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Blocking of book launch was to prevent people getting confused: NCPO


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46 minutes ago, jesimps said:

Funny how some people find it necessary to stop the sale of a fairy tale. I find the move really sinister.


Oh I agree, it's stupid to ban it.


I just suspect the book is going to be a steaming pile of self delusional  BS.


If not outright mis-truths, then full of misinformation.



Edited by Bluespunk
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4 hours ago, aussieinthailand said:

So you are qualified to comment on the book as you have read it and fully researched the facts yes?  

"the small, poor farmers got nothing, zilch, nada from the rice schemes(scams)."  So just how many "poor rice farmers do you know that got nothing zilch nada"? Because my wife's sister and extended family were paid, everyone in this village and the surrounding villages were paid, and also our friends in several other provinces were paid, Seems your little dive into the delusional/deceitful/deceptive red-shirt basing shin hating clap-trap propaganda just didn't quite pay off huh? 

Then you let go of the predictable "red terrorist" accusation, followed by the "little educated farmers" line.

Are there poor little educated farmers? Yes, are there educated farmers? Yes, Are there multilingual farmers? Yes, are there very successful and educated farmers? Yes.

And most of them prefer the Shinz rather than Suthep/Mark/junta each of them born into money and wouldn't know their ass from their elbow in relation to rice farming.

So the so-called buying votes bull dust get's thrown out there. You know there is a reason why the Shinz get the votes,,, Because they put policies in that benefit the majority of the people not just the few, eg; national health care.

So if you could (no chance what so ever) Name just one policy that Mark/Dems/junta have put in that has had the same positive impact on the people as the national health care...! Good luck with that...

Thank you for your wishes, and for the reaction you felt more qualified to write.

Let me contradict you by grabbing a chance to tell you that the 'national heathcare' was conceived by the ...'Dems' lead by Chuan Leepkai, who was by the way the mentor of Thaksin, a firy  'Dem' at the time, like his father and one of his uncles who were 'Dem' MPs. The plan, not an easy one to elaborate you will admit, came to fruition during Chuan's second tenure as PM, and was ready to be implemented, by the 'Dems', by 2001, but it is a new political party created by the Shins with Thaksin as N°1 on the list, which 'won' the election, and he was, indeed, the one who made a reality from the ready-for-use national healthcare program he had 'elegantly'(?) 'recuperated'. The truth is nor white nor black, but in shades of grey...?

You write about so many farmers who were all 'paid'(!?) in your family, your village, other villages, other regions. I wrote about a rice scam said to have been created to help the small, poor farmers, while it did not, could not, as their production was deemed too small for them to be granted access to the pledging scheme. No doubt the rice they might have had in excess of their own consumption found its way to the millers, but not in their name, via middlemen and such vultures, taking away a thick slice of the cake and all the cream. Did all those poor(?) farmers you know about get the official pledged price, or were they 'paid' a much lower price, by the middlemen? And had all the costs(!) not risen to a point very little, when any, profit was left for them to survive on?


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Blocking of book launch was to prevent people getting confused: NCPO
Nope,  blocking the book just arouse the curiosity of the people and get them interested to seek the book out. The private launch would not have attracted that much publicity. 
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I think that the famous quote "I Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It" applies here (apparently misattributed to Voltaire, actually from English author Evelyn Beatrice Hall).

The book probably is a bunch of self-supporting bull. I don't care, it shouldn't have been censored.

Yes, I know. Junta. No free speech.

What's next? burning copies in the middle of Sanam Luang? Thailand would then complete its trip backwards to the Inquisition times with a great autodafé.

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15 hours ago, baboon said:

So you complain about a book you have not read and nor shall you. You then remark about its release date. It actually must take a good while to secure a publishing contract, write the book, print it, then organise a launch, not to mention the distribution of it to retail outlets. The logistics aren't exactly the same as posting a brainfart on Twitter or Thaivisa. And the military were unaware all this time?


And then you want to know who is behind it. How about an opinion on the actual raid and whether or not you approve of a military preventing a book launch they obviously were aware of in advance. That is after all the subject at hand.

To 'the subject at hand' as you put it then:

According to the presently existing measure which prohibits political gatherings, the 'raid' was justifiable. Whether it was the best 'strategic' move, or not, being another question (IMO, 'the military' could have found a better way, ...not providing free advertising for Shins' propaganda).

