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Wanted Red Bull heir has left Singapore after abandoning private jet

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24 minutes ago, jenifer d said:

they DID pay the family, approx $100k (3 mil baht)

and plenty of others have been paid too, evidently :saai:

Jenifer D If your husband was killed what would you prefer His life or money? That is what gets me about Thailand  You seem to pay somebody money and everything is ok Even Murder

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2 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

it is interesting to read everyone's comments. i can see maybe one of you truly understand what having billions of dollars is like. my ex-father in law had $100 million dollars. We flew everywhere in a private jet. there is no security to pass if the flight is domestic. you drive right up to the jet in a limo and climb the stairs and 5 minutes later you are in the air.


boss has no personal assets in his name to seize.


all he has to do is get a passport in a different name, go to a different country, lay low and not leave until 2027. He can party and have a normal life.


i am surprised about this latest development. maybe he thought it would never happen.


"all he has to do is get a passport in a different name, go to a different country, lay low and not leave until 2027. He can party and have a normal life."


I doubt he will be happy if forced to stay in one country for the next 10 years - he's used to jet-setting around the world.


Agree entirely with your last paragraph as I'm sure that he and his family/friends are shocked that this hasn't 'gone away' after all this time.


Is it even possible for a world-wide Interpol notice to be issued for a 'manslaughter' case?

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It is clearly the work of the government to allow this "escape" because no air vehicles are allowed to land or to depart without the clearance of the traffic controllers. His plane could never take off from Thailand if the government has the intention of arresting him. This government is just acting stupid!

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Singapore have an Interpol office in Tanglin Road, when he heard Interpol had been notified probably that is why he left.

Lots of ferries from Singapore ferry terminal going to any one of hundreds of Islands in the Riau archipelago

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Was just watching the new Dark Tower trailer. Might be adapted to the OP: "...The Red Bull heir fled across the world, and the Boys in Brown followed".


Doubt this was spur of the moment decision, or that he doesn't get top notch legal advice, or that his family haven't got a clue as to his plans and whereabouts.


Legging it like a boss.

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to be quite honest what this heap of sh*t does or doesn't do is of little interest to me, I look forward to reading about his "accidental "demise in the future, What goes around usually comes around

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One of the reasons why this guy hasnt prosecuted is due to negative repercussions exerted by the family.  


With all their massive wealth -- especially for such a poor, developing country, they can exert a lot of power to affect the well-being of current and future generations of those officials who would be so bold as to enforce the law.


Not an excuse, but to play devils advocate, if you were given a choice of lucrative bribe vs potential of negative repercussions (eg, education, employment, career adv, social opportunities,etc) to you, your family and their offspring, which would you choose...

Edited by nemrut
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11 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

R these guys for real, you can buy Citizens all around the world, der..................

I agree with you but he does not necessarily have to buy people off. Wealthy people can have several passports. Look at the British isles and Caribbean countries. For 500,000 USA dollars in investment you can get one of their passports legally.  Happens for tax avoidance and other reasons often in the families with 10,000,000 USA dollar net worth and up. I firmly believe in justice and wish he was arrested and convicted, but billionaire sons live by different rules.


The best thing we can do  is boycott any companies his family is associated with and put economic pressure on the companies and their investment partners to make him come back to Thailand and turn himself in to police. 

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21 hours ago, IMA_FARANG said:

The one  sure method of getting him back to Thailand is to ban the sale of all Red Bull items in Thailand until he returns to Thailand to stand trial.

Cut of the company's funds and they will come crying to bring their "Boss" to trial.

Hit them where they earn their living and they will give up quickly.

But not a chance of that as they have influential friends.



This can't legally be done....he is not the owner of the Company....

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3 hours ago, pattayadgw said:

the TOSSA BOSSA..... Karma... it's a Bi###... what goes around will come around... all we have to do is wait and see!!

