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Discovery Channel adventurer calls for justice for his Thai wife


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1 minute ago, jaywalker said:

Not sure which light you got blinded by, but they've been hauling folks off to jail the last several years for any and everything said that's in the least bit disparaging about the government.

It did not say Government Person. They were more referring to a Mafia type of person, I believe.

Anyway, thanks for the back and forth.

We agree to disagree.


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Just now, Blindedbythelight said:

It did not say Government Person. They were more referring to a Mafia type of person, I believe.

Anyway, thanks for the back and forth.

We agree to disagree.


Cheers Mate.


I fail to see your point though, whether it be mafia or government (which are one and the same BTW) that tossed this lady in the slammer, it's still wrong.



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6 hours ago, Elkski said:

How many of these guys saying her 15 years was a just punishment use prostitutes or even underage?

Please explain exactly how using prostitutes has any bearing whatsoever on the level of her sentence or anything else in this particular case ??????? 

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8 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

Sad for her four children, but at the end of the day, she did have cocaine on her and she has to pay the price for that stupidity.

A whole .25 of a gram and it seems it was planted- the stupidity if anywhere' was upsetting 'influential' people. There was barely a trace of the drug and it got her 15 years.


Would have been simple to dope test her at the time- non in her system would have been a significant factor in her defence. 


I am not condoning the use of coke but this case stinks to high heaven.

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12 minutes ago, Psimbo said:

A whole .25 of a gram and it seems it was planted- the stupidity if anywhere' was upsetting 'influential' people. There was barely a trace of the drug and it got her 15 years.


Would have been simple to dope test her at the time- non in her system would have been a significant factor in her defence. 


I am not condoning the use of coke but this case stinks to high heaven.

Please keep up several posters (including me) have pointed out she ASKED for a dope test and was REFUSED. Her home was SEARCHED and no drugs found only evidence of her rescuing wildlife so they decided to prosecute her for that too!  She got an extra 3 months.  God knows how she will get through another 13.5 years in prison with 40 women sharing one cell. 

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7 hours ago, Amras said:


I feel the same. As much as I love Thailand, the upper echelon's of its society make me angry. Add to that the posters here who jump on the bandwagon all in the name of 'x'. Disgusting.

the "people" on this forum dont live in the real world.  most have never even seen cocaine much less tried it.  they cant read between the lines of a so-called journalistic piece.  I honestly think that some of these people just look at the screen all day waiting for a new topic to come up so they can be first to reply and then see there name on the screen and maybe get some likes. wow.

this forum is for our amusement at how naive and just plain stupid some expats or tourists can be, with a little bit of good info thrown in.

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2 minutes ago, wanderluster said:

the "people" on this forum dont live in the real world.  most have never even seen cocaine much less tried it.  they cant read between the lines of a so-called journalistic piece.  I honestly think that some of these people just look at the screen all day waiting for a new topic to come up so they can be first to reply and then see there name on the screen and maybe get some likes. wow.

this forum is for our amusement at how naive and just plain stupid some expats or tourists can be, with a little bit of good info thrown in.


And your point as related to this lady is what?

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37 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

Please keep up several posters (including me) have pointed out she ASKED for a dope test and was REFUSED. Her home was SEARCHED and no drugs found only evidence of her rescuing wildlife so they decided to prosecute her for that too!  She got an extra 3 months.  God knows how she will get through another 13.5 years in prison with 40 women sharing one cell. 

Yes, but the charge/sentence wasn't for taking drugs, but for possession/trafficking.


A drugs test was irrelevent to the case

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1 hour ago, Blindedbythelight said:

It did not say Government Person. They were more referring to a Mafia type of person, I believe.


Oxymoron much??


Or I learnt something new if there is an actual difference 555 :clap2:

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7 hours ago, z42 said:

I can't believe the gall of some posters here actually condemning this women. There are so many red flags in this case, the gear she supposedly had was never actually presented to the court, and her case file had her sign a confession which she said she was forced to sign, and she was denied access to a lawyer at the point of arrest.
Also anyone who knows anything about this drug would know that outside the source countries (south american nations) the likelihood of the end user getting the drug with a purity of above 40% is slim at best (because almost every level dealer cuts it with other substances to bulk it up). So on that basis alone the amount she will have had will have been literally 1 (yes one) grain of salt's worth.

