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Trump to sign order sweeping away Obama-era climate policies


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17 hours ago, geriatrickid said:


A sensible person would not make such a silly statement.  Ireland has roughly the same population size as Milan our Toronto. Ireland has absolutely nothing to show, nor teach the USA as it has suffered from decades of corruption and economic mismanagement. In your glorious land, women's rights were  denied and children were allowed to be savaged by the state religion.

Irish people hit hardest during financial crisis, ECB report reveals

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Ireland’s citizens lost more of their personal wealth than any other eurozone country in the aftermath of the financial crash, while Germany and the Netherlands gained the most, fresh data from the European Central Bank shows.






What has any of that got to do with what I wrote?

As for women's rights and children being savaged, the US had as much of that going on as any other country in the world including Ireland.

Ireland isn't my country. I just used it as an example of one that does not give almost limitless power to one person.

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As I see it Trump is taking the US environmentally back 10 years. This will mean that American industry will be less likely to invest in environmental research as there will be no profit in it. However the rest of the world will continue with environmental research leaving the US far behind. By the time the American people or a new President with more sense wake up to the need to take care of the environment the USA will be in an environmental backwater and it will take years and millions of dollars for them to catch up the rest of the world. Other countries who have continued to invest in the environment and have shown that it can also be profitable will economically steaming ahead because they have already made the necessary investments.

Trump is investing in non renewable energy which by definition is limited in resources. Eventually as supplies run low it will be more and more expensive to extract these non renewable energy sources. This will force the US to change but it will be at an enormous financial cost.

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3 hours ago, tomwct said:

You guys don't get it! Obama himself issued these regulations by executive order without Congresses approval. All Trump is doing is cancelling Obama's regulations by Executive Order. Trump ran his election to cancel most of Obama's EO's and Won! So, It's kinda refreshing that a politician is actually following through on his promises. Trump has 4 years to prove himself before he needs to run for re-election. I think he will be successful and hope he promises Term Limits on our Career Politicians in 2020. He would win

on that promise!

Probably best if you do some research before posting:





Didn't Obama also run into legal hurdles?

The Clean Power Plan went to court after Obama unveiled it in 2015. Opponents argue that the EPA went too far under the law to push the rule, while advocates say the agency has the authority to regulate carbon emissions.
The Supreme Court delayed implantation of the rule in February 2016. Since then, a panel of the US Appeals Court for the District of Columbia Circuit heard oral arguments on the merits of the rule, but has yet to weigh in.



This EO will be caught up in the courts for years.  Just like his travel ban.  More of Trump wasting our precious government resources.  Luckily, a majority of Americans disagree with what he's doing on this.  Heck, on everything!  Worst approval rating of any president every. LOL

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4 hours ago, cooked said:

The administration of domains was handed over to ICANN during Obamas era.


It was never the USA's right to control how an international system operated. That was the core issue. How can the USA expect to receive co-operation on  rules that would apply to everyone? In your magical land would you e=accept China making rules that apply to the USA? 


The USA still retains the right to manage the internet within the USA as it sees fit.  It now recognizes and accepts that it can not dictate terms to Australia, Cuba, Niger, Botswana, Denmark, etc.

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No, Trump’s energy moves aren’t dooming the planet


President Trump’s “contempt for clean air, clean water and our clean energy future endangers the health of our children,” thundered Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday. Please.

Trump’s moves to roll back President Barack Obama’s draconian restrictions, notably on coal, and to begin junking Obama’s Clean Power Plan, don’t doom the planet — because the Obama policies weren’t saving it.

Even under the UN climate-change models that are the epitome of climate science, the Paris accord that Obama’s policies sought to honor would only eliminate a fraction of the global warming projected through the end of the century.


See the rest buy clicking on the link to look into the pros and cons.... if you care to do so.

Edited by Ramen087
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22 hours ago, sujoop said:

Ah bliss...  'winning' with Trump:

-reversed Obama rule banning mentally impaired persons from buying a firearm

-reversed Obama rule restricting the dumping of mining waste in streams and rivers

-reversed Obama rule requiring energy companies to disclose how much they're paying foreign governments

-reversed Obama clean water rules pertaining to run-off from Golf Courses and wetlands

-reveresd Obama rule aimed to help states identify failing schools and come up with plans to improve them

-reversed Obama rule requiring teacher programs be evaluated based on the academic outcomes of those teachers' students


Meanwhile, Trump supporters are cheering his reversals of that 'BAD GUY' Obama: 
"Yay, he's lowering our educational standards and making our air and water dirty again. Isn't this great!"

24 hour UPDATE (even more greatness):

White House calls for immediate budget cuts of $18 billion from programs like medical research, infrastructure and community development grants to help pay for the border wall


Congress votes to roll back internet privacy protection


Trump administration moved to squelch testimony of former deputy Attorney General (Nunes cancels Russian hearings):


Meanwhile, in an alternate universe known as Trump's twitter feed:

(back to the 1900's with coal, nevermind natural gas is cheaper/cleaner)

*Big announcement by Ford today. JOBS! JOBS! JOBS!
(erm, Ford made that plan in 2015...)

*The Democrats will make a deal with me on healthcare as soon as ObamaCare folds - not long.
Do not worry, we are in very  good shape!

(thinly veiled threat to sabotage healthcare to get his way - BUT hey, "Do not worry, we are in very  good shape!")

NEXT? Reverse Obama's Dodd/Frank restrictions on Wall Street, banks, investment firms etc so we can have another financial meltdown and great recession


To sum up on topic:
A 'NEW' ERA IN AMERICAN ENERGY! (similar to the 1930's, dangerous populist leaders included...)



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Michael Mann will be debating Judith Curry today:

Chicago is windy at 2*C, with a high 7* in the Afternoon

New York &DC is 10* with an afternoon high of 14*


maybe this time MM will turn the heater up, instead of turning the air-con off like that little gag Jim Hanson pulled 30 years ago..


I wonder if they are going to debate that sticky issue of what that 'schkematic' in the 1st IPCC Assesment really meant??




page 250 or 202.


This is the biggest issue in the climate debate, as of about 2003 Michael Mann & Co. decided that nah..actually it's like way hotter now..

Did the story change or did the report just 'mean' central england?  Could central england really be that much warmer than the rest of the world?  


Did the Vikings really thrive in a {present day}NewFoundland Canada & Greenland that was even colder than the ones we have today?  Could we use a little global warming?  Is it a bad thing-after all food is cheap and if were warmer Canada and SIberia would be greener..


Edited by pkspeaker
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