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Strange Errors this morning


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I have tried to "Like" a few posts this morning, the page re-loads and gives an error message.



I got another error, "EX".... something, don't recall now what I was doing to get that one.


Also, my comments will post on screen as normal, but reappear in the Reply dialog box down the bottom, with red text message saying I have to wait X number of seconds before making another reply/post.  If I refresh the page, it posts my previous comment again, creating a double post. 


These cascading errors and odd behaviour just this morning all at once, can't say I've experienced it before.  Anyway... FYI.  

Edited by 55Jay
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35 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

That and other issues are being worked on by the tech guys.

Excellent. You must understand that there are untold people out there itching to lavish praise on my - quite frankly astoundingly good - posts and to deprive them of the 'Like' button is simply cruel...:tongue:

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Roger that.  FWIW, accidentally re-created the EX error page trying to avoid another duplicate post.  Not moaning.  Ack techs are working on it.



Refreshing the page causes the data to resend then results in below EX error screen.  Once you make your way back to the thread, there's a duplicate/double post.






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30 minutes ago, daveAustin said:

Never known a more messed up, major site.

I like that!        I do hope they are not paying the people who upgraded/amended/refurbished/aka ***** up  this site

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