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Bangkok dad fed up with his lazy, aggressive son empties his .38 into him


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26 minutes ago, djayz said:

What came first? The chicken or the egg? 


Was the deceased son lazy by nature or was he lazy because the parents never bothered to teach him to get up and do household chores, look for a part-time job (when he was a child) and to look for a job then later in life? 


The longer I stay here, the more I realize that the parents pass on very little advice or guidance to their children. They're not taught anything useful/relevant. Clean your room, help with the housewirk, help in the garden, was the car, take out the rubbish, do your homework, turn off the TV and go out and play, etc. are things every child should hear on a regular basis. 

I think laziness is learnt, not a natural instinct. I cannot agree with you that All Thais do not learn or help around the house. The children of my wife make it difficult for me to do anything on my own. They always rush to help. The village kids are always in the paddocks when they are not at school. Maybe it is just my village though? 

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10 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Is this how we handle anger, a .38, surely there were other alternatives, RIP to the son and God give the mother the strength to go on after losing her son, as for the father, well the death of your son will be in your memory of guilt until the day you take your last breath, sad for the family, very sad, regardless of race, a life has past all too soon.

i hope u get a son like that

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12 hours ago, lvr181 said:

That would be and understatement :smile: 


I would add in lack of education, lack of morality and lack of understanding of true Buddhism.

about thai style buddhism a little story ...a long while ago i encountered a nice but slightly bewildered angry smiling little bit drunk taxi driver...after stirring up a conversation he showed me his amulettes hanging down from a chain under his shirt....the biggest was about 15 cm diametre...i was surprised that such a piece would be comfortable to wear...he told me straight faced that these amulettes will protect his life because soon he will shot the boyfriend of his wife...( well i can understand his anger and honestly found myself couple of times in the same situation but found greater reliev kicking out the bitch and not having to do time for such an <deleted> )...anyway i was able to talk him out of his ideas .... i think buddhism is a peacfull religion but its all about people... 

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Full marks to the guy he did the country a big favour


From experience I know what its like as I watched a certain Brother In Law rip of his hard working dad (90) year after year by steeling money from the shop along with Cigs and Drink. He has never done a days work in his life and when he started to treat his sisters like crap and threaten to kill my wife, right hook 7 times before he hit the ground shut him up for a while. Then the threats to me of I will kill you, so he got another meeting with two of my best friends. He is a nightmare, so I guess was this guys son


Good riddens sunshine rot in hell for treating your family like this

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2 minutes ago, free123 said:

about thai style buddhism a little story ...a long while ago i encountered a nice but slightly bewildered angry smiling little bit drunk taxi driver...after stirring up a conversation he showed me his amulettes hanging down from a chain under his shirt....the biggest was about 15 cm diametre...i was surprised that such a piece would be comfortable to wear...he told me straight faced that these amulettes will protect his life because soon he will shot the boyfriend of his wife...( well i can understand his anger and honestly found myself couple of times in the same situation but found greater reliev kicking out the bitch and not having to do time for such an <deleted> )...anyway i was able to talk him out of his ideas .... i think buddhism is a peacfull religion but its all about people... 

Buddhism is a philosophy based on compassion, tolerance, peace and an afterlife. Thailand has always been a bit problematic about this, they include the gods of nature, the spirits of the dead, and other superstitions. Including a Jewish belief, every bad action must have a payment. I don't knock Thai beliefs, they are as acceptable as virgin births, resurrections and other miracles as practised by western religions. 72 virgins as practised my Muslims 

Tomorrow early morning I go to pay homage to the dead at the local temple with my wife. She is cooking up a treat for the monks as I write. Simple, wonderful Thai village people. I love them and their country  






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I feel sorry fr thisold fellow, and that he will spend a long time in Jail for killing his abusing son.

   I hope the courts get the whole story, and give the old guy a break.  THe mother should be able to tell about

the son and the abuses. The killing sounds like a case of self defence to yet another beating. 


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2 hours ago, abab said:

Reason why I will never have kids !



One day you may meet a beautiful wife. (or gayboy) I say this in the way that a beautiful wife is not only about looks. Her beautiful heart. This sums up my wife who is fussing about me and wanting me to go to bed right now. And wanting me to go to the temple tomorrow to pay respect to all the close family who are not here anymore. (cannot say dead, it is bodai) Big temple day tomorrow, today. lol

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13 hours ago, kiwikeith said:


I have a good friend she is a Thai lady from Esan she had to come back here to help her dyeing mother.

