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Thailand bribery rate is worse than Myanmar and Cambodia: survey


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Thailand bribery rate is worse than Myanmar and Cambodia: survey

By The Nation 




Transparency International has published its 2017 report of global corruption barometer entitled “People and Corruption : Asia Pacific.” It estimates that more than 900 million people across the 16 surveyed places had paid a bribe in the past year when trying to access basic services such as education or healthcare.


Bribery rates for countries vary considerably across the region – from 0.2 per cent in Japan to 69 per cent in India. 


The bribery rate for Thailand is 41 per cent compared to rate for Cambodia and Myanmar 40 per cent. Vietnam’s rate is 65 per cent, while rates for Indonesia and Malaysia are 32 per cent and 23 per cent respectively. The bribery rate for China is 26 per cent. 


Transparency International said that it spoke to nearly 22,000 people about their recent experiences with corruption in 16 countries and territories in the Asia Pacific region.

It also noted that public-sector graft is a crime that affects men and women, young and old, rich and poor, and must be urgently addressed in order to further social progress in the region.
-- © Copyright The Nation 2017-03-18
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From the report. 

Thailand dropped to 35 in its score this year, reinforcing the link between perceived corruption and political turmoil. Government repression, lack of independent oversight, and the deterioration of rights eroded public confidence in the country.

Thailand's new constitution, while it places significant focus on addressing corruption, entrenches military power and unaccountable government, undermining eventual return to democratic civilian rule. Free debate on the constitution was impossible; campaigning in opposition was banned and dozens of people were detained. The military junta also prohibited monitoring of the referendum. There is a clear absence of independent oversight and rigorous debate.


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6 hours ago, ThaiBob said:

From the report. 

Thailand dropped to 35 in its score this year, reinforcing the link between perceived corruption and political turmoil. Government repression, lack of independent oversight, and the deterioration of rights eroded public confidence in the country.

Thailand's new constitution, while it places significant focus on addressing corruption, entrenches military power and unaccountable government, undermining eventual return to democratic civilian rule. Free debate on the constitution was impossible; campaigning in opposition was banned and dozens of people were detained. The military junta also prohibited monitoring of the referendum. There is a clear absence of independent oversight and rigorous debate.


Pretty much sums up what most on here  have been saying about Prayuth and his group for the last 3 years.  It's all been about Prayuth and total power and domination of the people whilst spruiking his return to happiness and uniting the country.

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10 minutes ago, yellowboat said:

41% is shameful, but Thailand has always been broken, just more now than before.  But thanks to Thailand's current poor performance, the rest of SE Asia is benefiting. 

Thailand 5 years ago was much more fun than today. I don't judge that by who ever was in charge during that time, but whoever it was, he/she left most of us alone. 

No constant changes of the visa rules, no insane 'happy zones' and bogus raids. 

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4 minutes ago, JerryinTH said:

Thailand 5 years ago was much more fun than today. I don't judge that by who ever was in charge during that time, but whoever it was, he/she left most of us alone. 

No constant changes of the visa rules, no insane 'happy zones' and bogus raids. 

Yes, the fun has moved on to Cambodia, Burma and Vietnam.  You can feel it.   

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10 minutes ago, JerryinTH said:

Thailand 5 years ago was much more fun than today. I don't judge that by who ever was in charge during that time, but whoever it was, he/she left most of us alone. 

No constant changes of the visa rules, no insane 'happy zones' and bogus raids. 

You should've been around in 97/98 Thailand was the in word on everyone's lips, the emerging economy they said, in everything from commerce to living there, everybody talked about Thailand, they still do with distaste..........................................:coffee1:

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And that came as a supprise thunderstorm out of a clear blue sky to anybody???

One of the most funny things that I´ve always been amazed over is how perfectly Thailand managed to change it´s corruption from hiding out in and open to public, and everyone just go along and accept it. A bunch of nuts!

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There's no way this is accurate. Who on earth did they survey? 


In Myanmar corruption is everywhere. Run a factory and expect surprise visits from officials on a monthly basis. Your whole day disappears as they run around finding violations and assessing on the spot fines. Then they expect you to take them to lunch or dinner with free flow whiskey. 


Goods ready for delivery? Send a crew with the container to get it through customs, X-ray, and onto the boat. Each with small payments to keep things moving. 


Traffic police I would say are about the same as Thailand. But that's about it. 

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1 hour ago, whatawonderfulday said:

Agree with you but those in denial, those who support armed coups, those who prefer the feudal system, those who perhaps are connected to the Elite and those other TV posters  who are wearing the rose tinted glasses and most probably never lived in Thailand, those who think Bangkok and Pattaya are the epicentres of all Thai life, will now  most probably crawl out in support of the corrupt administration and its influential supporters.

whatawonderfulthoughtfortheday :coffee1:

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1 hour ago, whatawonderfulday said:

Agree with you but those in denial, those who support armed coups, those who prefer the feudal system, those who perhaps are connected to the Elite and those other TV posters  who are wearing the rose tinted glasses and most probably never lived in Thailand, those who think Bangkok and Pattaya are the epicentres of all Thai life, will now  most probably crawl out in support of the corrupt administration and its influential supporters.

