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Picasa alternative

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Picasa still works fine for me - perhaps better to wait for cloud alternatives to mature rather than trying to make changes - can easily upload photos to Google Photos for storage and organization now.  But for now prefer to stay with Picasa myself.

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Thanks for that.


A quick test drive of faststone is very positive for me.  Especially appreciate easy ability to have full print control (size you want placed on paper where you want).  Normal edit and crop controls seem to work well.  Very easy to use.

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On 5/5/2017 at 1:29 PM, lopburi3 said:

Picasa still works fine for me - perhaps better to wait for cloud alternatives to mature rather than trying to make changes - can easily upload photos to Google Photos for storage and organization now.  But for now prefer to stay with Picasa myself.

I still use Picasa which automatically adds to Google photos.


I also use Faststone, very easy to get the hang of and it's free.


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2 hours ago, Ron19 said:

I still use Picasa which automatically adds to Google photos.


I also use Faststone, very easy to get the hang of and it's free.



I have just downloaded Picasa again, just to try this again... I think I did not re-install when I put a new hard drive in a while back ... (just assumed it would not work anymore even though you said some time ago you were still using it Ron).

Picasa has a Mac version, whereas Faststone does not!


Have to let the images to load into Picasa, then will try later!






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