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Democrat leader sees change in political atmosphere


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9 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

Who are you talking about not the guy who had it (by family money) at the top Eaton and Cambridge just to show he is a ????????????? Bum sorry m


The UK hates people who are like this. just like diving with SHARKS


What are you on about?

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On 4/14/2017 at 10:33 AM, robblok said:

I think Abhisit and Korn are the best politicians that there are far more honest than the rest. There is none on the red side that comes even close (YL is a pretty face but no brain at all just a puppet). I can't think of any good PTP politicians, granted I can't say much about the rest of the democrats and I am happy that suthep is gone. But on the red side, don''t see any MP that stands out.. we got the Plopsodrop.. with his boats and Charlem with his ear medicine and threats to the protesters, Surapong with his passports and golem impression. 


But ChrisY1 made a good comment new and intelligent blood is needed.. but I doubt they will be allowed to come because of the vested interests.

You think they're the best, why? Because you think they're more honest? Based on what...gut feeling? You exhibit all the qualities of a Trump supporter...my side good, their side bad, facts be damned. Abhisit has not been honest about his role in the 2010 massacres, he has twice boycotted elections dooming Thailand's fragile democracy, he has never even won an election... all in all he has been a complete failure, give me an imperfect but elected Yingluck any day of the week.

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Yes he is intelligent, educated in England I think Eton and a top uni.

Over a number of years I got to know a number of people who were educated at Eton.
It is a school which produces extremely good academic results.
Quite a number of the people I knew also have very good degrees.
Quite a number are excellent chaps.
A number are total oxygen thieves....
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4 minutes ago, JAG said:

Over a number of years I got to know a number of people who were educated at Eton.
It is a school which produces extremely good academic results.
Quite a number of the people I knew also have very good degrees.
Quite a number are excellent chaps.
A number are total oxygen thieves....


Well there's a global generalization, in fact a total waste of cyber space. 

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17 hours ago, robblok said:

But with her English its highly unlikely that it was acquired the regular normal way

So you have some evidence to back that up?


Mark was born in the UK, so of course his English is going to be OK. 


But again, the point here is that Mark is a lapdog and "allowed" to talk, even allowed to offer up the most minor of criticisms. Where as if a PTP or Read Shirt has something to say, they get threatened with AA, jail or worse.


It's just the way Thailand is at the moment. Again the junta would like us to all believe that we are living under "normal" circumstances when, in fact, the circumstances are far from normal.


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Thai people are really keen on foreign affairs in this social media era


What they do not give a S>>> about what the world thinks as the education system here tells them they are the world and us Farangs know nothing, yet history says the truth that is fact history not the crap that exists here

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On 14/04/2017 at 4:33 AM, robblok said:

I think Abhisit and Korn are the best politicians that there are far more honest than the rest. There is none on the red side that comes even close (YL is a pretty face but no brain at all just a puppet). I can't think of any good PTP politicians, granted I can't say much about the rest of the democrats and I am happy that suthep is gone. But on the red side, don''t see any MP that stands out.. we got the Plopsodrop.. with his boats and Charlem with his ear medicine and threats to the protesters, Surapong with his passports and golem impression. 


But ChrisY1 made a good comment new and intelligent blood is needed.. but I doubt they will be allowed to come because of the vested interests.


Sadly you and I do not see eye to eye on many things but football (like me you dislike) and drugs which I hate and you like the Dutch way which I have to excuse you for as you have a right to your opinion.  I Left out drugs on our last chit chat as I did not want to embarrass you, but have to comment on both views now sorry mate. Abhisit and Korn I will come to in a few words. But O beast people that is an illness that costs the heath service money, but o-beast people do not go around breaking into people houses and killing people like Druggies do to feed their habit, do they mate?


Abhisit and Korn you say are the best.


These two idiots have never done a days work in their lives,


They both used their family's (ill gotten) money to get an education Abhisit via Eaton and Cambridge  to St Johns and Korn via Winchester and St Johns college, university of Oxford and born in Princess Beatrice Hospital, London, England, Now just so happens his mate Abhisit was born in the UK and it gets even deeper as at St. John's College, he was a classmate of Abhisit Vejjajiva. both are UK citizens and mates with Boris Johnson ) Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson} who the way he is going will get his ass kicked soon. S>>> bags together


On December 2, 2008, the Constitutional Court dissolved the People's Power Party. Abhisit Vejjajiva was subsequently appointed as Prime Minister after a parliamentary vote. Korn was appointed Finance Minister in the Abhisit administration in December 2009. So voters do not count.


History shows what these two are like,  Thankfully here I can say what I want and no chance of the CCa knocking on my door, you cannot so why is that?



