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Peaceful outcome for Korean peninsula still possible - Pence


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Peaceful outcome for Korean peninsula still possible - Pence

By Roberta Rampton and Colin Packham


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U.S. Vice President Mike Pence speaks during a media conference with Australia's Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull at Admiralty House in Sydney, Australia, April 22, 2017. REUTERS/Jason Reed


SYDNEY (Reuters) - Denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula can still be achieved peacefully because of Washington's new engagement with China, U.S. Vice President Mike Pence said on Saturday, despite growing fears North Korea could soon conduct a new nuclear test.


South Korea is on heightened alert ahead of another important anniversary in the reclusive North that could be the trigger for a new nuclear test or launch of ballistic missiles, with a large concentration of military hardware massed on both sides of the border.


Tensions have risen sharply in recent months after Pyongyang conducted two nuclear weapons tests last year and carried out a steady stream of ballistic missile tests in defiance of United Nations resolutions and sanctions.


U.S. President Donald Trump has vowed to prevent North Korea from being able to hit the United States with a nuclear missile but his deputy said in Sydney on Saturday a peaceful outcome was still achievable because of warming ties between Beijing and Washington.


"We truly believe that, as our allies in the region and China bring that pressure to bear, there is a chance that we can achieve a historic objective of a nuclear-free Korea peninsula by peaceful means," Pence said.


"We are encouraged by the steps that China has taken so far," he said at a joint news conference with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

Earlier this week, Trump praised Chinese efforts to rein in "the menace of North Korea" after North Korean state media warned the United States of a "super-mighty preemptive strike".


Trump hosted Chinese President Xi Jinping at his resort in Florida earlier this month and, while taking a hard line with North Korea, has focused his efforts on trying to convince China to put more pressure on its ally and neighbour.


However, Trump has also ordered what he has described as an "armada" to waters off the Korean peninsula as a warning to North Korea. There was some confusion about the whereabouts of the USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier strike group earlier this week.




While it was thought the carrier group had been steaming towards the Korean peninsula, it had in fact been completing a training exercise with the Australian navy.


Pence said the carrier group was now expected to be in waters off the Korean peninsula before the end of the month, "within days".


On Friday, the U.S. Navy said a pilot from the USS Carl Vinson had ejected safely while conducting a routine flight south of the Philippines.


It said the incident occurred as the F/A-18E was on a final approach to the carrier. The pilot was recovered by helicopter without injury. The statement did not say when the incident occurred.


In the face of the U.S. moves, North Korea said on Friday the state of affairs on the Korean peninsula was "extremely perilous".


The North will celebrate the 85th anniversary of the foundation of its Korean People's Army on Tuesday and has marked important events in the past by launching missiles or conducting nuclear tests.


Tuesday's anniversary also comes as the North finishes winter military drills and as South Korea and the United States wrap up annual joint military exercises.


South Korea's Unification Ministry spokesman Lee Duk-haeng said on Friday all those military exercises meant there was a lot of military equipment gathered in North Korea, as well as the South.


Satellite imagery analysed by 38 North, a Washington-based North Korea monitoring project, found some activity under way at North Korea's Punggye-ri nuclear test site, but the group said it was unclear whether the site was in a "tactical pause" before another test or was carrying out normal operations.


U.S. officials have also said there was an increased level of activity by Chinese bombers, signalling a possible heightened state of readiness. Russian media has denied reports Moscow was building up its forces near the Korean border.


China's Defence Ministry, however, said its forces were maintaining normal combat preparedness.


North Korea remained defiant.


"Now that we possess mighty nuclear power to protect ourselves from U.S. nuclear threat, we will respond without the slightest hesitation to full-out war with full-out war and to nuclear war with our style of nuclear strike, and we will emerge victor in the final battle with the United States," the North's Foreign Ministry said in a statement.


-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-04-22

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The chance of the "Denuclearisation" (horrible word) of the Korean peninsula peacefully is probably the same as the odds that man will walk on Mars next month. Pence has shown real naivety (i would have expected such a statement from Trump) for a seasoned politician with this statement. We are dealing with Trump and Kim Jong and one is insane and the other is really insane. The only way to stop the North Korean army from invading South Korea should it decide to do so is to blanket nuke N Korea and China and the rest of the world are not going to be too keen on that one. South Korea will run out of bullets before they have stopped most of the rumoured 4-6 million Army the N Koreans can muster from running amok in Seoul.


The sabre rattling is going to backfire badly. The only thing that can turn the tables in North Korea is the people themselves and that could take some time but it will happen. If we kick off a fight there then a Pandora's box will be opened that will create a very bad situation in Asia and the Far East. For the US that will start the fight then work and life will continue as usual with the only consequences being 24 hr news coverage, while this entire region will be in turmoil.

Edited by Andaman Al
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19 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula can still be achieved peacefully because of Washington's new engagement with China

Isn't this strategic patience back to the Obama North Korea policy - trying to get China to work denuclearization with Kim Jong-un?



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A peaceful outcome is in the hands of Kim Jong Un.  All he has to do is knock it off and shut his extra large pie hole.   NK won't have any notches left to ratchet up the tensions in order to get concessions.  Eventually they'll get to a long range, nuke capable missile that works.  And then what? 


One would hope the Chinese and Russians will be targeting this nutter and his nuke capabilities.  Have to bury the senior military sycophants who are enabling him as well.  That nutty lady on state TV.....Pyongyang Priscilla...... she's gotta go too, just on GP.   



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On 23/04/2017 at 0:29 AM, ddavidovsky said:

Politicians need to understand the sociology of insecurity. That's the only issue with North Korea. They present no geo-political threat. Just leave them alone and there will be zero possibility of any regrettable 'nuclear misunderstandings'.

If only it was that easy. Just leave alone a lunatic with nuclear capacity, a 4 million strong military force who constantly fire on Sth Korea with artillery, sink ships in neutral or non Nth Korean waters, kidnap citizens from other countries and constantly state that they will unleash all the weapons at their command should they feel threatened or as soon as they are capable of delivering a nuke to the US mainland. Or Japan or Sth Korea. 

Insane psychomaniac loopies need more than just shock therapy. They need to be immobilised. Permanently.

Leave them alone and they will go home, wagging their tails behind them is a childrens Ditty, it does not work in the real world.


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16 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

Why are red ties so popular with the new politicians in the USA? Seems they all wear red ties.

I remember reading somewhere ( probably incorrect) that most presidents (and CEO's apparently) generally only wear red or blue ties. Red when they want to look strong and blue when seeking empathy. Might have rubbed off on the cronies?

Edited by starky
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19 hours ago, 55Jay said:

A peaceful outcome is in the hands of Kim Jong Un.  All he has to do is knock it off and shut his extra large pie hole.   NK won't have any notches left to ratchet up the tensions in order to get concessions.  Eventually they'll get to a long range, nuke capable missile that works.  And then what? 


One would hope the Chinese and Russians will be targeting this nutter and his nuke capabilities.  Have to bury the senior military sycophants who are enabling him as well.  That nutty lady on state TV.....Pyongyang Priscilla...... she's gotta go too, just on GP.   



Its a damned if you do and a damned if you don't situation. I just love old iron girdle that broadcasts the TV news from North Korea. I cannot almost see the firing squad in the background if she stumbles over her script 

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