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Thailand to implement Alcohol sale stores following Scandinavian concept.


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Sri Lanka already does this but no passport, no limits on time or quantity. Have to travel into town to purchase which is boring

There will be a government crony already lined up to operate these stores to line his pockets with the government tax when implemented.

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7 hours ago, oldhippy said:

So if a Thai or Farang travels within Thailand, they can not buy beer or liquor?

Another well thought out plan.


I think it is a good idea,good enough for Sweden.There will probably be special permits from immigration,stating you are an alco., at a small cost.Maybe a letter from your doctor,stating you can't operate as a human bean without 6 longneck Changs to start the day.This permit will be the same as the driving license,with a photo on it,so you can't abuse the well thought out system.Hoarding will not be tolerated,so expect to be checked on by police and immi.You must drink you daily quota.

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Let's just hope this is an April's fool joke.


What's concerning though is that it sounds so realistic these days, with the military government doing their best to turn Thailand into yet another boring country - just without the natural protection and city planning measures.


The blackmailing hotspots with alcohol checks at early morning hours by police troops like they have them in Pattaya now are so typical for Thailand: rip off tourists as much as they can, not thinking about tomorrow. Having such outlets and degrading tourists by having to show all kinds of documentation would be yet another straw on the camel's back.

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7 hours ago, KMartinHandyman said:

Going after the private business sectors profits and ensuring the tax collection. Didn't they talk about state run grocery stores coming awhile back?
What's the political name for a society where the state operates all the enterprises like gas,electricity,water,transportation etc.?

The word is better society.Remember when they privatized all public utilities and said competition would keep prices low.How's that working?Capitalism just allows the big boys to gouge nearly every last drop of blood out of you but not kill you.Dead people can't pay after all.

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9 hours ago, the guest said:

... and in other news, Thailand has suggested that it would like to join the EU, given UK will depart in 2 years time.

..you mean there's a spot up for grabs?

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10 minutes ago, pepi2005 said:

Let's just hope this is an April's fool joke.


What's concerning though is that it sounds so realistic these days, with the military government doing their best to turn Thailand into yet another boring country - just without the natural protection and city planning measures.


The blackmailing hotspots with alcohol checks at early morning hours by police troops like they have them in Pattaya now are so typical for Thailand: rip off tourists as much as they can, not thinking about tomorrow. Having such outlets and degrading tourists by having to show all kinds of documentation would be yet another straw on the camel's back.

...we'll be lining up for rice and flour soon.

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I just heard that these same liquor outlets will sell

* Radiator hoses for early model Volkswagons.

* 5 Litre drums of compressed air.

* Scissors for left handed people

and...a special calendar without April the First on it.


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4 hours ago, toofarnorth said:

Why today ?  Oh yeah that's right .

Oh Jeezuz. 


Had me going. I even told a few neighbors about this. I better stop them before they get too serious about organizing the coup they were talking about. 

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14 minutes ago, pepi2005 said:

Let's just hope this is an April's fool joke.


What's concerning though is that it sounds so realistic these days, with the military government doing their best to turn Thailand into yet another boring country - just without the natural protection and city planning measures.


The blackmailing hotspots with alcohol checks at early morning hours by police troops like they have them in Pattaya now are so typical for Thailand: rip off tourists as much as they can, not thinking about tomorrow. Having such outlets and degrading tourists by having to show all kinds of documentation would be yet another straw on the camel's back.

What blackmail?You mean catching pissup farangs,probably with no license,riding or driving while intoxicated.I know who is not thinking about tomorrow,waking up in hospital with a broken leg and no insurance.

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1 minute ago, ftpjtm said:

Oh Jeezuz. 


Had me going. I even told a few neighbors about this. I better stop them before they get too serious about organizing the coup they were talking about. 


Indeed. Tell them to put the torches and pitch forks away. :)

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5 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

It's rather interesting that so many people believed this was true. I think part of it is that it sounds like something a politician/ government minister might actually suggest.


Could be or some of us were drunk when we read it and it brought chills to our spine that we might sober up now and again if we had to plan our binges ahead of time.

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20 minutes ago, Nicebus said:

I just heard that these same liquor outlets will sell

* Radiator hoses for early model Volkswagons.

* 5 Litre drums of compressed air.

* Scissors for left handed people

and...a special calendar without April the First on it.


In case you haven't noticed or researched, left handed scissors and left handed tin snips are available. 

But not to spoil your fun you could replace scissors with screwdriver or hammer. 

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6 hours ago, pattayadon said:

Yes! Ban prostitution, water throwing on Song Kran, and now ban alcohol so we can truly enjoy Thailand. 555 (Hey, fearless leaders, "leave it alone")

and viagra.


Guess it's Netflix binge day everyday

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14 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

It's rather interesting that so many people believed this was true. I think part of it is that it sounds like something a politician/ government minister might actually suggest.

As they did in Scandinavia, up to a point.......

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"In a raft of measures in line with the government's desire to reduce alcohol related crime and health issues spokeswoman Praewphan Ponhpaiboon announced at a press briefing that the government will implement an alcohol sales policy similar to the Swedish "System Bolaget"  wherein alcohol is only sold in designated stores. "


This proposal is much more restrictive than the Swedish system. Firstly you can buy at any "System Bolaget"  anywhere in the country. Secondly there is no restriction on the quantity you can purchase. Thirdly you can buy all day during normal shop opening times. However there is an age limit in that you must be over 21 years old and be able to prove it. This is to stop teenage binge drinking.


