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Birds fowling pool area


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Over the last couple of weeks it seems like the pool in my garden and the surrounding tiled area have become a target for birds to unload their bowels.


I have placed a couple of stone herons by the pool to frighten them off but that hasn't worked.


Any ideas to frighten these birds away and stop them from dropping their loads in my garden would be welcome.


I appreciate that a topic like this will attract some unhelpful, non humorous replies but if I am lucky I may get one gem that solves my problem.


Edited by lelapin
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are  u sure it isnt  bats at night, what colour is the crap as  the trees  with yellow  berries are  now ripe  here and i constantly have to wash the crap off the  house w alls as its stains them.............theres  no real solution

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It's just that time of year, birds nesting. I've got them nesting in the steel work of the pool roof. Just part of living with nature. I wash down the pool deck once a week, not much you can do about it. Enjoy the wildlife and learn to live along with them. 


PS, I also have a cat, but he disappears during the day, doesn't have an effect on the bird population.

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1 hour ago, grollies said:

You think you've got problems, just seen little wagtail-type birds bathing in my pool. Gotta up the Chlorine.


Here in Greece the swallows skim over the surface of swimming pools when they want a drink. You see them doing it all the time. The chlorine doesn't seem to bother them at all.

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There are no ways to persuade birds not to crap in the pool. Not only that, there will be problems with frogs jumping in and drowning in the pool when they can`t get out, insects and dust blowing in during windy days.


Only one solution, that is cover the pool when not in use with a tarpaulin or some type of waterproof plastic sheet.


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I've the same, but hardly a deluge of birdshit, even given the size of the pool/surrounds area. I've given up chasing them off. The Koi are big enough that they won't fit in the (comparatively small) Herons' nor Kingfishers beaks. Nothing deters them so just give in, let nature get on with it and hose off the guanao when watering the plants. They bugger off after breeding season anyway.

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Have hung up about 20 old CD's on to trees near the pool on 4 pieces of string and so far the bright reflections and sound  seem to be working - or of course it is possible that all the local birds are suffering from constipation.

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