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As Trump warned North Korea, his 'armada' was headed toward Australia


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3 hours ago, Emster23 said:

Awfully kind of those in administration like sec of defense, security advisor, Spicer played along with Trump and said the task force (hardly "Armada") was headed towards Korea. "See? He's not the only one who is clueless".

 And you John Wayne types might want to take a view of this recent Charlie Rose episode with former head of the CIA clearly and intelligently laying out the options and possible outcomes.



This was interesting analytical talk to watch, thanks for sharing.

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1 hour ago, BigKahuna said:

24/7 click bait culture


Expecting real outcomes in 3 months.



It  is  not so  much the  failure to perform  to stated objectives than it is  about the backsliding even on stated objectives other than  the  distraction of a  ridiculous  fence at the  cost  of  US  people and agitating the  world   with  immature bogus assertions.

He has  rapidly proven himself  to  be  a  Prima  Donna in  drag!




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9 hours ago, starky said:

Well we're not at war so there are no tactics. Surely you can do better than that. So who was he trying to fool with his brilliant strategical mind? North Korea or the Aussies? As stated anyone with half a brain and the navy AIS would be able to tell they weren't headed for Korea. Think you may be giving the Trump to much credit.

Whats the opposite of to much credit. Maybe he is a distant relative of "Wrong Way Corrigan" Hang in there Donald don't loose the fleet. They are out there somewhere. 

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4 hours ago, Thaidream said:

Donald Trump is incompetent pure and simple.  His constant lying and use of social media to discuss complex issues shows he has no real grasp of the issues. Now North Korea knows he was lying about his so called armada which really wasn't one and they may make a miscalculation the next time.

I really don't think Trump cares how many people die from his lying and incompetence because as a a man with a personality disorder he needs to be relieved of his Presidency by invoking the 25th Amendment.

People who oppose his Presidency are not 'haters'. We wanted him to succeed but his lack of any redeeming qualities as well as incompetent decisions and a poor staff to match make him a pariah.

Bernie sanders now

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2 hours ago, klikster said:

Well, I suppose your handle is half right. :post-4641-1156693976:


How many tens of thousands of dead and wounded does it take to avoid being called "chicken"? Who do you think saved Australia from the Japanese in WWII?


"A TOTAL reliance on technology .."


Odd! Didn't seem do hi-tech when I was humping the hills on 14 day "excursions" in the Central Highlands ci. '64.


I met a number of good Aussies in 'Nam, especially a Caribou pilot who flew supplies into our camp.  They deserve a classier and more honest spokesman than you.


So I will end this with a well deserved salute. .!..

Well I wasn't going to but you bit so I should at least reply.....


Are you saying that the US entered the war to save Australia, oh no that's right we had been in it a long time before that, it took Pearl Harbour to drag you into the war!  Saving Australia as you put it was just a necessary consequence of that.  If I remember right you needed somewhere to hide what was left of the Pacific fleet.......


The older generation used to say the only charge made by the Americans in both wars was for the material used, and that was after the war.


As for Viet Nam, Americans wern't the only ones that came home suffering from "Agent Orange"!  The technology of the day and the amount of money (not to mention the poor 18 year old's) didn't give any success, why didn't you go into Cambodia and take out Pol Pot?  No oil? or because you had just had your nose bloodied.....


It didn't matter how much money you threw at it, it didn't go away!!  It may come as a surprise to you but not everyone in the world is grateful of American intervention, it may be the lesser of 2 evils a lot of the time, but when has America done anything that wasn't for it's own (mostly economic) benefit?


And now, you will start another war, but who will finish it?  If China does come into this fray we will all be worse off!  Did you prevent Pakistan, India and all of the other third world countries from getting Nukes?  And what makes you thinks America has the sole right to have them, do something constructive in the world and get rid of ALL nuclear weapons period!


However I will say I knew an old Irishman who survived Arnheim and he did say yhat he had nothing but respect for the 101st and 82nd Airborne.

Edited by RigPig
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12 hours ago, BigKahuna said:

The best war tactics are to do anything other than what you say. Keeps the opponent guessing.


If you're a tennis player and you signal a backhand side serve and do it everytime your opponent will rip you apart.


Once again we see the hopeless media struggling with basic concepts.

And i have to say that comparing  a possible nuclear war with a tennis match, is indeed a well thought pairing.

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4 hours ago, soalbundy said:


Are you ordering Chinese?  If so, you may want to ask them to go easy on the MSG.


