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Germany's Schaeuble says if Muslim migrants don't like Europe, go elsewhere


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Germany's Schaeuble says if Muslim migrants don't like Europe, go elsewhere




German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble before the weekly cabinet meeting in Berlin, Germany, April 5, 2017. REUTERS/Fabrizio Bensch


BERLIN (Reuters) - Muslims who migrate to Europe should understand that there are better places for them to live if they do not want to accept the European way of life, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said on Wednesday.


Such migrants who do not accept Europe's way of living should be told "you have made the wrong decision", Schaeuble said during a round table discussion in Berlin.


"There are better places in the world to live under Islamic law than Europe," he added.


Turning to the euro zone, he said that if European countries want to keep the euro, they must implement the common currency's framework of joint responsibility.


(Reporting by Gernot Heller; Writing by Paul Carrel; Editing by Alison Williams)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-04-13
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"BERLIN (Reuters) - Muslims who migrate to Europe should understand that there are better places for them to live if they do not want to accept the European way of life, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said on Wednesday.


Such migrants who do not accept Europe's way of living should be told "you have made the wrong decision", Schaeuble said during a round table discussion in Berlin.


"There are better places in the world to live under Islamic law than Europe," he added."



I could not agree more, if you want Islam so bad then don't come in the first place, I am sure you won't be missed :coffee1:

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10 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Can this be the first crack in the wall?

Hopefully he is representing government opinion and not just his own.


No I don't think so, this very prominent Muslim said much the same thing.


Rotterdam's mayor tells Muslims to pack their bags and go if they don't like freedom

Rotterdam’s Moroccan born mayor tells his fellow Muslim immigrants they “can ---- off” if they do not appreciate freedom of speech in the aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack


Edited by pitrevie
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Those one million plus Muslims refuges cost Germany and it's

states over 20 billion euros and will cot up to 100 billions by year 2020...

Rejoice dear German people, your bleeding heart leader has

brought that joy on your heads....

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1 hour ago, terryw said:

If a UK politician had said this about our 'peaceful law abiding' Muslims then he/she would now be in prison charged with hate crimes.

The UK has gone way too far down the multicultural nonsense road.


The islamics have even been allowed to set up their own parallel legal system in 100 odd shariah courts dispensing out civil cases justice.


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How many refugees has Russia taken in? Seems closer, more space..... why has no one gotten on Russia's case for this? Part of Russia strategy to destabilize the west is to flood with refugees.... Regarding damage to German economy, don't they have strongest economy in Europe? Refugees are an asset to a country (generally).... they have gone through hell, are motivated to start new life and work their tails off to accomplish that

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38 minutes ago, fxe1200 said:

First Europe should refrain from all military actions in the Middle East and Africa. Then it would have the right to send those refugees to those countries, which destroy their lands.

That one is totally off the mark. In Syria we got the IS and the Nusra Front (i.e. Al Quaida) trying to grab power for being Sunni, Turkey trying to destabilise Assad by smuggling weapons to the "Sunni-rebels" to re-establish a neo-Osman empire and generally being dicks, Iran being protective of their Shia friends in Syria, and Russia helping Assad to keep him in power. Which already is enough for all out mayhem.


"The West", Europe to a lesser degree, is supplying weapons to "moderate rebels" (they otherwise would not think of touching with a ten-foot-pole) because those are the "lesser evil" with a view to IS and Al-Quaida, and will protect the civilian population from those. Well, and to some part from Assad, whom the west is also trying to keep from committing atrocities against the population. While nobody likes Assad and there are some useless ruminations about any peace deal being only possible without him, he is the lesser evil. And likely to stay because Russia is [expletive] about the West's handling of Libya


