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Thousands at U.S. rallies demand Trump release tax returns


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Just now, daboyz1 said:

So tell me the relevance. I don't want to hear the bs about every president releasing them since Nixon.

It's a witch hunt. The guy has plenty of other warts.

Russia. Financial conflicts of interest. He's hiding something big and I reckon you know that too, and so do most trump apologists. 

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2 minutes ago, daboyz1 said:

Russia. .. ok then. Infowars.com

Your comment is absurd. There is a massive amount of REAL smoke connecting the trump campaign to Russia. Doesn't mean there is a smoking gun (or a wet Moscow mattress), but the American people DESERVE the truth. 

Edited by Jingthing
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The obsession is an extension of partisan politics in the USA than began about twenty five years ago and continues until today. Digging up anything negative on anyone running for office gives those looking to demonize the 'opposition' ammunition. It happens in government offices, it is integral to campaign rhetoric, and has led to intensive searching a reason to 'hate, or not vote for' a person. This is why the tax return thing makes news... and this is not a phenomenon restricted to any one party. Negative campaigned and maligning has been proved to be effective, and it has pervaded USA society. This is why you see these protests demanding release of DT's tax returns.

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4 hours ago, haroldc said:

Perhaps all these protesters should release all their tax returns before demanding that President Trump releases his.  As Mr. Dinkin said: "Without seeing his [their] taxes, we'll never really know who he's [they are] working for."

REALLY???? Im happy to show you MINE...am i PRESIDENT..am i the REPRESENTATIVE of my country????..What purpose do MY taxes prove though ive nothing to hide....he claimed a BS audit

is ongoing,,thats STILL not valid..so WHATS his excuse --LIE now?...he has folded on all his lies

faster than superman on laundry day....your comment is baffling and without merit and im pretty

sure if these people are marching they would happily release them--are u suggesting they are all

cheating--seems THEY are NOT the ones under constant AUDIT==theres a REASON he is.....


HE works for US..not the OTHER way around..look at your own comment...hes a PUBLIC servant!

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38 minutes ago, daboyz1 said:

So tell me the relevance. I don't want to hear the bs about every president releasing them since Nixon.

It's a witch hunt. The guy has plenty of other warts.

My father used to tell me "Put up or SHUT up"  he talks about all these donations-about

how rich he is..he brags about his supposed wealth--seem ODD that now hes is hiding


Are you really that stupid?....one doesnt HIDE if he has NOTHING to hide from..its obvious

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24 minutes ago, daboyz1 said:

What is this obsession with the guys tax returns? I think they've already been leaked. Find something else to worry about maybe the hair.


The reason why it is important  for Trump's tax returns across multiple years to be made public is to be able to understand who are his partners and fellow shareholders and what is the sources of the financing for the many domestic and international ventures. Without this data it is impossible to assess the  motivations in many actions taken by the President.


If, for instance, Trump is involved with russian oligarchs close to Putin in financing and partnerships to the tune of billions of dollars this puts his actions in regards to Russia in a different context then he has been portraying them.


Trump has obviously made the decision that the negative fallout from withholding such disclosures are less then the price of the actual disclosures themselves. This is of course, significantly helped by the knowledge that his base (you, for example) doesn't care. This is made plain by his statement on being able to shoot somebody on 5th Ave  and his base would stay loyal.



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I disagree. Looking at the lines of these posts is scary. It presumes guilt. Although the IRS doesn't need probable cause to examine a tax return these posts only work on an assumption of guilt where a person has to be himself innocent. That isn't how the USA works. In the USA one is innocent until proven guilty. The burden of proof lies with the prosecution. Just because others have released their returns doesn't mean any other government official is mandatorily obligated to follow suit.

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3 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

I disagree. Looking at the lines of these posts is scary. It presumes guilt. Although the IRS doesn't need probable cause to examine a tax return these posts only work on an assumption of guilt where a person has to be himself innocent. That isn't how the USA works. In the USA one is innocent until proven guilty. The burden of proof lies with the prosecution. Just because others have released their returns doesn't mean any other government official is mandatorily obligated to follow suit.

You have proven my point in the last paragraph of post#38. If you do not care that Trump is uninterested in full disclosure and honesty instead hiding behind constitutional protections of innocent until proven guilty that's OK. But please remember Trump's own attacks and accusations of guilt on people using the 5th ammendment. 


I guess you find serial hypocrisy acceptable as well.


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3 minutes ago, thaihome said:

You have proven my point in the last paragraph of post#38. If you do not care that Trump is uninterested in full disclosure and honesty instead hiding behind constitutional protections of innocent until proven guilty that's OK. But please remember Trump's own attacks and accusations of guilt on people using the 5th ammendment. 