The influential figure story was completely overlooked in court, not even any investigation into that. This whole case stinks to high heaven. Adn what makes it even worse is that actual criminals who have killed or maimed innocent people either in their cars or through intentional acts have not only escaped jail for those crimes, but also certainly done so through acts of bribery / perverting the course of justice (themselves gross crimes in their own right).


The random and inconsistent application of the law is a key calling card of a banana republic justice arm. It is sick, indefensible, and morally bankrupt as is. My heart bleeds for all involved in this case, these innocent kids and their father's lives have been destroyed, and for what? I feel sick to my stomach every time i hear about this case, a complete miscarriage and abuse of power.  

Very well said - the hang em ,flog em , jail em  TV bar stool vigilantes are never far from a keyboard it would seem.

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could have done the thai thing-- dropped dime and ratted someone out, follow the norms and skate off, free as a bird.


Only thing that leaves me scratching my head is the amount, something a tad convoluted here, but not surprising for Thailand, nothing is EVER right, correct, factual, real, etc.



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22 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Very well said - the hang em ,flog em , jail em  TV bar stool vigilantes are never far from a keyboard it would seem.

I agree.


When it comes to thugs on video stomping a guy's head 25 times, I say drag him to the nearest tree.


This lady theoretically had a minuscule amount of a white powdered drug, inside an M&M's bag (which is white inside).


She was denied a lawyer, and given a STUPID sentence.

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10 hours ago, ezzra said:


I still remember her posted on a giant billboard on the Asoke-Sukhuvit rd 15 or so years ago, since than she has lived in a tumultuous times with many ups and downs in her life and career and to end up in jail as a drug mule, Oh, what a tangled web we weave....

Are you serious ? A drug mule 251 Milli grams ???? that's just the size of a paracetamol tablet ....get real !!!

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9 hours ago, z42 said:

I can't believe the gall of some posters here actually condemning this women. There are so many red flags in this case, the gear she supposedly had was never actually presented to the court, and her case file had her sign a confession which she said she was forced to sign, and she was denied access to a lawyer at the point of arrest.
Also anyone who knows anything about this drug would know that outside the source countries (south american nations) the likelihood of the end user getting the drug with a purity of above 40% is slim at best (because almost every level dealer cuts it with other substances to bulk it up). So on that basis alone the amount she will have had will have been literally 1 (yes one) grain of salt's worth.

The influential figure story was completely overlooked in court, not even any investigation into that. This whole case stinks to high heaven. Adn what makes it even worse is that actual criminals who have killed or maimed innocent people either in their cars or through intentional acts have not only escaped jail for those crimes, but also certainly done so through acts of bribery / perverting the course of justice (themselves gross crimes in their own right).


The random and inconsistent application of the law is a key calling card of a banana republic justice arm. It is sick, indefensible, and morally bankrupt as is. My heart bleeds for all involved in this case, these innocent kids and their father's lives have been destroyed, and for what? I feel sick to my stomach every time i hear about this case, a complete miscarriage and abuse of power.  

You are so right in this ! it makes me sick to !!! there is something very wrong in Thai justice ! (wrong =corrupt)

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251 milligrams. 1 gram = 48 grains of rice. 251 milligrams = 12 grains. So this is what they found in her purse. Better eyes than I have. I couldn't find these in my wife's purse [unless, of course, I was told to look for it.


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0.25 grams is so little its probably like dust. If she was a user n destroying her own life then send her to rehab. But she had a family n was not hurting anyone. 

0.25grams is not even worth anything at all to be a drug mule or risk anything for.

I would think she was framed. 


I post a pic of bullet powder as posting drugs would not be appropriate to have an idea of how little 0.25grams is. 

images (2).jpg

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I know how little an amount it is, and sometimes "the law is an ass" (as they say in the UK).




...3-20 years or a fine of 60,000 – 400,000 Baht  if the amount is under 100 grams ...


A clear case of TIT:sleep:


What we think of it doesn't make a scrap of difference, sadly.

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