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Brazilian rape victim given 20,000 baht compensation


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18 hours ago, webfact said:

“I’m truly saddened by the incident, and I thank the police officers who did the hard work to arrest the perpetrator,” Permanent Secretary Pongpanu Sawetrun said.

"I also thank the transport authority for issuing a taxi license to a twice convicted rapist and the taxi company for hiring a driver and unleashing him on the public without background checks. Finally, I want to applaud the fine Thai judicial system without whose constant failings this whole episode couldn't have happened."

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10 hours ago, jerojero said:

Read the few sentences... Says also medical expenses covered. And yes pain and suffering compensation is low. But do western gov'ts pay their tourists when victims of crime? No.




Yes, Sweden does.

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10 hours ago, jerojero said:

Read the few sentences... Says also medical expenses covered. And yes pain and suffering compensation is low. But do western gov'ts pay their tourists when victims of crime? No.




See Post no.9 above

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19 hours ago, TheMysteriousMrTesla said:

I hope she threw it back at them, $600 "compensation" is an insult.


Convicted rapist allowed to be a taxi driver?


Of course the case will go away once she's left the country and he'll be free to rape again.


Not sure why you say he'll be free to do it again when she goes home. They already locked him up after each of his last two offences.

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11 hours ago, jerojero said:

Read the few sentences... Says also medical expenses covered. And yes pain and suffering compensation is low. But do western gov'ts pay their tourists when victims of crime? No.





It's called a  victim of crime compensation fund. Almost all western countries allow foreign visitors to claim. For example;


Australia: Foreign citizen eligibility. Citizens of foreign countries are eligible to apply for compensation in the state or territory where the crime occurred.

Canada:  Similar to Australia, where  each province and territory administers its own fun.

USA: No exclusion of foreigners. 

Need more  countries? Netherlands, France,  UK,  etc.







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4 hours ago, steven100 said:

she got compensation.  Next time she'll arrange to have her friend with her ...

as anyone would do.

Yes, women! You should always have a chaperone. Don't be stupid in thinking you can do things by yourself.


If you don't have a chaperone and you get raped, you must share some of the blame with the rapist. Not 50-50, that would be unfair. Maybe 70/30? Blame can be negotiated based on the woman's innocent actions and how dumb they were. Leave the poor rapist out of it. 

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3 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

Yes, women! You should always have a chaperone. Don't be stupid in thinking you can do things by yourself.


If you don't have a chaperone and you get raped, you must share some of the blame with the rapist. Not 50-50, that would be unfair. Maybe 70/30? Blame can be negotiated based on the woman's innocent actions and how dumb they were. Leave the poor rapist out of it. 

No excuse for the actions of the perpetrator / alleged rapist .. despicable.

However,  common sense says be cautious when traveling anywhere ....


Hope she has recovered from her ordeal and it's always advisable to have a friend with you when traveling in unfamiliar countries

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20 hours ago, colinneil said:

If this for real??????

20.000 baht bloody insult.

So this government is saying rape is not a serious crime.

Poor woman suffered at the hands of an animal who should have already been in jail, not have been freed.

Nice 1 Thailand, wait until the international media get hold of that.

I hope they told her not to spend it all in one place

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11 minutes ago, steven100 said:

No excuse for the actions of the perpetrator / alleged rapist .. despicable.

However,  common sense says be cautious when traveling anywhere ....


Hope she has recovered from her ordeal and it's always advisable to have a friend with you when traveling in unfamiliar countries

It is always advisable. What isn't advisable is telling the poor girl after she's been raped "you really should have been more careful". It's not what someone who's just been raped wants to hear. They wanna hear 100% condemnation for the rapist. The attitude of lecturing a victim after the fact only only gives someone thinking of committing rape more justification in their head for doing so. 


How would you feel if you got drunk, passed out, and some guy raped you? Would you want people saying "well, you shouldn't have got so drunk". 



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4 hours ago, steven100 said:

she got compensation.  Next time she'll arrange to have her friend with her ...

as anyone would do.

On the contrary, I gave my wife a nasty little push knife key fob and a taser flashlight.  She could not rely on her friends all the time, but she could rely on a pointy little dagger. 

