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Discovery Channel adventurer calls for justice for his Thai wife


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If this was my wife:-

Firstly, what we need her is an investigation into the allegations of being blackmailed by an officer of the law. I would choose Police chief Sanit Mahathavorn because he seems a good guy. I like him, he could investigate. Then on the grounds of the amount of cocaine found I would argue with the judge that the lady has 4 children to look after and deeply regrets any wrong doing. Over the past past 12 years she has been helping save endangered animals from the illegal animal trade. A true Patriot of Thailand. Lastly I would if all else failed find out which prison she was being held in and buy some climbing rope. Scale the wall. Break into the prison. Rescue the lady and flee the country.

If this was my wife. Are you reading this Frank. Break her out, don't give up, get the tools, dig a tunnel, dress up as a women, try everything, break her out Frank. You can do it!

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4 minutes ago, Moonmoon said:

Good Laws are good when Good people, authorities apply them for the protection and safety of good honest citizens, but when Good Laws and powers of authority are placed in corrupted individuals, they destroy, degrade and spat on the very oath that they undertook when they took up the badge and uniform.


Yuyee and her husband works hard for endangered animals and protect them from trafficking. Tell me these people deserved 15 years in jail for 5mg of coke.

they refused to pay the fine becos they knew they were innocent and thought the Good Laws and justice system would protect them only to have it destroyed their lives.

i wont condemned anyone who fails to see it but from me to you I sincerley request you please open your eyes.. 

Pretty sure Wilson is saying the same thing as you MoonMoon.

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1 minute ago, jaywalker said:

Pretty sure Wilson is saying the same thing as you MoonMoon.

i know. I meant the others who don't see it 555+


i sincerely request that they open their eyes. If I were to choose between a coke snorting animal rescuer or a policeman who sets up road blocks infront of a factory on every of their payday, i would choose the former.


here is a link for the petition. if anyone feels for Yuyee please sign it. thanks.



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Pretty sure Wilson is saying the same thing as you MoonMoon.

Yes, that the world has truely evil people living in it. How can some people sleep at night. Murder is one thing a flash of anger, bang. But to lock up a mother of 4 young children for 15 years because she wouldn't pay 400,000 baht to a corrupt policeman, so it is claimed.

On the evil scale this has to be an easy 9/10. The full 10 would be to imprison Frank and have the kids adopted seperately.
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9 minutes ago, Moonmoon said:

i know. I meant the others who don't see it 555+


i sincerely request that they open their eyes. If I were to choose between a coke snorting animal rescuer or a policeman who sets up road blocks infront of a factory on every of their payday, i would choose the former.


here is a link for the petition. if anyone feels for Yuyee please sign it. thanks.



¿¿¿I can't see where to add my name to the petition???


It's in 3 languages, all of which I speak & read as well.

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3 minutes ago, jaywalker said:

I can't see where to add my name to the petition???


It's in 3 languages, all of which I speak & read as well.

idk how but i've signed it already lol. i think its on the right hand side where there r boxes for u to fill in.


or maybe the link i posted is for me only becos i have sign it already


you can google change org yuyee cuestas maybe.

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8 hours ago, Blindedbythelight said:

I have lived and worked in Thailand for over 15 years. So I understand; but do not agree with your Post.

I guess you have never heard of Facebook ? If the Thai people were upset or they thought what happened to this girls, was not right. It would be all over Facebook. And if you have a wife, Girlfriend, or male partner( don't get upset, some people are gay) you would have heard about it.

Yes, Thais will take to social media over this kind of case but it's very hard to sustain a campaign for any length of time; and people are disheartened by the fact that the authorities just sit back. It's very hard to get a reversal, no matter how manifestly absurd the sentence, as in this case, or how corrupt the process ( again doubts over this one).

The selective justice applied is best exemplified by the red bull heir case: plainly as guilty as hell, boozed and drugged out of what he's pleased to call his brain and yet through the clever management of the RTP, he slips the net ( IE probably given an escort with sirens blaring all the way to BKK). Thais see this and similar cases and they think it's all too hard...but some battle on regardless.

