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Merkel warns Britons - don't delude yourself over Brexit


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Merkel warns Britons - don't delude yourself over Brexit

By Madeline Chambers and Paul Carrel



German Chancellor Angela Merkel addresses the lower house of parliament Bundestag in Berlin, Germany, April 27, 2017. REUTERS/Hannibal Hanschke


BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel told Britons on Thursday not to delude themselves that they would continue to enjoy EU rights after Brexit and insisted the bloc would only agree on future ties with London after they have nailed down a deal to leave.


Striking a firm tone in a speech to the Bundestag lower house of parliament before a weekend summit on Brexit, Merkel also said talks on Britain's financial obligations to the EU would have to be addressed early on in the talks.


"A third state, and that's what Britain will be, cannot and will not have at its disposal the same rights ... as members of the European Union," Merkel, the EU's most influential leader, told lawmakers.


"I must say this clearly here because I get the feeling that some people in Britain still have illusions - that would be wasted time," she said, to loud applause from lawmakers.


Arguing that the Brexit talks would only really get going after Britain's June 8 parliamentary election, Merkel stressed several times that all 27 remaining EU members agreed that the divorce settlement must be sorted out first.


"We can only do an agreement on the future relationship with Britain when all questions about its exit have been cleared up satisfactorily," she said.


Merkel, a conservative who will seek a fourth term as German chancellor in an election on Sept. 24, said one priority would be to protect the interests of EU citizens living in Britain, including 100,000 Germans.


She said she was ready to make "a fair offer" to Britons in Germany if it was reciprocal.


Merkel also said the talks would require a lot of effort in the next two years but expressed confidence that the EU side was ready.


"In terms of substance and organisation, we are very well prepared," she said.


(Writing by Madeline Chambers; Editing by Gareth Jones)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-4-27
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The EU is going to try to be very tough,on the U.K. if only to deter other EU nations,from coming to their senses and also make the break ,so  stuff their Mercs,  BMW's, and Audis .

regards worgeordie

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25 minutes ago, Grouse said:

What would her transfer fee be (to the nearest billion ) ?

London and Scotland with natural resources. 

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5 hours ago, worgeordie said:

The EU is going to try to be very tough,on the U.K. if only to deter other EU nations,from coming to their senses and also make the break ,so stuff their Mercs,  BMW's, and Audis .

regards worgeordie

EU is going to keep its course, because it's EU's duty to do the best possible deal for Europeans.


Just like UK politicians duty is to make best possible deal for the people of UK. 


Which side do you think is better off in these negotiations?

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14 minutes ago, oilinki said:

EU is going to keep its course, because it's EU's duty to do the best possible deal for Europeans.


Just like UK politicians duty is to make best possible deal for the people of UK. 


Which side do you think is better off in these negotiations?

The side that is more united. You will soon find that the 27 are not united regarding Britexit,especially when more of their citizens decide they want out of this so called Union.

On the U.K. Side, we will come more and more together, when the people realise that the future is better outside the E.U.  That's of course disregarding the die-hard selfish Remoaners,who are willing to stab their own country in the back.

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41 minutes ago, nontabury said:

The side that is more united. You will soon find that the 27 are not united regarding Britexit,especially when more of their citizens decide they want out of this so called Union.

On the U.K. Side, we will come more and more together, when the people realise that the future is better outside the E.U.  That's of course disregarding the die-hard selfish Remoaners,who are willing to stab their own country in the back.

Europeans share common goal and unity in this negotiation.


Half of the Brits long after the old days, the time when UK ruled India, Australia and Canada along the other commonwealth countries. The glorious Empire times!


The smarter half will adapt to the situation and tries to make the best deal possible for UK.

The brexiters will once again do great damage for future British generations. 

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45 minutes ago, colinneil said:

Merkel is pissed off that the UK has decided to pull out, and stop funding other EU countries, now it is going to be left to the Germans to fund the EU alone.

Merkel is pissed of stupidity, just like we all should be.


When stupid is no longer 'cute' and becomes destructive, we do have to fight against it. 

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4 hours ago, oilinki said:

Merkel is pissed of stupidity, just like we all should be.


When stupid is no longer 'cute' and becomes destructive, we do have to fight against it. 

A" Common Market "when it started out was a good idea,making easier to trade, now what it has turned into by power hungry bureaucrats ,trying to establish 

a new world order,they should never have let those eastern bloc countries in, they just weren't developed enough,so their populations left for the West and

better prospects, next it will be Turkey if the EU lasts that long

regards Worgeordie

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3 hours ago, worgeordie said:

A" Common Market "when it started out was a good idea,making easier to trade, now what it has turned into by power hungry bureaucrats ,trying to establish 

a new world order,they should never have let those eastern bloc countries in, they just weren't developed enough,so their populations left for the West and

better prospects,next it will be Turkey if the EU lasts that long

regards Worgeordie

Turkey is not going to be EU member. Not the way it has been. Not the way it seemed to go forward.

