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Red Bull heir seen living carefree life


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If current self appointed PM wants some extra coffers for his yellow submarines and some respect he should be chasing this high-so scum with his 44

Money talks and murderers walk in land of corruption ...

Nice see the awkward monks and ex pm's being targeted hard while other areas of corruption untouched as obviously friends of friends ;-) ;-)  ...

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1 minute ago, smileydude said:

Unfortunately life is not fair to those who have and have not.  He's probably shacked up in a country without an extradition treaty but it really doesn't matter since the police and courts have dragged their feet due to the amount of money shackled to their ankles.

More likely to be hiding in plain sight.  No need to worry about extradition treaties, since he is not wanted for any crime in Thailand.

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6 minutes ago, Dogmatix said:

Even convicted criminals who have fled their prison sentences are allowed Thai passports, if they pay enough. In his case, he hasn't been charged with a crime and is probably free to come to Thailand and go as he pleases.

I was wondering about the possibility of him now having a diplomatic passport. No visas required.

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4 hours ago, baboon said:

Thai spouses frequently have a hell of a job to set foot in the UK, but here this 'gentleman' is, living it up at Gordon Ramsey's. There's the UK for you...

Not on The UK.He has a proper passport with visas.The UK has no assurance that the spouses will leave.

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10 minutes ago, BuckBee said:

If current self appointed PM wants some extra coffers for his yellow submarines and some respect he should be chasing this high-so scum with his 44

Money talks and murderers walk in land of corruption ...

Nice see the awkward monks and ex pm's being targeted hard while other areas of corruption untouched as obviously friends of friends ;-) ;-)  ...

Unless he returns to LOS he can live as he pleases.His crime ( and he has yet to be indited) is not a State offense and therefore LOS can not ask for an extradition or revoke his passport.

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Just now, sanukjim said:

Unless he returns to LOS he can live as he pleases.His crime ( and he has yet to be indited) is not a State offense and therefore LOS can not ask for an extradition or revoke his passport.

of course my question is Why has not somebody "dropped a dime" on him already.

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4 hours ago, tomacht8 said:

It is embarrassing. A massive face loss for Thailand and its legal system.

Thailand has had no face for years, what your  looking at is the sick and greedy/selfish underbelly

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5 hours ago, inzman said:

Just proof how corrupt the U.K. Is allowing him in! Try to bring your Thai spouse, hell no!

Sorry, but I don't think it shows that at all. He's simply another tourist, whereas foreign spouses trying to get there permanently rightly or wrongly have hoops to jump through. The real issue is why haven't THAILAND put him away?

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Without reading most comment here, which I love as they are usually funny and but this being a serious situation in my opinion and without looking and reading articles on facebook- bullshit.



My response is simple ARREST the low life prick (extradite him), If that is done I will bow on my knees to the the current General  leader who is making things better than they would have been (Red Yellow). Use Article 44 or whatever to do the job. This Red bull heir is scum.

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3 hours ago, baboon said:

No, but the fact he is waiting for the statute of limitations to run out so he can avoid being prosecuted for a crime should flag up when applying for a visa. Consular staff go through Somchai the bus driver's visa application with a fine tooth comb, so why not this guy?

the law has to be innocent till  proven guilty. the real issue is he should not be allowed out of the country.

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14 minutes ago, daveAustin said:

Sorry, but I don't think it shows that at all. He's simply another tourist, whereas foreign spouses trying to get there permanently rightly or wrongly have hoops to jump through. The real issue is why haven't THAILAND put him away?

First you have to make an effort to catch him. 

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1 hour ago, lovelomsak said:

I question that too. Why does he still have apassport?

With his kind of money countries will be stumbling all over themselves to give him a passport to freedom. In most countries if you got the bucks dinero shekels its easy. They even fill in the part where a reference is required. 

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5 hours ago, GeorgeCross said:

the real blot on the image of Thailand 

Just like the rest of the world. Remember - 'If the glove fits you must convict'  ?

To single out Thailand specifically ...

Remember the Golden Rule - "He who has the Gold makes the Rules"

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Let's be reasonable folks.  This culture is based on a system of traditional power hierarchy.  The higher on the ladder you sit. the less possible any legal remedy against you.  Tradition coupled with the age-old fact that money = power.

Just consider who sits on top of the power wagon in Thailand and whether any possible legal action against that person could be brought. 

Boy Red Bull and his family probably supply vast material goodies to the chaps who operate and enforce the law in T'land.

And the family took money from Red Bull so, case closed.  Once the time limitations run out on any enforcement, Boy will return to T'land.  But not before so as to avoid causing the police to lose face.

All any of us can do is to not drink the kool-aid.

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