Even the outrageous case of the grandparents thrown in jail for 20 years for picking (culinary) mushrooms in the park, took years to get reversed...the current one looks much less likely, however outrageous

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4 minutes ago, Moonmoon said:

idk how but i've signed it already lol. i think its on the right hand side where there r boxes for u to fill in.


or maybe the link i posted is for me only becos i have sign it already


you can google change org yuyee cuestas maybe.

Looks like change.org closed it down a while back. They had almost 386,000 people sign it though.





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5 minutes ago, Prbkk said:

Yes, Thais will take to social media over this kind of case but it's very hard to sustain a campaign for any length of time; and people are disheartened by the fact that the authorities just sit back. It's very hard to get a reversal, no matter how manifestly absurd the sentence, as in this case, or how corrupt the process ( again doubts over this one).

The selective justice applied is best exemplified by the red bull heir case: plainly as guilty as hell, boozed and drugged out of what he's pleased to call his brain and yet through the clever management of the RTP, he slips the net ( IE probably given an escort with sirens blaring all the way to BKK). Thais see this and similar cases and they think it's all too hard...but some battle on regardless.

Even the outrageous case of the grandparents thrown in jail for 20 years for picking (culinary) mushrooms in the park, took years to get reversed...the current one looks much less likely, however outrageous

She looks like a viscous thug doesn't she?



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10 hours ago, kiwikeith said:


She says she was set up over saving animals that pissed off someone high up.

I tend to believe her, she also says that this is why she got the severe sentence, which I think is over the top at the least.

Yeah! Sure. You usually end up with cocaine then. Was that tranqualizer for the rabbits or.....????

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16 hours ago, vadid said:

She couldn't care less about her children, knew the risks of being caught with cocaine, but still carried. Double her sentence.

Interesting though, that the report she had been arrested came 20 minutes BEFORE her plane landed.

How did this happen, if she wasnt screwed over, and how does that make you feel about your post?

Also was originally 5mg, then miraculously became 251mg, From dust to two lines with no explanation.

Ridiculous quantity for any one to "import."

Case sucks. She has been screwed for stopping influential people keep illegal endangered pets.


Read that and then tell me she is guilty.

Yesterday it was open, today surprisingly you have to log in to get to it. Wonder how that happened?

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1 hour ago, fordguy61mi said:

She was a supermodel? Mmmmk.

They had some gal here on TVF not too long ago that was theoretically an "airline stewardess celebrity".


I guess she was a super-stewardess?


I think Yuyee looks quite nice at 42 & plopping out 4 kids.


She did some modeling work is true. She was on a few billboards but never made it to the Cindy Crawford level.


She just got framed & tossed in the slammer.



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1 hour ago, jaywalker said:

We live on a planet where we realize that even if she WAS guilty, she might, maybe deserve 6 months of probation.


Her sentence had nothing to do with cocaine.


She made some corrupt guy angry. She has a farang (Spanish) husband & they demanded 400,000 baht.


They either didn't have the cash or just told them to BLEEP off.


That's what I see.



Google it.

Thanks for the link and I read the report.


Very tragic, especially for her family who are also serving time with her. But she had changed her statement twice. First saying she thought the drugs only being a small amount would not result in a harsh sentence if caught, then she said; a strange man planted them on her when she went to the toilet to recover from feeling sick. 2 or 3 of her defence lawyers resigned from the case, why? Don`t believe it was because the lawyers felt at threat. Could it be that they did not believe her stories either and got out while the going was good? Or even that the chances of them being paid at the end of the trial were slim?


I do believe the police involved were corrupt and saw an opportunity to exploit the fear of this couple for money and milk the situation for all it`s worth, as usually happens in Thailand and why probably so many get off or only serve light sentences for serious crimes when they do agree to pay what I describe as blood money.


Personally I still believe she`s as guilty as sin even through this woman fell foul of a corrupt law system that basically because of her own stupidity place herself into what has now become a no hope situation for her.

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5 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

Thanks for the link and I read the report.


