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Govt plans press briefing to mark 3 years in power


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37 minutes ago, wirat69 said:

The good old express one plus a handful of likes = we speak for the majority 


in my my humble opinion the majority of the Kingdom do not agree with your minority view... at least until you produce some comprehensive survey results to the contrary!!!

Why is it that the current regime does everything it can to prevent people from expressing their view, if it is so popular? What about elections, too? Isn't it more accurate than a comprehensive survey? Why do you think they prevented them to happen and made a coup instead? Why do they indefinitely postpone elections instead of harvesting on this alledged good opinion from the Thai people?


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43 minutes ago, halloween said:

"When there is no oversight, or accountability, corruption and injustice increases, and worse the intensity of such things do. " 

Agreed, we saw that quite clearly with the Yingluk government. Laws were not enforced, etc, etc. Before predicting these things might happen with a military government, face up to the fact they WERE happening in the last democratic government.  Remember the attempt to borrow THB2.2 trillion, to be used off-budget to prop up their excesses?

So shouldn't Yingluck have been voted out of office then ?  Barack Obama added almost a trillion US Dollars to the US debt.  He was not deposed.  He makes very high paid speeches now, $400K to $3million. You believe in the divine power of military over the voting public ?  I'd rather go to an Yingluck speech and so would Barack probably. 

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8 hours ago, rooster59 said:

The government is planning to hold its own press conference in addition to one held by the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) to declare its achievements over the past three years

Not a big deal. The Prayut Government can just plagiarize Prayut's NCPO's list of achievements. Why not save people's time and do a joint press conference? Maybe NCPO Chief Prayut can find an SNL look-alike to double his presence as PM Prayut.

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6 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

You ignore that Thailand is not a fully developed country by any means, if democracy works less than perfectly well in fully developed countries, what chance do emerging countries have.


How do I know you ask - nineteen coups in eighty years years, that's how many times the army has had to intervene in democratically elected governement, that's how I know.


Wasn't it Abe Lincoln who said, and I paraphrase, that when government no longer serves the people, the people have a duty to rise up!




Lincoln's reference was for the people to stand up, not the military to overthrow the peoples rights and liberties.


The military do not act or have never acted in the interests of anyone but themselves.

Edited by Reigntax
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3 hours ago, wirat69 said:

The good old express one plus a handful of likes = we speak for the majority 


in my my humble opinion the majority of the Kingdom do not agree with your minority view... at least until you produce some comprehensive survey results to the contrary!!!

The majority have spoken in all elections through their participation. U are in a state of serious denial. 


The 1992 riots was a good reminder that the people had enough of 6 decades of military dominance. Now this junta is repeating the same mistake. 

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4 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

Exactly. What many foreigners here don't understand is that there's a huge segment of the population that cares nothing about which party is in power and/or whether they have the right to vote or not, just like in many countries in the West where voter turnout is so low as to be laughable. What those (Thai) people care about is peace and stability, their income, their livelihood and that corruption is being dealt with.

The care about voting also.  Voter turnout was over 75% percent in 2011.  That means most people do care.  That is amazing.  Taiwan came in at 66%.  http://www.electionguide.org/countries/id/212/


Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Ben Franklin  


The military produced an uncertain or non bountiful peace at the expense of liberty. 

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7 minutes ago, yellowboat said:

The care about voting also.  Voter turnout was over 75% percent in 2011.  That means most people do care.  That is amazing.  Taiwan came in at 66%.  http://www.electionguide.org/countries/id/212/


Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Ben Franklin  


The military produced an uncertain or non bountiful peace at the expense of liberty. 

If you were rural poor and you were paid 500 baht, you'd vote too! I'm surprised the turnout wasn't higher!!

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8 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

That's utter rubbish, you're quoting Western theory rather than practise in the East currently. China's growth has been doing just fine over the past ten years and they also are coming down hard on corruption and China's nowhere near to being a democracy - there's more billionaires in Asia than anywhere else, China is number two on the list, Thailand has twenty, most created in the past fifteen years - GDP in Thailand has been excellent and is once again on the up, western countries aren't even close to the numbers here.