You seem to have a very short memory!

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13 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Thailand bribery rate is worse than Myanmar and Cambodia: survey

By The Nation 




Transparency International has published its 2017 report of global corruption barometer entitled “People and Corruption : Asia Pacific.” It estimates that more than 900 million people across the 16 surveyed places had paid a bribe in the past year when trying to access basic services such as education or healthcare.


Bribery rates for countries vary considerably across the region – from 0.2 per cent in Japan to 69 per cent in India. 


The bribery rate for Thailand is 41 per cent compared to rate for Cambodia and Myanmar 40 per cent. Vietnam’s rate is 65 per cent, while rates for Indonesia and Malaysia are 32 per cent and 23 per cent respectively. The bribery rate for China is 26 per cent. 


Transparency International said that it spoke to nearly 22,000 people about their recent experiences with corruption in 16 countries and territories in the Asia Pacific region.

It also noted that public-sector graft is a crime that affects men and women, young and old, rich and poor, and must be urgently addressed in order to further social progress in the region.
-- © Copyright The Nation 2017-03-18

How many times Thai Visa wanna post the same news? 

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7 minutes ago, ameadi said:

How many times Thai Visa wanna post the same news? 


They're testing the law of diminishing returns to see how many iterations and permutations before they don't get enough clicks.  Looks like they'll have to continue testing...  Baiting Thai bashers seems to be a winning formula that keeps on giving.

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3 hours ago, yellowboat said:

Yes, the fun has moved on to Cambodia, Burma and Vietnam.  You can feel it.   

Yes, and Fun is also bringing along Corruption...to these places.


Ever wonder why Laos is no fun at all?

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15 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Thailand bribery rate is worse than Myanmar and Cambodia: survey

By The Nation 




Transparency International has published its 2017 report of global corruption barometer entitled “People and Corruption : Asia Pacific.” It estimates that more than 900 million people across the 16 surveyed places had paid a bribe in the past year when trying to access basic services such as education or healthcare.


Bribery rates for countries vary considerably across the region – from 0.2 per cent in Japan to 69 per cent in India. 


The bribery rate for Thailand is 41 per cent compared to rate for Cambodia and Myanmar 40 per cent. Vietnam’s rate is 65 per cent, while rates for Indonesia and Malaysia are 32 per cent and 23 per cent respectively. The bribery rate for China is 26 per cent. 


Transparency International said that it spoke to nearly 22,000 people about their recent experiences with corruption in 16 countries and territories in the Asia Pacific region.

It also noted that public-sector graft is a crime that affects men and women, young and old, rich and poor, and must be urgently addressed in order to further social progress in the region.
-- © Copyright The Nation 2017-03-18

Here is a verbal like you deserve one  my like button is not working guess its gone on holidays with the nice weather. 

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4 hours ago, JerryinTH said:

Thailand 5 years ago was much more fun than today. I don't judge that by who ever was in charge during that time, but whoever it was, he/she left most of us alone. 

No constant changes of the visa rules, no insane 'happy zones' and bogus raids. 

My tenure here has been long enough to agree. I think that politicians are in this for self enrichment say 25% for them and 75% for us and its a world wide thing. I think we are seeing a reversal of these numbers now. The junta seems to have achieved their goal to hoodwink the locals but their propaganda does not wash with us who have had outside exposure. I because of age have quit pursuing the "holy grail" or Utopia. This is Custards Last Stand for me. 

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4 minutes ago, maxcorrigan said:

Yep, error code 2F173/1 whatever that is, now you know!

Thanks maxcorrigan. Seems I saw that number stamped on my body somewhere. Now my quote button quit to. Oh isolation. I can still reply to messages likes yours. Oh well perfection does not exist in the world.

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4 hours ago, whatawonderfulday said:

Agree with you but those in denial, those who support armed coups, those who prefer the feudal system, those who perhaps are connected to the Elite and those other TV posters  who are wearing the rose tinted glasses and most probably never lived in Thailand, those who think Bangkok and Pattaya are the epicentres of all Thai life, will now  most probably crawl out in support of the corrupt administration and its influential supporters.

Without a doubt. I honestly wonder at what goes on in the minds of the fanboys. Very sick people in my view.


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13 minutes ago, jesimps said:

Without a doubt. I honestly wonder at what goes on in the minds of the fanboys. Very sick people in my view.


I honestly wonder the same thing about your side, the side that accepts that their government has an armed terrorist wing the red shirts who wore black and fired at the army causing the army to fire back and cause the causalities. The same red shirts who killed kids and unarmed protesters sick actually that someone could support that. 


Or maybe you can support parts of a goverment just like i support some things of the junta and not all of its.. its not all black and white.

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5 hours ago, chainarong said:

You should've been around in 97/98 Thailand was the in word on everyone's lips, the emerging economy they said, in everything from commerce to living there, everybody talked about Thailand, they still do with distaste..........................................:coffee1:

Sorry, but you are wrong. 97/98 was the big asien financial crisis, startet from Thailand. Was nice for tourists and pensioners because of money devaluation, but not for the economy. But yes, less prohibitions though i don't think there was less corruption.

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