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Video: weaving truck case prompts highway chief to consult with land department about dash-cams


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2 hours ago, trainman34014 said:

If they got just a small percentage of their 310,000 lazy ass Cops out on the roads in unmarked cars they would soon be raking in enough money to install all the equipment needed to bring an end to much of the bad driving we see on a daily basis.


This particular recording is pussy compared to many of the Trucks i have followed even in the last few months !


Exactly, this is normal truck driving, I give them a wide berth, they are full of Red Bull , chain smoke and talk on their cell phones while overtaking.

I rode with one from BK to Hua Hin to deliver my container of furniture, the cab was full of empty Red Bull bottles the driver was reckless, I ended up phoning my wife to talk to him to slow the maniac down , he was tailgating trucks in front overtaking at 120 k then being overtaken by the truck he overtook, they play this game.


Where are the log books promised within 30 days??????? 

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7 minutes ago, kiwikeith said:


Exactly, this is normal truck driving, I give them a wide berth, they are full of Red Bull , chain smoke and talk on their cell phones while overtaking.

I rode with one from BK to Hua Hin to deliver my container of furniture, the cab was full of empty Red Bull bottles the driver was reckless, I ended up phoning my wife to talk to him to slow the maniac down , he was tailgating trucks in front overtaking at 120 k then being overtaken by the truck he overtook, they play this game.


Where are the log books promised within 30 days??????? 

What are log books do they have them in Thailand Yeah you are right Kiwikeith you were  driving with a complete idiot But hey that how they think here Life is fun

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3 hours ago, mark01 said:

Next it will be "Dash cams banned as they don't show Thailand in a positive manner"

Because it does not show Thailand in a positive manner Common 

Thailand is above reproach  The perfect society according to our exalted leader

Edited by realenglish1
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4 hours ago, garywim said:

The thing I noticed the most was no one uses their indicators in Thailand. What the "L " is wrong with them.

My pet peeve,  indicators .

Not true.   Indicators are used in Thailand to show the last move / turn the driver made.   Particularly common in the motor-bike community.

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Where I come from, an HGV license requires a lot of training and cash.... truck drivers take pride in their driving. Time to change the system here; proper training at a cost that will make the drivers think twice about doing something that'll cause their license to be revoked. Same goes for the coach drivers.

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7 minutes ago, lemonjelly said:

Where I come from, an HGV license requires a lot of training and cash.... truck drivers take pride in their driving. Time to change the system here; proper training at a cost that will make the drivers think twice about doing something that'll cause their license to be revoked. Same goes for the coach drivers.


7 minutes ago, lemonjelly said:

Where I come from, an HGV license requires a lot of training and cash.... truck drivers take pride in their driving. Time to change the system here; proper training at a cost that will make the drivers think twice about doing something that'll cause their license to be revoked. Same goes for the coach drivers.

Hey wife Swapper well said To get a truck license In Aus cost lots and you really have to so some training Here it is questions like this 1/ Is this a car or truck we are looking out  Answer: truck 2/ Is it big : Answer: yes 3/ You think you can drive this truck  Answer: yes 4/ What does it do  Answer: carry goods  Ok u pass leave brown envelope on desk  Happy trucking

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What I see here, is just another day on the roads of Thailand. The only difference being that we know that the nerd hogging the outer lane is a police officer.


If the police don't know the basic rules of driving in this country, what hope is there for the rest of the driving population?

Edited by Moonlover
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21 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

What I see here, is just another day on the roads of Thailand. The only difference being that we know that the nerd hogging the outer lane is a police officer.


If the police don't know the basic rules of driving in this country, what hope is there for the rest of the driving population?

You are right they dont know the rules I was driving through centre of Ubon ratchathani during Songhran People in the back of pick-ups everywhere  throwing water Cops were there to causing traffic Chaos They were sending cars here there everywhere Complete loss of control Then one of them was changing the lights manually He forgot to change the lights back from red Cars stacked right back up the road because this cop forgot to change the lights to green It was like sending a bunch of school kids to control the traffic and telling them they could be police men for a day

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

BANGKOK: -- A dash-cam video that caught a Chiang Mai truck weaving recklessly across a road has prompted the chief of highway police to discuss the admissibility of such footage for prosecution.

Hmm One would have thought that was a slam dunk using it for evidence. Watch out for the overkill part all vehicles must have dash cams. Yes I know its a good idea but personal preference is the clincher. Lets leave us with the right to make some decisions on our own. 

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Dash cam they are ok I got one and use it when am back driving  highway truck it is to cover my butt in case of an accident because the big truck is always guilty so when there is evidence off that cam it could be used.

Here it is a joke cam are for movies like crash movies on U- Tube it make a lot of sense so drive the jungle  way and be like them enjoy the bad driving freedom.

I have to remember now next week back to law and orders in my country. LOL,

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As a regular highway driver (BKK-Pattaya) for me, compared to their bus, minibus, pick-up and motorbike driving counterparts the majority of Truckers of Thailand are generally quite good drivers and actually conduct themselves reasonably well, possibly as they have undergone some form of driver training to get a HGV license.  Credit where it's due.  In the 'Screaming at the windscreen league table' they would be close to the bottom.  


Minibuses clear leaders closely followed by Chinese Tour buses with pick-ups a very close third.  Motorbikes in fourth, with big-bore-exhaust-cheap-piece-of-crap-10-year-old-toyotas in fifth.  Sixth, Fortuner drivers.  Seventh, anyone using cruise-control in the fast lane stuck at 110kph.  Eighth, but climbing; Taxis.  Unlicensed, unregistered, uninsured, unroadworthy, but thankfully very slow 'vehicles' get ninth.  <deleted> in big Mercs tenth. Fake police lights in the front grill up my Khyber at 140kph 11th.  Anyone with blue indicators and white brake lights 12th.  No lights at night coming straight at me, probably nearer the top but only just thought of them, 13th.   Mobile woks, 14th, unless hungry.