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20 hours ago, colinneil said:

If this for real??????

20.000 baht bloody insult.

So this government is saying rape is not a serious crime.

Poor woman suffered at the hands of an animal who should have already been in jail, not have been freed.

Nice 1 Thailand, wait until the international media get hold of that.

Most International papers that tell the truth gets Banned in Thailand . 

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54 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

Yes, women! You should always have a chaperone. Don't be stupid in thinking you can do things by yourself.


If you don't have a chaperone and you get raped, you must share some of the blame with the rapist. Not 50-50, that would be unfair. Maybe 70/30? Blame can be negotiated based on the woman's innocent actions and how dumb they were. Leave the poor rapist out of it. 

That is quite an over reaction .

He didnt imply that it was her fault in anyway , 

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20 hours ago, dcnx said:

Wow, 20k baht. That should cover her abortion, rape kit, std testing, hospital fees, and a possible lifetime of HIV drugs.

Note: in the article it was clearly stated that the ฿20k was in addition to all medical expenses. 

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17 hours ago, jcisco said:

Anything is a bloody win, what government pays for crimes it doesn't commit?

No this doesn't mean the government is saying rape is not a serious crime.

Man had already served time, despite two crime of the same MO, i'm honestly too amazed he didn't receive longer sentencing the second time around.


Remember the government is trying to help her by paying medical, travel expenses and then giving some cash.  The real restitution should come from the criminal

and those that permitted him to work as a driver without proper clearance. 

Depends on how you define, win.  Just like tipping a waitress 1 satang is more insulting than not tipping at all, unless they were going to give her a considerable enough sum where one might say, "WOW!!!", they shouldn't have offered anything.  Whether it was their intent or not, offering 20,000 baht  and then announcing it in the media implies they think that it's enough to compensate her for the rape.  


Similarly, they could have paid her medical, airfare, other expenses, and given her 20,000 baht "travel" money to get back home and shut their damn mouths about it.  Instead they either called up the press to brag about their compassion or they blurted it out when asked about it.  


Here's how you do it.  


1.  If not asked, don't say anything.  


2.  If asked about what you did or did not do for this victim, you say, "We were appalled and deeply saddened by what has happened to this woman.  Rest assured the ministry has done all that we can within our powers to get this woman back home safely after her traumatic experience.  Out of respect for the woman's privacy, that is all we are prepared to say about this.  We wish her well and like all Thais feel deeply ashamed that the actions of one person have tainted the entire country's reputation as a safe and fun tourism destination."    

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The Tourism and Sports Ministry handed the victim 20,000 baht, in addition to paying for her medical and travel expenses. “I’m truly saddened by the incident, and I thank the police officers who did the hard work to arrest the perpetrator,” Permanent Secretary Pongpanu Sawetrun said.

Found these photos in a Thai news article, of the handing over of money donated by the TAT. Pretty shocking imo.



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1 hour ago, steven100 said:

No excuse for the actions of the perpetrator / alleged rapist .. despicable.

However,  common sense says be cautious when traveling anywhere ....


Hope she has recovered from her ordeal and it's always advisable to have a friend with you when traveling in unfamiliar countries


What century are you from?  A woman does not need to have a chaperone to leave the house.  There is no assigning blame to the victim because they were not accompanied by someone else.  


For gawd sakes man, she got into a licensed taxi.  Not some stranger's car who pulled over and asked her if she wanted a ride.  


Millions of women do this every day all over the world without feeling a need to have a chaperone.  


I agree on the point that people should use common sense and have some street smarts but the very worst I expect to happen to me in a taxi is to get a rigged meter.  

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17 hours ago, jcisco said:

Anything is a bloody win, what government pays for crimes it doesn't commit?

No this doesn't mean the government is saying rape is not a serious crime.

Man had already served time, despite two crime of the same MO, i'm honestly too amazed he didn't receive longer sentencing the second time around.


Remember the government is trying to help her by paying medical, travel expenses and then giving some cash.  The real restitution should come from the criminal

and those that permitted him to work as a driver without proper clearance. 

The buck should stop with the government.  End of story. 

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