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Possible blacklisted? Please help.

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I don't know Girl! If I was you I probably wouldn't come back here unless you have a very good reason. Either personal or financial.


Especially when there are so many other places you can go near here like Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos, where this trouble wouldn't follow you. I hear Cambodia is a lot easier to get a Visa to.


So maybe put your pride in your pocket, forget the A-Hole, and move on to  new and better life (someplace else).

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1 hour ago, CharlotteQ said:

Thank you again for sharing your heartbreaking story just to help convince me.


But is there really no way to pursue justice in Thailand as a foreigner? That when horrible things happen to us, we should just shrug them off no matter how much they hurt you, and how much pain you are STILL going through as  a direct result of their terrible crimes? 

Dear Charlotte, i will not hold the truth from you. The world is really full of unfairness and there are people with worst fate than you. You can read about them on the news in Thaivisa forum everyday.

I want to know too why my ex can cheat me after all i went thru and given to her, but what good can anything come out of it.

If my ex knows that I am successful in life now maybe she want to come n get a piece of it. Think about it, if you go back now, your ex will certainly think of a plan to harm you again. 

Your safety is the utmost priority here.

Lastly can i advice if u like to come Thailand again, and there is no blacklist stamp, u have to just risk it and come then u would really know if u have been banned or not.

Going to the embassy of Thailand in China or asking any embassy agents or legal agents is just giving them an opportunity to scam money off you. They might tell u that "oh yes there is a problem, but dont worry i help u na..." and follow up by "just pay 5000baht and you can come thailand". 


Dont open doors for these people to scam money off you. Dont offer up information when its not needed.

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2 hours ago, BritTim said:

No possible good can come of that.


No doubt you have been trying to contact him in other ways, and he has been ignoring you. I would imagine you had opportunities to seek explanations and apologies before your original departure. If you are honest to yourself, you already have a pretty good idea of what he would say.


If you did manage to confront him again in person, the best that could happen is that he continues to ignore you (if he has cooled down from the original events and recognizes that hurting you further is pointless). More likely, you are both going to become violent. Your protestations of self defense are not going to be well accepted by the police if you come out on top. After all, you will need to admit to initiating the confrontation. If he comes out on top, you end up in hospital or worse with still no answer to your questions.

Thank you for your genuine concern Tim. However it's only after you hear about the whole story that you might grasp the slightest idea why I feel I must do it. Like I said in response to another comment, it's not about revenge or compensation. Whatever it is, I just don't want this to be the nightmare that I'm gonna have to run away from for the rest of my life. I've already have one which is my dad's passing. I need to confront my problems and no matter what the outcomes at least I could say I tried.

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1 hour ago, Moonmoon said:

Dear Charlotte, i will not hold the truth from you. The world is really full of unfairness and there are people with worst fate than you. You can read about them on the news in Thaivisa forum everyday.

I want to know too why my ex can cheat me after all i went thru and given to her, but what good can anything come out of it.

If my ex knows that I am successful in life now maybe she want to come n get a piece of it. Think about it, if you go back now, your ex will certainly think of a plan to harm you again. 

Your safety is the utmost priority here.

Lastly can i advice if u like to come Thailand again, and there is no blacklist stamp, u have to just risk it and come then u would really know if u have been banned or not.

Going to the embassy of Thailand in China or asking any embassy agents or legal agents is just giving them an opportunity to scam money off you. They might tell u that "oh yes there is a problem, but dont worry i help u na..." and follow up by "just pay 5000baht and you can come thailand". 


Dont open doors for these people to scam money off you. Dont offer up information when its not needed.

Sometimes just the simple truth would be satisfying enough :}


And thank you for warning me about the possibility of getting scammed. I truly appreciate it. So you think I should just go ahead and apply for a tourist visa and see what happens? TBH I'm feeling very fragile right now and am very afraid of more bad news.

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7 minutes ago, CharlotteQ said:

Thank you for your genuine concern Tim. However it's only after you hear about the whole story that you might grasp the slightest idea why I feel I must do it. Like I said in response to another comment, it's not about revenge or compensation. Whatever it is, I just don't want this to be the nightmare that I'm gonna have to run away from for the rest of my life. I've already have one which is my dad's passing. I need to confront my problems and no matter what the outcomes at least I could say I tried.