Considering the 'writers' of that book ('s political allegiance) only, the comments given by Mr Yutthapong were quite telling, their(?) work can only be one of deceptive propaganda, another attempt to mislead about the true reasons and negative consequences of the rice 'scheme' under Yingluck's(?!) 'government' which are at the time under examination by a Court, and, as such, I, personally, consider preventing the printing(!) of that book would have been justified. While stopping the distribution will be difficult to achieve.   


P.S.: Will you read that book...?

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9 minutes ago, bangrak said:

To 'the subject at hand' as you put it then:

According to the presently existing measure which prohibits political gatherings, the 'raid' was justifiable. Whether it was the best 'strategic' move, or not, being another question (IMO, 'the military' could have found a better way, ...not providing free advertising for Shins' propaganda).

Considering the 'writers' of that book ('s political allegiance) only, the comments given by Mr Yutthapong were quite telling, their(?) work can only be one of deceptive propaganda, another attempt to mislead about the true reasons and negative consequences of the rice 'scheme' under Yingluck's(?!) 'government' which are at the time under examination by a Court, and, as such, I, personally, consider preventing the printing(!) of that book would have been justified. While stopping the distribution will be difficult to achieve.   


P.S.: Will you read that book...?

So you "personally" consider it is OK for a government to forbid a book on the ground that it does not like its content. Fine! :smile:

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2 hours ago, Jimbo in Thailand said:


Welcome to the TV forums b̶a̶n̶g̶r̶a̶k̶  'PM' Prayut Chanocha!

Thank you, but no, you must have been mislead...

The: 'whether you are with us, or you are against us' kind of 'logic', was and is ever present in the Shins' creations such as TRT/PPP/PTP/...UDD and their followers. Clearly, I cannot possibly associate myself to the red colour, but neither can I to yellow, or green, or any! I have a mind of my own, a quite critical one I admit, without 'friends' or 'foes'. What about you?

Were the consequence of all things Thaksin & Co. decided, bad? No, certainly not IMO. Are the consequences of all things Prayut & Co. decided/s, bad? No, certainly not IMO. Are the reasons behind the decisions of Thaksin, Prayut, anyone with some power, good ones? There I'd have to say: no, mostly not, as, sadly, ego, selfishness, greed and corruption are the main motivations of nearly everything in the country, IMO. How do you think about it?

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20 minutes ago, candide said:

So you "personally" consider it is OK for a government to forbid a book on the ground that it does not like its content. Fine! :smile:

No, on the ground it is, indeed IMO, a work of misleading propaganda, the aim of can hardly be else than creating disruption, and maybe even unrest, at a time when dear Yingluck and other PTP scammers might well soon be found guilty, and heavily fined... (And, technically, it's not the government taking that decision, when I'm correct)

Edited by bangrak
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35 minutes ago, bangrak said:

To 'the subject at hand' as you put it then:

According to the presently existing measure which prohibits political gatherings, the 'raid' was justifiable. Whether it was the best 'strategic' move, or not, being another question (IMO, 'the military' could have found a better way, ...not providing free advertising for Shins' propaganda).

Considering the 'writers' of that book ('s political allegiance) only, the comments given by Mr Yutthapong were quite telling, their(?) work can only be one of deceptive propaganda, another attempt to mislead about the true reasons and negative consequences of the rice 'scheme' under Yingluck's(?!) 'government' which are at the time under examination by a Court, and, as such, I, personally, consider preventing the printing(!) of that book would have been justified. While stopping the distribution will be difficult to achieve.   


P.S.: Will you read that book...?

Are you kidding? It sounds like a right snoozefest. I'm more a John Le Carré man myself...

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a book about how the ptp caused farmers to commit suicide, cost the country billions, enabled the ptp and their friends to make extra pocket money  for themselves while ripping off the rest of the country, somehow I doubt they would include the truth and it would simply be a load of innuendo &  lies. Very much doubt they would mention the trillion baht loan they had organized to increase their own financial positions  and to cover up all the corrupt practices they were doing. The last this the rice scam did was make any of the farmers wealthier but then when has the truth ever been important here when graft and corruption is better suited to people like those that wrote the book.