4 hours ago, BigKahuna said:

Well that was obvious wasnt it? Trump is anti war. Never ever seen such negative press. 18 months of crap.

Trump is anti-war akin to Attila the Hun.  He's anti-war like "no one else respects women more than....." he does (just forget about the 'pussy-grabbing', ok?).  Or "No one has more respect for the CIA" ....3 days after he compared the CIA to Nazis.

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1 minute ago, boomerangutang said:

Are you ordering Chinese?  If so, you may want to ask them to go easy on the MSG.


Trump is anti-war akin to Attila the Hun.  He's anti-war like "no one else respects women more than....." he does (just forget about the 'pussy-grabbing', ok?).  Or "No one has more respect for the CIA" ....3 days after he compared the CIA to Nazis.

You're being unfair to Attila. At least he put himself in harm's way.  Don't recall ever reading in history books about him being afflicted with bone spurs on his heel.

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                        Trump and all the ding dongs he surrounds himself with were all saying the Carl Vinson was sailing to Korean waters.   It's not just the American public who was fooled, but also all of American's allies overseas.   Way to go Trumpsters, you just fooled the whole world, to accomplish....... what?


                         The only thing Trump and his ding dongs accomplished was: lessening their credence.  Someone should tell Trump the story of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf."   and see whether he understands it.


                  What happens in the future, if the US wants to coordinate military actions with China or Japan or S.Korea or Russia or whomever ?   Top brass from outside the US won't know whether the US is bluffing or not.  The US is proving to be undependable.


                  Example:   US AF wants to do a fly-over of a part of China (or a Chinese Naval battle group) - during the course of a bombing mission. Chinese top brass don't believe what they're told, so when bombers appear on their radar, they shoot them down.   Hours later, when they realize they were US bombers, Chinese top brass can say, "Yes, you warned us about the fly-over, but you've lied so many times in the past, that we didn't believe it was really happening." 


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Okay boys, this is it, this is war.  No more macho displays in front of Chinese man-made islands in the middle of nowhere. We're talking Trump, we're not talking Obama. This is real war, not a phoney war. Action will take place, not muscular posturing.

From the article  " Deploying the strike group is a show of American military force during a critical time in North Korea's missile and nuclear development. If North Korea conducts another missile test, the strike group's location in the Sea of Japan means it could be in the missile's flight path."

Forget about firing one or two missiles at some useless Chinese dot in the South China Sea. The new Washington has already fired 50 Tomahawk cruise missiles at Syria. That's a warning shot. Missiles fired at North Korea will not be a warning shot. It will be a real shot. After all, North Korea Kim has REAL weapons of mass destruction. North Korea Kim has far more deadly weapons than Assad. Kim's got nukes.


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17 minutes ago, tonbridgebrit said:


The USS Carl Vinson is a Nimitz-class supercarrier. This IS a serious piece of military hardware.

And yes, this ship is the main feature of Washington's battle-group sailing towards Korea. If I was Kim, I'd be scared.  How many Tomahawk Cruise missiles are on the USS Carl Vinson ?


Why should Kim be scared?   It steamed right on by and headed for the training exercise with Australia.   

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The Carl Vinson is a lovely ship, but news outlets are claiming that “China has moved 150,000 troops and medical supplies to its North Korean border fearing a refugee crisis in the event of US airstrike”.


A minute look at the history of the Korean war, which has been going on for the last 68 years, would indicate that a spot of deja vu might well be at hand and it is not a “refugee crisis” that needs to be feared.


The Chinese are not going to sit back and let the boy Trump lob missiles at NK without doing something about it, any more than they sat back in 1950 and let MacArthur move his troops over the 38th parallel after his success at Inchon; when, strangely enough, they massed troops on the border and said “we is a comin if you don’t back-off” – and when this was ignored - they did with devastating results.


Somebody has suggested in a post above that the next phase of the war in Korea would be conducted on the same lines as in the 40’s and 50’s ie with countless waves of Chinese “volunteers” lacking artillery and air support and storming UN positions in huge numbers, but this will not be the case at all.


Nowadays the North has enormous quantities of rockets and artillery that can completely wipe out US forces near the border and devastate Seoul long before the US can reinforce its troops and the Chinese and NK airforces are a different proposition to the days when the Sabres ruled the sky’s over the Russian flown Mig 15”s.


It is not the Trump voters that will suffer if he is allowed to escalate issues and restart the shooting war in Korea, even without nuclear bombs South Korea will be completely devastated; and because the Chinese will not sit back and allow NK to be defeated by the US, the threat of a global conflict cannot be overemphasised.