At least you can say your tried.


Tried to do what? Put yourself back in a bad situation which you were lucky to escaped from?


I think it has been clearly pointed out to you several times that you have absolutely zero to gain from this, and plenty to lose. Maybe why your x-husband put you in the Looney Bin is that you won't leave him alone. Fatal Attraction comes to mind.  


He has made it perfectly clear to you he does not want to continue in this marriage or even see you. So leave it at that and move on. Meeting him face to face will get you nowhere. Except maybe back in the Looney Bin.

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Charlotte, you are the first person I've ever recommended to not return to Thailand. Seeking retribution will only get you in trouble. You are better off getting stronger back home, properly move on and ideally try somewhere else, like Bali, girls love the men there.

Edited by scubascuba3
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1 minute ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

At least you can say your tried.


Tried to do what? Put yourself back in a bad situation which you were lucky to escaped from?


I think it has been clearly pointed out to you several times that you have absolutely zero to gain from this, and plenty to lose. Maybe why your x-husband put you in the Looney Bin is that you won't leave him alone. Fatal Attraction comes to mind.  


He has made it perfectly clear to you he does not want to continue in this marriage or even see you. So leave it at that and move on. Meeting him face to face will get you nowhere. Except maybe back in the Looney Bin.

He's not my husband first of all.


And no, he threw me in a hospital just so he could rob me of my possession during my absence, as well as pressuring my mom to pick me up. I'm not going back for romance. It's ignorant to assume that I would not leave him alone for such a reason. More like him having a hit-and-run. However I already prepare myself for similar reactions like yours, so you are welcome to make your own assumptions based on the limited information I have given.

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3 minutes ago, CharlotteQ said:

He's not my husband first of all.


And no, he threw me in a hospital just so he could rob me of my possession during my absence, as well as pressuring my mom to pick me up. I'm not going back for romance. It's ignorant to assume that I would not leave him alone for such a reason. More like him having a hit-and-run. However I already prepare myself for similar reactions like yours, so you are welcome to make your own assumptions based on the limited information I have given.

You are the one who said that if you go back then at least you tried. My question to you was tried to do what?


If people make assumption about you it because you don't even answer a simple question. What do you hope to accomplish here by coming back here?

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1 hour ago, CharlotteQ said:

Thank you for your genuine concern Tim. However it's only after you hear about the whole story that you might grasp the slightest idea why I feel I must do it. Like I said in response to another comment, it's not about revenge or compensation. Whatever it is, I just don't want this to be the nightmare that I'm gonna have to run away from for the rest of my life. I've already have one which is my dad's passing. I need to confront my problems and no matter what the outcomes at least I could say I tried.

I know in my heart that nothing I say can dissuade you, but I feel impelled to try.


You are obsessed by the idea that another fight with him will bring some kind of closure. It will not. All you are doing is postponing the healing process, if it is ever to take place. You ultimately need to push the thoughts of that phase of your life into the background, try to move on, and ultimately find a healthy replacement so that, over time, the past becomes less important. The absolute worst thing you can do is fan your resentment by deliberately making these events the focus of your life.


If you have not yet done so, find an experienced professional who, through counselling, can help you to come to terms with what happened and plan for the future. You have been through traumatic experiences, and most people find it difficult to put such things behind them,. Counselling to help you come to terms with reality can ease the process. Most people eventually have the resilience to, in time, recover if they can recognize that they cannot change what is past, and must concentrate on the future. If that is what your family is telling you, they are right, no matter how terrible the experiences you went through were.

Edited by BritTim
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CharlotteQ - I'm with you.  You need to face your demons to enable you to move on.  Don't worry about all that counselling nonsense as you just talk to someone that's asleep while the meter's running.  


Maybe you can hire a bodyguard with the saving so that your ex doesn't beat you again and get a sincere apology out of him this time.  Good luck.

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36 minutes ago, GuiseppeD said:

CharlotteQ - I'm with you.  You need to face your demons to enable you to move on.  Don't worry about all that counselling nonsense as you just talk to someone that's asleep while the meter's running.  


Maybe you can hire a bodyguard with the saving so that your ex doesn't beat you again and get a sincere apology out of him this time.  Good luck.