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5 hours ago, tbthailand said:

So you have some evidence to back that up?


Mark was born in the UK, so of course his English is going to be OK. 


But again, the point here is that Mark is a lapdog and "allowed" to talk, even allowed to offer up the most minor of criticisms. Where as if a PTP or Read Shirt has something to say, they get threatened with AA, jail or worse.


It's just the way Thailand is at the moment. Again the junta would like us to all believe that we are living under "normal" circumstances when, in fact, the circumstances are far from normal.


Her English is my evidence, how can you complete an university education in English and still don't master the language.. only if you havent really done the education.

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2 hours ago, wakeupplease said:


Sadly you and I do not see eye to eye on many things but football (like me you dislike) and drugs which I hate and you like the Dutch way which I have to excuse you for as you have a right to your opinion.  I Left out drugs on our last chit chat as I did not want to embarrass you, but have to comment on both views now sorry mate. Abhisit and Korn I will come to in a few words. But O beast people that is an illness that costs the heath service money, but o-beast people do not go around breaking into people houses and killing people like Druggies do to feed their habit, do they mate?


Abhisit and Korn you say are the best.


These two idiots have never done a days work in their lives,


They both used their family's (ill gotten) money to get an education Abhisit via Eaton and Cambridge  to St Johns and Korn via Winchester and St Johns college, university of Oxford and born in Princess Beatrice Hospital, London, England, Now just so happens his mate Abhisit was born in the UK and it gets even deeper as at St. John's College, he was a classmate of Abhisit Vejjajiva. both are UK citizens and mates with Boris Johnson ) Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson} who the way he is going will get his ass kicked soon. S>>> bags together


On December 2, 2008, the Constitutional Court dissolved the People's Power Party. Abhisit Vejjajiva was subsequently appointed as Prime Minister after a parliamentary vote. Korn was appointed Finance Minister in the Abhisit administration in December 2009. So voters do not count.


History shows what these two are like,  Thankfully here I can say what I want and no chance of the CCa knocking on my door, you cannot so why is that?



You never embarrass me at all, maybe just a bit with your lack of knowledge on drugs, I don't know why you brought it up.. you bring up many strange things at times and are not coherent at all. But in Holland where drugs are quite liberal.. a lot of drugs are used and we got 120 murders in 2016. If druggies were going in and killing people to feed their habit, because we have many would that number not be a lot higher.. Just think about it. Maybe you like Thrump news where you make up your facts.. in general druggies don't do stuff like that there are exceptions of course but its far from a general thing.  (i encourage you to study the American prohibition do remember alcohol is a hard drug)


Poor you.. maybe if the PTP plays by the rules they won't get dissolved. But your distorting the facts again.. the former PTP allies just jumped ship and supported the Democrats.. that is something quite normal.. coalitions fall.. seen that in my country too. New ones are formed. 


As for ill gotten money.. how do you think your beloved PTP got their money. At least Abhisit and Korn have a decent education and brains. Now tell me who can compare on the PTP side.. puppet YL who supposedly studied in the US but cant mutter more then a few words of English ?


History shows the PTP to lie cheat and steal.. so its easy to find reasons to dissolve them. Maybe if they really helped the people things would be different. 

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5 hours ago, wakeupplease said:


Sadly you and I do not see eye to eye on many things but football (like me you dislike) and drugs which I hate and you like the Dutch way which I have to excuse you for as you have a right to your opinion.  I Left out drugs on our last chit chat as I did not want to embarrass you, but have to comment on both views now sorry mate. Abhisit and Korn I will come to in a few words. But O beast people that is an illness that costs the heath service money, but o-beast people do not go around breaking into people houses and killing people like Druggies do to feed their habit, do they mate?


Abhisit and Korn you say are the best.


These two idiots have never done a days work in their lives,


They both used their family's (ill gotten) money to get an education Abhisit via Eaton and Cambridge  to St Johns and Korn via Winchester and St Johns college, university of Oxford and born in Princess Beatrice Hospital, London, England, Now just so happens his mate Abhisit was born in the UK and it gets even deeper as at St. John's College, he was a classmate of Abhisit Vejjajiva. both are UK citizens and mates with Boris Johnson ) Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson} who the way he is going will get his ass kicked soon. S>>> bags together


On December 2, 2008, the Constitutional Court dissolved the People's Power Party. Abhisit Vejjajiva was subsequently appointed as Prime Minister after a parliamentary vote. Korn was appointed Finance Minister in the Abhisit administration in December 2009. So voters do not count.


History shows what these two are like,  Thankfully here I can say what I want and no chance of the CCa knocking on my door, you cannot so why is that?