I guess you find serial hypocrisy acceptable as well.


Not at all. Actually I would expect every congressperson, senator, the VP and The President and staff members of such to have there tax returns scrutinized by the IRS and their appropriate state tax body.  I also expect that unless there has been anything other than an honest error (tax codes are complex and typos happen too) for it to remain not undisclosed but that a full explanation be offered to the public.  One need not deliberately file a false return in order to be audited; the IRS reserves that right without cause.


So, thank you for proving my point regarding the negativity that resides in USA politics with the final, wholly inaccurate assertion in your final sentence. Have a nice day.

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Trump is probably dirty at some level.  Really rich people, at some point, have stepped on a few heads and done some questionable things on the way up.  That includes the forces behind these street protesters.  "Takes one to know one".   

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9 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

Not at all. Actually I would expect every congressperson, senator, the VP and The President and staff members of such to have there tax returns scrutinized by the IRS and their appropriate state tax body.  I also expect that unless there has been anything other than an honest error (tax codes are complex and typos happen too) for it to remain not undisclosed but that a full explanation be offered to the public.  One need not deliberately file a false return in order to be audited; the IRS reserves that right without cause.


So, thank you for proving my point regarding the negativity that resides in USA politics with the final, wholly inaccurate assertion in your final sentence. Have a nice day.

So you have no problems with conflict of interest in elected official and it's acceptable for them to enrich themselves by influencing public policy has long as they correctly complete the required tax forms?


Edited by thaihome
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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Not that B.S. again.

Nobody said the election isn't over. 

The U. S. elected an absurd clown that directly threatens core American democratic institutions. 

Protest is the most patriotic thing to do in the face of such a direct threat from within. (Within the white house.)

It's hilarious to me that trumpists think they can shut down the resistance with insults. The man has a teeny tiny approval rating and it isn't going to get better. Deal with that. 

Good lord, get over yourself, you're like a boring, stuck record. He's your president, the 'best' man won, deal with it and move on. Crying over this and that makes you all look bitter and puerile. Vote him out next time if you can. These people need to get off the streets and back to work. Harping on about impeachment isn't going to achieve anything but waste more man hours. If crooked Hillary had have got in, you would have none of these antics from the other side. pfft.

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1 hour ago, Ramen087 said:

I disagree. Looking at the lines of these posts is scary. It presumes guilt. Although the IRS doesn't need probable cause to examine a tax return these posts only work on an assumption of guilt where a person has to be himself innocent. That isn't how the USA works. In the USA one is innocent until proven guilty. The burden of proof lies with the prosecution. Just because others have released their returns doesn't mean any other government official is mandatorily obligated to follow suit.

Private citizens are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.  However jobs requiring security clearances are not given without a background investigation (suspect until proven innocent), with the tragic exception of POTUS.  Military and civil service personnel involved in acquisition must release financial information to prevent conflicts of interest.  Even private businesses investigate people considered for hiring into sensitive positions. 


Yet for some reason some people think a man who loves celebrity but loathes scrutiny, an  man of questionable business ethics and skills, a man in a position to profit greatly from office, need not provide the basic financial information that he demands others release.

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2 hours ago, csabo said:

Obama spent millions to fight off showing his BC for years even intentionally realeasing a false version first.  You cant just make that go away.  Rachel Maddow already released Trumps returns anyway. It was a non-story to the point that all these protestors and you must have missed it.  It turns out Trump payed a higher rate than most including your beloved Obama.

"Obama spent millions to fight off showing his BC for years even intentionally realeasing a false version first."


Total BS.  I assume you got it from one of the fake news sites.

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2 hours ago, Ramen087 said:

Are the Russians financing him? Too funny. The guy is worth ~ three and a  half billion dollars. A blockbuster inquiry and release into his taxes show he does what everyone else does... he legally files a return that reduces his liability... all within the law. And in the year of '05 he had a bad year and still made 150 million bucks.  Financed by the Russians? Not likely.



 The WP termed it a 'total nothing burger'.  And they're not a pro-Trump news group.


I have never understood the public's need to see any elected official's tax return. That is the job of the IRS and state tax departments. Just like it's nobody else's business how much money I make it is no one else's business how much an elected representative makes.


Two pages from Trump's 2005 tax forms is not a blockbuster inquiry. 


Remember that Trump publicly criticized Mitt Romney for being slow to release his tax returns during the 2012 election.  Of course consistency, and integrity, have never been Trump's strong points.

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2 hours ago, Ramen087 said:

Are the Russians financing him? Too funny. The guy is worth ~ three and a  half billion dollars. A blockbuster inquiry and release into his taxes show he does what everyone else does... he legally files a return that reduces his liability... all within the law. And in the year of '05 he had a bad year and still made 150 million bucks.  Financed by the Russians? Not likely.