Wow! You are seriously recommending that the OP goes up against a Thai with proven pull with the authorities taking hired muscle with her. You are entitled to your opinion that counselling (paid for or otherwise) is valueless. Alternative facts are fashionable right now. However, you really need to understand the facts of life in Thailand. Having someone abducted in the middle of the night and placed in a mental institution with no access to legal assistance is far from the worst connected Thai families can do to you. Trying to physically threaten such people is very likely to get you killed.

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3 hours ago, CharlotteQ said:

Sometimes just the simple truth would be satisfying enough :}


And thank you for warning me about the possibility of getting scammed. I truly appreciate it. So you think I should just go ahead and apply for a tourist visa and see what happens? TBH I'm feeling very fragile right now and am very afraid of more bad news.

Its a risk u have to take. Though i honestly think there should be no problems. I overstayed for a few years b4. I paid the fine, sign and acknowledge the warning paper. 

Came back,

No blacklist. I supposed yours is the same, sign some acknowledgement warning and thats all.

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1 hour ago, BritTim said:

I know in my heart that nothing I say can dissuade you, but I feel impelled to try.


You are obsessed by the idea that another fight with him will bring some kind of closure. It will not. All you are doing is postponing the healing process, if it is ever to take place. You ultimately need to push the thoughts of that phase of your life into the background, try to move on, and ultimately find a healthy replacement so that, over time, the past becomes less important. The absolute worst thing you can do is fan your resentment by deliberately making these events the focus of your life.


If you have not yet done so, find an experienced professional who, through counselling, can help you to come to terms with what happened and plan for the future. You have been through traumatic experiences, and most people find it difficult to put such things behind them,. Counselling to help you come to terms with reality can ease the process. Most people eventually have the resilience to, in time, recover if they can recognize that they cannot change what is past, and must concentrate on the future. If that is what your family is telling you, they are right, no matter how terrible the experiences you went through were.

Hi Tim, thank you for your concerns about me :}


A few things to add in order to help people understand my situation: My ex and his family may be crooks, but they aren't murderers. In fact they are cowards more than anything else. They are businessmen who are afraid of "losing face". They are also Buddhists who are afraid of bad karma to some extend. Plus I'm not going back there to pick a fight, just to work things out. Believe me or not, my ex was never allowed to talk to me since this happened. There was always a family member in between us doing the talking for him. He's a weak minded person who obeys his family unconditionally. If anything, I'd like to hear him admit to what he did. I think after spending four years together, it's not too much to ask.

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3 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

You are the one who said that if you go back then at least you tried. My question to you was tried to do what?


If people make assumption about you it because you don't even answer a simple question. What do you hope to accomplish here by coming back here?

Tried to do something instead of nothing.


I'm trying not to turn this thread more dramatic than it already did. Do you always know the reasons you do everything? Perhaps I wish to accomplish nothing. When there's no other alternatives but one road to take, you take it and see where that leads me. Whatever happens I won't complain. Perhaps I feel that there's so much injustice in this world, and people just turn a blind eye on because they have been desensitized. I for one, want to fight for my rights.


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Ok charlotte, but please plan properly before you go and meet this ex.


Get a friend to go with you. Arrange to meet in a public place with many people around like starbucks or something so neither your ex nor you would be too fired up to do anything overboard.


Inform your family members or close friend your whereabouts and update like every hour.


If even after you come to Thailand and your ex still refuses to meet up with you, then please kindly let it go. Because it will kinda make you look bad if you try too hard to contact and meet him.


Thats all i can advise to you. Good luck!

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11 hours ago, impulse said:

To the OP, I'd suggest you get a visa, hop on a plane and see if anything stops you.  Unlike Europe or N. America, a R/T ticket to China is going to be cheap, the flight will be a few hours and I think they're still doing visas for free(?).  That's a couple of thousand RMB and a day of your time and you'll have a definitive answer when you either get stamped in, or turned around.


Anything else is either guessing, or it's going to cost you just about as much and then can you really trust the answer anyway?


BTW, if your tie to Thailand was an abusive husband, may I suggest anywhere else in SEA?   I hear the Philippines is nice...  Coming for the purpose of a confrontation is a monumentally bad idea.