There are more poor people living below the breadline in Asia than anywhere else you should have said

GDP in Thailand = household debt at at highest level ever


China is corrupt


You may fool yourself into thinking everything is great but others are wiser



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5 minutes ago, wakeupplease said:

There are more poor people living below the breadline in Asia than anywhere else you should have said

GDP in Thailand = household debt at at highest level ever


China is corrupt


You may fool yourself into thinking everything is great but others are wiser



Household debt: still way lower than the UK for example.


Below the Breadline in Thailand, stats. and references please!


China is corrupt: more so than where, the US!


I don't think everything is great at all, perhaps reread what I've written and in context this time!!!

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3 hours ago, Reigntax said:


Lincoln's reference was for the people to stand up, not the military to overthrow the peoples rights and liberties.


The military do not act or have never acted in the interests of anyone but themselves.

Nonsense, utter self serving nonsense. Every time the military has had to get involved in running the country it's because politicians at some level have tried to divide it or have been the subject of such blatant corruption that they had no choice, case in point Mr T's sudden departure.

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1 minute ago, simoh1490 said:

Nonsense, utter self serving nonsense. Every time the military has had to get involved in running the country it's because politicians at some level have tried to divide it or have been the subject of such blatant corruption that they had no choice, case in point Mr T's sudden departure.

So you did not get round to reading the history books as that is not what is wriiten


You cannot change history but you can the future but not with a mindset like this

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1 minute ago, simoh1490 said:

Nonsense, utter self serving nonsense. Every time the military has had to get involved in running the country it's because politicians at some level have tried to divide it or have been the subject of such blatant corruption that they had no choice, case in point Mr T's sudden departure.


You really are delusional. The military are more corrupt than the politians however the have brainwashed the naive to believe they are the saviours. Divide and conquer is a typical military tactic. What sort of clown would continue to support a bunch of buffalos, who after 18 attempts and failures believe this time will be any different.


And we shake our heads at how easy people are conned and scammed, yet there are those who still dont realise it.

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Just now, wakeupplease said:

So you did not get round to reading the history books as that is not what is wriiten


You cannot change history but you can the future but not with a mindset like this

Written or not, I haven't had to read the history books for the past fifteen years because I've lived here full time for that period and nearly full time for the preceding fifteen years.One of the benefits of that tenure has been the ability to talk to Thai people of levels about this very subject. Whether or not any or all of that matches what you've read in your western history books is something else.

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16 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

Nonsense, utter self serving nonsense. Every time the military has had to get involved in running the country it's because politicians at some level have tried to divide it or have been the subject of such blatant corruption that they had no choice, case in point Mr T's sudden departure.

At the time the coup was made, there was only a caretaker government only waiting for the election of a new chamber and government before resigning. Sutheps mob were getting thin and were not a problem anymore. The organisation of the election in July was in the hand of the EC, which is rather pro-yellow. So why a coup?

Edited by candide
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15 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

Nonsense, utter self serving nonsense. Every time the military has had to get involved in running the country it's because politicians at some level have tried to divide it or have been the subject of such blatant corruption that they had no choice, case in point Mr T's sudden departure.

Dividing the nation and blatant corruption are things the military do best since 1932. They do this for the minority elites so wealth and power are maintained. You really is clueless. Thaksin is a fraction of the history of military interference in politics and continued marginalization of the poor. 

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16 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

Written or not, I haven't had to read the history books for the past fifteen years because I've lived here full time for that period and nearly full time for the preceding fifteen years.One of the benefits of that tenure has been the ability to talk to Thai people of levels about this very subject. Whether or not any or all of that matches what you've read in your western history books is something else.

Yeah, anecdotal evidence based on what one wants to hear is obviously far more reliable than any of them there fancy 'book' things...

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I think if they ever get an elected government In Thailand they must make sure That the army swears allegience to that government and return to what they are suppose to be doing Security of the the state of Thailand Not being the government I am sure they did not join the army to govern the country. For what they achieved in one sentence NOTHING except line there own pockets with money

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27 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

Nonsense, utter self serving nonsense. Every time the military has had to get involved in running the country it's because politicians at some level have tried to divide it or have been the subject of such blatant corruption that they had no choice, case in point Mr T's sudden departure.

The last two occasions on which " the military has had to get involved in running the country" (aka staged a coup) have both been shortly before an election which their favoured party rather looked like losing. Given that you have been here for thirty years perhaps you could explain why they need to prevent the electorate deciding who should form their government?


