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Songkran faces ban! Water throwing set to be a crime this year


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Songkran faces ban! Water throwing set to be a crime this year


In a move to reign in Songkran the Thai authorities have finally acted with a swathe of new measures to stop water throwing activities at this year’s upcoming festival.
All “overt” water throwing could now warrant charges for assault with serious dousing cases leading to jail time, heavy fines or both.
The move comes after growing public pressure in recent years to put an end to the drunken revelry at what is often termed the traditional Thai New Year but has become more widely known as “Songkran Water War”.
However, there was good news for traditionalists – sprinkling scented water on Buddhist images and over the hands of respected elders will not be considered a crime, so long as it is done properly and scents used have been purchased from official government outlets.
Meanwhile, it was further announced that should the recommendations be ignored or flouted the festival may be cancelled altogether in subsequent years or possibly incorporated into the Western calendar’s existing New Year.
Economic ministry insiders are saying that this will help with productivity in the nation by combining two holidays into one thus giving Thais less days off.
The move has been hailed by road safety activists as well as the tourism sector who suggest that there will be no detrimental impact on tourism as visitors will now spend more money on perfumes for scented water.
It was also mentioned that it will help visitors to the kingdom understand and appreciate Thai customs better by limiting the number of young women parading in wet t-shirts.
Announcing the surprise measures at the Ministry of Cultural Traditions yesterday was spokesman Haiyut Karnsa-nam who said: “This water madness has gone on for too long and while the military government had announced that returning happiness to the people was a priority in 2014 it has been taken much too far.
“All overt tossing or splashing of water nationwide will be banned. Obviously people will still be able to splash water in the privacy of their own homes for the purposes of showering”.
He said the ban would apply to all public areas for the period of April 12 to 15 inclusive. It would also be extended in Pattaya as it is widely known they do their own thing though critics felt that police at the resort were unlikely to enforce the ban. Inactive posts are being set up just in case.
Thais were further warned that they should refrain from watering the garden during those dates as this might be filmed and shared on social media creating confusion and misunderstanding among the public leading to a possible rise in unnecessary computer crime arrests.
Haiyut also spoke of the legal situation: “When the steering committee was set up to discuss what to do about Songkran we were all agreed that there was no need to waste time and promulgate any new laws”.
The police have more than enough on the statute books to prosecute offenders for common assault or in more serious cases of water tossing, grievous bodily harm, he noted.
“Putting ice into the water could easily warrant a charge of GBH though having powder in the water is a grey area unless it enters the eyes,” he said. “Additionally, using moat water, such as in Chiang Mai, may well constitute an attempted murder charge, as the water is considered hazardous”.
Plans are also underway to set up ESCs (Emergency Songkran Courts) to deal swiftly and effectively with any lawbreakers. Authorities plan to publically torch any water guns that are confiscated.
Government sources said that a massive media exercise centering on Facebook and a poster campaign in Khao San Road are planned to get the message out about this year’s Songkran.
The Bangkok metropolitan police department have chipped in with a promotional YouTube video called “Happy Zone Songkran For U”. They plan to issue smiley face badges to all dry people in the capital during the holidays.
While all water throwing is off limits there will thankfully still be plenty to do for locals and tourists alike. Huge ceremonies are being set up where everyone over 70 will be required to sit in a line to have their fingers sprinkled with jasmine scented water.
The government has signed an MOU (memorandum of understanding) with the Chinese to supply the huge quantity of perfume required at a favorable discount. One source said they were getting three bottles for the price of two.
Foreign visitors over seventy will have the option to take part though some expressed concerns for their health in sitting out in 43 degree heat all day. In this regard, TAT officials said special health insurance would be available at discounted rates, just in case.
Haiyut added: “We on the committee felt it was too late to cancel the celebrations altogether but I would not rule out that eventuality in 2018. From the original one or two day holiday, Songkran has become an entire week off for many Thais”.
While this was acceptable for civil servants, poor factory workers were also downing tools and expecting full pay meaning that the economy was suffering as a result, he commented.
He said that in subsequent years, Thai New Year may be simply incorporated into the celebration at midnight on the 31st of December.
“We are conscious of modernizing Thailand,” he said, “and bringing the kingdom in line with other developed nations may be another great shot in the arm for tourism. Besides, no one will want to throw water in December, it’s just too cold.
He added finally: “Some may think it is sad to abandon our traditions but even in December we will do everything with that special Thai-ness and Thai smile that the world has grown to know and love”.
While the moves to ban water fights were met with surprise by many in Thai society, netizens still consoled themselves with the knowledge that there would now be even greater time to have a local beverage and get totally rat-assed before attempting to drive home.
-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-04-01
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It seems that the powers that be has decided to suck the fun out of coming to Thailand for a good time which millions are doing just that, with no sex in Pattaya and no water fight which is the essence of Songkran for many tourists, other restrictions are put in place now that will turn coming to Thailand for a holidays not much better than other boring countries.....

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26 minutes ago, ezzra said:


It seems that the powers that be has decided to suck the fun out of coming to Thailand for a good time which millions are doing just that, with no sex in Pattaya and no water fight which is the essence of Songkran for many tourists, other restrictions are put in place now that will turn coming to Thailand for a holidays not much better than other boring countries.....

Suck the fun out of what?

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"In a move to reign in Songkran the Thai authorities have finally acted with a swathe of new measures to stop water throwing activities at this year’s upcoming festival."


