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Why not do it yourself?


It takes a bit of time but you just need a PC/laptop running Windows or a Mac with a CD/DVD drive.


You then need to choose the ripping software you want to use. Many popular programs you already use have CD-ripping capabilities. iTunes on Macs and PCs has this built in — by default, when you insert a CD while iTunes is running, it will ask to “Import” the CD into iTunes, ripping the music on it into digital files. Encoding settings can be controlled by clicking the “Import Settings” button in the iTunes Preferences window.


Windows Media Player also has this built in and is even still included by default on Windows 10. Launch Windows Media Player and you’ll be able to use the “Rip” button to rip the files on it to your computer. But you’re probably better off using iTunes or one of the more freely available programs than Windows Media Player. If you do use Windows Media Player, make sure you don’t rip to WMA files and ensure copy protection is disabled so you don’t create DRM’d files that are limited in how you can use them.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


Cdex is another one I've used in the past.
It was originally open source, although beware that versions later than 1.70 after it was shut down include adware.


Do it right first tme though (whether you do it or et soemone else to do it for you) ... and make sure you rip them to a LOSSLESS format first -  Apple lossless or FLAC.


These lossless formats do what is sounds like - they will be about a third or os of the full cd wav format.. but can be rewritten back to a CD at the FULL, EXACT same data.... whereas mp3 etc is lossy, and once lost that accuracy is forever lost.


Once you have all your music in FLAC you can run a decent encoder at that flac folder containing all your cd's and let it run overnight or howver long to encode everything to mp3 for your phone if you need even smaller file sizes... but you will still have the original cd data in digital, lossless, format.


XLD on Macs is ourstanding and free.


( try a few cds first to ensure your file nameing and folder nameing  and cover art is as you want it, and also any compilation albums...)


(Original poster here)


I did it years ago using iTunes, but I chose 128 kb AAC at the time. Now that I'm thinking about getting rid of my CDs, I would like to rip them again but this time lossless (probably Apple lossless), but I have about 1700 CDs and I'd be happy to pay for someone else to do it.


Anyone have a name of a shop in MBK / Pantip / Fortune ?

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