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13 minutes ago, seajae said:

a book about how the ptp caused farmers to commit suicide, cost the country billions, enabled the ptp and their friends to make extra pocket money  for themselves while ripping off the rest of the country, somehow I doubt they would include the truth and it would simply be a load of innuendo &  lies. Very much doubt they would mention the trillion baht loan they had organized to increase their own financial positions  and to cover up all the corrupt practices they were doing. The last this the rice scam did was make any of the farmers wealthier but then when has the truth ever been important here when graft and corruption is better suited to people like those that wrote the book.

You read the book?

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18 hours ago, bangrak said:

What a waste of trees to print over 434 (four-hunderd-thirty-four!) pages such a North Korean glorifying fable about 'the great leader''s (via his puppet/clone-sister's) fabuloulsly successfull(y ruinous) rice scam (Nr.2)!

'The writers said the book is about the benefits the farmers gained from the Yingluck Shinawatra government's rice subsidy scheme': when it would be 'news', this would be the perfect example of fake news!

This is really scandalous, as the 'grassroots', the small, poor farmers got nothing, zilch, nada from the rice schemes(scams), but prices for seeds, fertilizer, pesticides higher than ever before, higher interest rates for loans, etc. (guess who collected most of the extra money generated by it: the 'friends of'...), ...that while the production of their rice culture was deemed too small for them to even participate to the (in)glorious scheme! Yes, red apologists, they probably would still follow the Shins' orders in an election, voting personally (under the watchfull eyes of ...), or 'renting-out' their ID-cards for a few days...

In fact, it would also be interesting to know who has been financing the printing and distribution of this masterwork of misleading propaganda...

The 'book' coming out now hasn't of course any link with the court hearings of Yingluck and the associated scammers being, at last, nearing their end, for sure, ...nor aiming to create any pressure on the ones to issue a sentence about the scam, ...and of course could never be associated with the intent to stir up tensions in the 'red territories' in case of a negative outcome for the scammers...

To conclude: the writers (as the inspirers(!), and sponsors(!)?) of the book cannot be accused of hypocrisy when they say it has been written 'about' the farmers, and not 'for' the farmers, as who could expect poor and, alas, little educated farmers to spend their short nights of rest to attempt(!) reading such a 434 pages logorrhea, even when they would get the book for free!

Why and for whom was this book written...? 

Better question why the government uproar. As your last paragraph states the farmers would not have enough education to read it on their short nights of sleep. The pages could be blank and it would not matter the government fell into the trap making a big issue over nothing. 

Edited by elgordo38
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1 hour ago, bangrak said:

No, on the ground it is, indeed IMO, a work of misleading propaganda, the aim of can hardly be else than creating disruption, and maybe even unrest, at a time when dear Yingluck and other PTP scammers might well soon be found guilty, and heavily fined... (And, technically, it's not the government taking that decision, when I'm correct)

Probably not more misleading and propaganda than what has been published by/for the opposite political faction on the same topic (with the reserve that none of us has read this book).

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19 hours ago, bangrak said:

What a waste of trees to print over 434 (four-hunderd-thirty-four!) pages such a North Korean glorifying fable about 'the great leader''s (via his puppet/clone-sister's) fabuloulsly successfull(y ruinous) rice scam (Nr.2)!

'The writers said the book is about the benefits the farmers gained from the Yingluck Shinawatra government's rice subsidy scheme': when it would be 'news', this would be the perfect example of fake news!

This is really scandalous, as the 'grassroots', the small, poor farmers got nothing, zilch, nada from the rice schemes(scams), but prices for seeds, fertilizer, pesticides higher than ever before, higher interest rates for loans, etc. (guess who collected most of the extra money generated by it: the 'friends of'...), ...that while the production of their rice culture was deemed too small for them to even participate to the (in)glorious scheme! Yes, red apologists, they probably would still follow the Shins' orders in an election, voting personally (under the watchfull eyes of ...), or 'renting-out' their ID-cards for a few days...

In fact, it would also be interesting to know who has been financing the printing and distribution of this masterwork of misleading propaganda...

The 'book' coming out now hasn't of course any link with the court hearings of Yingluck and the associated scammers being, at last, nearing their end, for sure, ...nor aiming to create any pressure on the ones to issue a sentence about the scam, ...and of course could never be associated with the intent to stir up tensions in the 'red territories' in case of a negative outcome for the scammers...

