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Looking for wingman in Bangkok


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Hey, what's up? I'm currently living in Bangkok, I'm 22, and I'm looking for like minded people who are willing to go out and approach local girls (wingmen). Anybody around? :D

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Okay, before everyone starts jumping all over this guy...this is actually a rather sound idea.  A man trying to meet Thai women in clubs in Bangkok (unless he's looking for sex workers, and I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that) is pretty much doomed.  Thais are very social creatures and go out in GROUPS, and a single individual is looked upon as almost pathological.  So if one wants to meet local women, it's a very smart idea to not be alone.


That said...my advice is, even more important than having a "wingman" is having a solid command of spoken Thai. 

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I have chatted to women alone in bars many times, it's not some mystical Thai way.

As long as you're not an idiot there is no issue talking to you, even if they're in a group. They may even invite you to join them.


I find the whole 'wingman' thing a bit sad. If I am out with a friend then sure, you chat to people, no issue, you're hanging out with a friend already  but 'recruiting' someone purely to be a wingman? Jeez.



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The lads only 22 so a wingman makes sense as does a fresh pack of rubbers. I'd say you should join a gym locally make a friend there and just smash the life out of it; safely. That's what I'd be doing if I were 22 anyway.

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50 minutes ago, NickJ said:

The most important thing for a good wingman is that he doesn't like the same type of girl.

In thailand it may be a bit difficult but you will of course argue you was referring to something besides looks.

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