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Online 90 Day Reporting Site Is Working

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9 minutes ago, JIMJFOX said:

QUOTE__ Immigration Division 1

Just forget that website. They do not seem to be supporting it anymore.

This is the correct site now. https://www.immigration.go.th/content/sv_90day

For online reporting this is the address for it. https://extranet.immigration.go.th/fn90online/online/tm47/TM47Action.do


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On 24/11/2017 at 10:24 AM, ubonjoe said:

Just forget that website. They do not seem to be supporting it anymore.

This is the correct site now. https://www.immigration.go.th/content/sv_90day

For online reporting this is the address for it. https://extranet.immigration.go.th/fn90online/online/tm47/TM47Action.do


What’s the latest? I’m on Safari using internet explorer extension and when you finally plod through to the end of the first page having entered captcha then submit it just keeps going to a blank page. This is exactly the problem I had last time reporting over 6 months ago. I’ve tried using the switching agent for explorer 7 right through to 10 with same results. See someone else reported blank page scenarios. Is this a terminal problem due to my set up or just the site being useless ?

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29 minutes ago, nchuckle said:

What’s the latest? I’m on Safari using internet explorer extension and when you finally plod through to the end of the first page having entered captcha then submit it just keeps going to a blank page.

That can happen if you have a popup blocker that is blocking a popup message. Try turning off any popup blocker to see if that helps.

The message is normally one to contact your local office.

The message occurs when the system cannot find your records.

It can be caused by one of the required fields not being completed correctly. A common one is not using the drop down menu to select your nationality.

It can also occurif you have an entry prior to 2013 or a new passport since your last entry.


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  • 5 months later...

Note : Please keep the transaction reference number for follow-up or reporting a problem to the help desk when necessary.


Has anyone tried reporting the problem to the help desk?


I cannot even find the help desk!

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11 minutes ago, Yorkie said:

Note : Please keep the transaction reference number for follow-up or reporting a problem to the help desk when necessary.

Where did you find that on the online reporting site?

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There is no help desk that I am aware of. The reference number is really only good for checking the status of your application.




If you do not get an approval you have to check with your local office about it since they are the ones that do it. 

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  • 3 months later...

Sorry, she has now been more specific - apparently it's my email address that's the problem - it's never been a problem before (cscoms.com). I'll try another address.


[OK, sorry to bother you - my gmail address appears to work].

Edited by Yorkie
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2 minutes ago, Yorkie said:

Sorry, she has now been more specific - apparently it's my email address that's the problem - it's never been a problem before (cscoms.com). I'll try another address.

Apparently you got on the site and got far enough to of entered your email. Others have had problems with their email address for some unknown reason.

Not working to me means you could not access the site.

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On 7/31/2018 at 3:04 PM, ubonjoe said:

Apparently you got on the site and got far enough to of entered your email. Others have had problems with their email address for some unknown reason.

Not working to me means you could not access the site.

With all due respect, "working" , for me, would mean that I can successfully process my 90 days reports...

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2 minutes ago, KiChakayan said:

With all due respect, "working" , for me, would mean that I can successfully process my 90 days reports...

If they can access the site but have a problem that should be mentioned in the post.

Just stating it is not working is not enough.

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Has Anybody had any luck with 90-day online reporting for the Phang Nga province? 

I keep getting the standard "contact your Imm branch" message. I am using both IE & Firefox with pop-up blockers turned off.


Edited by LuckyG
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