South Korea today is a thriving country completely different to the 1950’s when MacAthur did not care what kind of “gooks” got blown away with an atom bomb, North or South; and not only NK but the entire peninsular, not to mention large parts of China and Russia will be affected if Trump is allowed to start a nuclear war by sending missiles to fix KJU.


I don’t pretend to know how the incredibly paranoid NK rulers can be persuaded to drop their nuclear testing, probably not easily, but it is not really relevant, after all Pakistan has the bomb, India has the bomb and China has more than enough. Eventually economic pressures will eat away at this unstable communist state as they have in all the others, Cuba being the latest to go.


If China can be persuaded to increase the sanctions on NK it seems to me that it is unlikely that the Kim Jong Un will actually be able to keep his dynasty afloat for much longer, but even if he does, nice though it would be to see the poor NK people liberated from 70+ years of tyranny, it is not Trumps strategies, tactics or “business negotiations” that will bring this about.


After all NK shoppers are not queuing up to buy Ivanka’s shoes and there is not yet a Trump tower in Pyongyang (as there is in Istanbul - 555) so he has less leverage than the Chinese and actually not much incentive to do anything serious. There’s no profit margin for the Trumps in invading NK.


PS Don’t diss the Ausies they did a better job in Korea and VN than most. Actually the small Thai contingent did quite well to.

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9 hours ago, tonbridgebrit said:


Okay boys, this is it, this is war.  No more macho displays in front of Chinese man-made islands in the middle of nowhere. We're talking Trump, we're not talking Obama. This is real war, not a phoney war. Action will take place, not muscular posturing.

From the article  " Deploying the strike group is a show of American military force during a critical time in North Korea's missile and nuclear development. If North Korea conducts another missile test, the strike group's location in the Sea of Japan means it could be in the missile's flight path."

Forget about firing one or two missiles at some useless Chinese dot in the South China Sea. The new Washington has already fired 50 Tomahawk cruise missiles at Syria. That's a warning shot. Missiles fired at North Korea will not be a warning shot. It will be a real shot. After all, North Korea Kim has REAL weapons of mass destruction. North Korea Kim has far more deadly weapons than Assad. Kim's got nukes.


In your dreams,this is about more than 'who's got the biggest dong'' The Chinese can't have the USA messing with an unloved neighbour on their doorstep,South Korea would have to give permission for a strike,considering the huge amount of damage that Seoul would get from Kim's artillery permission is unlikely. The USA even admits that they don't know what weapons the North has. A strike would mean that the state of cold war in Korea would turn hot, is America prepared to send in hundreds of thousands of troops? would the UN back them? would anybody else be willing to commit troops (apart from China on the side of the North) If America can't overcome the political reluctance to use atomic weapons they would in all probability lose, another Vietnam, Trump would be toast and he knows it. What would happen if the South wins? the South doesn't really want reunification, the cost would be too high,think East Germany multiplied by 10. The Chinese can't sort this out,nor can America, nothing will happen, the rhetoric will die down,the North will develop a viable intercontinental rocket and the world will keep saying 'don't you dare use them''

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9 hours ago, tonbridgebrit said:

And yes, this ship is the main feature of Washington's battle-group sailing towards Korea. If I was Kim, I'd be scared.  How many Tomahawk Cruise missiles are on the USS Carl Vinson ?

           Except it didn't sail towards Korea, as Trump and his minions told the world, for days on end.

                        Trump supporters think it was a crafty move by Trump and his stupidissimos.  Yet there was nothing crafty about it.  If so, what did it accomplish?   Nothing, except cemented Trump's reputation as a dufus liar.  You can add 'warmonger' to his long list of ugly character traits. 


1 hour ago, Lickey said:

Even Trump does not know what is going on,haha

                 You're right.  The 'ha ha' you added has a Dr. Strangelove or Dr. Evil sound to it, am I right?


                  Just as Trump thought he bombed Iraq with 59 Tomahawks (the reporter had to make him aware that it was actually Syria) - Trump is as clueless about international scenarios as he is about his claim that Obama tapped his phones at Trump Towers. 


                      Here's what can happen when a commander lies to coalition partners:   Hypothetical scenario:  Trump tells Brits and Aussie heads that the US military will strike the west side of a city at 0700 on a certain day, and wants the coalition partners to attack same city, same time, from the south.


                  At the designated time, US forces attack, but lo and behold, the Brits and Aussies don't attack. A day later, Trump gets back to his allied counterparts and yells, "What happened? We were supposed to have a coordinated two-pronged attack, but your troops didn't deploy.  We were left unguarded on our right flank!"