When she got back her drunken brother had stolen the title to the farm and sold some of it through a crooked lawyer to pay gambling debts, he then beat her up and demanded money from her as he thinks she is rich now as she had a hair salon in NZ.

The drunken brother terrifies the rest of the family even when poor old Mom was dyeing he was threatening my friend and her sister who then had to gang up together to ward him off.

Lucky he did not have a gun, lucky so far.

Yes-that behaviour seems pretty normal up here.

After some cogitation I have come up with a Bill of Rights that pertains to my stepson and most of his friends.

1,I have the right to be 25 years old and to have never worked a day in my life.

2.I have the right to sleep in until midday and then fry my brains drinking whiskey all night.

3.I have the right to spurn all forms of education including technical training.

4.I have the right to perpetually cadge small sums of money off any female in my extended family.

5.I have the right to become verbally abusive and physically threatening when these demands are not met.

6.I have the right to become equally abusive when someone/anyone requests that I do something for them.

7.I have the right to borrow people's motor scooters and smash them.

8.I have the right to break into my mothers restaurant and steal alcohol and other beverages.

9.I have the right to perpetually lie about anything that I choose to.

10.I possess these rights in abundance because I am a Thai male and I am NUMBER ONE.


I doubt that he and his friends entertain the notion that someone-a little old 73 year old Thai gentleman perhaps?-might have the right to finally snap and administer a severe case of lead poisoning to him or to them.

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13 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

Wow you sure opened up and it was an amazing read. You should change your avatar your ego is long gone replaced by truth and happiness. Yes I think the Mrs. is on the right track and I doubt if any of the sons will choose the door route. They will realize a good thing when they have it. Cheers you made my day. 

That'as another thing we encourage in our home, not to lie, to put what is on ones mine on the table (out with it), and no talking back, the kids all have chores after school before they can chill, like sweep, mop, before school its make your beds, clothes in your baskets, we run a tight ship, in a relaxed environment, if one steps out of line, they are quickly brought in line, and no we are not military, we are teaching our kids how to grow and how to look after themselves, weekends its wash your clothes and if they are not done correctly, like taking a short cut, Mrs will get them to start again, and they will do it by hand outside in the heat, so they have a choice, night time when its cooler, they start to iron and put clothes away, me, I do sweet FA because I am just the ATM machine, that is when I need to be 555


As for avatar I borrowed it from a number plate on a white 1974 Rolls Royce Silver Shadow that I saw back home when I was a teenager, very befitting, however I have never owned such a classy car, got as far as a BMW X5 and that was very satisfying for the 3 years I owned it.


Happy to have made a day, keeps smiling and keep breathing

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11 hours ago, fdch said:

i hope u get a son like that

I dare say you lack empathy fdch, that or you have the brain of a 4 year old, now why would you wish that upon me, do you have a son that you cannot handle and want to KILL him ?


It would appear that you are another shallow Xpat on TVF, I am starting to learn more and more why some Xpats come to Thailand, all pent up with their anger, must be to join TVF and release.


As the Thai's say, you have a "dog mouth"


Time to grow up 555 

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3 hours ago, Odysseus123 said:

Yes-that behaviour seems pretty normal up here.

After some cogitation I have come up with a Bill of Rights that pertains to my stepson and most of his friends.

1,I have the right to be 25 years old and to have never worked a day in my life.

2.I have the right to sleep in until midday and then fry my brains drinking whiskey all night.

3.I have the right to spurn all forms of education including technical training.

4.I have the right to perpetually cadge small sums of money off any female in my extended family.

5.I have the right to become verbally abusive and physically threatening when these demands are not met.

6.I have the right to become equally abusive when someone/anyone requests that I do something for them.

7.I have the right to borrow people's motor scooters and smash them.

8.I have the right to break into my mothers restaurant and steal alcohol and other beverages.

9.I have the right to perpetually lie about anything that I choose to.

10.I possess these rights in abundance because I am a Thai male and I am NUMBER ONE.


I doubt that he and his friends entertain the notion that someone-a little old 73 year old Thai gentleman perhaps?-might have the right to finally snap and administer a severe case of lead poisoning to him or to them.

I am a firm believer that you get back what you put in, a son or a daughter that is not raised with guidance, responsibility and chores from young, can turn out to be a pain in the ass, both my wife and I have both agreed that if the kids give us grief when they reach the magical age that they can legally leave, we will both give them the heave ho.


Our children are our children as long as they provide us happiness and abide by our simple rules, we have no room for misery in our home.

