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Queen formally approves law giving UK PM May power to trigger EU exit talks


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6 minutes ago, Grouse said:

So, just get on with it and stop expecting others to swallow all the anti EU guff as you clearly have

I don't expect anyone to swallow anything. You don't seem to like it when things are pointed out to you. Yes I am in agreement with you. Lets just get on with it.

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4 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

I don't expect anyone to swallow anything. You don't seem to like it when things are pointed out to you. Yes I am in agreement with you. Lets just get on with it.

Great, so quit criticizing the thinkers who don't happen to agree with you


Its pointless discussing anything with you because you never accept ANY point that goes against your beloved Brexit.

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On 17/03/2017 at 4:00 AM, Cats4ever said:

This would have been a story if Her Maj had NOT approved the law. It is a formality for the queen or her appointed rep in monarchical outposts, to approve.

It has been 300 years since royal assent was refused...

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1 hour ago, stander said:

Yesterday was interesting, all the EU and Globalist mouth-pieces appeared on the News. Looks like they are going to demand a second referendum on rejoining the EU. 

We haven't left,.... yet!

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41 minutes ago, Grouse said:

You have failed to grasp ANY of the points that I and others have been making on here.


Like many others, you will not listen to any other opinions


If you watch the documentaries I posted, you would see the likely cause of whats happened since Thatcher came to power. 


So, just get on with it and stop expecting others to swallow all the anti EU guff as you clearly have

In which case lets start by auditing their books...

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35 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Great, so quit criticizing the thinkers who don't happen to agree with you


Its pointless discussing anything with you because you never accept ANY point that goes against your beloved Brexit.

Its going to come as a horrible shock to you to learn that some of us that are not remainers are "thinkers".


Similarly, many of those who voted remain weren't "thinkers" - they just thought they were OK and should follow the 'experts' advice - shock, horror :shock1: :lol:!


Those of us in the 'middle' (with leanings for different reasons towards either side) realise that the EU had good points and bad points - but no inclination to address the bad points..... and they're still not showing any indication of realising and addressing the bad points!


Anyway, as far as I can make out there are no further obstacles to enacting Article 50, and it needs to be done NOW as the uncertainty following the referendum has stabilised.



Edited by dick dasterdly
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1 hour ago, Laughing Gravy said:
2 hours ago, Humberstone said:

Gina Miller tried to stop Brexit ?? Really - and you have actual proof of this ? She might have delayed it with a court case, but then so did HMG when they appealed the ruling.

She tried and failed and was still trying to stop the government triggering article 50. She plays the victim very well, because of her trying to prevent the government from triggering article 50, she can't take public transport. Oh dear I doubt she ever did in the first place.




This is from last July, before the lawyers and PR people told her to tone it down a bit.

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Gina Miller merely corrected a gaping hole left open by Cameron who failed to grasp what he was unleashing & therefore didn't check the small print. The 'out' camp have no beef with her.

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10 minutes ago, Khun Han said:




This is from last July, before the lawyers and PR people told her to tone it down a bit.

Yes a vile woman. It seems pointless debating with some people like you have suggested. Apparently she is one of the 'thinkers' My sides are splitting at that one.

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1 minute ago, Humberstone said:

Why's she a 'vile woman' ?

Because she has tried to overturn what 17 million plus people voted for. She is not a politician and doesn't represent anyone, except herself. She plays the racist and victim card and has tried to say people didn't know what they voted for.

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16 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Yes a vile woman. It seems pointless debating with some people like you have suggested. Apparently she is one of the 'thinkers' My sides are splitting at that one.

To be fair she is a 'thinker' - albeit only for her own personal interests.

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2 hours ago, evadgib said:

Welcome to the club others have enjoyed since 23 June :smile:


As a born again Yorkshireman what were your views on HMG (Maggie) v Scargill?

I won't discuss legalities as I am not a lawyer.


Coal mining was becoming uneconomic. No doubt the industry needed to be run down over time. Thatcher took advice from Minford (monetarism) and Buchanan (game theory) so there was no consideration of social responsibility or the effect on society. The resulting huge unemployment ate up our North Sea oil bonanza for nothing. What she should have done was to invest in technology such as microelectronics, computers and robotics and offered retraining. Unions in France and Germany are much stronger and those countries have much greater benefits. So to answer your question, yes, mining had to go. However, the way it was done was disastrous. In fact one could not possibly have done it worse.


What do you mean born again? I was born in Middlesbrough by C section due to the size of my head ?

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2 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

Its going to come as a horrible shock to you to learn that some of us that are not remainers are "thinkers".


Similarly, many of those who voted remain weren't "thinkers" - they just thought they were OK and should follow the 'experts' advice - shock, horror :shock1: :lol:!