" These two idiots have never done a days work in their lives, ..."


The fact is that  Khun Korn built a highly successful brokerage house here in Thailand and was then bought for a massive amount of money by an international high profile brokerage. 


Your initial statement is factually wrong, highly misleading and insulting.


You also mention "...used their family's (ill gotten) money to get an education ..." please share the details, or is this another of your factually wrong beats up for a purpose? 

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On 4/14/2017 at 8:36 AM, jesimps said:

Now let's have an interview with the red side of the spectrum to balance things up, or is that not allowed? Rhetorical question.


Actually I wish Sutichai Yoon would interview a red side person, but who would that be?


Well in the bigger red / UDD organization and even among the 'elected' members of parliament is there a good balanced person who is an excellent communicator (Thai or English)?


Or more to the point who would the 'owner' of the red gang* / the UDD* / PT allow to be interviewed? 


* in reality there are no elected officials, therefore no role and incumbent of that role specific to being the role / person to be interviewed.


But for good balance perhaps the ex PM - Yingluck.


Let's go.

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On 4/15/2017 at 6:53 AM, wakeupplease said:

Who are you talking about not the guy who had it (by family money) at the top Eaton and Cambridge just to show he is a ????????????? Bum sorry m


The UK hates people who are like this. just like diving with SHARKS


Still waiting for some enlightenment of what your saying.

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10 hours ago, robblok said:

Her English is my evidence, how can you complete an university education in English and still don't master the language.. only if you havent really done the education.

She speaks English just fine for someone who got their degree in the USA more than 25 years ago. She is, after all, Thai, and she was, after all, the Thai PM. ...  I think people need to give up on that criticism. It makes them look stupid, ... just sayin', ... :passifier:


For example, I have no idea if the current usurper of the country speaks English well at all, but I never mention it, because it is just not relevant to his job of oppression, suppression, purging and persecution. 




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So all the research in the UK on Drugs is wrong and you are right as usual leave that there as not a thread for Drugs


My beloved PTP as you said, I guess you think I am a supporter of the Red Shirts, again you are wrong as I am non political and only comment when I see lies and propaganda being used


Never done a days work in his life


This is an well known English phrase that we use often when talking about people who used Daddy's money to get the education and get on unfairly in life. Much the same as the RedBull guy who kills, runs and lives on money given to him to avoid jail. A bit like so many others around you.


Mr Trump still has another 3 weeks before I comment about him as I said when he came in give him 100 Days.


Abhisit and Korn you say are the best


At what? BullSh>> is the answer as their records show, they could never get elected in a free and fair election and using the word democrats is an insult to the word as both are right up the rear of those who stole power.


All information I use can be checked in seconds on-line, just invest like we have in a search engine (no not Google get one of your own) add keywords and up comes the info. But only believe 50% and keep looking for more to back up what you have read, before you believe anything.


If you look hard enough you will find it.


Both of you blame the other side for everything, yet history shows nothing has changed since the 1930's and T&Y where not around then where they, but others who are in control where?


There is no future unless you can embrace the past forget it and move on, that's why its such a mess out their and now only two steps down the ladder from NK


Subs and Tanks when the country needs water retention and education.


Enjoy what's left of the Holiday and drive safe, O do a bit of research via Google and you may learn something usefull

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1 hour ago, tbthailand said:

She speaks English just fine for someone who got their degree in the USA more than 25 years ago. She is, after all, Thai, and she was, after all, the Thai PM. ...  I think people need to give up on that criticism. It makes them look stupid, ... just sayin', ... :passifier:


For example, I have no idea if the current usurper of the country speaks English well at all, but I never mention it, because it is just not relevant to his job of oppression, suppression, purging and persecution. 





just watch here its relevant because she has a an university degree from an US university and I am doubting she really got it fair and square given her English.  That is why its relevant. 


It would be relevant if Prayut had an degree from an English speaking country. 



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On 4/16/2017 at 3:19 PM, robblok said:


just watch here its relevant because she has a an university degree from an US university and I am doubting she really got it fair and square given her English.  That is why its relevant. 


It would be relevant if Prayut had an degree from an English speaking country. 



you're gonna use that youtube video as an example of bad English? Just because some moronic Thai that hates her says her English is bad doesn't make it so. They even start off by criticizing her for delivering her speech by using a, ... get this, ... a speech. The person who did that video did it because they hate Yingluck, not because her English was so bad. And yes, I have seen that video before, and I also saw her talks at Davos at the time.


OTOH, you are willing to say that it is relevant for Yingluck and important to her being PM because she went to a US university and then say, in the same breath, that the English level of the current usurper doesn't matter at all because he did not go to a US university... even though they both hold the title of PM... You realize that is an untenable position, right? Either English is relevant to the PM's job or it is not. It is not relevant due to whether or not you like the person err, whether or not they went to a US university. 


