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Monthly living Cost - upcountry


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I would say 6,000 baht a month for a single lady, and add 2 x 3,000 for kids; i.e. 12,000 baht a month in fair support for all parts.


Just tried to break down, to check my initial thought:

 1,000 expenses, including electric + gasoline
 1,000 clothes and others for the kids
 7,000 food (3 x 75/day = 225 x 30 days)
 2,000 School expenses (40 x 22 days, plus little kanum/pocket-money for week-ends)
 1,000 Lady's care and various personal needs 


I know some (many) Thais can survive for less, but it's a question of "reasonable"...:smile:

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I don't have the same circumstances but I'll put in my two baht. There are just me and my wife, no children. We pay no rent nor have any payments. I give my wife 30,000 baht per month. She pays all the household bills and utilities plus my Internet. She also buys all our clothes, She limits me to a carton of cigarettes every two weeks. She will NOT pay my bar bills.  She pays for benzine for her car and I pay for diesel for my truck. I do pay for the vehicle insurance and any big ticket items such as TV's and furniture. 

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You opened the tap now she wants to control the volume of money. At some point your mind has to reach a "what is reasonable" state and then your foot must come down. Its the only answer. She has a good thing going and will accept unless she has the same thing going with others that "are  a sucker" for children. Kind of a dicey situation and in this case rather than absence makes the hear grow fonder it could mean that absence makes heart(s) grow fonder. 

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2 minutes ago, Gary A said:

I don't have the same circumstances but I'll put in my two baht. There are just me and my wife, no children. We pay no rent nor have any payments. I give my wife 30,000 baht per month. She pays all the household bills and utilities plus my Internet. She also buys all our clothes, She limits me to a carton of cigarettes every two weeks. She will NOT pay my bar bills.  She pays for benzine for her car and I pay for diesel for my truck. I do pay for the vehicle insurance and any big ticket items such as TV's and furniture. 

You have struck a great balance. Its negotiations and give and take. She seems to have a lot of common sense a keeper. 

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24 minutes ago, al007 said:

Obviously Parvis you are a young man like me but some four years older, and maybe older and wiser as the saying goes


I believe Parvis you are no fool, but a very caring man acting sensibly and ascertaining information and facts to allow you make an informed decision


We are not OLD FOOLs and between us have a wealth of experience, some of us are not bitter and twisted


Thailand and its up and coming young people can benefit greatly from our help, and if a little bit of our money is misapplied to me irrelevant


It amazes me on a simple topic like this how much anger can be created, I do my best to stay at peace with myself and the world, because it make ME happier, but then as already said in this thread, I am yet just another old fool! !!   !!!    !!!!     !!!!!

No your not an old fool and I concur fully with your last paragraph. Yes the amount of anger created amazes me to. The anger seems to stem from a world gone mad. Off to the frig for another can of sanity. 

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3 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

You have struck a great balance. Its negotiations and give and take. She seems to have a lot of common sense a keeper. 

She has always hated to ask me for money. I had her sit down and calculate how much she needed every month. She came up with a figure of 25,000 per month. I gave her 30,000 and what extra she had left, she could do with what she wants. I'm sure that over this ten year period, inflation has eaten up the extra 5,000 but she hasn't asked for more. She does work so she has money of her own.

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1 minute ago, Gary A said:

She has always hated to ask me for money. I had her sit down and calculate how much she needed every month. She came up with a figure of 25,000 per month. I gave her 30,000 and what extra she had left, she could do with what she wants. I'm sure that over this ten year period, inflation has eaten up the extra 5,000 but she hasn't asked for more. She does work so she has money of her own.

Your on to something bottle it and sell it. 

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1 minute ago, elgordo38 said:

Your on to something bottle it and sell it. 

Very definitely many TV members cold benefit greatly, Whats it going to be called "Tranquility", apply three times daily, no Chang !!