Turkey was accepted as possible member to give the people of Turkey hope and something to look forward. The hope from EU side was that Turkey would become a country with European values.


Now we have seen, it doesn't happen. EU is smart enough to wait for Erdogan to withdraw Turkey's EU application. It will give some serious bad karma to the new sultan of Turkey.

Eastern European countries have a lot smart people, who were depressed over the years of Soviet depression. It's our all's benefit to let these people to strive in the future. To support them is an investment to the future. Similar thing as giving free education for all, not just to the royal ones.


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8 hours ago, oilinki said:

Europeans share common goal and unity in this negotiation.


Half of the Brits long after the old days, the time when UK ruled India, Australia and Canada along the other commonwealth countries. The glorious Empire times!


The smarter half will adapt to the situation and tries to make the best deal possible for UK.

The brexiters will once again do great damage for future British generations. 

I agree with everything oilinki writes ; I am European 100% , I believe in the future of EU and Europe; in 2017 we need to be united, not alone as Britain will be, but don't forget, Britains, it's you have decided to leave 

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9 hours ago, oilinki said:

Europeans share common goal and unity in this negotiation.


Half of the Brits long after the old days, the time when UK ruled India, Australia and Canada along the other commonwealth countries. The glorious Empire times!


The smarter half will adapt to the situation and tries to make the best deal possible for UK.

The brexiters will once again do great damage for future British generations. 

I have never heard anyone say they wish for the "old times" as you put it, i doubt you have either.


The majority chose to leave to control the UK future and be able to do so without the unelected <deleted> who run EU.


You as i have no idea how it will pan out in the future, at least not until the exit terms are agreed.


But as it took 10 year for the EU to make a trade agreement with Canada which is just crazy, i think that is more worrying.

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1 hour ago, Aforek said:

I agree with everything oilinki writes ; I am European 100% , I believe in the future of EU and Europe; in 2017 we need to be united, not alone as Britain will be, but don't forget, Britains, it's you have decided to leave 

Yes the brits did vote to leave, so why are so many non brits poking there nose/ view into the mix,  I agree with worgeordie it was fine as a ' common market' but should never become a European state controlled  by and as the topic suggests 'germany' or more correct Hitler descendant merkel.

yes it will be hard and will take time but the brits will prevail and start to put the great back into Britain, we do not need the cheap non british labour that, being in the EU brings, and all the extra associated costs, NHS costs, children's benefits, housing shortages etc.

there are plenty of lazy state supported brits that can get off the backsides and contribute to the Uk's coffers

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Merkel can spout all she wants.

Recent research about the EU's Brexit conditions are just another example of Brussel's European Parliament attitude towards these pre-negotiations.

Keep your friends close but your enemies closer, if the EU keeps up this nonsense political hardball attitude the rest of the world will see what a dictatorship the EU really is.

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19 unelected men who cannot be removed or reprimanded. Go into a closed locked room in Secret and make decisions for 500 million people. Now because Britain has said sorry we don't go for Dictatorships. We get threat after threat . It just reaffirms  Britain made the right choice. Just walk away and tell them when they have grown up come and see if we want to talk to them. Stop all moneys going to the EU. Stop all EU immigration . It would be interesting to see how many immigtents rush to fight for Britain if shit kicked off and had to fight a war. 

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EU is going to keep its course, because it's EU's duty to do the best possible deal for Europeans.
Just like UK politicians duty is to make best possible deal for the people of UK. 
Which side do you think is better off in these negotiations?

Which side? Simple maths...

The UK has only itself to prioritise so 1.

The EU has to please & satisfy all remaining members so 27.

Unless you've a crystal ball or can predict the future nobody knows who'll be better off, but threaten & deter certainly appears the chosen route for the EU top table....

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13 minutes ago, Thongkorn said:

19 unelected men who cannot be removed or reprimanded. Go into a closed locked room in Secret and make decisions for 500 million people. Now because Britain has said sorry we don't go for Dictatorships. We get threat after threat . It just reaffirms  Britain made the right choice. Just walk away and tell them when they have grown up come and see if we want to talk to them. Stop all moneys going to the EU. Stop all EU immigration . It would be interesting to see how many immigtents rush to fight for Britain if shit kicked off and had to fight a war. 

If anything is typical of the arrogance of the Brexiters, this post exemplifies it.  The EU isn't proposing that future relations with the UK will be different than they would be for any other country that isn't a member of the EU. The UK chose to withdraw. No one forced it to.