As for her degree being legit or not, as I recall, the University lists her as one of their well-known graduates... I guess that the University thinks that her degree is "legit"... 


Really, people should just stop slamming her because she doesn't speak English like a UK-born Thai person does. It's not important and the arguments against her English are exceptionally weak.  I mean, maybe you speak fluent Thai, but you and I both know that there are many many  falang who have lived decades in Thailand and can barely order food at a restaurant. 

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On 4/13/2017 at 11:39 PM, Godang said:

Yes he is intelligent, educated in England I think Eton and a top uni.

Educated, intelligent, and look what he's done for Thailand.


Um, what has he done for Thailand?  Other than un-elected PM in charge during the bloody 2010 crackdown on protesters calling for an election, followed by his humiliating defeat in the election.

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" These two idiots have never done a days work in their lives, ..."
The fact is that  Khun Korn built a highly successful brokerage house here in Thailand and was then bought for a massive amount of money by an international high profile brokerage. 
Your initial statement is factually wrong, highly misleading and insulting.


You also mention "...used their family's (ill gotten) money to get an education ..." please share the details, or is this another of your factually wrong beats up for a purpose? 

What you say is true.These two are not examples of corruption.But there is a terrible stain on them:


Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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15 hours ago, tbthailand said:

you're gonna use that youtube video as an example of bad English? Just because some moronic Thai that hates her says her English is bad doesn't make it so. They even start off by criticizing her for delivering her speech by using a, ... get this, ... a speech. The person who did that video did it because they hate Yingluck, not because her English was so bad. And yes, I have seen that video before, and I also saw her talks at Davos at the time.


OTOH, you are willing to say that it is relevant for Yingluck and important to her being PM because she went to a US university and then say, in the same breath, that the English level of the current usurper doesn't matter at all because he did not go to a US university... even though they both hold the title of PM... You realize that is an untenable position, right? Either English is relevant to the PM's job or it is not. It is not relevant due to whether or not you like the person err, whether or not they went to a US university. 


As for her degree being legit or not, as I recall, the University lists her as one of their well-known graduates... I guess that the University thinks that her degree is "legit"... 


Really, people should just stop slamming her because she doesn't speak English like a UK-born Thai person does. It's not important and the arguments against her English are exceptionally weak.  I mean, maybe you speak fluent Thai, but you and I both know that there are many many  falang who have lived decades in Thailand and can barely order food at a restaurant. 

I am only doubting the degree as legit... because of the bad English and if its not legit it cast a big shadow on her honesty. I am not saying that she needs to speak good English. You missed the point totally. 

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On 4/15/2017 at 8:58 PM, JAG said:

Over a number of years I got to know a number of people who were educated at Eton.
It is a school which produces extremely good academic results.
Quite a number of the people I knew also have very good degrees.
Quite a number are excellent chaps.
A number are total oxygen thieves....


And oxygen thieves exist in every aspect of life whether as individuals or as a part of any group regardless of the reason for people to be grouped and anywhere in the world. 

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On 16/04/2017 at 10:42 AM, scorecard said:


Actually I wish Sutichai Yoon would interview a red side person, but who would that be?


Well in the bigger red / UDD organization and even among the 'elected' members of parliament is there a good balanced person who is an excellent communicator (Thai or English)?


Or more to the point who would the 'owner' of the red gang* / the UDD* / PT allow to be interviewed? 


* in reality there are no elected officials, therefore no role and incumbent of that role specific to being the role / person to be interviewed.


But for good balance perhaps the ex PM - Yingluck.


Let's go.

Depends what is meant by a "red side person'.It suits the agenda of some to suggest or imply most of those opposed to repression are wild eyed Isaan ruffians.Whereas the reality is that most Thais believe in democracy and liberty, along with a fairer society.


If one wanted an articulate spokesman there are several.I would suggest Suranand Vejjajiva.On this subject I would be quite interested to know whether there is a spokesman for the current government that (a) doesn't lie constantly and (b) doesn't make reasonable people throw up.

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52 minutes ago, scorecard said:


And oxygen thieves exist in every aspect of life whether as individuals or as a part of any group regardless of the reason for people to be grouped and anywhere in the world. 

Well yes, that was sort of my point.


Having been at a very prestigious school or university is no more likely to guarantee you are a good chap than an "oxygen thief".

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" While Prayut always says that the road map has always remained the same, the timeline has occasionally shifted."


The most important deadline has remained the same, elections will be held next year.  And it will always be next year.

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