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1 minute ago, Jip99 said:



Blimey............................ I could finance 2 Mia Noi's on that!   :smile:


I can tell you for a fact that my wife would NOT finance a mia noi for me. In fact, I would be very afraid to ask her.

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7 minutes ago, Jip99 said:



Blimey............................ I could finance 2 Mia Noi's on that!   :smile:

Obviously you shop better than me mine costs four times that, then I have my wife as well, but its all relative, and only money, I made my money and I spend it and enjoy it


As my travel agent used to say if you do not go business or first class when you leave money they all will


But then this is Thai Visa and what I say could be fact or fiction !

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37 minutes ago, Gary A said:

I don't have the same circumstances but I'll put in my two baht. There are just me and my wife, no children. We pay no rent nor have any payments. I give my wife 30,000 baht per month. She pays all the household bills and utilities plus my Internet. She also buys all our clothes, She limits me to a carton of cigarettes every two weeks. She will NOT pay my bar bills.  She pays for benzine for her car and I pay for diesel for my truck. I do pay for the vehicle insurance and any big ticket items such as TV's and furniture. 

She plays cards then...?

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4 minutes ago, sanukjim said:

If you are worried about the cost of living here then you are either a Cheap Charlie or don;t  have have enough money to begin with.Go home.get a job,save a lot ,and then come back up here.


It's definitely different strokes for different folks. A couple of my farang friends criticize me for giving her too much and a couple other friends call me a cheap Charlie. The only thing I know for sure is that we live exactly as we wish, at least I do. Once in awhile I want an expensive gadget that I don't need. My wife tells me to buy it because I won't be taking anything with me when I cash in my chips.

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2 minutes ago, transam said:

She plays cards then...?

Are you serious? She is smarter than that. Gambling for a Thai lady is the absolutely worst thing that could happen to her. Worse than drugs or alcohol. They simply cannot give gambling up.

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I spent over B7k last night after our poker run. I won part of the poker run pot, but donated it to the charity. I like to have a good time once in a while and good times usually mean spending money--meals, drinks, hotels, gas, souvenirs, etc.   


So, I am always perplexed when someone asks, "How much would it cost . . . .?"  It all depends on how you live and the baggage carried by those you support.

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Just now, Gary A said:

Are you serious? She is smarter than that. Gambling for a Thai lady is the absolutely worst thing that could happen to her. Worse than drugs or alcohol. They simply cannot give gambling up.

30,000 bht house keeping is a dream for Isaan ladies, that is not a true picture of what Isaan ladies need to live. Isaan food which they love is one of the cheapest outlays ever..


Even many Government officials don't earn that in Isaan to pay everything...

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2 hours ago, Parvis said:

I am an old man (76) - an old fool as SOME may point out. I have considered "not helping" - but - would that make me happier?  Absolutely not - I can make a difference for the children - with money, inspiration, positive guidance - they have yet undeveloped future potential. The boy will be with me shortly - in Bangkok - during his 'end of term' vacation. To see him develop into a responsible young man - will give me satisfaction.


I appreciate all the feed back - my objective was to understand better and provide reasonably.


Nice post, fills in the blanks and gives us a measure of who you are.  Not an old fool at all.


I understand the feelings one can have seeing a Thai kid who seems/.is smart and full of potential, but maybe held back by their "situation".  Helping others to help themselves can be a very rewarding endeavor, in particular if you've never had kids yourself, getting older, etc., it's natural.  Not handouts, but smoothing the path in front of them to ensure they can reach the point where choices and opportunities are presented. 