This is the most sensible and pragmatic post of the thread, in my opinion. You would do well to heed it.

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15 hours ago, CaptHaddock said:

Do you have any evidence to believe that domestic violence affects only "a minority" of Thai families or is that just wishful thinking that makes you feel better.  The one Thai research paper that I have read on the subject estimated that 40% of Thai families experience domestic violence.  While that would be a "minority" it is nevertheless a huge number by the standards of Western countries, about 25% higher than in the US, for example.


The Thai estimate accords with my awareness of the problem among Thai families of whom I have some direct knowledge.

So where is this 'Thai Research Paper' then? Post a link to it, or I'm calling BS on your 40% abuse claim.

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17 hours ago, CharlotteQ said:

Thank you for the reassurance dbrenn.

Can't believe I endured 4 years of domestic abuse for the man I thought I loved. I abandoned everything just to be with him in Thailand.


An additional question if I may. It was never easy to obtain a long-term Thai visa. Every few months you could probably imagine is a struggle to renew. So last year he bought me an all-purpose visa from a Chinese traveling agency. However the visa issued before that, with which I entered Thailand was a tourist visa that specifically says I can't work in Thailand. I had some trouble with the officials when entering as I couldn't explain about the purpose of my stay in Thailand. Although finally they let me through after a long talk with my ex. So if I do get questioned again at the border about why I stayed for a year in Thailand last time, how should I explain to them? I suppose I shouldn't tell them the truth as it's too complicated to understand.

If you go back, just tell them the truth: that you were married and it didn't work out, and that you now wish to enter as a tourist and to visit friends. You'll need to satisfy the requirements for a tourist visa as described in other parts of this forum. Just because your marriage didn't work out doesn't mean that you are barred from visiting as a tourist.


Future stays after that will depend on satisfying them that you are a bona fide tourist, or getting a more substantive visa (e.g. for work or another marriage) just like anyone else.

Edited by dbrenn
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17 hours ago, CharlotteQ said:

I want to cry reading your comment.


The truth is, my ex and his family had been lying to me constantly during my four years of stay there. Being the logical person that I was, I often confronted my ex about his lies. And being in love with him, I often wished he could come up with a good reason for them. However, he's not a good liar. He could never come up with anything plausible, but even so still denied that he ever lied. It would eventually lead to his frustration and beating me to a pulp.


Even at the police station, he and his family constantly lied to me, my mom and the officials to manipulate the truth.

Right- making empty threats to have foreigners blacklisted is common. It happens all the time. A company I worked at disputed paying a bill to a vendor. Immediately they emailed us threatening to "report to immigration for cancel visa and deport from Thailand." We never did pay them - they had conned us - and no action was taken because all the foreigners who worked there are still in Thailand.


The cops have a routing of handling domestic disputes - make either party sign a letter promising to behave and take no further action. This case didn't go to court, there was no criminal conviction, and Charlotte has absolutely nothing to worry about. 

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12 hours ago, simon43 said:




IMHO, this is absolutely NOT a good thing to do.  It will only open old wounds.


You need to move on with your life, in another country, not Thailand.

I agree with that. No good will come of it. The ex-husband is a violent and vengeful man, and the OP could get herself seriously hurt or killed if she tries to take him on in his own country.


Charlotte should enjoy other parts of Thailand if she wishes, but stay away from this man.


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Why would you come on this forum seeking advice if you are not going to heed it? Almost every poster on this thread has advised you to move on with your life. They are speaking from many years of life experience in Thailand and most of them are in relationships with Thais. They know what they are talking about. Listen to them and forget about this issue from your former life here. 


A few questions: How old are you and how old is your ex?

                               Do you work? How will you support yourself? 


The reason I ask this is because you obviously have little experience of breaking up from relationships and moving on. You may need to seek professional help such as a relationship counsellor. I can understand why your ex boyfriend's family may have taught that you needed help. Although I do not condone any mistreatment of you.


The world is a big place. Move on and find a new life. Travel, read, meet new people. In a way I actually envy you as you are free from obligations. Embrace that freedom and forget the narrow mindedness of you ex and his domineering family. If you comeback here you could be leaving in a box. It's very easy to make problems disappear here.


