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Hair loss/balding solution


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I thought I would share this, it works. 


Most people especially men suffer from hair thinning or hair loss at some point.

First of all balding is NOT natural. It is a byproduct of our modern ways of living, a toxic environment and not giving a toss about what we put into our bodies. 


The number one reason behind balding is an acidic unhealthy body that is unable to cope with the amount of stress it's subjected to and the toxins that stay within the body. 


Here what needs to be done: 


1. The human body needs to be alkaline!!! An acidic environment is only acceptable if you are dead. 

The majority of what the modern man puts into his body is highly acidic. An alkaline diet is necessary. 


2. Products that actually work when it comes to regrowing hair: Lipogaine or Kirkland Minoxidil. 

The active ingredient is Minoxidil, which is very effective at regrowing hair without side effects. 


3. Natural products that actually work and very important: saw palmetto, rosemary oil and pumpkin seed oil. 

Along green tea, they are all very effective at blocking dihydrotestosterone, which is one of the main reasons behind hair loss. 

From these, saw palmetto stands out as it effectively reduces the presence of 5 alpha reductase enzyme, that binds to testosterone, creating dihydrotestosterone. 


4. Most people take calcium supplements but don't understand that magnesium, vitamin D, vitamin K2 also need to be taken otherwise the calcium won't be absorbed properly, leading to calcium deposits in the body and the calcification of the scalp. This prevents the hair from growing! Again, it's abnormal and not natural at all, when the hair stops growing.


5. Consume herbs/teas regularly. They literally purge toxins out of your body.


If you use a good shampoo, that exfoliates the skin, have good personal hygiene, while paying attention to what you put into your body, and use the recommended products simultaneously, the hair will grow back. Of course, it takes time. You need to be persistent! 



The above is based on scientific research and real life application. 

If you are interested, do it. If not, then don't. But there's one thing you should steer clear of. When I create a thread to help others and an uneducated know nothing jumps in and without knowing anything about the subject at hand, starts telling me how it's not true and it doesn't work and it's a scam etc, like another thread I created, I always laugh at you so hard, that some sh+& happens. Last time I dropped my coffee at Starbucks because I was ordering as I was reading the responses. Then I had to buy another one. 

So please don't be a comedian. Whatever I say, i say because I know for a fact that it works and I want to help. Just because your mind can't comprehend it, it doesn't mean it's a scam. Lol, again.






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I'm bald .... I've learned to live with it. So .... why is it that head hair disappears, whilst my pubes continue to thrive at a ferocious rate ?


Costs me a small fortune in Veet so the missus and I can maintain the pornstar look.


Actually, my wife is the only woman I've ever known who naturally has no arm or leg hair, yet has beautiful lusterous long black hair down to her waist.


Go figure ?


OP .... it is nice that you've found a solution that works for you, and many guys would possibly be envious, and some may even change their lifestyle after reading your post, however, on a public forum, not everyone will agree with you, and alternative opinions will probably be posted.


The possibility that you may shit yourself, or drop your coffee, probably won't matter too much.


No big deal for me either way, as I don't use Starbucks.


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I've have found that if I tattoo the bald patch with rabbits, from a distance they look like hares


Must be big rabbits!


But on the subject of tattoos, if you have total hair loss, such as on your temples, you can get hair tattoos which simulate close-cropped hair in those areas.


If this tattoo is performed by an experienced hair tattooist, using the correct type of tattoo ink, (which doesn't change colour or fade over time), then the appearance can actually be quite good.  A hair tattoo can also mask an unsightly skin colouration or scars from previous hair transplantation.


Quick link to a Youtube clip about hair tattoos - I've got no 'interest' in the company or brand in this video - it's just a good video to demonstrate hair tattoos.







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Sorry but baldness is a natural condition (apart from if you have some serious medical disease).. It's not part of our modern lifestyle / polluting our bodies etc.  If that was the case, why did human men go bald even in the earliest historical records, and why do tribal or nomadic people with older cultures that still exist today (who eat all natural wild food) still have bald men in them?  Also other primate males go bald with age.. just look at chimps.. and they are living a natural lifestyle in the jungle.


Anyway, nothing wrong with having no hair.  In fact, its very sexy for many people, so perhaps people don't need you 'help' with this?


Oh, and you seem to have forgotten to attach the links to the scientific research that you mention....



Starbucks Coffee is not a healthy natural food by the way and its very acidic forming in the body.. so watch you hair does not fall out again.

Most people DO NOT take calcium supplements.. in fact I don't know any one who takes them, so maybe you mean a few people take calcium supplements?


Finally, where are you 'before and after' photos so we can see when you were bald and now see you lovely head of hair, or are we just required to believe you?




Edited by jak2002003
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I am nearly sixty,but I still have the same hair volume since I was a young boy. Yes gray hairs become dominant but they still grow fast. I have to go to the hairdresser every month. I wash my hair daily with a cheap wash and go shampoo. So I am convinced it is 90% genetical. This should be good news but it isn't...my girl friend and her friends think Jason Statham is the most sexy man on earth.. go figure!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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Apologies that I am late in reading this. I was lulled by the title into thiking it was about lotions/shampoos/meds for baldness.


The OP is factually incorrect in the extreme. Baldness is natural and in no way limited to the modern age. There are more bald men around today because more people live to be old, but balding - usually with age but occurring earlier in some men - has always been with us.


Secondly, it has nothing whatsoever to do with "acidity" and the whole "alkaline body" business is complete junk science. The human body maintains a constant, slightly alkaline pH in all of its tissues and cells within a very narrow range of 7.35-7.45.  Outside of an ICU or morgue, there is no one  whose body tissues, cells or blood is "acidic" and the variation from person to person is minute. 


This very precise pH level is maintained by the kidneys and lungs. The various diets and nostrums recommended to counteract supposed "acidity" will alter only the pH of intestinal contents and urine.


Thread closed in keeping with Health Forum rule #2:


"Quackery and Misinformation: Posters should pay particular attention to forum rule # 2) "You will not use thaivisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false".

This will be strictly applied with respect to presentation as fact any statements which are clearly contrary to medical science."



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