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Learning To Avoid Confrontation with Stray Dogs


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1 hour ago, howard ashoul said:

What's wrong with you? In 5 years I was never attacked by a dog. And I never saw anybody get attacked by dog.


And some of you got bitten 3 times? And carrying weapons? Maybe problem isn't in dogs, but in you. If dogs were really so dangerous as described, how could any thai reach 20 years old? How is that, that thais aren't all dead, if their living in this dangerous eviroment all their life? :biggrin:


Just treat dogs as thais. Whenever dogs aproach them they will scream at them to get lost and raise their hand. Works 100% even for me. Don't run like a pussy. And don't act like lost tourist who are scared shittles. Stand your ground. Works everytime.

"What's wrong with you? In 5 years I was never attacked by a dog. And I never saw anybody get attacked by dog."


You obviously need to get out more and enlighten yourself.  It seems you must be living in the sticks on a secluded chicken farm.  Well, that's your choice, but greatly distanced from the constant threat of soi dogs that attack from behind, attack people on motorcycles, chase cars, and generally are a threat to everybody within spitting distance.


If I were you, I would stay where you are; your tactics won't work everywhere.

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2 hours ago, howard ashoul said:

What's wrong with you? In 5 years I was never attacked by a dog. And I never saw anybody get attacked by dog.


And some of you got bitten 3 times? And carrying weapons? Maybe problem isn't in dogs, but in you. If dogs were really so dangerous as described, how could any thai reach 20 years old? How is that, that thais aren't all dead, if their living in this dangerous eviroment all their life? :biggrin:


Just treat dogs as thais. Whenever dogs aproach them they will scream at them to get lost and raise their hand. Works 100% even for me. Don't run like a pussy. And don't act like lost tourist who are scared shittles. Stand your ground. Works everytime.

Yes, I can imagine some of them are "scared shittles".

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These are not dogs they are wild animals that run in packs.  You are entering there territory and are a threat !!.   The leader will always come out to confront you so time to be the bigger badder dog the rest of the pack will stay behind the leader.  I have snapped two umbrellas and now I carry a steal Kane. 

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Don’t try to run


“The trees in Siberia are miles apart, which is why dogs are so fast.” Bob Hope Stand still. Hold your arms in front of you, clasp your hands together, and don’t move. Your goal is to eliminate a perceived threat or remove an opportunity to attack. If you run, there is a high probability that the dog will chase and attack you. If you stand still, he will most likely sniff you, and go on his way. Keep your eyes focused downward and watch the stray with your peripheral vision. Don’t stare at the dog. He could interpret this as a threat. Let the dog sniff you if he wants, but do not stick your hand out as this can be interpreted as a threat. When the dog leaves, do not turn your back on the dog. Back away slowly, so you can keep an eye on the dog. If you have been knocked down by a dog-don’t try to get up and run. Roll into a ball."
 WHY should i have to do all that to walk down the street . This is crazy . Should have the same rights as the dog . If he wants to attack me i should be able to attack him but of course withe the dog lovers i am not allowed . I am more scared of the owners than the dogs as everytime i get attacked by a dog i do not back down , have killed a few  and kicked a lot but everytime its the owner who threatens violence against me which is why the dogs do it .

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2 hours ago, Bob12345 said:

If you never saw it and it never happened to you, then it must not exist.

I also don't understand the fuss about road deaths in Thailand, I never had an accident here nor seen anyone die, so I suppose all the statistics are just made up.

Solid reasoning mate...


As mentioned I walk my dog outside, and soi dogs are territorial. Maybe thats why they attack?

What do you think? How would you solve it? Never go out anymore? Let my dog rot inside? Great dog lover you are...


Maybe you should speak to some Thais before making assumptions. Many have been attacked and been bitten by dogs. My wife included at a young age. Many people visiting our house are terrified of our dog (Labrador which does not bark, does not growl, does not bite) because they have been attacked previously. And not every dog bite results in death, so again flawed reasoning.