Very tragic, especially for her family who are also serving time with her. But she had changed her statement twice. First saying she thought the drugs only being a small amount would not result in a harsh sentence if caught, then she said; a strange man planted them on her when she went to the toilet to recover from feeling sick. 2 or 3 of her defence lawyers resigned from the case, why? Don`t believe it was because the lawyers felt at threat. Could it be that they did not believe her stories either and got out while the going was good? Or even that the chances of them being paid at the end of the trial were slim?


I do believe the police involved were corrupt and saw an opportunity to exploit the fear of this couple for money and milk the situation for all it`s worth, as usually happens in Thailand and why probably so many get off or only serve light sentences for serious crimes when they do agree to pay what I describe as blood money.


Personally I still believe she`s as guilty as sin even through this woman fell foul of a corrupt law system that basically because of her own stupidity place herself into what has now become a no hope situation for her.

Your not the sharpest tool in the shed are you. She's been sentenced to 15yrs. Guilty as sin you say. Guilty of being in possession (poss. planted) of enough coke to fit under your (trimmed) finger nail. Stop the diatribe and say what you mean.  "she`s as guilty as sin"

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9 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

Thanks for the link and I read the report.


Very tragic, especially for her family who are also serving time with her. But she had changed her statement twice. First saying she thought the drugs only being a small amount would not result in a harsh sentence if caught, then she said; a strange man planted them on her when she went to the toilet to recover from feeling sick. 2 or 3 of her defence lawyers resigned from the case, why? Don`t believe it was because the lawyers felt at threat. Could it be that they did not believe her stories either and got out while the going was good? Or even that the chances of them being paid at the end of the trial were slim?


I do believe the police involved were corrupt and saw an opportunity to exploit the fear of this couple for money and milk the situation for all it`s worth, as usually happens in Thailand and why probably so many get off or only serve light sentences for serious crimes when they do agree to pay what I describe as blood money.


Personally I still believe she`s as guilty as sin even through this woman fell foul of a corrupt law system that basically because of her own stupidity place herself into what has now become a no hope situation for her.

You may be right.


I see it differently though, as no evidence has been produced..


I'm sure you know how the cops LOVE to trot out


#1 - evidence for a photo-op

#2 - lots of finger pointing

#3 - "crime re-enactments"


Haven't seen any of these.


They made the dummy who stole a fake necklace (off a Monk's pig for crying out loud)) re-enact his crime, & the Burmese guys on Koh Tao try to do whatever they probably didn't do.


If they had any physical evidence, it would be plastered all over the net.

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6 hours ago, LannaGuy said:

5mg?  'influential people'?  no lawer?  no drug test?  you can't be serious


did you READ the reports?  you really think people who break the law go to jail big time?  your response is unfathomable by any reasonable person who understands Thailand 

Perfectly said...and I agree. But I don't think he understands much of anything about Thailand.

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36 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

Thanks for the link and I read the report.


Very tragic, especially for her family who are also serving time with her. But she had changed her statement twice. First saying she thought the drugs only being a small amount would not result in a harsh sentence if caught, then she said; a strange man planted them on her when she went to the toilet to recover from feeling sick. 2 or 3 of her defence lawyers resigned from the case, why? Don`t believe it was because the lawyers felt at threat. Could it be that they did not believe her stories either and got out while the going was good? Or even that the chances of them being paid at the end of the trial were slim?


I do believe the police involved were corrupt and saw an opportunity to exploit the fear of this couple for money and milk the situation for all it`s worth, as usually happens in Thailand and why probably so many get off or only serve light sentences for serious crimes when they do agree to pay what I describe as blood money.


Personally I still believe she`s as guilty as sin even through this woman fell foul of a corrupt law system that basically because of her own stupidity place herself into what has now become a no hope situation for her.

Another point... maybe she stayed so slim by snorting coke all the time?


I know Stevie Nicks swole up like a blimp when she got off cocaine.


MAYBE she did have an M&M's bag slap full of coke & flushed it in the airport = they only caught her with 12 baht's worth of drugs.


Given the wildlife story (that she saved from export) & alleged threats of wanting 400,000 baht from a BIB sound far more reasonable to me, in that some cop planted it on her at the airport.


Where was she returning from anyhow?


Bolivia ? Chiang Mai? Phuket?Japan?


If anybody knows, please enlighten me.

