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Russia, Iran condemn U.S. air strike in Syria as Britain, Turkey give support


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Russia, Iran condemn U.S. air strike in Syria as Britain, Turkey give support




U.S. Navy guided-missile destroyer USS Porter (DDG 78) conducts strike operations while in the Mediterranean Sea which U.S. Defense Department said was a part of cruise missile strike against Syria on April 7, 2017. Ford Williams/Courtesy U.S. Navy/Handout via REUTERS


(Reuters) - Russia and Iran condemned a U.S. strike on a Syrian airbase on Friday as Australia, Britain and Turkey gave their support, with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull calling it a "proportionate" response to the use of chemical weapons.


U.S. President Donald Trump ordered missile strikes against a Syrian airfield from which a deadly chemical weapons attack was launched, declaring he acted in America's "vital national security interest".


In a sharp escalation of the U.S. military role in Syria, two U.S. warships fired dozens of cruise missiles from the eastern Mediterranean Sea at the airbase controlled by President Bashar al-Assad's forces in response to the poison gas attack in a rebel-held area on Tuesday, U.S. officials said.


Russian President Vladimir Putin believes the strikes broke international law and seriously damaged U.S.-Russia relations, news agencies cited the Kremlin as saying on Friday.


Iran denounced the "destructive and dangerous" strike, the Students News Agency ISNA quoted a Foreign Ministry spokesman as saying.


"Iran strongly condemns any such unilateral strikes ... Such measures will strengthen terrorists in Syria ... and will complicate the situation in Syria and the region," ISNA quoted Bahram Qasemi as saying.


Britain gave its backing.


"The U.K. government fully supports the U.S. action, which we believe was an appropriate response to the barbaric chemical weapons attack launched by the Syrian regime and is intended to deter further attacks," a government spokesman said.


Turnbull said the strikes sent "a vitally important message" that the world would not tolerate the use of chemical weapons.

"The retribution has been proportionate and it has been swift," he told reporters in Sydney. "We support the United States in that swift action."


Turnbull said the military action was not designed to overthrow the Assad regime, although the reported use of chemical weapons did "raise questions as to whether there can be any role for Mr. Assad in any solution or settlement".


Turnbull called on Russia to do more to ensure peace in Syria.


Turkey viewed the strikes positively and the international community should sustain its stance against the "barbarity" of the Syrian government, Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus said.


In an interview with Turkish broadcaster Fox TV, Kurtulmus said Assad's government must be fully punished in the international arena and the peace process in Syria needed to be accelerated.


French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said Russia and Iran needed to understand that supporting Assad made no sense and that the escalation of the U.S. military role in Syria was a "warning" to "a criminal regime".


"Use of chemical weapons is appalling and should be punished because it is a war crime," Ayrault told Reuters and France Info radio in the Mauritanian capital, Nouakchott, where he is on a diplomatic visit.


Indonesia, home to the world's largest Muslim population, said it also strongly condemned the use of chemical weapons in Syria.

"At the same time, Indonesia is concerned with unilateral actions by any parties, including the use of Tomahawk missiles, in responding to the chemical weapon attack tragedy in Syria," Foreign Ministry spokesman Armanatha Nasir said in a text message.


"Military actions, undertaken without prior authorisation of the U.N. Security Council, are not in line with international legal principles in the peaceful settlement of disputes, as stipulated in the U.N. Charter."


A spokesman for the Polish government said the United States was a guarantor of world peace and there were times when you needed to react.


(Additional reporting by Kanupriya Kapoor in Jakarta, Parisa Hafezi in Ankara, Guy Faulconbridge in London, Andrew Osborn and Jack Stubbs in Moscow, John Irish in Nouakchott, Mauritania, Colin Packham in Sydney, Tulay Karadeniz in Istanbul and Marcin Goettig in Warsaw; Writing by Nick Macfie; Editing by Clarence Fernandez)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-04-07
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1) Why didn't Russia use it's defences to interfere with the U.S. pre-warned  missile strike on 'their' shared Syrian base?
2) Since the Syrian/Russian controlled Shayrat Airbase is also reportedly the origin of the chemical attack, how did Russia NOT know?

With the worst approval rating in similar term presidential history, PLUS the press etc all over Russia/Whitehouse complicit ties (too much heat not good for Trump or Putin), this sudden blow-up & strike provides instant relief to BOTH problems. Trump gets a ratings spike, heats off Putin/Trump ties and Whitehouse spinner Spicer can FINALLY (& suddenly) say: 'WHAT Russia ties? Did you not see the news'???


The real agenda and goals here are both obvious and odious. Putin/Russian ties to Trump need to be thoroughly and independently investigated before it's too late (may already be).

