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Obama makes no mention of Trump in first major post-presidential appearance


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Ay up, the snowflake brigade is out in force. :smile:

His not mentioning Trump is more a poke in the ribs than saying anything.



“What’s been going on since I’ve been gone?” joked the former Democratic president as he moderated an event at the University of Chicago in the city where he began his political career and which will be the site of his presidential library.

And which is one of the most violent, crime-ridden in the world. Let's face it, for all his grandiose speeches, he didn't really achieve all that much at grassroots (city streets) level. Look at the state of Chicago in particular. Aside from the environment - which he deserves big kudos for - he was generally all mouth and no trousers.

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7 minutes ago, daveAustin said:

Ay up, the snowflake brigade is out in force. :smile:

His not mentioning Trump is more a poke in the ribs than saying anything.


And which is one of the most violent, crime-ridden in the world. Let's face it, for all his grandiose speeches, he didn't really achieve all that much at grassroots (city streets) level. Look at the state of Chicago in particular. Aside from the environment - which he deserves big kudos for - he was generally all mouth and no trousers.

Now that Americans have seen what the alternative looks like, Obamacare keeps gaining in popularity.  No small achievement. In fact, even as many conservatives now concede, it's changed the way Americans now think about healthcare. A big majority view it as a right.

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17 hours ago, White Christmas13 said:

Just to add ,Trump is the least liked president  of the last 13

If there had been independent sat news and the internet of today then,

I think there would have been more below Trump.

Hay Hay, LBJ, have you killed another kid today?

The news or whats suppose to be the news today seems to be more

opinions than facts.


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25 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

Saw a clip of Obama's interview with kids.  Kinda miss hearing him speak.  Trump is a cross between Forrest Gump and The Tasmanian Devil.




Yes, great orator and raconteur to boot! Sorry he was unable to deliver everything he intended, but a great statesman who did much to restore American credibility.

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On 4/27/2017 at 2:20 AM, Grouse said:

Yes, great orator and raconteur to boot! Sorry he was unable to deliver everything he intended, but a great statesman who did much to restore American credibility.

I'll agree he could talk the talk. He just had a problem walking the walk.

IMO there haven't been any statesmen since Kennedy. Statesmen unite, but Obama divided.

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