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Five dead, at least 40 injured in UK parliament 'terrorist' attack


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Islamists know they cannot gain power militarily, but they know that they can do it with political correctness and insisting that we respect their freedom of religion, even though they have no respect for others.

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7 hours ago, i claudius said:

He was a muslim terrorist , you just have to look at a picture of the guy just after he was shot ,and to all the appeasers on here , we all know who i mean ,hang your heads in shame .


The downside of appeasing savages is they simply thirst for more

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27 minutes ago, oxo1947 said:

The people are not being told to go out and kill someone of another faith.


No Kowpot--in a lot of cases they are being told (or condoned that  what they are doing is correct) in killing people of the same faith.


Once again Google images will show you---especially in WW1 the German Catholic priest comforting the troops on one side with prayers tablets, sips of wine------across the line-the English Catholic priest on the other doing the same. Did those priest point out to the pilots in WW2 bombing London that your bombs are mainly falling on civilian targets (that's what the Blitz was all about--break the will of the people)


I do concede that there is a lot of hate preached in the mosque Kowpot---& I in no way want to come across as defending them.-


Your initial post was that if your religion expected you to do this---it wouldn't be one that you would  not want to stay with.


My first thoughts were that unless you are a Quaker---or a  Jehovah's Witness..then I would start looking around....

I just feel the world would be so much better (safer) if everyone agreed that at the end of our allotted time---that we just go to sleep---nothing else.



** Thank you for your polite response--






Yes those images were true. But WW1 was not fought because of religion. It was because the Kaiser, Wilhelm II  sought to control Europe.  Same situation with Hitler in WW2.  We didn't fight the Japanese because they were Buddhist.

  But, the Muslim are fighting the Jews, just because they are Jewish. They are also attacking the rest of the world be we are not Muslim and don't hold any alliance to Islam.

 Hope this clarifies what I was trying to say. If not,  I am sorry. I guess we will just have to agree to disagree.   

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8 minutes ago, bander said:

Send all of them home to their Islam counties where they can kill each others like they have been doing the last 1400 years.

The 2011 census identified 2706066 Muslims in the UK. I invite you to agree that the deportation of all these people is hardly a practical solution.

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The Catholic Church killed millions during their conquests : The Americas, Africa, I guess it was not their intention. Google the Albigensian crusade (1209-1229) ordered by pope Innoncent III.An unknown crime by most Catholics.
When I was 11 I had to follow lessons for my "consecration?" Into the Catholic Church. The little booklet "Catechismus" we needed to learn by memory was full of rubbish from page 1 on.
 I did read other religious books on my younger years, also the Koran.
All are full of rubbish.
It is sad that 5 or 6 billion people are brainwashed into criminal fairy tales as of birth onwards.
Here lays the essence of human stupidity.
Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

If I had my way I would ban ALL religious teachings to children. In most cases it's the Only way people can make up there own mind is they haven't been brainwashd at a early age.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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44 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

What you actually said was.

 It is the part I have highlighted you have been challenged on. You have chosen to ignore those challenges.


One of the aims of the terrorist, whatever their cause, is to sow hate and division in the general population. They have achieved that aim with you and other posters here; so much so that you are now all doing their work for them!

No you are wrong once again. Go and live in a country like Saudi Arabia and see the way they treat women. How other religions can't be practiced and how you are always a second class citizen. the way they treat others like animals. Having young girls as wives which we would call pedophiles and rightly so  How they are inflexible and following an antiquated religion that doesn't belong in modern day society. See the Sharia law, beheadings and beatings and hands chopped off every Friday at the Mosques Then you will understand. I don't hate them, I know that they will never allow integration, even the good people, as there are some. It is the religion and the interpretation that many use. It comes before everything


I have saw how my home country has been invaded and over run in many areas. British culture and people diluted to accommodate others and I still feel that Most British people have tried and allow for integration. I know I did. Simply it doesn't work. It may hurt many posters who feel that we are liberal and should all live in harmony. I am sorry to say it isn't the real world we live in.


Many people in the UK feel the same way but are frightened to say this for being branded a racist bigot or prosecuted for a hate crime.  I expect more and more of these attacks sadly, like in the rest of Europe. Will someone finally stand up and say we have tried and it isn't working. It is a sad fact but it is best if they live on their side and we live on our side our way.

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3 minutes ago, stander said:

Islamists know they cannot gain power militarily, but they know that they can do it with political correctness and insisting that we respect their freedom of religion, even though they have no respect for others.

Islams hidden agenda is World domination, they all read the same Koran who encourage muslims to kill infidels.  

Quran (2:191-193) - "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out.

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3 hours ago, alocacoc said:

Muslims loved to join the march against Trump. But they never march against Islamic terror.

 Yes, they do. Just two examples.


More than 30,000 Muslims from across the world meet in the UK to reject Isis and Islamic extremism
Muslim anti-Isis march not covered by mainstream media outlets, say organisers


Add to that the prolific condemnation by Muslim politicians, clerics, ordinary Muslims.


But even when the mainstream media report it; people like you ignore it.



