fail to see their own weird stuff, thinking its normal or less wicked simply because they themselves believe it.

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I'm not defending Catholicism, I'm just saying that old ''cannibalism'' thing is incorrect and not something anyone involved with the faith believes.


I have no problems with people believing whatever gets them through life as long as they keep it to themselves.


However, making out that their beliefs give them magical powers because of their symbolic jewellery or body art is just BS.


I would react the same way to any faith claiming such absurd nonsense.

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I'm not defending Catholicism, I'm just saying that old ''cannibalism'' thing is incorrect and not something anyone involved with the faith believes.
I have no problems with people believing whatever gets them through life as long as they keep it to themselves.
However, making out that their beliefs give them magical powers because of their symbolic jewellery or body art is just BS.
I would react the same way to any faith claiming such absurd nonsense.

I didnt say christians literally believes a cracker is the body of jesus. I said they, or maybe I should have said millions, PRETEND they're eating the body of jesus, which still many millions of christians do to this day in Europe, Latin America and Africa at leased. It would have been worse if they actually believed it, but it's still sickening to bring their kids over to pretend to eat human flesh. Call it what you want to call it. I'm just saying what they're doing is no less wicked than what these people in this article are doing, probably even worse.

With the rest of what you've said I agree, and then I would assume since most christians tend NOT to keep their believes to themselves and instead use it to scare kids and other people as well as a reason to hate and discriminate, you would find christians (but also muslims and jews) worse than these people in this article, or?
At leased I do. I don't hate anybody, I just simply see what they're doing is worse and even more weird than what these guys are doing. That's all.

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2 hours ago, HOAX said:

I didnt say christians literally believes a cracker is the body of jesus. I said they, or maybe I should have said millions, PRETEND they're eating the body of jesus, which still many millions of christians do to this day in Europe, Latin America and Africa at leased. It would have been worse if they actually believed it, but it's still sickening to bring their kids over to pretend to eat human flesh. Call it what you want to call it. I'm just saying what they're doing is no less wicked than what these people in this article are doing, probably even worse.

With the rest of what you've said I agree, and then I would assume since most christians tend NOT to keep their believes to themselves and instead use it to scare kids and other people as well as a reason to hate and discriminate, you would find christians (but also muslims and jews) worse than these people in this article, or?
At leased I do. I don't hate anybody, I just simply see what they're doing is worse and even more weird than what these guys are doing. That's all.

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Nobody is pretending they are eating human flesh. 


I also dont view those who are deluded enough to believe that their body art is a magical drawing, as any more ridiculous than those who believe in other forms of mystical magic. 


However this story is about the nonsensical idea that body art is magical. So that is what I am commenting on. 

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Taken almost verbatim from BKK Post this morning.  How far has Thailand progressed since the 18th Century?

18th? :P
The human is a strange beast. Unfortunately, all that 'brain' power can be hard to control and is lost on some. If it were put to good use for the good of the many in a non-self, non-monetary world, you wouldn't see stuff like this. :)
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I believe it was in the Second Vatican Council (1967?) that transubstantiation was incorporated into the RC dogma. Transubstantiation is the codification of the belief that the wine and the bread (cracker, if you will) become the actual body and blood of Christ in the recipients' bodies. So that could be interpreted as a loose form of cannibalism, after the fact. This is of course just another form of nonsense, and what makes matters worse for the deluded is that it is a tenet of actual salvation in the RCC. One of the more nefarious practices of the church in this instance is the fact that the clergy keeps the 'flock' barred from salvation by offering only the bread, which does not fulfill the "letter of the law," and this keeping the "keys to the kingdom" to themselves. While I study this sh*t in all its forms, I in no way subscribe to any of it. It is mainly to obtain the tools to dismantle the thinking of the misguided in order to set them free, and perhaps save them from years of psychotherapy when they are confronted with the inconsistencies and outright disappointment that results from attempts to measure up to unrealistic ideals and false assumptions, but only when it seems worthwhile to do so. Which for me is pretty much whenever the opportunity presents. If I'm wrong and there is a god, I would like to be able to face him/her/it and say I did my best to provide counterpoints to the bullshit. 

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On 13/03/2017 at 10:16 AM, Songlaw said:

What the article failed to mention is that they had amulets. This is a prime example of why even soldiers refuse to leave home without them. However, everyone who is anyone in the world of woo knows that if you don't have MMU (Mighty Mormon Underwear), you are deluding yourself. The only wearable article clinically proven to both repel reason and reinforce BS, though I suspect there might be others. Dog help us all.

Well my father in law  had 7 amulets worth 100k baht on him on his weekend trip to the beach. The holy powerful amulets didn't protect him or warn him of a pothole in the darkness n he rode his bike over it, fell n smash his face and got knock out cold becos he didnt wear a helmet. 


The passer bys that help n attended to him stole those amulets and his money from his pockets but left his id card intact in it. 


My mum in law commented that it must have been the power of the amulets that my father in law is still alive


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21 hours ago, HOAX said:

I didnt say christians literally believes a cracker is the body of jesus. I said they, or maybe I should have said millions, PRETEND they're eating the body of jesus, which still many millions of christians do to this day in Europe, Latin America and Africa at leased. It would have been worse if they actually believed it, but it's still sickening to bring their kids over to pretend to eat human flesh. Call it what you want to call it. I'm just saying what they're doing is no less wicked than what these people in this article are doing, probably even worse.

With the rest of what you've said I agree, and then I would assume since most christians tend NOT to keep their believes to themselves and instead use it to scare kids and other people as well as a reason to hate and discriminate, you would find christians (but also muslims and jews) worse than these people in this article, or?
At leased I do. I don't hate anybody, I just simply see what they're doing is worse and even more weird than what these guys are doing. That's all.

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The act of the holy communion was not 1 of eating human flesh, it was 1 of remebrance and memorial that Jesus was to sacrifice himself on the cross giving up his body and his blood so that His believers could be washed of their sins.


That was why in Matthew 26:26 during the passover feast, he broke bread and told his disciples to partake of it in a symbolic fashion that the bread n wine was his sacrificial body and blood on the cross that his disciples should do it in remembrance of Him so to partake in the blessings and forgiving of sins. 


The holy communion was to take over the passover feast as the sacrificial lamb that Jews sacrifice yearly to commemorate when the Lord passover their house in egypt was no longer needed as the ultimate Lamb the Messiah had come to sacrifice himself.


If  Jesus had wanted his disciples to take his flesh n blood he would have done so literally but it was not so.

It was just a symbolic meaning of his sacrifice on the cross, and the taking over of the passover feast as the Lamb, that he broke bread n pour wine.


Nowadays the churches sub the bread with crackers n ribena. 


I m not a Christian. 



Growing up in a taoist buddhist family, there were many times my dad brought me to temple rituals n many times these were pretty frightening experiences.


During my teenage years, went into a church, there was no fear nothing of that sort in the environment that i was in.


However there were some issues with the gospel n the preachers i couldnt resolve so thats why i m freethinker now. 


N of cos there r offshoots like west bapist church n other cults that twisted christianity for their own benefits. 


That is why it is so important to have doctrinal clarity and to research thoroughly n not blindly follow as a believer no matter what orthodox religion one can be in.

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