"...what goes around will come around... all we have to do is wait and see!! "

Maybe he'll get past the chequered flag and get a podium finish?

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3 hours ago, bbbbooboo said:

to be quite honest what this heap of sh*t does or doesn't do is of little interest to me, I look forward to reading about his "accidental "demise in the future, What goes around usually comes around

Agreed.......meantime the sniveling little weasel has a persona that looks so "arrest-able" and "prosecut-able" and "jail-able" and "prison-able" ...lol

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I am a bit confused. They warrant is only valid for ten years? So if he stays away for a decade he is good or can they issue another warrant? If it goes away after 10 years he is fine. In the USA for example once a warrant is issued it never goes away.

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7 hours ago, realenglish1 said:

It is clear he left the plane because he does not want the authorities to know where he is running to . The has been well orchestrated and he had been advised what he needed to do to avoid detection

I hope the tables have turned and now he feels the pressure of public scorn he has solicited because of his actions  .


However until he is arrested  the Thai public will see the situation as a failure of the Thai judicial system 


My guess is he has another passport from a 3rd country God knows he can afford one as Thaksin bought one as  well


This has made  very interesting soap opera  Coming to a theatre near you 

When I see this, I only can say it is a piece of shit, nothing more, nothing less, , you have to throw that into the bin.

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He should have stayed here in Thailand from the start, faced the music like a man, behaved remorseful even if he didn't care about what he did, and gone through the process... it would probably be all over by now and not global news.  Now that it's global news, and he's a fugitive...the consequences will be more severe. 

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18 minutes ago, chiman said:

He should have stayed here in Thailand from the start, faced the music like a man, behaved remorseful even if he didn't care about what he did, and gone through the process... it would probably be all over by now and not global news.  Now that it's global news, and he's a fugitive...the consequences will be more severe. 

He can run for a decade no problem. All he needs is one country that is indifferent. If the warrant does expire in ten years and is not renewable it is a no brainer. A hotel room in some third world hellhole is better than a jail in some third world hell hole.


Does anybody know what happens when the ten year warrant expires? I have asked in several threads but people seem to be preoccupied with the topic of prison rape.

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On ‎04‎.‎05‎.‎2017 at 2:02 PM, colinneil said:

If he has left the private jet behind, it is because now he is running scared.

Long past time his passport was revoked.

I think he will now be hiding, not swanning around be photographed.

I assume he left the private Jet behind while he took off with another one after he went through immigration with his new passport matching his brand new plastic nose...;)


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8 hours ago, tigermoth said:

Not correct. The majority of countries have strict control over their airspace and if a reply is not forthcoming from an aircraft to and air traffic controller it can be intercepted by airforce jets and if it does not obey instructions is in danger of being shot out of the sky. The only way aircraft can escape detection is to fly at very low and dangerous altitudes, below 500ft, and even this is not always successful ay escaping detection.

No not correct.  Many many airports are small or local municipal airports and they are fairly well off the beaten path, are unmonitored and unstaffed towers, with minimal autmoted beacons and nav aids.  Countries that monitor their airspace thoroughly, do it using air vehicle transponders that are interrogated by the air traffic control systems and return data on the aircraft. If one turns off the transponder, it is very hard to detect and track the aircraft. Of course there are skin track radars out there, but there are many many countries that don't have complete skin track coverage

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Obviously this guy doesn't know real "Thainess". Do the crime, pay the family. Simple. 

No way he should have allowed this to get this big.

Stories this big are always dealt with and forgotten about in Thailand all the time. 

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1 hour ago, anotheruser said:

He can run for a decade no problem. All he needs is one country that is indifferent. If the warrant does expire in ten years and is not renewable it is a no brainer. A hotel room in some third world hellhole is better than a jail in some third world hell hole.


Does anybody know what happens when the ten year warrant expires? I have asked in several threads but people seem to be preoccupied with the topic of prison rape.

Is that all there is to it?  Run for 10 years and then he's in the clear?

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