Finally, the fact that you refer to this person as your 'ex' is a good thing. You realise that the relationship is over with him. Your need for 'closure' points to weaknesses in your character and not his. Another poster spoke about 'face'. He's right. Your boyfriend will lose face if you comeback. And you are coming backing because you are trying to save face! You went to school in an international school so I assume you learned some critical thinking skills. Apply them to yourself and forget him. Move on!! 



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32 minutes ago, claffey said:

Why would you come on this forum seeking advice if you are not going to heed it? Almost every poster on this thread has advised you to move on with your life. They are speaking from many years of life experience in Thailand and most of them are in relationships with Thais. They know what they are talking about. Listen to them and forget about this issue from your former life here. 


A few questions: How old are you and how old is your ex?

                               Do you work? How will you support yourself? 


The reason I ask this is because you obviously have little experience of breaking up from relationships and moving on. You may need to seek professional help such as a relationship counsellor. I can understand why your ex boyfriend's family may have taught that you needed help. Although I do not condone any mistreatment of you.


The world is a big place. Move on and find a new life. Travel, read, meet new people. In a way I actually envy you as you are free from obligations. Embrace that freedom and forget the narrow mindedness of you ex and his domineering family. If you comeback here you could be leaving in a box. It's very easy to make problems disappear here.


Finally, the fact that you refer to this person as your 'ex' is a good thing. You realise that the relationship is over with him. Your need for 'closure' points to weaknesses in your character and not his. Another poster spoke about 'face'. He's right. Your boyfriend will lose face if you comeback. And you are coming backing because you are trying to save face! You went to school in an international school so I assume you learned some critical thinking skills. Apply them to yourself and forget him. Move on!! 



Initially I meant to ask about my visa only. However due to the complexity of my situation other issues were brought up. I appreciate all the advice given to me by all of you, really. Things aren't always as simple as an easy break-up though.


My ex is approaching 40, a lot older than me. My dad left me some inheritance after his passing. I brought all the money with me to Thailand, and my ex "helped" me spent most of it.


Since none of you fully comprehend my current situation due to lack of information, I understand perfectly why you wouldn't recommend me to return.

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9 minutes ago, CharlotteQ said:

Initially I meant to ask about my visa only. However due to the complexity of my situation other issues were brought up. I appreciate all the advice given to me by all of you, really. Things aren't always as simple as an easy break-up though.


My ex is approaching 40, a lot older than me. My dad left me some inheritance after his passing. I brought all the money with me to Thailand, and my ex "helped" me spent most of it.


Since none of you understand my current situation, I understand perfectly why you wouldn't recommend me to return.

Whatever you do, be careful - from your own words, these are violent people who have no intention of playing fair with you or showing you any respect. Sad though it is, lots of people lose money when a marriage goes wrong and they are in a country where they have few rights and don't know how to defend themselves when things go wrong.


There's likely no way you'll ever get the money back from him, as he's probably spent it already. Money can be replaced but your life can't.


Best of luck!

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1 hour ago, CharlotteQ said:

Initially I meant to ask about my visa only. However due to the complexity of my situation other issues were brought up. I appreciate all the advice given to me by all of you, really. Things aren't always as simple as an easy break-up though.


My ex is approaching 40, a lot older than me. My dad left me some inheritance after his passing. I brought all the money with me to Thailand, and my ex "helped" me spent most of it.


Since none of you fully comprehend my current situation due to lack of information, I understand perfectly why you wouldn't recommend me to return.

Well you come to the forum looking for advice and you won't tell us all of the information. Why mention anything personal then? Just ask your visa question and move on...I see your ex was 40 and a lot older than you. So you lack experience and would do well to listen to the people here who have years of experiences of Thais and Thailand. You sound like a teenager with an attitude problem to me. Listen to the people who have been in similar situations as you..Sorry for being so harsh but you make it sound like you have to return to Thailand. You don't and shouldn't. Good luck in whatever you choose to do.Its your life. But you should show some respect for older people who are only trying to help you through sharing their life experiences with you. .,..

