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Top Suphanburi figure expected to be arrested in "sex with 14 year old case"


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So this is the same case that had another thread here where the victim's family was complaining that the police for a long time had done nothing with the case/investigation, supposedly because one of the suspects was the son of a local retired police officer???  And now the plot thickens with the local influential as a player....


But curiously, today's reports seems to not mention any details from yesterday about the police re-assignments and the connection about a suspect supposedly being the son of a local retired police officer there. Not to mention, no identities or descriptions of those who have already been arrested.




So they're going to arrest the older guy who the girl allegedly was prostituted to, and that gets the headlines... But what about those presumably younger multiple guys who allegedly gang-raped her prior to that?


Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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20 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

Top figure.




Amazing how some people are named, and others are not. #justkidding

Un-named yet gave out that he is a "big man aged 52"  everyone in Suphanburi will automatically know who it is.

Before the arrest warrant is even produced!

Amazing Thailand


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So this is the same case that had another thread here where the victim's family was complaining that the police for a long time had done nothing with the case/investigation, supposedly because one of the suspects was the son of a local retired police officer???  And now the plot thickens with the local influential as a player....


Kinda makes one wonder how long this has been going on (forever), how many victims' cases have gone un-prosecuted (hundreds of thousands), how many innocent people have been stitched up for crimes (tens of thousands), how many criminals have gone free (hundreds of thousands), how many young criminals follow their influential families into the police force (thousands).


What is amazing is that "the people" seem to be getting a bit more uppity in standing up to injustice, and social media is helping, much to the chagrin of the "authorities".

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14 hours ago, worgeordie said:

"A top figure in the province of Suphanburi is expected to be under arrest soon" but will

it happen,suppose depends how influential his friends are,so far taken 6 months,lets 

hope there's justice at the end of the tunnel for the young girl.

regards worgeordie

Justice is too late coming and will not help the young girl at all, she suffered at the hands of the beasts who gang raped her, she suffered again at the hands of the Poo yai and she is still suffering now, probably will for life!

The police who carried out the original investigation and found no reason to prosecute them should be removed from the force, named & shamed, almost as bad as being accomplices to the act itself!

I sincerely hope the curt does it's job and send these beasts to prison for a very very long time!



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1 hour ago, hotchilli said:

Justice is too late coming and will not help the young girl at all, she suffered at the hands of the beasts who gang raped her, she suffered again at the hands of the Poo yai and she is still suffering now, probably will for life!

The police who carried out the original investigation and found no reason to prosecute them should be removed from the force, named & shamed, almost as bad as being accomplices to the act itself!

I sincerely hope the curt does it's job and send these beasts to prison for a very very long time!



Sorry this is Thailand, do you really expect anything to change in the short term. The only chance of change is a real coup, not a make believe re-arrange the deckchairs pretend coup. 

One day, one day

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On 2017/4/20 at 8:41 PM, colinneil said:

If this so -called Pa chor was just a normal Thai his name would have been plastered all over the media.

As he is a top figure, his name is being hidden.

Just shows you the double standards operating here.

If his name was immediately made known then how is he( Pa chor) going to pay up? it's not  a double standards. It's standard procedure to collect payment due.

In my country the journalists are told no photos no name, and the journalists follow exactly what they are told, otherwise, you know what "otherwise" mean don't you?


Edited by madusa
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"SUPHANBURI: -- A top figure in the province of Suphanburi is expected to be under arrest soon in the case of a 14 year old girl supplied for sex. The man - refrerred to only as "Pa Chor" , 52, is expected to be the subject of an arrest warrant following the detention of several other people".


I can only assume that the above announcement was made to give the suspect time to make his getaway.

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So the "expected arrest" has not happened yet, if they go by normal procedures,

they most likely told him to report into the station next Monday,and he's replied

he's too busy,and will come along when he finds time.

regards worgeordie

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Jesus Christ! (T.I.T)

I've so much I'd like to express about this report, but no doubt, my comments would rightfully be edited?

Simply put, those individuals connected with the wrong doing, are in my opinion, worse than Scum!

My heart goes out to the victims. I've a young and very pretty daughter. These kinds of stories/reports are very common place here and are very worrying too.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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