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Cost of vice to skyrocket - cigarettes and soapy massage charges expected to rise dramatically!


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1 hour ago, Misterwhisper said:

This government is basically bankrupt. It's the only way to explain why they have been announcing a series of astonishing excise tax hikes for many goods, want to even tax sugary soft drinks, consider raising the VAT rate, eye restructuring personal income tax rates, and - last but not least - suddenly are chasing after Thaksin's tax money again.


Yet they still desperately NEED submarines...  

Nothing wrong with taxing 'excess' sugar, same goes for fat - as they're killing more people than tobacco & alcohol - if, yes IF only they dedicated it fix to healthcare - which they just don't.

Also a big lie in most other countries btw. as far as alc & smoke taxation goes ...!


So yes, you're right on the point with the subs (& similar mumpitz) ... 

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1 hour ago, tomacht8 said:

Or if you have a tight budget.
Buy one of these.
Simply blow up in the hotel room, fill up and have tax-free fun.

"Simply blow up in the hotel room, "


And to save even more you could also blow up your companion inflatable.jpg.a418d34bdaf155aa58c913d28f7f4d81.jpg



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2 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

This government is basically bankrupt. It's the only way to explain why they have been announcing a series of astonishing excise tax hikes for many goods, want to even tax sugary soft drinks, consider raising the VAT rate, eye restructuring personal income tax rates, and - last but not least - suddenly are chasing after Thaksin's tax money again.


Yet they still desperately NEED submarines...  

Thought the present government was only morally bankrupt.  Oh well glad to spend less and less time there. 

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24 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

read the whole thing. this is max over 20years


I understand this.
Outgoing of a beer liter price of 45 baht, that corresponds to an annual increase of 24.81% or
based on the initial price in 20 years an increase of 666666%.
And this in the case with average income and pension increases of 1.5% - 4% per year.
Here the linear beer prices for the next 20 years (here only the tax-induced increase).


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28 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

I understand this.
Outgoing of a beer liter price of 45 baht, that corresponds to an annual increase of 24.81% or
based on the initial price in 20 years an increase of 666666%.
And this in the case with average income and pension increases of 1.5% - 4% per year.
Here the linear beer prices for the next 20 years (here only the tax-induced increase).


It seems like you do not understand it though.


It is the maximum. That does not mean it will actually happen the way you describe.


Other options are:

- no increase till 2035 and then a sudden increase in price from 45 baht to 3,000 baht overnight (unlikely)

- no increase at all. So even in 2036 the price will still be 45 baht (unlikely)

- the price will go from 45 baht to 3,000 tomorrow and then 20 years long no further increases (unlikely)

- the price will increase the coming 20 years but in no way as much as the maximum (most likely). For example 1-3% per year.


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3 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

Junta's out of money


Another pre-revolutionary condition in place. Sharp tax increases.

The country is out of money, or running more and more out of money.

Since a long time already.

The inheritance of the Shinawatra periods don't really help.

Fact is, not enough people pay income tax, nor do businesses.

And yes, too much money, nearly 20%, is syphoned off from everything.


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4 hours ago, mania said:

No Aprils fool


Actually they are saying new tax on smokers is 5 baht per cigg

So 100 baht a pack

We don't smoke so ...meh


Tax on soapy as above 1000

we dont soapy so meh


But for those without vices don't feel left out if you need fuel & soda

Tax is said to be 20 baht per liter on fuels ...That sucks


Alcohol will not be spared either 30% increase +

nightclubs have to pay by area size talangmeter per year


Ah ......Although we had left last year after 5 years living ... we had hoped to return

for visits...Maybe not as the prices (of some things) was about the only good thing left there


Anyway..... :coffee1:

About the fuel, I truly hope you mean the Jet Fuel,, because if they increase gasoline prices like that it's not going to take long before the whole country collapses.

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6 minutes ago, fruitman said:

I agree about the drugs but not on the traffic safety.


When there's a driver going against traffic it's on the 8 o'clock news the same night and probably with video's. If that happens it's mostly a demented old person or a criminal doing so and for sure he/she won't do it again after that.


I just showed my wife a movie about what was filmed by dashcams in the west, everything filmed happens nonstop on the Thai roads, we see it every day.


Pretty sure 99% of people in Thailand would not pass a drivers license test in any western country.

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2 minutes ago, hobz said:

If they really want to make some money they should legalize and heavily tax cannabis :D


Cannabis is a plant that grows completely for free anywhere !

Why would you pay tax on something that nature gives you completely for free and in an unlimited amount ?


... you should question your believes on why you would let somebody take something from you for

something that's completely free in nature !


The brainwashing sits obviously very deep !


Governments are supposed to protect people from others and not protect them from themselves.

The only thing I would need is somebody to protect me from Governments !!!

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1 minute ago, hobz said:

Pretty sure 99% of people in Thailand would not pass a drivers license test in any western country.

That's why they are not in a Western Country ! ... not sure what makes you think that western countries are superior in any way ?

Because they are all involved in wars, destruction of the environment and going for broke ?

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Just now, brain150 said:


Cannabis is a plant that grows completely for free anywhere !

Why would you pay tax on something that nature gives you completely for free and in an unlimited amount ?


... you should question your believes on why you would let somebody take something from you for

something that's completely free in nature !


The brainwashing sits obviously very deep !


Governments are supposed to protect people from others and not protect them from themselves.

The only thing I would need is somebody to protect me from Governments !!!

I'm all for utopia, but the point is that legalizing or decriminalizing cannabis has been great in terms of tax revenue for some states in the USA. We can have a separate discussion about tax being violent theft.

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4 hours ago, mania said:

No Aprils fool


Actually they are saying new tax on smokers is 5 baht per cigg

So 100 baht a pack

We don't smoke so ...meh


Tax on soapy as above 1000

we dont soapy so meh


But for those without vices don't feel left out if you need fuel & soda

Tax is said to be 20 baht per liter on fuels ...That sucks


Alcohol will not be spared either 30% increase +

nightclubs have to pay by area size talangmeter per year


Ah ......Although we had left last year after 5 years living ... we had hoped to return

for visits...Maybe not as the prices (of some things) was about the only good thing left there


Anyway..... :coffee1:

Cambodia for me then for now on if alcohol is to increase by 30%. What a puritanical country Thailand is becoming. And to think of all the time and energy wasted learning the language.  If I wanted to pay more for 'vice items', I would have stayed in my own country.

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