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UK Labour leader Corbyn: I won't quit if I lose election


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I hope he enjoys excellent health and continues  to hold the support of the clique who kept him in power. Long may he enjoy the brilliant company of Diane Abbott. Together, they will help keep the UK safe so long as they control Labour.  :sleep:


Until then, the nation must content itself with the  honourable PM May and her cabinet of distinguished capable ministers.  I wish Baroness Thatcher was here to enjoy the show.  


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28 minutes ago, Mosha said:

It's not just him, it's the party membership. Totally out of touch with what really matters to the working class voter.

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So what matters to the working class voter is the complete privatisation of the NHS, the removal of any last semblance of workers' rights, the continuing transfer of our nation's resources from the many to the few with the transfer of the burden of funding the country in the opposite direction? Well, looking at the polls, I guess that is the case...

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20 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

Corbyn proves that leadership is more about wile than about principles. His own lack of cunning and his poorly perfoming inner circle have allowed his name to be continuously traduced, very often unfairly, by almost every newspaper in the country for the past few years. Of course, that these newspapers are, in the main, owned by a small clique of massively rich rightwing brexiteers, they are not going to allow any damned socialist to infect the proles with critical thinking and self awareness, when their goal of a pliant and fearful workforce bound by right wing isolationism is just around the corner. They already fooled a slim majority to vote for the isolationism bit. Now they just need to get TM back into No 10 and their dream is complete.


Don't disagree with you about the British media - and indeed much of the so called "free press" throughout the world.


But Corbyn was firmly anti EU and that showed during the Brexit/Remain campaign.


He is however, I believe, a man who totally believes in the ideas and philosophies of the extreme left socialism, verging on the latter communism seen in Eastern Europe. State control, central planning, etc. Add to that a commitment to anti nuclear arms, pro Palestinian, IRA type polices and severe condemnation of the old Imperial past and you have someone who appeals to a particular type of political idealist. 

He is very open and forthright in his views, and clearly uncomfortable in watering them down or changing them to play politics; as seen in the way he didn't really want to campaign to remain in the EU. But the people he appeals to, that share his politics and visions are not in a majority. They are organized and can motivate enough people to make sure he was elected within their party as leader. But that isn't enough to win an election where many middle of the road and waver voters must be persuaded. 


The fact they did so dismal in the local government elections especially in Scotland and Wales, the North East of England, all traditional strong holds shows that many people want something new. Not something that has been tried, tested, and failed so many times before.

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1 minute ago, Baerboxer said:


Don't disagree with you about the British media - and indeed much of the so called "free press" throughout the world.


But Corbyn was firmly anti EU and that showed during the Brexit/Remain campaign.


He is however, I believe, a man who totally believes in the ideas and philosophies of the extreme left socialism, verging on the latter communism seen in Eastern Europe. State control, central planning, etc. Add to that a commitment to anti nuclear arms, pro Palestinian, IRA type polices and severe condemnation of the old Imperial past and you have someone who appeals to a particular type of political idealist. 

He is very open and forthright in his views, and clearly uncomfortable in watering them down or changing them to play politics; as seen in the way he didn't really want to campaign to remain in the EU. But the people he appeals to, that share his politics and visions are not in a majority. They are organized and can motivate enough people to make sure he was elected within their party as leader. But that isn't enough to win an election where many middle of the road and waver voters must be persuaded. 


The fact they did so dismal in the local government elections especially in Scotland and Wales, the North East of England, all traditional strong holds shows that many people want something new. Not something that has been tried, tested, and failed so many times before.


His views on some things are so polarising and open to press exploitation that he is clearly not the man to lead the party. A maverick backbencher only needs to convince his constituents that he is a good choice - the national figurehead has to convince the whole country.


What astounds me, however, is that intent of the Tory Party in furthering their agenda of moving the UK closer to that of a 3rd world sweatshop is naked and clear, yet we are showing no signs of putting a halt to that. Regardless of where you stand on Brexit, TM has made this election about that and nothing else, ignoring pensions, the welfare state, the NHS etc, all the things that she will destroy in her attempt to please the ghost of Ayn Rand.

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Just now, RuamRudy said:


His views on some things are so polarising and open to press exploitation that he is clearly not the man to lead the party. A maverick backbencher only needs to convince his constituents that he is a good choice - the national figurehead has to convince the whole country.


What astounds me, however, is that intent of the Tory Party in furthering their agenda of moving the UK closer to that of a 3rd world sweatshop is naked and clear, yet we are showing no signs of putting a halt to that. Regardless of where you stand on Brexit, TM has made this election about that and nothing else, ignoring pensions, the welfare state, the NHS etc, all the things that she will destroy in her attempt to please the ghost of Ayn Rand.


He has been an MP for a long time - which does suggest he performs well for his own constituents. The amount of people who suddenly became Labor Party members to vote him in as leader suggests that certain pressure groups, as well as certain unions back him.


Of course the Tories will use Brexit to screen all the other little things that a moving to the right Tory party will do. The UK, if the Tories do win big majority, is marching towards the US model not the EU or any socialist one. Very well could be "Turkey's voting for Christmas" but as we saw, plenty were easily fooled by false figures and promises to vote for Brexit.

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Unfortunately Labour will be lucky to finish in second place and it is to a great extent due to Corbyn.  I am sure that there are plans in place to not only remove him but also to re-launch the party anew after the general election.  Maybe David Miliband will be the man or someone else but a new direction is badly needed.

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On May 9, 2017 at 6:05 AM, RuamRudy said:

Corbyn proves that leadership is more about wile than about principles. His own lack of cunning and his poorly perfoming inner circle have allowed his name to be continuously traduced, very often unfairly, by almost every newspaper in the country for the past few years. Of course, that these newspapers are, in the main, owned by a small clique of massively rich rightwing brexiteers, they are not going to allow any damned socialist to infect the proles with critical thinking and self awareness, when their goal of a pliant and fearful workforce bound by right wing isolationism is just around the corner. They already fooled a slim majority to vote for the isolationism bit. Now they just need to get TM back into No 10 and their dream is complete.

Until 3-4 years from now when the EU financial industry has abandoned The City for Frankfurt. Scotland and perhaps N. Ireland are safely back in the EU after exist votes. The economy of England will certainly be in near or actual depression. All the rich twits have moved lock, stock and barrel to the continent. Then Corbyn will be able to say how do you like me now. 

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On 5/9/2017 at 4:01 PM, KarenBravo said:

He is so stupid that he can't see that HE himself and his yearning to turn the clock back to the 1970's, is the reason that the Tories have a 20 point lead.


When Labour lose, there will be a vote of no confidence and he will be out on his arse.

No he won't. Only the membership can get rid of him; most of his MPs are already against him but they cannot shift him.

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