I won't hold my breath waiting for a reply. I've posed this question to many enthusiasts for " the military has had to get involved in running the country" and for some strange reason they have never answered. Can't for the life of me think why...

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49 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

If you were rural poor and you were paid 500 baht, you'd vote too! I'm surprised the turnout wasn't higher!!

That is not conclusive.  If you can refute VOA's article  http://www.voanews.com/a/thai-panel-certifies-yingluck-election--125803643/167772.html    people would love to know. 


According to the article :   "Abhisit's certification was delayed because of allegations he had participated in vote-buying, which the panel dismissed."  Don't believe he is crooked.

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17 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

Written or not, I haven't had to read the history books for the past fifteen years because I've lived here full time for that period and nearly full time for the preceding fifteen years.One of the benefits of that tenure has been the ability to talk to Thai people of levels about this very subject. Whether or not any or all of that matches what you've read in your western history books is something else.

I will respect your thoughts and for a 30 year veteran you have done well to stay.


But please do not try to convince me the boys in green are best for the country. Some of the top secret reports (at the time, now readable) tell a very different story and having lived there myself locals also tell me a different story to the one you tell. As you cannot read some of these reports (censored) I suggest you on your next visit abroad look up some of the reports sent by ambassadors over the years. I would also like to know what skills the boys in green have. The only I I can think of is the Gun, but they would not hang around if an invasion occurred as history shows.


I am happy for you being happy where you are, but sad most of the people have to live in fear.


Have a great evening but spare a thought for those around you who are suffering.

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4 minutes ago, JAG said:

The last two occasions on which " the military has had to get involved in running the country" (aka staged a coup) have both been shortly before an election which their favoured party rather looked like losing. Given that you have been here for thirty years perhaps you could explain why they need to prevent the electorate deciding who should form their government?


I won't hold my breath waiting for a reply. I've posed this question to many enthusiasts for " the military has had to get involved in running the country" and for some strange reason they have never answered. Can't for the life of me think why...

Thaksin was corrupt that was well known, both he and his wife were found guilty by the courts - Yingluk was his proxy and that was also well known, she was subsequently found guilty of mismanagement......why wait for elections under those circumstances.


Just before we get too far down a road that wasn't intended nor needs to be travelled: my position at the outset is that democracy is not right for all populations of all countries, that is especially true of developing countries with emerging economies, no more, no less. And before somebody like Eric starts to take me to task on the reasons for the early coups, if the governments of their day were actually doing their jobs responsibly without elements of them seeking always to feather their own nests, the army wouldn't need to get involved, IN SOME CASES.

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7 minutes ago, yellowboat said:

That is not conclusive.  If you can refute VOA's article  http://www.voanews.com/a/thai-panel-certifies-yingluck-election--125803643/167772.html    people would love to know. 


According to the article :   "Abhisit's certification was delayed because of allegations he had participated in vote-buying, which the panel dismissed."  Don't believe he is crooked.

You have no idea on this point, absolutely none, regardless of what the VOA may or may not say. As many many longer term TVF members will attest, vote buying at the grass roots levels is endemic. VOA indeed, my goodness me, that's even worse than using wiki as proof of something!

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17 minutes ago, YetAnother said:

All the merchants I talk to say business is 50% of normal three years ago

Such happiness

There's no question the Thai economy took a hit for two years in a row but to blame that on the junta alone is silly. The economy of every country in ASEAN has a slightly or very different profile to its neighbour, Thailand took an economic hit because of its dependence on exports to China and because of the small extent services contributes to GDP - Thailand also took a hit because tourism was affected but much of that was as a result of the global downturn combined with changing tourism markets, a stronger than needed currency completes that picture.

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11 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

Thaksin was corrupt that was well known, both he and his wife were found guilty by the courts - Yingluk was his proxy and that was also well known, she was subsequently found guilty of mismanagement......why wait for elections under those circumstances.


Just before we get too far down a road that wasn't intended nor needs to be travelled: my position at the outset is that democracy is not right for all populations of all countries, that is especially true of developing countries with emerging economies, no more, no less. And before somebody like Eric starts to take me to task on the reasons for the early coups, if the governments of their day were actually doing their jobs responsibly without elements of them seeking always to feather their own nests, the army wouldn't need to get involved, IN SOME CASES.

Developing country???