My wife's nephew, a tall, skinny drink of water, is so bright, well behaved and mature, not some motorbike idiot out at all hours drinking and smoking.  He's also very proficient with written and spoken Japanese, which I think is awesome, and demonstrates his capability and resolve.  Last time they were up from BKK for a visit (it had been nearly 2 years), he was finishing up school and planning for Uni, somehow, someway.  I wasn't going to go down "that" road but he told me he was interested in becoming a pilot.  I asked if he'd even flown or ridden in a plane.  No.   So I'm booking him an quick internal flight so he can feel what it's like.  Maybe he'll shit his pants and drop the idea.  Maybe it will cause him to pursue it.  I don't know.  But I feel good giving him a life experience that may help him craft a life course but if not, broadens his horizons a bit.   They are a typical, working class Thai family.  He would never throw a few thousand baht at a pointless plane ride to Khon Kean and back, that's stupid.   A few thousand baht to me is nothing and I look forward to hearing him recount his first flight.

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I live a few provinces from you but would think that the prices are basically the same.  When I am in residence we spend 30-35K baht a month but live very well.  No car, 2 motorcycles, rent at 6k, electric at 2K and lots of entertainment costs.  When I am not in residence, the remaining 2 residence could spend B17K but typically spend B20K all in.  This includes True high speed internet, True TV, all school expenses for the teenager, daily unearned allowance for the teenage of B100, weddings, head shaving, funerals, weekly donations for the holy day at the local temple.  

When I am not there they do use much less electric.  They enjoy a combination of street food and market runs to prepare meals at home.  

Ten years ago when this adventure started, I set down the ground rules.  I would pay for the normal and reasonable expenses.  We record our expenses on a daily basis and I review them monthly.  I do this for 2 reasons.  First, to know what things cost and where the money is going.  Second, to teacher her the importance of money.  I do not want a lady that thinks that money grows on trees.  She needs to understand what she is paying for and learn about inflation in specific detail.  I must say that she is quite good.  Always looking for the bargain.  Always buys great tasting fruit but all in season.  Buys lots of clothes but will not pay inflated prices.  She does some work, and keeps all of the money for herself on my request.


From the original post of expenses it looks to me that the electric is too low and the gasoline is too high.  School expenses should not be a monthly expense as fees are paid twice a year.  Everyone is going to be different, but I would suggest that in this situation, the OP, needs to set up a budget.  What are the real cost of things and what are you willing to pay.  And pay no more.  If you want further control then ask for a record to be kept of expenses and validate the costs when you do your visits.  If you were not in the picture then she would have a very different spending pattern. 


Many of my GF's friends live fine on B10K.  So, up to you, but I would suggest you have a discussion, set a budget and like a Finance Officer in a major company .... keep her to the budget!    :shock1:

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22 hours ago, Parvis said:

Well - more particulars

She lives with her children ALONE - no other next of kin. NO housing expense other than utilities etc. (house was inherited from her mother - reasonably nice and livable).

We have an 'established' relationship for several years - but weekly money requests seem sometimes excessive (i.e. bills presented raise my suspicion - I read Thai unbeknown to her) and forever increasing.

I gave her 274 000 baht in 2016 (included motorcycle payments of 3000/month) -- 200 000 baht in 2015 -- 165 000 baht 2014

So therefore - what are my 'issues'

1 - my continued support are primarily because of her children (I am a sucker for children)

2 - I do not object to a reasonable support - just do not want to be a 'farang sucker'

3 - I have currently no plans to live near Khorat (and have 'certain' unverified suspicions)


Therefore any "guidance" to what should be a reasonable living expence amount - is highly appreciated.

Sounds somewhat excessive to me. My Thai GF gets an allowance of 8000 baht a month, although I do pay household bills such as internet, electricity and food.

I'd suggest ( if you can) check out whether she's in debt to the moneylenders. The other possibility is she has a gik on the side who is leeching money.

Thais are like children - you have to set boundaries.

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4 hours ago, sanukjim said:

If you are worried about the cost of living here then you are either a Cheap Charlie or don;t  have have enough money to begin with.Go home.get a job,save a lot ,and then come back up here.