Those of us in the 'middle' (with leanings for different reasons towards either side) realise that the EU had good points and bad points - but no inclination to address the bad points..... and they're still not showing any indication of realising and addressing the bad points!


Anyway, as far as I can make out there are no further obstacles to enacting Article 50, and it needs to be done NOW as the uncertainty following the referendum has stabilised.



You've been sitting on the fence for so long you must have a sore ar*e!


Why is May proceeding immediately? Such leadership! Such statesmanship! Pah!

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2 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Yes a vile woman. It seems pointless debating with some people like you have suggested. Apparently she is one of the 'thinkers' My sides are splitting at that one.

It is a truism that stupid people don't realise they're stupid.


Gina Millar is clearly very bright and highly educated and intelligent and successful. Stupid people don't realise that she was standing up for parliamentary democracy.


I'll bet she has a substantially higher IQ than you ? Which, of course, is why you despise her!

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1 hour ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Because she has tried to overturn what 17 million plus people voted for. She is not a politician and doesn't represent anyone, except herself. She plays the racist and victim card and has tried to say people didn't know what they voted for.

Utter tosh! Read the cases she brought. You just have no idea. 


I keep getting that picture of mass swarming orcs again...nasty.

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8 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

She plays the victim very well, because of her trying to prevent the government from triggering article 50, she can't take public transport.

Sorry, are you saying that she actually cannot take public transport now, or that she pretends that she cannot take it?

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37 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Sorry, are you saying that she actually cannot take public transport now, or that she pretends that she cannot take it?


Difficult to say Rudy. She's prone to exaggeration. When her Reuters interviewer asked to be shown an example of the vile abuse:


"She showed Reuters one email from someone who claimed they would have invested money with SCM, which has about 100 million pounds in its portfolios, but had been deterred because of her legal action.

"You are obviously a devious lady," the email read."


Of course, Gina had deleted the really nasty ones, like one does when one is about to make a complaint to the police about them.

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7 hours ago, Khun Han said:




This is from last July, before the lawyers and PR people told her to tone it down a bit.


I have just read that and thought to myself, how arrogant that woman is in assuming that SHE spoke for the majority of people in the UK.


She reminds me of at least one poster on TVF who has been on my ignore list for months and who acts in exactly the same way.


I speak for me and I make my own decisions without the need for anyone else to tell me how ignorant and ill educated I am.



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11 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

Sorry, are you saying that she actually cannot take public transport now, or that she pretends that she cannot take it?

She said she can't take public transport because people hate her for what she is doing. I am saying someone of here wealth probably never took it in the first place.

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10 hours ago, Khun Han said:


Difficult to say Rudy. She's prone to exaggeration. When her Reuters interviewer asked to be shown an example of the vile abuse:


"She showed Reuters one email from someone who claimed they would have invested money with SCM, which has about 100 million pounds in its portfolios, but had been deterred because of her legal action.

"You are obviously a devious lady," the email read."


Of course, Gina had deleted the really nasty ones, like one does when one is about to make a complaint to the police about them.

Are you saying the subsequent arrests that took place is fake

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15 hours ago, Grouse said:

I'll bet she has a substantially higher IQ than you ? Which, of course, is why you despise her

You know she may have a higher IQ who knows. I always believe IQ is over rated. Once again you are wrong I despise her arrogance and the fact that she has the audacity, to tell people they do not know what they voted for. I know those who voted for remain what they voted for, as those who voted leave. Saying they are stupid and uneducated is disgraceful and I have not come anyone with her utter contempt for people, since reading your posts here.

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6 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

You know she may have a higher IQ who knows. I always believe IQ is over rated. Once again you are wrong I despise her arrogance and the fact that she has the audacity, to tell people they do not know what they voted for. I know those who voted for remain what they voted for, as those who voted leave. Saying they are stupid and uneducated is disgraceful and I have not come anyone with her utter contempt for people, since reading your posts here.

You despise her for apparently saying people did not know what they was voting for, but offer nothing to counter this

Was it the NHS money

Point style immigration

EU citizens indefinite leave


Cannot have been to reclaim sovereignty , after  fighting to the bitter end to deprive parliament

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1 hour ago, rockingrobin said:

You despise her for apparently saying people did not know what they was voting for, but offer nothing to counter this

Was it the NHS money

Point style immigration

EU citizens indefinite leave


Cannot have been to reclaim sovereignty , after  fighting to the bitter end to deprive parliament

If you can't be bothered to read about what she said and why, then I really will not waste any keyboard time on the women. Some posters have already given links to this.

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2 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

She said she can't take public transport because people hate her for what she is doing. I am saying someone of here wealth probably never took it in the first place.

If true, this is hugely disturbing - have we learnt nothing from the horrible events of last year? It is one thing disagreeing with someone, but for that person to feel unsafe in public because of fear of attack over their personal and legally held opinion is something about which we should all feel disgusted.

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