To conclude: the writers (as the inspirers(!), and sponsors(!)?) of the book cannot be accused of hypocrisy when they say it has been written 'about' the farmers, and not 'for' the farmers, as who could expect poor and, alas, little educated farmers to spend their short nights of rest to attempt(!) reading such a 434 pages logorrhea, even when they would get the book for free!

Why and for whom was this book written...? 

You should write a book !

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What a waste of trees to print over 434 (four-hunderd-thirty-four!) pages such a North Korean glorifying fable about 'the great leader''s (via his puppet/clone-sister's) fabuloulsly successfull(y ruinous) rice scam (Nr.2)!
'The writers said the book is about the benefits the farmers gained from the Yingluck Shinawatra government's rice subsidy scheme': when it would be 'news', this would be the perfect example of fake news!
This is really scandalous, as the 'grassroots', the small, poor farmers got nothing, zilch, nada from the rice schemes(scams), but prices for seeds, fertilizer, pesticides higher than ever before, higher interest rates for loans, etc. (guess who collected most of the extra money generated by it: the 'friends of'...), ...that while the production of their rice culture was deemed too small for them to even participate to the (in)glorious scheme! Yes, red apologists, they probably would still follow the Shins' orders in an election, voting personally (under the watchfull eyes of ...), or 'renting-out' their ID-cards for a few days...
In fact, it would also be interesting to know who has been financing the printing and distribution of this masterwork of misleading propaganda...
The 'book' coming out now hasn't of course any link with the court hearings of Yingluck and the associated scammers being, at last, nearing their end, for sure, ...nor aiming to create any pressure on the ones to issue a sentence about the scam, ...and of course could never be associated with the intent to stir up tensions in the 'red territories' in case of a negative outcome for the scammers...
To conclude: the writers (as the inspirers(!), and sponsors(!)?) of the book cannot be accused of hypocrisy when they say it has been written 'about' the farmers, and not 'for' the farmers, as who could expect poor and, alas, little educated farmers to spend their short nights of rest to attempt(!) reading such a 434 pages logorrhea, even when they would get the book for free!
Why and for whom was this book written...? 

Well clearly it was not written to the thai people.. They only actually read books about an hour a week... So my guess is that the PTO will end of having lots of book reading parties just to read it to their people
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15 hours ago, bangrak said:

Thank you for your wishes, and for the reaction you felt more qualified to write.

Let me contradict you by grabbing a chance to tell you that the 'national heathcare' was conceived by the ...'Dems' lead by Chuan Leepkai, who was by the way the mentor of Thaksin, a firy  'Dem' at the time, like his father and one of his uncles who were 'Dem' MPs. The plan, not an easy one to elaborate you will admit, came to fruition during Chuan's second tenure as PM, and was ready to be implemented, by the 'Dems', by 2001, but it is a new political party created by the Shins with Thaksin as N°1 on the list, which 'won' the election, and he was, indeed, the one who made a reality from the ready-for-use national healthcare program he had 'elegantly'(?) 'recuperated'. The truth is nor white nor black, but in shades of grey...?

You write about so many farmers who were all 'paid'(!?) in your family, your village, other villages, other regions. I wrote about a rice scam said to have been created to help the small, poor farmers, while it did not, could not, as their production was deemed too small for them to be granted access to the pledging scheme. No doubt the rice they might have had in excess of their own consumption found its way to the millers, but not in their name, via middlemen and such vultures, taking away a thick slice of the cake and all the cream. Did all those poor(?) farmers you know about get the official pledged price, or were they 'paid' a much lower price, by the middlemen? And had all the costs(!) not risen to a point very little, when any, profit was left for them to survive on?


Let me retort.   The National Health care was in fact implemented by yu'p that's right THAKSIN, it well may have been the brain child of another person but hey until it is policy put in place then sorry mate it is nothing...

So yet again, name one policy that the Dem's/Mark/junta have put in place that has had the same far reaching positive affect on the majority of the people than that one single policy? Again good luck with that....!

And in answer to your question regarding the "poor rice farmers" I know get paid at the pledged rice price? YU'P they did...!

Question regarding the OP, do you think it good for a junta craving legitimacy yet completely void of it block a book launch in the ridicules guise of we don't want people to get confused clap-trap?  

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