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PM Prayut confirms Thai Navy to get three Chinese submarines


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2 hours ago, worgeordie said:

It should have been 2 Subs and 1 recovery vessel,that would make more sense.

regards worgeordie


Or one sub, one recovery vessel and 50 mercedes benz. One for each navy general. Well, they may need a few more mercs to keep the other generals happy.

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2 hours ago, colinneil said:

The Chinese subs are the cheapest   :cheesy:

After 2 months they will break down, then sit at the docks for years, and years, no money to fix them.

China wont care, you paid your money, to tough just have to live with it.


Im sure they will come with a warranty of " until you take possession"

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All this money could be spent on something much better. Sad. This is what happens when you let men with small penis syndrome in charge of large budgets. 


I look forward to more tax hikes on things I buy to pay for this frivolous impulse buy. 

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2 hours ago, robblok said:

They are not needed, wast of money and they cost a lot to maintain and run.


Buy some surface vessels to police for illegal fishing.. sounds far more reasonable. 

The hunt for red october and Dhammakayo comes to mind 

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29 minutes ago, kannot said:

Meanwhile back in the real world I have to repair the roads round here as the local govt claims "no  money"

You just have to get with the priorities program. They buy subs while the infrastructure crumbles. Look around the world same same. Nero complex. 

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All this prompted the PM to write another song, this time copying Sheryl Crow "The first cut is the deepest"



I would have given you all of my money,

but there's someone with much sweeter honey,

and he has taken just all that I have,

but if you wanna try a new deal again,

Baby, I try to make a new deal again, but I know...

Chinese subs are the cheapest, Baby I know,

Chinese subs are the cheapest






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The utility of submarines to Thailand is disputed, not least by the country’s King Bhumibol Adulyadej. In December 2007, in response to the navy’s annual demand for submarines, the king noted in his birthday address that the boats were unsuitable for the country as the Gulf of Thailand was to shallow for them operate and that they may become stranded in the mud. The navy politely responded by saying the monarch’s advice would be considered in any future plans to acquire submarines.


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4 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:



I was just thinking about this and 3.6 bil does seem like a deal.
Perhaps a typo?


The Admiral who is in the Government and taking part in the negotiations, payment, as I recall he said, is spread over 10 years or so. B3.6Billion x 10 = Total B36Billion.

Edited by Estrada
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5 hours ago, Enoon said:


Because the megalomaniac seeks to mould Thailand in his own image, that of the intimidating bully:


"Thailand will buy submarines "not for battle, but so that others will be in awe of us," Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha, the nation's former military chief and current head of its ruling junta, said at a 2016 press conference."


Thailand and China: Brothers in arms- Nikkei Asian Review



The world does look on with Awe... at their stupidity :saai:

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5 hours ago, Oink said:

The sole purpose of an attack submarines is to sink shipping.

Makes you wonder which nations ships the Navy considers a sufficient threat to justify three submarines, especially in the Gulf of Thailand.

Then of course they will want to test fire the torpedoes to make sure they work!

Time to cancel that cruise and get the lads off the oil rigs!


Maybe they can test them on illegal fishing trawlers, if they actually ever work...


If not, happy Thailand, got a future Coral reef worth 36 Billions :)


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was known done deal months ago, no way going back down on idea 'thai face' :-/

Just proving governments stupidity really .

Not a top agenda item for thailands current problems but going soak huge amount of money for what will be useless junk in few years as no way thai millitary will keep them serviceable or really have much use for them if were !!

Madness but that the norm here lol . for sure someone getting good kickbacks from this deal .

Edited by BuckBee
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The military has been itching to get the new submarines for a long time after the long previous 4 submarines were sold as scrap to Siam Cement. Previous elected goverments have blocked the attempt due to heavy public criticism. Things are different now after the coup. Public sentiments are pushed aside and approved arbitrary. Military generals happy while the public suck it up.   

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Yup now the Military can sneak up on a fishing trawler or pleasure craft at sea


What the heck does the  military need  subs for . This is not a region on the brink  nor are nation neighbors comming acts of  war


This is to fulfill the dreams of a boy general or admiral  that has always dreamed of YELLING "UP PERISCOPE Blow the  tubes DIVE DIVE DIVE



What a waste  of Thai Tax Money You can build a dam for the money spent on the subs or shore up Hospital services 


What is the benefit for the average THAI "nothing"

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They would be nearly 78 metres long and 9 metres wide, equipped with the latest technology AIP (Air Independent Propulsion) system, that would allow them to dive consecutively up to 21 days without surfacing. Normal nuclear-based submarines can dive around seven to 10 days.  LOL...TEN DAYS....?

EXCUSE ME...! A modern day nuclear sub can stay submerged up to FOUR MONTHS...! Someone needs some schooling...!

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