You seem to have the answer how to handle aggressive dogs.

Next time you are in Phuket let me know, we can together visit the local dog school here where they train pitbulls for the military.

Maybe you can show how to handle dogs that want to attack you.

I will stay behind the gated area to film it. It will be great fun.

change your pussy dog for a well trained  pitbull 

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5 hours ago, howard ashoul said:

What's wrong with you? In 5 years I was never attacked by a dog. And I never saw anybody get attacked by dog.


And some of you got bitten 3 times? And carrying weapons? Maybe problem isn't in dogs, but in you. If dogs were really so dangerous as described, how could any thai reach 20 years old? How is that, that thais aren't all dead, if their living in this dangerous eviroment all their life? :biggrin:


Just treat dogs as thais. Whenever dogs aproach them they will scream at them to get lost and raise their hand. Works 100% even for me. Don't run like a pussy. And don't act like lost tourist who are scared shittles. Stand your ground. Works everytime.


Totally agree. People do not understand that they are the problem, They handle dogs as they handle women, and of course they fail.




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3 hours ago, Moti24 said:

"What's wrong with you? In 5 years I was never attacked by a dog. And I never saw anybody get attacked by dog."


You obviously need to get out more and enlighten yourself.  It seems you must be living in the sticks on a secluded chicken farm.  Well, that's your choice, but greatly distanced from the constant threat of soi dogs that attack from behind, attack people on motorcycles, chase cars, and generally are a threat to everybody within spitting distance.


If I were you, I would stay where you are; your tactics won't work everywhere.


I am from Bangkok and you are wrong. Just as most people you do not know how to face this situation.



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3 hours ago, bkkgriz said:

That is some excellent anecdotal evidence. You have never been attacked, therefore nobody has ever been attacked. Count yourself lucky and don't judge others who have not had your luck. One day it may be you on the other end of those rabid jaws.


It's not luck, it's called being smart.



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While I do not like mistreating animals; ones that attack me deserve no such consideration. I have gotten pretty good at kicking them in the head while riding my Harley and I have a 2 inch wood screw set in the base of my walking stick.

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If you injure a soi dog, the owner will immediately appear to make a monetary claim. If a soi dog injures you, NO ONE owns it.


Whenever I have been approached by a nasty dog, I stoop down to pick up an imaginary rock. This always scares dog away.

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Thais will throw rocks or stones at them, which ive had to do a couple of times as had about 6 of them around us.


As above the action of bending down triggers a 'Pavlovian response' in the soi dogs


Thais attitude to dogs is changing...I have seen a few locals in Hua hin, attempting to domestic some of the soi dogs by actually taking them as pets and seen them walking them with bits of string as a lead, which is nice.


I used to take a bag of feed on the way upto Khao Hin Lek Fai viewpoint and fed many of them and they are not aggressive when you are without a dog i.e threat to them


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2 hours ago, whaleboneman said:

Whenever I have been approached by a nasty dog, I stoop down to pick up an imaginary rock. This always scares dog away.

Got the same tip twice from Thai people, and it works. Although it helps also that I walk with my Malinous, he is very protective, and does not allow a dog to come to close to me ;-)

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When I'm on foot I usually find that reaching out and inviting a yapping cur to come closer makes them draw back immediately. There is one small terrier type that persists in trying to bite my heels once I start walking off and that one responds to the imaginary stone.


On my bicycle I usually stop and they back off but occasionally one rushes out at the last minute and catches me by surprise. In those instances I surprise myself at how rapidly I can pedal away.


I haven't had to hurt a dog yet but I think it quite likely to happen and if a dog is going to try and take a lump out of me I will aim to hurt it as much as is necessary to repel it.

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11 hours ago, bangkokairportlink said:


Totally agree. People do not understand that they are the problem, They handle dogs as they handle women, and of course they fail.




quite an unbelievable post

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