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Reversing driver thought he had gone over a rock - but he was wrong


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Very unfortunate indeed... but what was the pedestrian doing?


engrossed in her iPhone and not watching for dangers, that are ever present on the road?


a couple of days ago, I parked on the road shoulder, and some idiot crossed the road, and parked nose to nose to my vehicle.... illegally... I was a bit preoccupied with this fools behavior, and failed to notice that a scooter had come up and parked close in to my boot.


in leaving, I had to reverse... none of my mirrors showed the bike (I was driving a CRV), and on reversing, I hit the bike, before realizing my reverse sensor had pinged.


yes... I hit the bike... but how silly to park so close to another vehicle.... and how silly to cross the road and park nose to nose with another vehicle... luckily, I wasn't reversing at warp speed, and didn't even knock the bike over (or damage it... or CRV)


remarkable is the  lack of common sense and courtesy on Thai roads, by all users.... actually, and more correctly, when you do see courtesy and common sense, it's remarkable.

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22 minutes ago, farcanell said:

Very unfortunate indeed... but what was the pedestrian doing?


engrossed in her iPhone and not watching for dangers, that are ever present on the road?


a couple of days ago, I parked on the road shoulder, and some idiot crossed the road, and parked nose to nose to my vehicle.... illegally... I was a bit preoccupied with this fools behavior, and failed to notice that a scooter had come up and parked close in to my boot.


in leaving, I had to reverse... none of my mirrors showed the bike (I was driving a CRV), and on reversing, I hit the bike, before realizing my reverse sensor had pinged.


yes... I hit the bike... but how silly to park so close to another vehicle.... and how silly to cross the road and park nose to nose with another vehicle... luckily, I wasn't reversing at warp speed, and didn't even knock the bike over (or damage it... or CRV)


remarkable is the  lack of common sense and courtesy on Thai roads, by all users.... actually, and more correctly, when you do see courtesy and common sense, it's remarkable.

I dare say you might have a point if someone runs from nowhere and lies behind your vehicle.


But in some respects this does rather show you up in a bad light.  I used to curse the drivers who seemed to take an age reversing.  I now see why they do it.  You really have to drive as if everyone else on the road or near it is a small child.  Goes with the territory.

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30 minutes ago, farcanell said:

Very unfortunate indeed... but what was the pedestrian doing?


engrossed in her iPhone and not watching for dangers, that are ever present on the road?


a couple of days ago, I parked on the road shoulder, and some idiot crossed the road, and parked nose to nose to my vehicle.... illegally... I was a bit preoccupied with this fools behavior, and failed to notice that a scooter had come up and parked close in to my boot.


in leaving, I had to reverse... none of my mirrors showed the bike (I was driving a CRV), and on reversing, I hit the bike, before realizing my reverse sensor had pinged.


yes... I hit the bike... but how silly to park so close to another vehicle.... and how silly to cross the road and park nose to nose with another vehicle... luckily, I wasn't reversing at warp speed, and didn't even knock the bike over (or damage it... or CRV)


remarkable is the  lack of common sense and courtesy on Thai roads, by all users.... actually, and more correctly, when you do see courtesy and common sense, it's remarkable.


I had a similar thing happen in Australia. And yes, I was at fault. "The stupid driver" etc etc.


I had a motorcycle rider park less than half a metre behind my Kombi. The "stupid driver" approached the van from the front and didn't think to do a pre flight check around the whole vehicle. Bike didn't show in mirrors nor through the high rear window. Thankfully I'd only needed to reverse just far enough to knock the bike over but not far enough to run over it. After the rider stopped ranting at me for being an idiot and worse, he finally checked the bike and could find no damage.


In my case, no tragedy or even financial cost. But do you think that rider has ever thought that perhaps he had contributed to the incident? Not likely, that's not how humans generally work.





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2 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

I dare say you might have a point if someone runs from nowhere and lies behind your vehicle.


But in some respects this does rather show you up in a bad light.  I used to curse the drivers who seemed to take an age reversing.  I now see why they do it.  You really have to drive as if everyone else on the road or near it is a small child.  Goes with the territory.

Lol... your right...  it does.


but the point being is that others are often contributory to accidents through their own stupid or negligent behavior, or by doing the unexpected.


the only way to effectively predict what others will do, is if others conform to a "norm".... when they do not (admittedly, is Thailand, this is common), then all bets are off.



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Side Mirrors are to be used when u cant see use the rear vision Mirror  Side Mirrors what are they ask the thais drivers? Oh thats right you use them to do your face up and see if you look good . Another situation where they have no clue about driving and people die from it But at least he stayed at scene i guess 400 baht fine go home son and see if you can drive better tomorrow

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A coincidence, had a taxi reverse back at me only recently, he wasn't even looking behind..

This guy obviously thought it unnecessary.


Is the car pictured the  actual vehicle as it does not look like an 'old white Mitsubishi car ' , more like a tarted up boy racer car. Sad for the innocent woman and family due to the stupidity of one.


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A coincidence, had a taxi reverse back at me only recently, he wasn't even looking behind..
This guy obviously thought it unnecessary.
Is the car pictured the  actual vehicle as it does not look like an 'old white Mitsubishi car ' , more like a tarted up boy racer car. Sad for the innocent woman and family due to the stupidity of one.

So true,without the fodder in the trunk ,it's a Pound to Pinch of Pelican Shit the back windows that tinted he can't see FA anyway.?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect
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Another example in this case and the comments about the hierarchy of importance in Thailand. Pedestrians and the disabled are least important followed by cyclists, motorcyclists, cars then trucks and buses in size order, bigger is better. Money is spent on roads not pavements, as only poor pedestrians use them, not hi so drivers, unless they are mowing said pedestrians down. Safety is not important as it costs money. I am the only person at my son's school to strap him in a seat belt with a booster, and before that, a child safety seat. But the other parents all have nice new cars where they let the kids stand between the seats. Rant over until next time.

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20 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

just one more Thai driver assuming the way is clear.  Like they do all the time.


and with a huge blind spot behind him now.


3 million baht to be paid to the woman's family..


One year in jail, five years probation and five years suspended license.


next case.




No doubt he has a spare 3 million baht lying around.


Suspended license for 5 years, sure, but a lot of Thai's drive without licenses in the north-east and unregistered vehicles/motorcycles because they can't afford to pay for them or are just too lazy, and the penalties are just about nothing, I might add, but that's another matter.


One year in jail, maybe add the 5 years probation to it and he might, just might keep his rear view clear in the future.


Terrible way to go for the lady, RIP

Edited by 4MyEgo
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I suppose as there are no witnesses,  that the woman who it is said just got off the bus was dialing on her mobile , didn't see or hear a quietly reversing car what with all the passing cars .  It still makes the car driver 100% responsible , anyway I feel better now , far too many stupid folk that are clueless when they get behind a wheel. 

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