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I have it on the soles of my feet and a bit on the palms of my hands. Creams and lotions for it do help but lately I discovered that soaking my feet in a strong salt bath is clearing it for much longer periods. Dead sea salt with a lot of Iodine seems the most effective but it's not, unfortunately, a corner shop item.

Walking in the sea would be ok I suppose but along the seaboard I don't really fancy going in the sea for obvious reasons.


SeaSalt of various sources is available at Villa markets, also some of the upscale Mall grocers. I saw a whole shelf full of assorted sea-salts in the grocer at the Embassy mall, Bangkok.

Damn! If troops were paid in salt today as they were during the Roman Empire days, they'ed be pretty happy....expensive stuff!


now you will laugh but the root cause of ailments like psoriasis and eczema is usually diet. You cant treat the symptoms you have to treat the origins

of it.

14 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

now you will laugh but the root cause of ailments like psoriasis and eczema is usually diet. You cant treat the symptoms you have to treat the origins

of it.

Thats right, I find capsicum or bell peppers as Americans call them is a big cause for me. oddly enough chilli doesnt trigger it.


I agree that diet plays a big part. I've seen some fantastic results on an elderly family member in Oz who was suffering very bad psoriasis on her legs, arms and lower back. It was preventing her sleeping for periods more than an hour or so and affecting her health. She was scratching like a mangy dog. Doctors and specialists prescribed steroids creams that did little to help. Her bed sheets were covered in "scales" after spending any time in bed.

After a bit of research we tried a series of vitamins and minerals along with her usual steroid cream on the spots plus a thin coating of Vaseline to keep the skin moist. Within 3 days the psoriasis had visibly retracted. After a week most of the itchiness, scales and sores had gone. 3 months later all the sores have healed. She has stopped taking the course of pills and it hasn't returned. Her doctor is impressed at the results and requested a list of what she took for his records.

In Thailand the same mix of vitamins has worked wonders on my FiL's legs that suffered from allergies.

I have no affiliation with the vitamin company apart from being a customer and offer no guarantees it will work for you. I was very skeptical until I saw the results with my own eyes. Look at Usana.
The pills used were:
Essentials, BiOmega, Proflavanol C 100, Active Calcium, Poly C and CoQuinone 100.


Im pretty sure you have to cut out ALL processed foods….sugar and its various forms….white rice (refined starches), alcohol, salt, bell peppers, coffee, tea….colas, junk food…might be a tough ask for some…lol


beneficial foods are lecithin, unpolished rice, young coconut milk, apples, cucumber and aloe vera (to apply), lemons, carrots, whole grains, raw or cultured cabbage (sauerkraut etc)…..doesnt sound like fun, I'll admit.


ive had it for most of my life, now 51, and i found the best thing for me is to get out in the sun, it got rid of the big patches all over me in a flash, and they havent returned, i do however still get it in my scalp and other places where the sun dont shine. agreed diet plays a big part, but there are other components as well. Thanks Farma for the Usana tip , will look into that, as recently i have had a flare up of both psoriasis, and psoriatic arthritis, and its stopped me in my tracks from exercising , not happy.

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