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26 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

I'm for preventing future terrorist attacks, and I'm pretty sure the moderate Muslims want the same.  We need their help, simple as that. 

That is a very sound solution and I agree but moderate Muslims because of the religion loyalty comes first to Islam. They may said oh that's bad or it isn't us but how about cleaning up your own mess and getting these non moderates out. That is the crux of the problem. The religion seems to have a stranglehold on their morality.


Edited by Laughing Gravy
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2 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

No you are wrong once again. Go and live in a country like Saudi Arabia and see the way they treat women. How other religions can't be practiced and how you are always a second class citizen. the way they treat others like animals. Having young girls as wives which we would call pedophiles and rightly so  How they are inflexible and following an antiquated religion that doesn't belong in modern day society. See the Sharia law, beheadings and beatings and hands chopped off every Friday at the Mosques Then you will understand. I don't hate them, I know that they will never allow integration, even the good people, as there are some. It is the religion and the interpretation that many use. It comes before everything


I have saw how my home country has been invaded and over run in many areas. British culture and people diluted to accommodate others and I still feel that Most British people have tried and allow for integration. I know I did. Simply it doesn't work. It may hurt many posters who feel that we are liberal and should all live in harmony. I am sorry to say it isn't the real world we live in.


Many people in the UK feel the same way but are frightened to say this for being branded a racist bigot or prosecuted for a hate crime.  I expect more and more of these attacks sadly, like in the rest of Europe. Will someone finally stand up and say we have tried and it isn't working. It is a sad fact but it is best if they live on their side and we live on our side our way.



You are right the UK government treats Islam preferentially to appease violent Muslims, thereby violating everyone’s human rights and breeding, even more resentment.

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2 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

That is a very sound solution and I agree but moderate Muslims because of the religion loyalty comes first to Islam. They may said oh that's bad or it isn't us but how about cleaning up your own mess and getting these non moderates out. That is the crux of the problem. The religion seems to have a stranglehold on their morality.



Islamists feed on the same rulebook, the Quran as other Muslims. The peaceful majority are irrelevant.  

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10 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

 Yes, they do. Just two examples.


More than 30,000 Muslims from across the world meet in the UK to reject Isis and Islamic extremism
Muslim anti-Isis march not covered by mainstream media outlets, say organisers


Add to that the prolific condemnation by Muslim politicians, clerics, ordinary Muslims.


But even when the mainstream media report it; people like you ignore it.



How many of the 30.000 muslims are going back to their countries after this peace meeting? 

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5 minutes ago, stander said:

Islamists feed on the same rulebook, the Quran as other Muslims. The peaceful majority are irrelevant.  

Yes that is correct and when you have stats like this and they don't seem to be lowering, you have the problem. people can pretend it is isolated but it isn't. Over the last decade more and more problems with cultural diversity and the unwillingness to integrate.



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I thought the Trump (Pres) tweet was inappropriate and disrespectful. He seems to have appointed himself as spokesperson for the UK PM and his comments are patronising. Would he have used such language if she were a man. He speaks about her like she is a little girl.

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3 hours ago, transam said:

The extremists hate their own too, if they don't think like them...We all know it is time for the religion to take these folk on, but it ain't going to happen.....Why, because non believers are just that...

Who do you think is doing most of the fighting on the ground against ISIS?


It's Muslim troops!


ISIS have killed more Muslims than non Muslims.


Baghdad bombing: Iraqis remind world that most of Isis' victims are Muslims after more than 160 killed


No One Wants to See ISIS Defeated More Than Muslims

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44 minutes ago, bander said:

Send all of them home to their Islam counties where they can kill each others like they have been doing the last 1400 years.

Where would that be? Rotherham? Rochdale? Bradford? 


Wise guys!

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6 minutes ago, true word said:

Attacker was British born, a slap on most of the posters faces here

The media describes him as "British". and yes, there are many like him, who should have their passports revoked, let them get ISIS ones instead.

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19 minutes ago, true word said:

Attacker was British born, a slap on most of the posters faces here

Slap on faces? Not at all.


This is the attacker?




Born in GB? It only proves that our enemies are living among us. And it proves, integration failed badly once more. Even on the second or third generation. Should be a slap into the face of leftists. But they have don't understand it.

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1 minute ago, stander said:

The media describes him as "British". and yes, there are many like him, who should have their passports revoked, let them get ISIS ones instead.

Revoking their passports won't  stop them committing atrocities in the UK and if they were  born in the UK there is nowhere to send them back to.

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38 minutes ago, kowpot said:

Yes those images were true. But WW1 was not fought because of religion. It was because the Kaiser, Wilhelm II  sought to control Europe.  Same situation with Hitler in WW2.  We didn't fight the Japanese because they were Buddhist.

  But, the Muslim are fighting the Jews, just because they are Jewish. They are also attacking the rest of the world be we are not Muslim and don't hold any alliance to Islam.

 Hope this clarifies what I was trying to say. If not,  I am sorry. I guess we will just have to agree to disagree.   