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Merkel  and her pals on the gravy train are starting to panic ,they know that we got off the SS E.U in a nice shiny lifeboat , now the people in steerage are going to fight over who gets what ,and she knows its her and the German people who will end up losing ,  

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Just now, i claudius said:

Merkel  and her pals on the gravy train are starting to panic ,they know that we got off the SS E.U in a nice shiny lifeboat , now the people in steerage are going to fight over who gets what ,and she knows its her and the German people who will end up losing ,  

Yes, it's a brutal thing being in a free trade zone.  Which is why the UK doesn't care in the least about losing it.

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11 hours ago, oilinki said:

Europeans share common goal and unity in this negotiation.


Half of the Brits long after the old days, the time when UK ruled India, Australia and Canada along the other commonwealth countries. The glorious Empire times!


The smarter half will adapt to the situation and tries to make the best deal possible for UK.

The brexiters will once again do great damage for future British generations. 

what a load of B*ll*ks

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13 hours ago, worgeordie said:

The EU is going to try to be very tough,on the U.K. if only to deter other EU nations,from coming to their senses and also make the break ,so  stuff their Mercs,  BMW's, and Audis .

regards worgeordie

I think the Volkswagen, Daimler-Benz , BMW groups might whisper some  hard realities in Angela's ears. 

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22 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

If anything is typical of the arrogance of the Brexiters, this post exemplifies it.  The EU isn't proposing that future relations with the UK will be different than they would be for any other country that isn't a member of the EU. The UK chose to withdraw. No one forced it to.

19 unelected men who cannot be removed or reprimanded. Go into a closed locked room in Secret and make decisions for 500 million people. 


So you condone this? There is no arrogance involved at all as far as i can tell in wanting to be able to control one's future.


If the EU is so great, let every country have a vote on staying or not. They will never let that happen, why is that i wonder?

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If anything is typical of the arrogance of the Brexiters, this post exemplifies it.  The EU isn't proposing that future relations with the UK will be different than they would be for any other country that isn't a member of the EU. The UK chose to withdraw. No one forced it to.

The UK voted to leave due to a combination of the former PM Cameron (remainer) failing to obtain an amicable workable deal and an 'incompetent unfit for purpose' EU refusing to self reform.

Arrogance is equally the face of the EU, the consistency of threats, warnings and political bickering is something rather distasteful let alone unprofessional to the external viewing point.

The EU is a political bully, who detests being challenged, its rather disappointing but for example the EU takes 7 years to seal an overseas deal (Canada) despite internal EU pressures requiring it to be finally approved, call that progress or dragging its feet.

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13 hours ago, nontabury said:

The side that is more united. You will soon find that the 27 are not united regarding Britexit,especially when more of their citizens decide they want out of this so called Union.

On the U.K. Side, we will come more and more together, when the people realise that the future is better outside the E.U.  That's of course disregarding the die-hard selfish Remoaners,who are willing to stab their own country in the back.

I wonder what future you are talking about, isolated little Island life??

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24 minutes ago, citybiker said:


The UK voted to leave due to a combination of the former PM Cameron (remainer) failing to obtain an amicable workable deal and an 'incompetent unfit for purpose' EU refusing to self reform.

Arrogance is equally the face of the EU, the consistency of threats, warnings and political bickering is something rather distasteful let alone unprofessional to the external viewing point.

The EU is a political bully, who detests being challenged, its rather disappointing but for example the EU takes 7 years to seal an overseas deal (Canada) despite internal EU pressures requiring it to be finally approved, call that progress or dragging its feet.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Yes, about that Canada deal and the tyranny of the EU. In effect, one province in Belgium nearly scuttled that deal.  It won itself some nice concession to agree to it. The EU is such a bully.

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8 minutes ago, jobwolf said:

I wonder what future you are talking about, isolated little Island life??

Maybe the future to decide who we allow in our country, Reich Chancellor Merkels idea of having an open door policy to all and sundry, including terrorists doesn't really go down well with rational thinking Brits. We cannot remove undesirables from our country because the EU says no, do you you think the Brits want to live in a dictatorship, I suggest not!

I'm guessing you are not British, and maybe your from a country where your payments into the EU purse will have to go up without the UK's subscriptions, and just maybe, like a few on here suffer from the sour grape syndrome, but only guessing?

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2 minutes ago, vogie said:

Maybe the future to decide who we allow in our country, Reich Chancellor Merkels idea of having an open door policy to all and sundry, including terrorists doesn't really go down well with rational thinking Brits. We cannot remove undesirables from our country because the EU says no, do you you think the Brits want to live in a dictatorship, I suggest not!

I'm guessing you are not British, and maybe your from a country where your payments into the EU purse will have to go up without the UK's subscriptions, and just maybe, like a few on here suffer from the sour grape syndrome, but only guessing?

I believe that most if not all of the terrorist incidents in the UK come from Native UK citizens or those from the Commonwealth. Maybe the EU will be safer if the UK leaves.

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