                             Brit and Aussie response:  "We didn't know whether you were telling the truth, so we didn't want to risk sending our troops into combat.   Remember the Carl Vinson."



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35 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

In your dreams,this is about more than 'who's got the biggest dong'' The Chinese can't have the USA messing with an unloved neighbour on their doorstep,South Korea would have to give permission for a strike,considering the huge amount of damage that Seoul would get from Kim's artillery permission is unlikely. The USA even admits that they don't know what weapons the North has. A strike would mean that the state of cold war in Korea would turn hot, is America prepared to send in hundreds of thousands of troops? would the UN back them? would anybody else be willing to commit troops (apart from China on the side of the North) If America can't overcome the political reluctance to use atomic weapons they would in all probability lose, another Vietnam, Trump would be toast and he knows it. What would happen if the South wins? the South doesn't really want reunification, the cost would be too high,think East Germany multiplied by 10. The Chinese can't sort this out,nor can America, nothing will happen, the rhetoric will die down,the North will develop a viable intercontinental rocket and the world will keep saying 'don't you dare use them''

                 Even if the US nukes N.Korea, it wouldn't change the political landscape much.  It would, however, leave a radioactive & charred moonscape, with millions dead.   There's are several reasons Obama and Kerry and HRC didn't advocate attacking N.Korea:  Let sleeping dogs lay.   


                        Even if N.Korea has/gets deployable nukes, it doesn't mean it's going to use them.  Pakistan, Israel and a dozen other countries have nukes and don't use them.   The only way N.Korea would use them, is if they're provoked.   US is led by a provocative man.  Both Kim and Trump are mentally sick in their own particular ways.  Not a good situation.   If I resided in Seoul, I'd be wanting to split toot suite.



Edited by boomerangutang
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                          If the US nukes N.Korea or anywhere, it will still be the only country in the world to use nukes in combat.  Not a glowing legacy (pun intended).


                   Killing with MOAB bombs may not seem as dire as using nukes, but dead is dead.  


                     If nukes are used, the residual radiation will preclude most humans from wanting/being allowed to live there.  Chernobyl region, in comparison, now has a semi-vibrant community of wild animals, now that all-but-a-few humans are gone.   Similarly, the DMZ, which replaced humans with land mines, also has a healthy community of wild animals.   So, there is a silver lining to eliminating humans from a region.

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18 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

                 Even if the US nukes N.Korea, it wouldn't change the political landscape much.  It would, however, leave a radioactive & charred moonscape, with millions dead.   There's are several reasons Obama and Kerry and HRC didn't advocate attacking N.Korea:  Let sleeping dogs lay.   


                        Even if N.Korea has/gets deployable nukes, it doesn't mean it's going to use them.  Pakistan, Israel and a dozen other countries have nukes and don't use them.   The only way N.Korea would use them, is if they're provoked.   US is led by a provocative man.  Both Kim and Trump are mentally sick in their own particular ways.  Not a good situation.   If I resided in Seoul, I'd be wanting to split toot suite.



Not just Obama - even president Cheney's White House decided against it and look at how hawkish that administration was.

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12 hours ago, tonbridgebrit said:


The USS Carl Vinson is a Nimitz-class supercarrier. This IS a serious piece of military hardware.

And yes, this ship is the main feature of Washington's battle-group sailing towards Korea. If I was Kim, I'd be scared.  How many Tomahawk Cruise missiles are on the USS Carl Vinson ?


This lethal carrier has approximately 40 FIGHTER JETS ready for take off,  it also has an arsenal of weaponry such as Tomahawk missiles and the likes.

It is capable of taking out Kim Jun's military hardware within a dozen strikes.


Don't mess with this US baby.   

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1 hour ago, steven100 said:

This lethal carrier has approximately 40 FIGHTER JETS ready for take off,  it also has an arsenal of weaponry such as Tomahawk missiles and the likes.

It is capable of taking out Kim Jun's military hardware within a dozen strikes.


Don't mess with this US baby.   



Sorry to do a "Google" on you, but NK has a land mass of 120,540 sq km (46,540 sq mi). 


In  that vast mountainous and sparsely populated area they have spent the last 70 years building thousands and thousands of tunnels through mountains and deep, deep anti-nuclear shelters, the entire non-nuclear warhead payload of a dozen carrier's would not even be a pin-prick to them. Nor would nuclear strikes completely disable this country whose barmy rulers would not care if they lost 80% of the population in a nuclear war, they would all be hunkered down in the deepest shelters and would survive as would most of the military.