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5 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

That'as another thing we encourage in our home, not to lie, to put what is on ones mine on the table (out with it), and no talking back, the kids all have chores after school before they can chill, like sweep, mop, before school its make your beds, clothes in your baskets, we run a tight ship, in a relaxed environment, if one steps out of line, they are quickly brought in line, and no we are not military, we are teaching our kids how to grow and how to look after themselves, weekends its wash your clothes and if they are not done correctly, like taking a short cut, Mrs will get them to start again, and they will do it by hand outside in the heat, so they have a choice, night time when its cooler, they start to iron and put clothes away, me, I do sweet FA because I am just the ATM machine, that is when I need to be 555


As for avatar I borrowed it from a number plate on a white 1974 Rolls Royce Silver Shadow that I saw back home when I was a teenager, very befitting, however I have never owned such a classy car, got as far as a BMW X5 and that was very satisfying for the 3 years I owned it.


Happy to have made a day, keeps smiling and keep breathing

Your on the right track. Kids that are coddled seem to run into a vacuum when its time to leave the nest. You seem to have a balanced program balanced with love. Good 

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I read it as a spontaneous act. In such circumstances the guys father would have not been fully aware of what was happening. We don't know if the son was being violent just before the shooting. This is not a case of the father being fed up and shooting him. This has built up over years and he reached the point were he snapped. I don't condone the actions of the father but we do not know the full circumstances in which the shooting took place.

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On 4/13/2017 at 1:02 PM, fdch said:

well i do not blame him. my wife has 2 of them not violent , but lazy as hell only taking not giving anything

now in the early 20's  maybe if they do not change before 42, same thing happens here

1 has a room full of whiskey bottles, my wife excuse " he likes whiskey" i drink a beer she says why you drink every day?

thai women are the blame for all of this they are wonderfull ladies but  education ??they only hit female children not boys oh no!

those little princes should be hit from when they reach 5 that is when they are no longer cute!!!

and start to be a pain in the ass

Yes-it is called denial,projection and displacement.As the little princes cannot be criticized (no Thai's behaviour can be criticized let alone be subjected to objective scrutiny) then everything gets displaced on to someone else-and a foreigner can become a very large target as they stand outside of the culture.



My wife once accused me of "drinking too much" whilst her entire family had pretty much passed out dead drunk on the concrete floor.


Something to watch out for if the process is ongoing and occurring on a regular basis.


Of course,from time to time,the restraint slips and somebody gets assaulted or shot.

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On 13/04/2017 at 3:32 PM, elgordo38 said:

I have the name and phone number of a good dominatrix if your interested. She is a lusty lady in her approach to her chosen profession. She will definitely leave her mark on you. 

Thanks mate but I think the challenges of explaining that particular deviancy to the current Mrs D Lord outweighs any satisfaction gleaned from indulgence


nice offer though



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This past Sunday in Chicago (USA), a father and son were arguing about walking the dog and got into a gun fight. The 22 year old son was shot multiple times and died. The 43 year old father  was also shot multiple times but apparently is in fair condition.

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On 13/04/2017 at 9:31 PM, Odysseus123 said:

Yes-that behaviour seems pretty normal up here.

After some cogitation I have come up with a Bill of Rights that pertains to my stepson and most of his friends.

1,I have the right to be 25 years old and to have never worked a day in my life.

2.I have the right to sleep in until midday and then fry my brains drinking whiskey all night.

3.I have the right to spurn all forms of education including technical training.

4.I have the right to perpetually cadge small sums of money off any female in my extended family.

5.I have the right to become verbally abusive and physically threatening when these demands are not met.

6.I have the right to become equally abusive when someone/anyone requests that I do something for them.

7.I have the right to borrow people's motor scooters and smash them.

8.I have the right to break into my mothers restaurant and steal alcohol and other beverages.

9.I have the right to perpetually lie about anything that I choose to.

10.I possess these rights in abundance because I am a Thai male and I am NUMBER ONE.


I doubt that he and his friends entertain the notion that someone-a little old 73 year old Thai gentleman perhaps?-might have the right to finally snap and administer a severe case of lead poisoning to him or to them.

OK the best thing I have read in decades

This man should be PM and possible be K>>>

You are a star sir, and many others feel the same for Donkeys, sad that others with little education disagree

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5 hours ago, Damrongsak said:

This past Sunday in Chicago (USA), a father and son were arguing about walking the dog and got into a gun fight. The 22 year old son was shot multiple times and died. The 43 year old father  was also shot multiple times but apparently is in fair condition.

Well if they are both that keen on walking the dog

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