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4 hours ago, Moonmoon said:

you stated that Thailand is a land of justice where there are good laws and not like the UK .


so why is crime rate still higher in Thailand and not UK?

why is Thailand so much higher than UK on the crime index? 


So having good laws but corrupted authorities and bad education system still does not help Thailand.


The difference is being educated and having real knowledge that crimes will be committed no matter if the person is intoxicated or not.

I would like to see drug and alcohol abusers be treated as a mental health problem rather than a crime.

If dealing in forbidden substance or item is a crime in this country, then treat it as such. 


Yuyee was caught with 0.0005grams which is 5mg which is just a speck of dust if u ask me.

if anything then she might be a user. 15years for rehab in a Thai jail is too much. her background does not suggest she was a drug trafficker or she was involved in any heinous crime.

there was a rich hiso jepop i think his name was. killed 2 good university students while high on drugs and yet he is still free n the case is quiet now.

there was a rich owner of a thai beauty brand who recently cause a major accident on ratchada while high on meth and tested positive has no driving license but is now free and able to post on social media that she is taking her license now.

these r examples that i would say punish them and jail them for justice.


I would like to see u say Thailand is a land of justice for all the real examples i pointed out to you.

why was Yuyee jailed for 15 years for a speck of dust while others have committed much worse crimes high on drugs. surely there is more than meets the eye here.

if the authorities wanted to help Yuyee then send her to rehab not jail for 15 years.


People commit crimes for many reasons. if someone robs or kills for money to get the next high, then he/she should be prosecuted.

but if a responsible citizen of the society who has a good family, makes good money uses drugs now n then for his/her own recreational and does not hurt anybody in anyway at all, then i would say leave him/her alone and let him/her still contribute to society.


Just because alcohol is legal doesn't make it any better than drugs. It messes up a person's judgement n health in every way when consumed. But when a responsible person drinks and just have fun and not hurt anyone we leave him alone right? 


there are many cases of drunk driving here in Thailand, many cases of Man asking money from wife, mother, gf and friend and hitting hurting and killing them when refused the alcohol money.

anything can be an addiction, even video games, seen a case of a grandson killing a grandma when refused money for games.


You can say there are good laws here and people have good reasons to follow them but you did not answer why then people are not following them here.

obviously having good laws are not enough. and I for 1 don't think Thailand have good laws. still so much room for improvement.



Excellent response, I take you as my lawyer if I ever get into trouble in LOS.

Best regards.

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21 minutes ago, jaywalker said:

You may be right.


I see it differently though, as no evidence has been produced..


I'm sure you know how the cops LOVE to trot out


#1 - evidence for a photo-op

#2 - lots of finger pointing

#3 - "crime re-enactments"


Haven't seen any of these.


They made the dummy who stole a fake necklace (off a Monk's pig for crying out loud)) re-enact his crime, & the Burmese guys on Koh Tao try to do whatever they probably didn't do.


If they had any physical evidence, it would be plastered all over the net.

This is a difficult one for me to answer and difficult to make myself clear on this. We know the system in Thailand is corrupt and once people fall foul of it, the odds are always going to be against them. It`s like gambling at a casino, the odds are always with the house. But I do believe this woman in some aspect was involved with drugs and yes, she was probably stitched up one way or another. So the point I am trying to make is; don`t do drugs and don`t break any laws in Thailand in any shape or form, stay well clear of it and avoid falling foul to the tender mercies of a corrupt system. Those that do just like me and you, know what the score can be in Thailand and if taking such risks, get caught and suffer the consequences I have absolutely no sympathy. Have no idea if her husband had knowledge of what his wife was up to or not, but it`s the kids I really feel sorry for.


My message is; just don`t do it that I know makes sense and intelligent people will know exactly what I mean.

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15 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

Have no idea if her husband had knowledge of what his wife was up to or not, but it`s the kids I really feel sorry for.

What exactly was, in your esteemed opinion, his wife up to?

If only talking crap was illegal. :stoner: You do realise this woman will be sleeping on a floor packed with so many other women she wont be able to roll over. For 15 YEARS. Please cyberfarang stop. You've said enough.