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2 minutes ago, Cranky said:

As a regular highway driver (BKK-Pattaya) for me, compared to their bus, minibus, pick-up and motorbike driving counterparts the majority of Truckers of Thailand are generally quite good drivers and actually conduct themselves reasonably well, possibly as they have undergone some form of driver training to get a HGV license.  Credit where it's due.  In the 'Screaming at the windscreen league table' they would be close to the bottom.  


Minibuses clear leaders closely followed by Chinese Tour buses with pick-ups a very close third.  Motorbikes in fourth, with big-bore-exhaust-cheap-piece-of-crap-10-year-old-toyotas in fifth.  Sixth, Fortuner drivers.  Seventh, anyone using cruise-control in the fast lane stuck at 110kph.  Eighth, but climbing; Taxis.  Unlicensed, unregistered, uninsured, unroadworthy, but thankfully very slow 'vehicles' get ninth.  <deleted> in big Mercs tenth. Fake police lights in the front grill up my Khyber at 140kph 11th.  Anyone with blue indicators and white brake lights 12th.  No lights at night coming straight at me, probably nearer the top but only just thought of them, 13th.   Mobile woks, 14th, unless hungry.



LOl well said

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Dash cam evidence is a strange thing for a poiceman to question, perhaps in this case the truck was untouchable.  Friends believe that trucks are able to drive on Bangkok streets during the day time because the companies pay off the police, so it is possible that the policeman needs some pretext not to prosecute in this case. 

The truck appeared to swerve into the correct lane in front of the white car for a short period in order to show the white car that he was wrong to have impeded the trucks progress, normal behaviour of some drivers all over the world. 

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4 hours ago, todlad said:

However, if your CCTV overlooks any other property, eg a main road or next door's garden, any CCTV evidence will be void.

So true.

In Germany absolutely forbidden/void.

Privacy protection to the max.


I wonder whether the guy was punished whose CCTV pics of the walkway in front of his house helped to identify and find a child murderer (a year ago or so in Berlin) :sleep:



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6 hours ago, garywim said:

The thing I noticed the most was no one uses their indicators in Thailand. What the "L " is wrong with them.

My pet peeve,  indicators .

Flicking.your finger is very tiring you know!  


Maybe it's to do with loss of face, like letting people know their intentions is giving in to them.


I just know that flicking your indicator lever is so easy and can prevent an accident.

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Highway chief needs to watch the video from the beginning and put his glasses on.For starters the dumb copper was hugging the Fast lane so the truck had to Undercut overtaken,for the rest there isn't much of a problem truck weaves to other lane than he weaves back to overtake a car, than has a bit of a wiggle,Could be just moving his butt on his seat to get more comfortable.

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6 hours ago, todlad said:

I can only speak to what I know.


Where I come from, you can have your own CCTV set up attached to your own property for your own safety and peace of mind.


However, if your CCTV overlooks any other property, eg a main road or next door's garden, any CCTV evidence will be void.


This means that if someone steals a car in front of your property but not from your property, even though you can see exactly who did it, the police would need other evidence to trap the thief because your CCTV footage would be inadmissible.


I believe that is the state of UK law but of course if you are able to update that I would be happy to read the latest position.

I have cctv at the front of my house in the UK and after a drunken incident a few years ago where a car parked in the street was totally wrecked and items stolen from within I had a visit from the police who saw my camera and asked if I had any footage of the incident. As it happened I had recorded the event and police made a copy of my cctv footage which was used in court to convict two men.

A friend who has a shop with internal and external cctv is always being asked for cctv footage by police following incidents in the area of his shop.

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10 hours ago, BigBadGeordie said:

Interesting to note that the "leading Region 5 policeman in his private car" using the dash cam fails on to keep left after overtaking manouvers for protracted periods. 

Whilst not diminishing the actions of the truck driver, if one of them end up being charged it should be both of them.


But that will never happen, anyway, moving on.

The policeman was not on duty so he cannot catch the driver what a joke.

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I think the test if admissibility is whether the video runs to the root of the act in breach of the law rather than some secondary matter. So the video would not be admissible to prove breach of speed limit but if the circumstances were evident might be admissible to prove reckless driving. The point of law is how relevant and accurate the video might be to support a prosecution to a particular clause of law. This particular video seems not really seem sufficiently persuasive but others I have seen certainly are. Of course it is only one part of the evidence. That said the whole justice system here is totally hit and miss and subject to gross manipulation so really it would be anyone's guess.

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13 hours ago, garywim said:

The thing I noticed the most was no one uses their indicators in Thailand. What the "L " is wrong with them.

My pet peeve,  indicators .

"no one uses their indicators in Thailand."

Wrong! Many motorcyclists use their indicators, but it's anybody's guess as to which way they are going to go! They frequently forget to cancel the indicator once they have turned the corner, and drive on obliviously for miles with the indicator going and no intention of turning. 

But I do agree partly with your "pet peeve" as in the scenario where you are waiting at a junction to pull out on to the main road, and a slow moving  motorcyclist approaching from your right does not indicate, but turns left into your side road with no indicator going - now THAT is annoying!

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I had a one of those double-decker tour buses  traveling south on highway 11 almost go sideways after passing me.  Caught it on the dash cam.  And I was thinking, "why don't the cops accept these videos and then charge these wackos for negligent and dangerous driving?"  The bus footage I had was much more exciting than that truck.  

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