Sorry but the roots of WW1 and WW2 are rather different from what you suggest but off topic to clarify.


I would like to see far fewer Muslims in Europe generally though. They just don't fit in with our civilised society. No problem with refugees on a temporary basis but then homeski!

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Just another terrorist attack. Something that has been happening for the last 50 years in the UK,


In the 1970's, there were about 20 attacks on the mainland, 48 people killed, many injured - 46 by Irish terrorists


In the 1980's there were about 12 attacks on the mainland, killing 38 people - again mainly by Irish terrorists, This does not include Lockerbie, when 270 died, as this was more an act of war.


In the 1990's there were 27 terrorist attacks, killing 20 people. Again, Irish terrorists responsible for most.


In the 2000's there were 11 terrorist attacks, 8 of them by Irish terrorists, 3 by Islamic extremists, Only the 7/7/attacks resulted in Fatalities, killing 56 people.


So far in the current decade, there have been only 5 terrorist attacks, killing 7 people, 3 were islamic extremist attacks, the other 2 by right wing extremists (one against a moslem).


So it seems terrorism has been endemic for the last 50 years, but is actually declining. Going by previous experience we should start by deporting all those Irish catholics who were behind most of this terrorism before we start on the Muslims .....



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15 minutes ago, true word said:

Attacker was British born, a slap on most of the posters faces here

Does it matter where he is born as long as he is indoctrinated (brainwashed) with Islam religion.

"Our working assumption is that the attacker was inspired by Islamist ideology. We know the threat from Islamist terrorism is very real. But while the public should remain utterly vigilant they should not and will not be cowed by this threat."

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3 minutes ago, Rajab Al Zarahni said:

Revoking their passports won't  stop them committing atrocities in the UK and if they were  born in the UK there is nowhere to send them back to.

If the muslim parents who is immigrants cannot control their children, send them back to their muslim countries.

It's the parents duty to raise their children to be good citizen's and not terrorists.

And ban Islam religion in all democratic countries.  

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3 minutes ago, bander said:

Does it matter where he is born as long as he is indoctrinated (brainwashed) with Islam religion.

"Our working assumption is that the attacker was inspired by Islamist ideology. We know the threat from Islamist terrorism is very real. But while the public should remain utterly vigilant they should not and will not be cowed by this threat."

 Interesting that you haven't provided a link to that quote.


Is it because you don't want people to know it was said by the Prime Minister?


So much for the false accusations that the British authorities want to hide the attackers motivation!

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3 minutes ago, rickudon said:

Just another terrorist attack. Something that has been happening for the last 50 years in the UK,


In the 1970's, there were about 20 attacks on the mainland, 48 people killed, many injured - 46 by Irish terrorists


In the 1980's there were about 12 attacks on the mainland, killing 38 people - again mainly by Irish terrorists, This does not include Lockerbie, when 270 died, as this was more an act of war.


In the 1990's there were 27 terrorist attacks, killing 20 people. Again, Irish terrorists responsible for most.


In the 2000's there were 11 terrorist attacks, 8 of them by Irish terrorists, 3 by Islamic extremists, Only the 7/7/attacks resulted in Fatalities, killing 56 people.


So far in the current decade, there have been only 5 terrorist attacks, killing 7 people, 3 were islamic extremist attacks, the other 2 by right wing extremists (one against a moslem).


So it seems terrorism has been endemic for the last 50 years, but is actually declining. Going by previous experience we should start by deporting all those Irish catholics who were behind most of this terrorism before we start on the Muslims .....



That is an idiotic rationalization!  Don't use history, as an excuse, to not confront evil today!

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30 minutes ago, true word said:

Attacker was British born, a slap on most of the posters faces here

Being born in Britain and living  and resecting the British culture are two separate things. It is his religious beliefs that are at question not where he was born. Congratulations on your first post.

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1 hour ago, Berkshire said:

Good point.  Every time something like this happens, the hate just cascades from all quarters.  But how is that solving the problem?  I'm for preventing future terrorist attacks, and I'm pretty sure the moderate Muslims want the same.  We need their help, simple as that. 

After the London bus bombs Blair promised to close down radical Mosques (most) and to deport hate preachers. Twelve years later we are still waiting and the PM waffling on about prayers and not being divided or giving into terror is just not good enough, we need action not more words. As well as the Mosques and hate preachers sharia law at any level needs to be outlawed, failing Islamic Schools closed and of course a total ban in public of the burka. Unfortunately moderate Muslims are not interested in any real action against Islam either.

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1 minute ago, bander said:

If the muslim parents who is immigrants cannot control their children, send them back to their muslim countries.

It's the parents duty to raise their children to be good citizen's and not terrorists.

And ban Islam religion in all democratic countries.  

The man who committed this latest atrocity is said to be in his 50's.

Are you really proposing as a practical solution to the problem to deport his parents, who may be peaceable people now in their 70's or 80's.

Is parliament likely to agree a change in the law making parents vicariously liable for the crimes of their adult children ?

It's all very well to propose a radical populist solution but realistic ideas are in short supply.

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