The Thai solution is ridiculous. It means if you go on holiday you are unable to buy even a bottle of wine to have with dinner. Also ridiculous is the strange times you can buy alcohol here, of course shops ignore this rule.


Of course it will only be on the 1st April each year


Edited by ResandePohm
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Dudes! This is an April Fools joke!  However, you know the sad thing about it is that with the "nanny state" policies of the gov the past few years, it doesn't seem all that far-fetched, does it?.  Sigh!


On a slightly more serious note, I don't drink or drug, and I don't like the stuff for any number of reasons, and I don't like to be around peeps who are drunk or high.  On the other hand, I don't support prohibition or any variation on that theme. Prohibition is philosophically bankrupt, and it just makes a bad situation worse. If you don't believe me, just ask Al Capone and one of his spiritual heirs Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán.

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Just another case when the Thai Government have not made a correct Due Diligence. It happen too often here.


If you compare number of outlets in Sweden with the population Thailand needs between 4000 - 5000 outlets. Can Thailand make that before October 1 ! ! ! (If they mean 2017)


The advantage with the monopoly in Sweden is that they can buy in huge quantities. They are the biggest buyer of Vine in the world. That means that Sweden can buy very good quality to a very good price (In my opinion that is the only advantage with the monopoly).


Thailand also have to set up a huge purchasing office to buy good quality to a good price. This kind of Purchasing office is not set up quickly as you need qualified people who knows Vine very well.


The other things that sounds stupid is also that if I am going to vacation outside my Amphur, then I can not go to an outlet to buy Alcohol


They should feel shame when they suggest this to take effect so quickly as it is impossible.


Thailand can not even enforce people to wear a helmet when driving motor bike. How can they make this so quickly.


The Swedish monopoly company was established for 60 years ago.

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Indeed a VERY good April Fool's then.  As Rexall says above ^^, one could be excused for thinking this was an actual proposal from the current "government", to include the unrealistic target date.

Edited by 55Jay
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Just another case when the Thai Government have not made a correct Due Diligence. It happen too often here.


If you compare number of outlets in Sweden with the population Thailand needs between 4000 - 5000 outlets. Can Thailand make that before October 1 ! ! ! (If they mean 2017)


The advantage with the monopoly in Sweden is that they can buy in huge quantities. They are the biggest buyer of Vine in the world. That means that Sweden can buy very good quality to a very good price (In my opinion that is the only advantage with the monopoly).


Thailand also have to set up a huge purchasing office to buy good quality to a good price. This kind of Purchasing office is not set up quickly as you need qualified people who knows Vine very well.


The other things that sounds stupid is also that if I am going to vacation outside my Amphur, then I can not go to an outlet to buy Alcohol


They should feel shame when they suggest this to take effect so quickly as it is impossible.


Thailand can not even enforce people to wear a helmet when driving motor bike. How can they make this so quickly.


The Swedish monopoly company was established for 60 years ago.



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2 minutes ago, kathuboy said:

Just another case when the Thai Government have not made a correct Due Diligence. It happen too often here.


If you compare number of outlets in Sweden with the population Thailand needs between 4000 - 5000 outlets. Can Thailand make that before October 1 ! ! ! (If they mean 2017)


The advantage with the monopoly in Sweden is that they can buy in huge quantities. They are the biggest buyer of Vine in the world. That means that Sweden can buy very good quality to a very good price (In my opinion that is the only advantage with the monopoly).


Thailand also have to set up a huge purchasing office to buy good quality to a good price. This kind of Purchasing office is not set up quickly as you need qualified people who knows Vine very well.


The other things that sounds stupid is also that if I am going to vacation outside my Amphur, then I can not go to an outlet to buy Alcohol


They should feel shame when they suggest this to take effect so quickly as it is impossible.


Thailand can not even enforce people to wear a helmet when driving motor bike. How can they make this so quickly.


The Swedish monopoly company was established for 60 years ago.



Ya think?

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The great thing about Thailand is that we get April Fool's stories like this 365 days a year - no other country can compete with that. I understand they are putting restrictions on this year's spaghetti harvest, too. 

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25 minutes ago, kathuboy said:

Just another case when the Thai Government have not made a correct Due Diligence. It happen too often here.


If you compare number of outlets in Sweden with the population Thailand needs between 4000 - 5000 outlets. Can Thailand make that before October 1 ! ! ! (If they mean 2017)


The advantage with the monopoly in Sweden is that they can buy in huge quantities. They are the biggest buyer of Vine in the world. That means that Sweden can buy very good quality to a very good price (In my opinion that is the only advantage with the monopoly).


Thailand also have to set up a huge purchasing office to buy good quality to a good price. This kind of Purchasing office is not set up quickly as you need qualified people who knows Vine very well.


The other things that sounds stupid is also that if I am going to vacation outside my Amphur, then I can not go to an outlet to buy Alcohol


They should feel shame when they suggest this to take effect so quickly as it is impossible.


Thailand can not even enforce people to wear a helmet when driving motor bike. How can they make this so quickly.


The Swedish monopoly company was established for 60 years ago.

Good gawd...

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