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White House to offer balanced budget plan by mid-May - Mulvaney


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White House to offer balanced budget plan by mid-May - Mulvaney



U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Director Mick Mulvaney (R) listens as U.S. President Donald Trump meets with members of the Republican Study Committee at the White House in Washington, U.S. March 17, 2017. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A detailed version of President Donald Trump's budget to be released in May will lay out plans to eventually erase U.S. deficits, White House budget director Mick Mulvaney said on Sunday.


"We're getting into that now. By May, I think it's mid-May we're shooting for right now, we'll have that larger budget..." Mulvaney said on NBC's "Meet the Press" program.


Mulvaney acknowledged that the budget would not be balanced in the upcoming 2018 fiscal year but said the administration wants to put the country on a path toward eventually wiping out annual deficits.


"We won't be able to balance the budget this year, but we're working on trying to get it to balance within the 10-year budget window, which is what Republicans in the House and the Senate have traditionally done in the last couple of years," Mulvaney said.


"It is a very complicated budget process when your entitlements, your mandatory spending is driving most of your budget deficit," he said. "So over the course of the next decade, we'll have to look at the mandatory spending side in order to figure out a way to make changes to the way we spend money."


The full budget to be rolled out in May will put "more flesh on the bones" of Trump's preliminary budget plan that was released last week, said Mulvaney, director of the White House Office of Management and Budget.


Trump's initial budget outline prompted criticism from both Democrats and some Republicans for its proposals for steep cuts in domestic programs such as education and environmental enforcement programs as well as foreign aid.


As a presidential candidate, Trump campaigned on a pledge to quickly balance the budget, and eliminate federal debt during his presidency.


Mulvaney said Trump's proposals to boost U.S. infrastructure could be ready to be issued around "summer or early fall."

He said some money had been taken out of the budget blueprint "with the intention of putting it back into the infrastructure bill."


(Reporting By Valerie Volcovici; Editing by Caren Bohan and Sandra Maler)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-03-20
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Hmm! With an extra $52 Billion going to the military and $25 Billion or so going to the wall, balancing the budget is going to be a tough call.

The cuts on just about everything, including education, housing, health services, environment, agriculture are going to be devastating.


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Why is it that the Republican solution to balancing the budget is ALWAYS to slash support to the most vulnerable in American society? Mulvaney is a world-class ass hat who stated that eliminating "Meals-on-Wheels" (a program that costs but a minuscule fraction of the annual budget, but provides needed nutrition to elderly shut-ins and the disabled) and free school breakfast and lunch programs for poor children are necessary because they "aren't showing results". Explain that to a hungry ten-year-old or a 75-year-old shut in, both of who rely and these programs. Here's a suggestion...how's about we eliminate the $2 million a year that is spent on coffee and pastries for Congress persons who are already earning $174,000 a year (http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2013/06/house-spent-about-2m-of-taxpayers-money-on-coffee-pastries-foundation-finds/)? When Mulvaney was in Congress that was his salary. As head of OMB he now makes $178,000. So how's about we slash his salary in half, eliminate his gold-plated health plan (funded by taxpayers), and use those funds to lower the deficit? Funny how the GOP is all about cutting expenses...until it comes to what THEY are costing taxpayers.

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50 minutes ago, jerojero said:

Trump is pompous ass and the Republicans are retarded. How many nuclear weapons do they really need? US has enough now to kill the entire world 10 times over!

Unless you come from the USA. Be thankful to the States. If not for them , you would be speaking German, Russian or Chinese.

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4 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Hmm! With an extra $52 Billion going to the military and $25 Billion or so going to the wall, balancing the budget is going to be a tough call.

The cuts on just about everything, including education, housing, health services, environment, agriculture are going to be devastating.


Actually the military spending really doesn't amount to much compared to his slashing of taxes on the wealthy and corporations.  Couple that with his further gutting of the IRS and revenues will drastically decline.

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6 hours ago, webfact said:


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A detailed version of President Donald Trump's budget to be released in May will lay out plans to eventually erase U.S. deficits, White House budget director Mick Mulvaney said on Sunday.

Hey Harry Houdini where are you please report to the White House. They are playing Kumbaya again. 

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10 hours ago, Blindedbythelight said:

Unless you come from the USA. Be thankful to the States. If not for them , you would be speaking German, Russian or Chinese.

I come from the USA and darksidedog has a valid point, one which you failed to address before inserting your overtly nationalistic tripe. We don't need more nukes. As he notes, we already have enough to flash fry the entire globe to a smoldering, radioactive, lifeless cinder many times over. Reducing the nuclear stockpile will not, in any way, endanger our national security, nor will rejecting the wasteful spending on even more nukes. Putting more nukes under the finger of someone who repeatedly asked, in the course of a security briefing, why, if we have nukes, can't we use them is not what I would classify as a wise move. Especially when you consider that this orange-tinted buffoon has the temperament of a two-year-old.

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