That should be as effective as the alcohol bans, no smoking bans, underage driving bans, helmet laws...OK you get my drift?


If rhetoric with no follow through was gold, Thailand would be the richest country on earth.

Edited by jaltsc
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40 minutes ago, lemonjelly said:

Nice one, meanwhile I heard there's another food crisis on the way as this years noodle harvest could be affected by the drought.

It's OK, Italy planted many more spaghetti trees a few years ago, and their increased production should be more than enough to make up for any local shortfall.

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11 minutes ago, franklnooner said:

Just another law that will not be enforced so basically useless like nearly all of the so-called laws in the country.

Some people on Thai Visa fall over themselves in the rush to look foolish.

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4 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Thais were further warned that they should refrain from watering the garden during those dates as this might be filmed and shared on social media creating confusion and misunderstanding among the public leading to a possible rise in unnecessary computer crime arrests.


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If this is a correct report sorry to say but the reds and the yellows have produced slowly  a north Korean style leadership in the country of smiles because non of them wanted to find a way out and do some water in there wine at the time they where in front of each other, they get now what sure non of them wanted. In short time smiles will be gone and people will stand up that for  sure. That amount of water who is banned (before rain season) will hurt the economy heavily, many tourists came specially to Thailand for these days of fun,who will be interested to come in that period? It was extending the high season  for 2 weeks.

Economically seen Thailand had the chance to bring money in the country on 3 different new years, I dont know any other country in the world, the traditional end of the year,chinese new year and songkran. All will move to Singapore they already started songkran parties last year.  I agree that some things had to be done but like a dictature no. Many people in this government have not the same view and everybody is saying something just without thinking how is that possible??

I had in the beginning a good feeling with the PM now that feeling is freezing as good as every day when you hear all these stories. If in a few days this is rejected its to late because foreign media will have brought the bad report but will not adjust the new lines.

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2 hours ago, Songhua said:

All those old foreigners who complained about it every year can now venture out without their raincoats and plastic bags.

You should be hopeing that some day you too will be amoung the lucky ones that manage to reach old age some day. Getting more and more difficult these days.....look at the opied and other drug addiction statistics, booze. wars, violence, etc.,etc., etc. 

  I wouldn "knock" it (not saying you are).

  So many of my friends died long before their time.....I was one of the "blessed" ones.

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1 hour ago, mikebell said:

'Putting powder in water is a grey area should be the clue as to how to read this story.

That  bloody powder bakes onto the car in the hot sun and you have to have it cut  out with  cutting paste, no one minds a  bit of  CLEAN water but  buckets of ice and other crap + all the running into the roads to hurl it is sheer stupidity it  also drags on way too long.However as mentioned todays the day

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1 hour ago, jaiyenyen said:


At least the spaghetti harvest has been good this year

"This year"??  Even countries who are not growing indoor hydroponic spaghetti still have color video by now.  I suspect this is not an actual current harvest.  Check your facts sir.

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3 hours ago, Songhua said:

All those old foreigners who complained about it every year can now venture out without their raincoats and plastic bags.

They already have tickets to leave.......or huge stock of white beans so they can stay inside their homes.

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3 hours ago, Songhua said:

All those old foreigners who complained about it every year can now venture out without their raincoats and plastic bags.

I'm 28 and the novelty of Songkran wore off after 2 years, and by the 4th it was simply an inconvenience and annoying 

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2 hours ago, lemonjelly said:

Nice one, meanwhile I heard there's another food crisis on the way as this years noodle harvest could be affected by the drought.

Indeed, people here on tv just arent that smart. 


Or tneir took damn lazy to actually read.


Yet these same folk manage to argue politics to the death despite the fact that the seem to lack the intellectual abiloty to actually understand what they read.

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3 hours ago, ezzra said:


It seems that the powers that be has decided to suck the fun out of coming to Thailand for a good time which millions are doing just that, with no sex in Pattaya and no water fight which is the essence of Songkran for many tourists, other restrictions are put in place now that will turn coming to Thailand for a holidays not much better than other boring countries.....

Having lived here for 11 years and spoken to most; even Thais, most hate the insanity of wasting the most precise commodity water. 


Not to mention  water causing a major wet road hazard for motorcycles and cars.


Most tourists that come here for the first time aren't even aware of the water nonsense and spend thousands to get here only being fearful of venturing outside for as long as 3-5 days. 


Let's not forget to mention the idiots tossing water on backpacks and luggage damaging electronics and smart phones.


No sex in Pattaya...are you kidding me?  Get out of your room and walk for 5 minutes.  Go outside and ask several ladies where they go and 1 will grab your arm and say, "I go with you!"


You need to go to a country suffering a major water shortage to wake up!


Other boring countries?  Every country has interesting history and sights.


You sound very unhappy.


Your post makes no sense, whatsoever.


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37 minutes ago, dotpoom said:

You should be hopeing that some day you too will be amoung the lucky ones that manage to reach old age some day. Getting more and more difficult these days.....look at the opied and other drug addiction statistics, booze. wars, violence, etc.,etc., etc. 

  I wouldn "knock" it (not saying you are).

  So many of my friends died long before their time.....I was one of the "blessed" ones.


Yes, perhaps, but one hopes to age gracefully rather than miserably behind a screen with a fridge full of expired chang next to hand.

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