As to African countries, the only thing the west is doing there are peace-keeping missions to keep several Sunni "rebel groups", frankly just marauding bands of robbers and murderers, from wrecking, i.e. keep from destroying, Mali and maybe try and re-establish some form of statehood to Somalia. Plus keep the IS from destroying fledgling democratic Tunisia (as far as it goes, don't ask me if it is going to last and if you can indeed build a Sunni state on democracy) and establishing itself in the remnants of Libya. The various "militias" or "rebels" in northern Africa are not the making of the West, but a result firstly of overpopulation in those regions with a war-index of between 4 and 6 (i.e. the young male population multiplying at that rate within a generation and being unable to sustain themselves; which is obviously infeasible without a spare Earth) and only secondly Islam. Algeria for example is more or less fine with a war index of just 2, after a civil war there start of the nineties that was not any better than what we are seeing now in Iran/Iraq, just there was no internet (i.e. there, or broad public access to it in Europe) and corresponding detailed coverage back then.


What the West did, grain of truth there, was bomb Libya to pieces. Question is if Libya would be looking any better now if the West had not done away with the then regime. Europe gets very little Libyan refugees or migrants, as far as I am aware, we only get people travelling through Libya that would otherwise have been prevented from doing so by that nice bad-ass dictator there while we kept him happy. Which to my mind would have been preferable.

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3 hours ago, schlog said:

What a ham! He supports the mass immigration for his fight of incest in Europe. Old very dangerous man doing election propaganda.

No, he does not like Merkel and her policies one bit, he just happens to be part of her party and cabinet, and there is only so much he can do until he has garnered enough public and party-internal support.


He has spoken out against her and what she wrought on Europe and Germany already start of 2016, really damaged her. Just she had already made herself unassailable from within her CDU, and he was the only one with the standing, seniority, and guts to be able to publicly speak out against her in an underhanded way. Likened the refugee waves to avalanches, which could be caused inadvertently by some reckless skier, and how he was the same age as Conrad Adenauer (73 then), when the latter became chancellor of Germany. Hint hint, nudge nudge, know what I mean?


This is the deep German internal politics you have no chance of becoming aware of from what you read in the international press.


As to Schäuble, he's not really liked or disliked, generally, something in between. What he is quoted here with is not really original, still good he said it. Obviously will need deeds to follow. And, yes, some election propaganda to get ahead of evil AFD, which they really fear to cost them their next term in one way or the other.

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5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Can this be the first crack in the wall?

Hopefully he is representing government opinion and not just his own.


More likely something said to appeal to voters with elections coming up.


After all, this gentleman said last year, just before Brexit referendum, that "elections can't be allowed to change things in the EU".


Like all politicians, he'll say anything to get votes. Those pesky elections and voters.

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2 hours ago, 12DrinkMore said:

The UK has gone way too far down the multicultural nonsense road.


The islamics have even been allowed to set up their own parallel legal system in 100 odd shariah courts dispensing out civil cases justice.


I've no idea as to how many Islamic courts/councils have been set up - but even one, is one too many IMO.

Edited by dick dasterdly
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6 hours ago, 12DrinkMore said:

The UK has gone way too far down the multicultural nonsense road.


The islamics have even been allowed to set up their own parallel legal system in 100 odd shariah courts dispensing out civil cases justice.


Funny how people never mention Jewish civil courts with apparently similar orthodox views on civil matters. For sure similar issues are faced in the Hindu community, African Christians etc etc.



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6 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Funny how people never mention Jewish civil courts with apparently similar orthodox views on civil matters. For sure similar issues are faced in the Hindu community, African Christians etc etc.



I did not realise that was also going on, thanks for pointing it out.


I am against that as well.


One of the few good things left in the UK is the legal system. Religious loonies should not be allowed to usurp this. As the man said, if you don't like living under the Law of the Land, then clear off to a more suitable country.

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30 minutes ago, DILLIGAD said:

There must be a few in & around London as the indigenous population is down to only 45% now!
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Yep, the natives can't afford to live there anymore.


As the UK atrophies to the 3rd world, the blasted rich Asians are moving in.

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28 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Funny how people never mention Jewish civil courts with apparently similar orthodox views on civil matters. For sure similar issues are faced in the Hindu community, African Christians etc etc.



First time I've heard about Jewish civil courts.


Neither Jewish or Islamic civil courts should be allowed in christian countries.

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