But the population of South Korea would not survive a nuclear war (or even a non-nuclear war); again it’s a mountainous country with the population and major industries located in a few major cities, Seoul being right next to the DMZ and well within the range of the 7,000 plus conventional artillery pieces that the NK's keep permanently loaded and aimed at the US forces in SK. They don't need nuclear bombs to wipe out SK as we know it today.


Also its right next door to China, who will not take kindly to a nuclear war on its borders, ditto Russia.


It is actually in China's interests to keep the madmen in NK as a bulwark against the US, witness the current anti-SK trade embargo because SK will install the latest US anti-missile shield whose radar can penetrate China’s airspace. If the Chinese did not intend to have sufficient air forces near the border to support NK in the event of hostilities getting more hostile, why should they care about radar? It’s a passive tactical device and only matters if the Chinese have hostile intent.


Do not confuse NK’s rulers with Assad, sabre rattling by lobbing in a few missiles from an off-shore carrier will only start the next world war.


There is no alternative to continuing the peace negotiations that have been going on for the last 68 years.


68 years is a long time and one has to be crazy (like maybe Trump) not to think, "if is so easy to scare NK by tossing in a few missiles why hasn't it been done before”?


The big problem is Trump is so ignorant of world affairs and so enamored of being "the most powerful man in the world" that he might order strikes when he has no conception of the consequences.


But then again, maybe his Russian mates will decide to play a NK trick on him at an airport theater to remove the embarrassment he is causing them. Probably not, he still has a lot to do to help their cause.


US politicians have always been more self-serving than most, but the Trump family are really making a mockery of the US voters who let them in. What a joke, they must all sit around at night pissing themselves laughing.  


If there was still a direct line telephone to enable Donny boy to talk to his mate Vlad, it would only be red from embarrassment.

There are many honest brave and competent US service men and women in South Korea and one shudders to think how they feel having another totally useless d_ckhead in charge of their lives again.





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8 minutes ago, MiKT said:



Sorry to do a "Google" on you, but NK has a land mass of 120,540 sq km (46,540 sq mi). 


In  that vast mountainous and sparsely populated area they have spent the last 70 years building thousands and thousands of tunnels through mountains and deep, deep anti-nuclear shelters, the entire non-nuclear warhead payload of a dozen carrier's would not even be a pin-prick to them. Nor would nuclear strikes completely disable this country whose barmy rulers would not care if they lost 80% of the population in a nuclear war, they would all be hunkered down in the deepest shelters and would survive as would most of the military.


But the population of South Korea would not survive a nuclear war (or even a non-nuclear war); again it’s a mountainous country with the population and major industries located in a few major cities, Seoul being right next to the DMZ and well within the range of the 7,000 plus conventional artillery pieces that the NK's keep permanently loaded and aimed at the US forces in SK. They don't need nuclear bombs to wipe out SK as we know it today.


Also its right next door to China, who will not take kindly to a nuclear war on its borders, ditto Russia.


It is actually in China's interests to keep the madmen in NK as a bulwark against the US, witness the current anti-SK trade embargo because SK will install the latest US anti-missile shield whose radar can penetrate China’s airspace. If the Chinese did not intend to have sufficient air forces near the border to support NK in the event of hostilities getting more hostile, why should they care about radar? It’s a passive tactical device and only matters if the Chinese have hostile intent.


Do not confuse NK’s rulers with Assad, sabre rattling by lobbing in a few missiles from an off-shore carrier will only start the next world war.


There is no alternative to continuing the peace negotiations that have been going on for the last 68 years.


68 years is a long time and one has to be crazy (like maybe Trump) not to think, "if is so easy to scare NK by tossing in a few missiles why hasn't it been done before”?


The big problem is Trump is so ignorant of world affairs and so enamored of being "the most powerful man in the world" that he might order strikes when he has no conception of the consequences.


But then again, maybe his Russian mates will decide to play a NK trick on him at an airport theater to remove the embarrassment he is causing them. Probably not, he still has a lot to do to help their cause.


US politicians have always been more self-serving than most, but the Trump family are really making a mockery of the US voters who let them in. What a joke, they must all sit around at night pissing themselves laughing.  


If there was still a direct line telephone to enable Donny boy to talk to his mate Vlad, it would only be red from embarrassment.

There are many honest brave and competent US service men and women in South Korea and one shudders to think how they feel having another totally useless d_ckhead in charge of their lives again.





Excellent post and ticks all of the main boxes.

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