Nope. I'm staying here and saving a lot more money than I ever did back home. A wife with a house, job/her own income. Came to Thailand with $100,000 4 years ago, will probably have a million in 10 years. Me and my wife are both relatively young and are definitely  Cheap Charlies because we are saving money. The world has changed and I can afford to spend my "youth" in Thailand and still retire here if I wish....


...so, I am not going anywhere.

Edited by theguyfromanotherforum
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On 3/12/2017 at 4:54 PM, 473geo said:

20,000 a month is more than adequate but not extortionate. Trouble is there will be girls boasting that they receive 50k a month and this has the desired effect of making the recipient of this information feel inferior. So they ask for more!!



Every Thai female I have ever met married or living with a farang brag and lie about how much money they get every month from their partner, was married to a Thai , divorced now living with my current partner for seven years, this never changes, for me it goes in one ear and straight out of the other, also if the poster has a few suspicions about his gf , just bail out, Jesus there are enough of them out there, get one you can trust, and trust takes time.

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8 hours ago, 55Jay said:

Nice post, fills in the blanks and gives us a measure of who you are.  Not an old fool at all.


I understand the feelings one can have seeing a Thai kid who seems/.is smart and full of potential, but maybe held back by their "situation".  Helping others to help themselves can be a very rewarding endeavor, in particular if you've never had kids yourself, getting older, etc., it's natural.  Not handouts, but smoothing the path in front of them to ensure they can reach the point where choices and opportunities are presented. 


My wife's nephew, a tall, skinny drink of water, is so bright, well behaved and mature, not some motorbike idiot out at all hours drinking and smoking.  He's also very proficient with written and spoken Japanese, which I think is awesome, and demonstrates his capability and resolve.  Last time they were up from BKK for a visit (it had been nearly 2 years), he was finishing up school and planning for Uni, somehow, someway.  I wasn't going to go down "that" road but he told me he was interested in becoming a pilot.  I asked if he'd even flown or ridden in a plane.  No.   So I'm booking him an quick internal flight so he can feel what it's like.  Maybe he'll shit his pants and drop the idea.  Maybe it will cause him to pursue it.  I don't know.  But I feel good giving him a life experience that may help him craft a life course but if not, broadens his horizons a bit.   They are a typical, working class Thai family.  He would never throw a few thousand baht at a pointless plane ride to Khon Kean and back, that's stupid.   A few thousand baht to me is nothing and I look forward to hearing him recount his first flight.

Great post, I look after my gf niece and have done so for five years, she lives with us and I pay for her to attend St  Mary's private school in korat, the kid is bright very loving not greedy and has Dream of becoming a teacher, I can help her achieve that dream, her mum and dad are lovely people hard working don't drink gamble or smoke but are factory wage slaves, the satisfaction I get from helping this kid and the love I get from her in return is priceless.

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On 3/12/2017 at 4:45 PM, Parvis said:

Well - more particulars

She lives with her children ALONE - no other next of kin. NO housing expense other than utilities etc. (house was inherited from her mother - reasonably nice and livable).

We have an 'established' relationship for several years - but weekly money requests seem sometimes excessive (i.e. bills presented raise my suspicion - I read Thai unbeknown to her) and forever increasing.

I gave her 274 000 baht in 2016 (included motorcycle payments of 3000/month) -- 200 000 baht in 2015 -- 165 000 baht 2014

So therefore - what are my 'issues'

1 - my continued support are primarily because of her children (I am a sucker for children)

2 - I do not object to a reasonable support - just do not want to be a 'farang sucker'

3 - I have currently no plans to live near Khorat (and have 'certain' unverified suspicions)


Therefore any "guidance" to what should be a reasonable living expence amount - is highly appreciated.

I wouldn't give her any more, she is doing just fine on that. A real good Thai job pays less than that.

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I would say at the very least with no luxury and no other relatives to look after 8,000 Baht a month. More reasonable with some luxury, 12,000 to 15,000 Baht a month. Luxury, 20,000 to 25,000 Baht. Above that you need to move in full time first.

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