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12 minutes ago, claffey said:

Well you come to the forum looking for advice and you won't tell us all of the information. Why mention anything personal then? Just ask your visa question and move on...I see your ex was 40 and a lot older than you. So you lack experience and would do well to listen to the people here who have years of experiences of Thais and Thailand. You sound like a teenager with an attitude problem to me. Listen to the people who have been in similar situations as you..Sorry for being so harsh but you make it sound like you have to return to Thailand. You don't and shouldn't. Good luck in whatever you choose to do.Its your life. But you should show some respect for older people who are only trying to help you through sharing their life experiences with you. .,..

If you wanna know ALL the info it could take days. I only brought up issued regarding my visa. When people asked me about additional details, I did my best to oblige.


I don't see anywhere in this thread where I showed "attitude". I do appreciate everyone's help. But it's frustrating to have people making assumptions and filling gaps with the little info given. I'm more sensible than you think. But I also believe that justice could still exist.

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1 hour ago, CharlotteQ said:

If you wanna know ALL the info it could take days. I only brought up issued regarding my visa. When people asked me about additional details, I did my best to oblige.


I don't see anywhere in this thread where I showed "attitude". I do appreciate everyone's help. But it's frustrating to have people making assumptions and filling gaps with the little info given. I'm more sensible than you think. But I also believe that justice could still exist.

Yeah, i understand you Charlotte.


Even if despite our advice you want to come back and sort matters out.


Please at least kindly take this advice make sure you are always safe and make sure you have a friend and plan to be able to get out if things go south.


If you lose your life then nothing is really worth it anymore. Ok?

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1 hour ago, CharlotteQ said:

If you wanna know ALL the info it could take days. I only brought up issued regarding my visa. When people asked me about additional details, I did my best to oblige.


I don't see anywhere in this thread where I showed "attitude". I do appreciate everyone's help. But it's frustrating to have people making assumptions and filling gaps with the little info given. I'm more sensible than you think. But I also believe that justice could still exist.


It's entirely likely that many trying to help you on here have had worse experiences and lost more, much more than people can imagine.

What you should now do is fly back and when you get to Immigration tell them the whole story including the fact that you have come to get your money back.

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16 minutes ago, Moonmoon said:

Yeah, i understand you Charlotte.


Even if despite our advice you want to come back and sort matters out.


Please at least kindly take this advice make sure you are always safe and make sure you have a friend and plan to be able to get out if things go south.


If you lose your life then nothing is really worth it anymore. Ok?

Thank you for your understanding Moonmoon.


I will do my best to resolve this matter in the most sensible and civilized fashion. After all I'm dealing with another human being although flawed. I do hope they could find it in their heart to give me a solution for all the problems they have caused me.


I don't have any friends to go with me as most of them are on the other side of the earth. Some suggested a bodyguard which is ridiculously expensive(the ones I was recommended to, also by the hour) considering that I just need someone to watch my back. Is there anyone in Thailand that could offer similar service with a more reasonable price range?

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1 minute ago, overherebc said:


It's entirely likely that many trying to help you on here have had worse experiences and lost more, much more than people can imagine.

What you should now do is fly back and when you get to Immigration tell them the whole story including the fact that you have come to get your money back.

I understand that overherebc :}


Although there's a major difference between me and them. They were probably robbed of their money, possessions and perhaps faith in humanity along with the rest, I was robbed of my health. I'm not exact bedridden, but my illness can be quite severe.


Thanks for the advice. But I fear that the immigration would not understand my situation due to its complexity. I would have to tell them that in order to be with the guy I loved, every once in a while I would have to renew my visa even though I'm supposed to be just a tourist. Especially the last year my ex bought me a all-purpose visa. I'm not sure what all-purpose visa means, that I was working or just staying for no good reason?


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20 minutes ago, CharlotteQ said:

I understand that overherebc :}


Although there's a major difference between me and them. They were probably robbed of their money, possessions and perhaps faith in humanity along with the rest, I was robbed of my health. I'm not exact bedridden, but my illness can be quite severe.


Thanks for the advice. But I fear that the immigration would not understand my situation due to its complexity. I would have to tell them that in order to be with the guy I loved, every once in a while I would have to renew my visa even though I'm supposed to be just a tourist. Especially the last year my ex bought me a all-purpose visa. I'm not sure what all-purpose visa means, that I was working or just staying for no good reason?


Please post a photo of the all purpose visa .

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