 The WP termed it a 'total nothing burger'.  And they're not a pro-Trump news group.


I have never understood the public's need to see any elected official's tax return. That is the job of the IRS and state tax departments. Just like it's nobody else's business how much money I make it is no one else's business how much an elected representative makes.


Seeing there is no statute requiring anyone running for office to produce his/her tax return, why should he have to do it  -  you need to provide proof you filed your income tax returns every year is all, and he has done so.

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2 minutes ago, TunnelRat69 said:

Seeing there is no statute requiring anyone running for office to produce his/her tax return, why should he have to do it  -  you need to provide proof you filed your income tax returns every year is all, and he has done so.

Might it possibly have to do with the fact that there is only one person at the head of the executive branch? And if financial disclosure is required of of people at the Cabinet level, it would seem even more pressing to require it of the chief.

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1 hour ago, daveAustin said:

Good lord, get over yourself, you're like a boring, stuck record. He's your president, the 'best' man won, deal with it and move on. Crying over this and that makes you all look bitter and puerile. Vote him out next time if you can. These people need to get off the streets and back to work. Harping on about impeachment isn't going to achieve anything but waste more man hours. If crooked Hillary had have got in, you would have none of these antics from the other side. pfft.

Talk about a broken record. Examine your post. The same old deflection, off topic, abusive garbage that insults the majority of Americans that have a real problem with trump. 

Please sir, if all you've got are such FLAMING insults, do not address me directly on this forum ever again. 

It's like it's coming from a trump bot. 

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6 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Makes no sense. They're private citizens. trump is to so called president. He's supposed to be working for the citizens.

LOL.  Oh, so they're now done with the "not my president" thing and have moved on to a "show us your taxes" thing?  'Guess he's suddenly THEIR president now.  Who says you can't be a slow learner and still be a "progressive"?  I wonder how much 'protesting for fun & profit' pays nowadays anyway.  I guess if you're otherwise unemployable it's an option...


Trump could discover cold fusion and cure cancer and the mindless backbiting that started Nov 8 would still continue.  No point paying any attention to these morons.





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1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

Might it possibly have to do with the fact that there is only one person at the head of the executive branch? And if financial disclosure is required of of people at the Cabinet level, it would seem even more pressing to require it of the chief.

A bit late once he's president! If it so important for people to know then maybe this info should be released before the vote. I really don't see this as being important now.  

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1 hour ago, heybruce said:

Two pages from Trump's 2005 tax forms is not a blockbuster inquiry. 


Remember that Trump publicly criticized Mitt Romney for being slow to release his tax returns during the 2012 election.  Of course consistency, and integrity, have never been Trump's strong points.

Trump consistently files his taxes annually. He's also smart enough to hire knowledgeable tax attorneys to stay within the law to minimize his tax liability.

Campaign rhetoric is fueled by a bare knuckle fight to win elected office. Regarding paying taxes both he and his opponent duked it out during the debates. It's a tough fight but a fair one.  Search for contradictions  by going back in time & you can question anyone who has ever run for an office on the USA national stage. Trump is not unique in this. 

Integrity? Has he ever been indicted for a crime?  No. He plays by the rules. 

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35 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

Trump consistently files his taxes annually. He's also smart enough to hire knowledgeable tax attorneys to stay within the law to minimize his tax liability.

Campaign rhetoric is fueled by a bare knuckle fight to win elected office. Regarding paying taxes both he and his opponent duked it out during the debates. It's a tough fight but a fair one.  Search for contradictions  by going back in time & you can question anyone who has ever run for an office on the USA national stage. Trump is not unique in this. 

Integrity? Has he ever been indicted for a crime?  No. He plays by the rules. 

So your low standard for integrity is not being charged with a crime?


I don't know if Trump has been indicted for anything, though I wouldn't be surprised. He certainly has had more than his share of legal problems.  https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/01/donald-trump-scandals/474726/     




Tax lawyers try to stay barely within the tax law, but don't always succeed, especially when directed to push the limits.  However the IRS doesn't look for conflicts of interest, which is the major reason tax records of people in public office should be scrutinized.  Trump has the potential for conflicts of interest on an unprecedented scale, and his failure to put his finances in a blind trust, his appointment of family members in key positions without requiring them to put financial interests in blind trusts, and his refusal to reveal tax returns that could expose conflicts of interests is extremely suspicious and should not be tolerated.


Yes, one can find contradictions.  However contradictions, actually gross hypocrisy, as major as Trump criticizing Mitt Romney for being slow to release tax records then flatly refusing to do so himself are rare. 

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