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16 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

This is a difficult one for me to answer and difficult to make myself clear on this. We know the system in Thailand is corrupt and once people fall foul of it, the odds are always going to be against them. It`s like gambling at a casino, the odds are always with the house. But I do believe this woman in some aspect was involved with drugs and yes, she was probably stitched up one way or another. So the point I am trying to make is; don`t do drugs and don`t break any laws in Thailand in any shape or form, stay well clear of it and avoid falling foul to the tender mercies of a corrupt system. Those that do just like me and you, know what the score can be in Thailand and if taking such risks, get caught and suffer the consequences I have absolutely no sympathy. Have no idea if her husband had knowledge of what his wife was up to or not, but it`s the kids I really feel sorry for.


My message is; just don`t do it that I know makes sense and intelligent people will know exactly what I mean.

I guess we agree to disagree, but somewhat agree.


I think there's a high possibility that she was framed/stitched up too.


WHERE is the evidence of guilt? WHERE is the M&M's bag?


Where is the cocaine?

WHERE is the finger pointing? WHERE is/was her attorney?...Oh yeah she didn't have one.


FOR SURE, don't EVER give any cop half a reason to suspect you, much less arrest you, ANYWHERE.


Court systems the world over are convoluted and, many times less than fair, especially in Thailand.


All the above though still does not explain how she got 15 years for 12 baht worth of coke (even if it was hers - which sounds like it might have been handed to her in an M&M's bag).


I'm not the judge & my Thai is horrible. I'm a mechanical engineer, but even I could poke a bazillion holes in this case in an English speaking courtroom.



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11 minutes ago, dinsdale said:

What exactly was, in your esteemed opinion, his wife up to?

If only talking crap was illegal. :stoner: You do realise this woman will be sleeping on a floor packed with so many other women she wont be able to roll over. For 15 YEARS. Please cyberfarang stop. You've said enough.

Why not stop only copying part of my posts and then interpreting the ways you want. You are right I have said enough, because there is not much else to be added to the subject. I`ve made my points and others can agree or not agree that won`t help this woman`s case one iota.

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1 hour ago, jaywalker said:

You may be right.


I see it differently though, as no evidence has been produced..


I'm sure you know how the cops LOVE to trot out


#1 - evidence for a photo-op

#2 - lots of finger pointing

#3 - "crime re-enactments"


Haven't seen any of these.


They made the dummy who stole a fake necklace (off a Monk's pig for crying out loud)) re-enact his crime, & the Burmese guys on Koh Tao try to do whatever they probably didn't do.


If they had any physical evidence, it would be plastered all over the net.

I would like to see it though. 0.225g of coke. 10 BIB all pointing at what absolutely no one can see because it's fkkkk alll. Wish I was a cartoonist. Plenty of material in this one.

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17 minutes ago, jaywalker said:

Have no idea if her husband had knowledge of what his wife was up to or not, but it`s the kids I really feel sorry for.

This is what you said. So, what do you think his wife was up to? You are clearly saying his wife was up to something and you wonder if her husband had any knowledge or not of this. Your words. Not in any way taken out of context.

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29 minutes ago, jaywalker said:

I once had a quarter oz of weed in my computer bag, on my way to BKK.


No bars in my departure country, but we had plenty at my place, so it was the departure lounge.


Had 4 or 5 buddies there getting smashed on black market Johnny Walker, as was I, but I'd worked 12 hours that day & was in a rush, so handed off my mostly empty computer bag to a buddy asked him to check it.


He came out with a bag of some premo Mary Jane.


I almost had a heart attack & told him to just keep it.


I came quite close to jumping on the airplane with it though.



Once I was guilty as sin, & had 10 liters of wine & 4 liters of Johnny Walker in my suitcase as I entered Kuwait from Bahrain.


Just an overnight trip to renew my visa & only had a (rather heavy) carry on bag.


A Pakistani Airways flight had arrived 2 minutes before my flight & customs was digging through all their bags. The Paki's smuggled lots of heroin into Kuwait.


I went over & offered to show them my stuff (they'd just take it home & drink it themselves)....They'd scold me verbally & tell me to beat it (just leave the booze) is all.