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The only way to blame Trump for this is to start from the mindless premise that everything Trump does must automatically be wrong.


He has been given praise by the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Turkey, Israel, Japan and Australia, and angered Russia and Iran. If he had done nothing, it would likely have been the opposite.

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26 minutes ago, RickBradford said:




The only way to blame Trump for this is to start from the mindless premise that everything Trump does must automatically be wrong.


He has been given praise by the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Turkey, Israel, Japan and Australia, and angered Russia and Iran. If he had done nothing, it would likely have been the opposite.

You forgot to mention Saudi Arabia.

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4 hours ago, TPUBON said:

Assad's palace should have been the target.


Nope….that is not the plan. The Donald knows what he's doing, contrary to what all the pundits here think.


Cant agree with Vlad this time. This is more of a message to all the punks who think the Don is just a sock puppet.

He has shown that if you step out of line he will respond…without all the PC hearings and UN resolutions and fictitious lines in the sand.


That CNN twerp Chris Cuomo was momentarily stunned when he couldn't think of how to attack the donald today….best he could do was ….so donald said in his campaign that he is against attacks in syria…..what a disgrace to journalism.

Edited by JHolmesJr
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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:


Nope….that is not the plan. The Donald knows what he's doing, contrary to what all the pundits here think.


Cant agree with Vlad this time. This is more of a message to all the punks who think the Don is just a sock puppet.

He has shown that if you step out of line he will respond…without all the PC hearings and UN resolutions and fictitious lines in the sand.


That CNN twerp Chris Cuomo was momentarily stunned when he couldn't think of how to attack the donald today….best he could do was ….so donald said in his campaign that he is against attacks in syria…..what a disgrace to journalism.

There's method to The Donald's madness -- a game theory exercise called the Peace/War game showed that the optimal strategy was: Co-operate with the other guy until he crosses the line, then hit him hard, once, and then go back to co-operation. Until he crosses the line again, and so on and so on.


It gets people's attention.

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2 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


Nope….that is not the plan. The Donald knows what he's doing, contrary to what all the pundits here think.


Cant agree with Vlad this time. This is more of a message to all the punks who think the Don is just a sock puppet.

He has shown that if you step out of line he will respond…without all the PC hearings and UN resolutions and fictitious lines in the sand.


That CNN twerp Chris Cuomo was momentarily stunned when he couldn't think of how to attack the donald today….best he could do was ….so donald said in his campaign that he is against attacks in syria…..what a disgrace to journalism.

The US warned the Russians ahead of Syria missile strikes


A U.S. official said the Russians had been warned before the U.S. launched at least 59 tomahawk missiles aimed at Syria.

Pentagon spokesman Captain Jeff Davis said in an official statement: "Russian forces were notified in advance of the strike using the established deconfliction line. U.S. military planners took precautions to minimize risk to Russian or Syrian personnel located at the airfield."


"Russian forces were notified in advance of the strike using the established deconfliction line." Trump warned Russia in advance, He's such a tough guy except when it comes to Putin. Could it be pheromones?

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51 minutes ago, RickBradford said:

There's method to The Donald's madness -- a game theory exercise called the Peace/War game showed that the optimal strategy was: Co-operate with the other guy until he crosses the line, then hit him hard, once, and then go back to co-operation. Until he crosses the line again, and so on and so on.


It gets people's attention.

And is part of that game theory exercise warning the other guy that you're going to attack?

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21 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

And is part of that game theory exercise warning the other guy that you're going to attack?

i think he just didnt want to bump off a platoon of russians and start off something really big.

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6 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

i think he just didnt want to bump off a platoon of russians and start off something really big.

I see.  And you think that is compatible with this?

"Cant agree with Vlad this time. This is more of a message to all the punks who think the Don is just a sock puppet.

He has shown that if you step out of line he will respond…without all the PC hearings and UN resolutions and fictitious lines in the sand."

In fact, what his shows is that he will do the minimum possible to keep his tough guy credentials without actually accomplishing anything. I'm sure the Russians are trembling with fear...or is it stifled laughter?

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2 hours ago, daveAustin said:

Of course they do. But, then again, anything this pair says you can go the polar opposite and feel good about your choice. Evil, bent and downright ugly to the core.

And the upright, morally straight and inwardly beautiful Turkey and Saudi Arabia support it.

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19 hours ago, RickBradford said:

He has been given praise by the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Turkey, Israel, Japan and Australia, and angered Russia and Iran. If he had done nothing, it would likely have been the opposite.

Bit strong using the word "praise".  They have agreed with the action but all seem to be questioning the wisdom of the way he has gone about it.  I go along with that view as well.  Problem with Trump is that he is such an unstable leader that people need to be very cautious when trying to guess what he will do next.  We all figured that he would be rattling cages but maybe not quite like this.

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Nope….that is not the plan. The Donald knows what he's doing, contrary to what all the pundits here think.
Cant agree with Vlad this time. This is more of a message to all the punks who think the Don is just a sock puppet.
He has shown that if you step out of line he will respond…without all the PC hearings and UN resolutions and fictitious lines in the sand.
That CNN twerp Chris Cuomo was momentarily stunned when he couldn't think of how to attack the donald today….best he could do was ….so donald said in his campaign that he is against attacks in syria…..what a disgrace to journalism.

What line? Trump previously went on record prior to being elected that any attack on Syria would be stupid! Who's stupid now? He's such a hypocrite.
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On 4/7/2017 at 4:00 PM, jacobus said:

Without any investigation, much less corroboration, the idiot puppet president trump goes and pokes the Russian bear by attacking Syria.  




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1 hour ago, jerojero said:

What line? Trump previously went on record prior to being elected that any attack on Syria would be stupid! Who's stupid now? He's such a hypocrite.

relax man, he said that about a full on invasion that included killing the top guy, regime change etc….this was just a warning that he's not below using force if pushed. if i can hit this airfield i can hit your palace etc etc

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24 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

relax man, he said that about a full on invasion that included killing the top guy, regime change etc….this was just a warning that he's not below using force if pushed. if i can hit this airfield i can hit your palace etc etc

The President must get Congressional approval before attacking Syria-big mistake if he does not!

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3 hours ago, thequietman said:



On 6 May 2013, in an apparent reaction to Del Ponte’ comments the Commission issued a press release clarifying that it “has not reached conclusive findings as to the use of chemical weapons in Syria by any parties in the conflict”.

Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic


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15 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

The President must get Congressional approval before attacking Syria-big mistake if he does not!

Extenuating circumstances notwithstanding.


Most of the civilised world is on his side for this one. And he will not make a dumb ass move like sending in the marines.


The Donald appears brash but I believe he is very careful. 


You will be screaming yourself hoarse trying to nail him on this one.


Good luck.

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5 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

Extenuating circumstances notwithstanding.


Most of the civilised world is on his side for this one. And he will not make a dumb ass move like sending in the marines.


The Donald appears brash but I believe he is very careful. 


You will be screaming yourself hoarse trying to nail him on this one.


Good luck.

So instead he makes a pointless move that hasn't affected the balance of power in Syria at all. On the other hand, Nikki Haley is now saying it's American policy to remove Assad

Nikki Haley: Regime change and the end of Assad is Trump's next priority for Syria

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said in an interview that she sees regime change in Syria as one of the Trump administration's priorities in the country wracked by civil war.

Defeating Islamic State, pushing Iranian influence out of Syria, and the ouster of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad are priorities for Washington, Haley said in an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union” which will air in full on Sunday.

"It just -- if you look at his actions, if you look at the situation, it's going to be hard to see a government that's peaceful and stable with Assad."


And not only that. They're going to see that every Syrian child gets a pony.

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On Friday, April 07, 2017 at 1:49 PM, JHolmesJr said:


Nope….that is not the plan. The Donald knows what he's doing, contrary to what all the pundits here think.


Cant agree with Vlad this time. This is more of a message to all the punks who think the Don is just a sock puppet.

He has shown that if you step out of line he will respond…without all the PC hearings and UN resolutions and fictitious lines in the sand.


That CNN twerp Chris Cuomo was momentarily stunned when he couldn't think of how to attack the donald today….best he could do was ….so donald said in his campaign that he is against attacks in syria…..what a disgrace to journalism.

And millions of Trump supporters were stunned as it represents a 100% turnaround on what he has said numerous times in the past , not least during his campaign.On the face of it I support the air strikes but where does it leave those who , like Trump , accused HC of being a murderous war criminal ?

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I wasn't, and still aren't, a Trump supporter, but for those who thought he was all over the place with his whims-of-the-day policies in the US, I think a few countries are going to be quite shocked at what he does internationally.   


Under Obama, naughty countries got sent to the corner.   Under Trump, I think they will get a spanking.   


We have seen what he can do with a microphone and a twitter account.   Imagine what he can do with an entire military.   

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6 hours ago, Credo said:

I wasn't, and still aren't, a Trump supporter, but for those who thought he was all over the place with his whims-of-the-day policies in the US, I think a few countries are going to be quite shocked at what he does internationally.   


Under Obama, naughty countries got sent to the corner.   Under Trump, I think they will get a spanking.   


We have seen what he can do with a microphone and a twitter account.   Imagine what he can do with an entire military.   

An approach that has worked so well in the past.

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