Some customs guy saw this farang in the midst of 200 Pakistani's & asked where I was from? I whipped out my US passport & he said just get out of here.







My girlfriend and I live in the furthest darkest reaches of Hang Dong in Chiang Mai. The local Thai villagers know everything about everybody and they gossip, oboy, do they gossip.


A few years ago completely by surprise the local police decided to check out and dig some dirt up about the Farlangs living in the area. So obviously their first port of call was to my Thai neighbours.  We never knew the police had been around until my neighbours told me. I asked what the police asked them about me? They had a set of questions:


1. Is he working?

2. Does he use drugs, does he buy drugs or does he deal drugs?


One of the locals only had to say yes to any of the questions in number 2, then that would have been good enough reason for the police to arrest me and if any drugs would have been found on my person or in the home, even the minutest of quantity my life would have turned to hell. I would had either had to buy my way out with all the money I have in the world or been left to rot in a cell somewhere falling foul of this rotten corrupt system and believe me it doesn`t take much to get owned here. This is why I prefer to play it smart and never to place myself into such a vulnerable situation. 

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1 hour ago, cyberfarang said:

My girlfriend and I live in the furthest darkest reaches of Hang Dong in Chiang Mai. The local Thai villagers know everything about everybody and they gossip, oboy, do they gossip.


A few years ago completely by surprise the local police decided to check out and dig some dirt up about the Farlangs living in the area. So obviously their first port of call was to my Thai neighbours.  We never knew the police had been around until my neighbours told me. I asked what the police asked them about me? They had a set of questions:


1. Is he working?

2. Does he use drugs, does he buy drugs or does he deal drugs?


One of the locals only had to say yes to any of the questions in number 2, then that would have been good enough reason for the police to arrest me and if any drugs would have been found on my person or in the home, even the minutest of quantity my life would have turned to hell. I would had either had to buy my way out with all the money I have in the world or been left to rot in a cell somewhere falling foul of this rotten corrupt system and believe me it doesn`t take much to get owned here. This is why I prefer to play it smart and never to place myself into such a vulnerable situation. 

Yeah, don't you just love it? 


Still doesn't justify 15 years for this mother of four though, especially when the evidence is missing.

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i think many of the comments make me realize how successful the drug war was that was supported by big pharma and the liquor industry.  As you know pot is now legal in many states here and one of the first was Colorado my home state..  it was so terrible to see my step dad addicted to oxy after a botched knee replacement but he refused to consider medical pot..  I actually took care of him so my mom could bail to Arizona for a break and he was double dipping on his oxy and he ran low so was trying to some crazy mixture of all his old meds.  I almost broke my back helping him on the bed one evening and the 2nd time at midnight 
I called the fire dept my sister  as she said they do free lifts? They said next time tonight we take him to the ER.

He finally did try some edible I left for him and he said it worked but afterwords he didn't take his pill soon enough... I do think there is scientific evidence showing Non pharma drugs can be benificial.. 

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2 minutes ago, Elkski said:

i think many of the comments make me realize how successful the drug war was that was supported by big pharma and the liquor industry.  As you know pot is now legal in many states here and one of the first was Colorado my home state..  it was so terrible to see my step dad addicted to oxy after a botched knee replacement but he refused to consider medical pot..  I actually took care of him so my mom could bail to Arizona for a break and he was double dipping on his oxy and he ran low so was trying to some crazy mixture of all his old meds.  I almost broke my back helping him on the bed one evening and the 2nd time at midnight 
I called the fire dept my sister  as she said they do free lifts? They said next time tonight we take him to the ER.

He finally did try some edible I left for him and he said it worked but afterwords he didn't take his pill soon enough... I do think there is scientific evidence showing Non pharma drugs can be benificial.. 

You should have made him some brownies.


 A friend once stewed up some weed in butter, strained it & cooked himself an omelette with it the oil & butter, ate half, & left it on the stove, went out for 18 holes on the golf course.


Got home & found his girlfriend passed out on the couch, with 3 of her friends fanning her face.


She'd eaten the other half....OOOPS! She slept it off. No harm, she just got a peaceful nap in that day.

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