That is an old old horse chestnut my friend in 1945 the world as we know it started again for all of us. How much time does this small country need to develop? Or are you saying by saying that that everyone here is as thick as a wooden plank, which I know is not trues as I have seen the talent there which is stifled. Most of the other country's moved on, but here its stood still because of 19 coups by who? Thaksin corrupt maybe maybe not, but looking back at the green boys everyone has been corrupt in one way or another, lets just say S, look what he did with the lottery and women all over BK.


In my time I saw progress under taksen or whatever his name is, but from where I am sitting now, after calling it a day I see nothing but Propaganda and people living in the past, but most of all I hate liars and have a nasty habit of telling liars they are liars to there face, that's is one reason I left.


I cannot for the life of me understand why some cannot move on I am sick of hearing the names Taksen, lingluck, red shirts black shirts and god knows who else and yes spelling may be wrong but I am sick of those names as all that happens here is blame goes one way when it should go the other too. Look at history you cannot change that and there are many who should be in Jail including Abisit and the low life suthep.


Either move on and reform or lock the borders and become NK@T


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1 minute ago, wakeupplease said:

Developing country???

That is an old old horse chestnut my friend in 1945 the world as we know it started again for all of us. How much time does this small country need to develop? Or are you saying by saying that that everyone here is as thick as a wooden plank, which I know is not trues as I have seen the talent there which is stifled. Most of the other country's moved on, but here its stood still because of 19 coups by who? Thaksin corrupt maybe maybe not, but looking back at the green boys everyone has been corrupt in one way or another, lets just say S, look what he did with the lottery and women all over BK.


In my time I saw progress under taksen or whatever his name is, but from where I am sitting now, after calling it a day I see nothing but Propaganda and people living in the past, but most of all I hate liars and have a nasty habit of telling liars they are liars to there face, that's is one reason I left.


I cannot for the life of me understand why some cannot move on I am sick of hearing the names Taksen, lingluck, red shirts black shirts and god knows who else and yes spelling may be wrong but I am sick of those names as all that happens here is blame goes one way when it should go the other too. Look at history you cannot change that and there are many who should be in Jail including Abisit and the low life suthep.


Either move on and reform or lock the borders and become NK@T


The World Bank and other institutions define economies and social environments of different countries as fully developed, developing and emerging, it's a standard form of reference in use today with the term "developing" replacing the outdated and frequently inappropriate reference to "third world". 

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28 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

You have no idea on this point, absolutely none, regardless of what the VOA may or may not say. As many many longer term TVF members will attest, vote buying at the grass roots levels is endemic. VOA indeed, my goodness me, that's even worse than using wiki as proof of something!

Vote buying


Saw it myself only a year ago in a village where they where voting in a head man think it was with aids also.


This is what happened


2 of my extended family where up for posts so one paid 300b the other 1000b to everyone hoping to get that job My family including the wife took both 300 and 1000 but can only vote for one it was about 8000b that came into my family to vote for their own family. I explained to my family this is corruption but they laughed in my face even though I explained that money they got paid would come out of Government money given to the village, but they did not care, so I took the 1300b off my wife and went around the village to the kids and gave them 50b each until the money had gone. Wife went mad at me but now she even understands its just corruption holding the country back.

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7 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

The World Bank and other institutions define economies and social environments of different countries as fully developed, developing and emerging, it's a standard form of reference in use today with the term "developing" replacing the outdated and frequently inappropriate reference to "third world". 

World Bank again an old chestnut


It is third world and always will be if it goes on like this, I for one are fed up with my taxes here being given to 3rd world country's so their leaders can be even more corrupt The UK is one of the biggest givers.


Just because the World Bank wants to use what they think is Politically Correct words, the rest of us do not have to follow.


Its a scam and look very closely and your see most of the country's in this neck of the woods are the biggest ones at it.


Not sure but think T does not get our money except from expats who get ripped off by visa's and visa runs and loosing there shirts when the wife goes.


No? my wife is here with me and says the same so maybe I am lucky

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19 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

There's no question the Thai economy took a hit for two years in a row but to blame that on the junta alone is silly. The economy of every country in ASEAN has a slightly or very different profile to its neighbour, Thailand took an economic hit because of its dependence on exports to China and because of the small extent services contributes to GDP - Thailand also took a hit because tourism was affected but much of that was as a result of the global downturn combined with changing tourism markets, a stronger than needed currency completes that picture.



Junta solely to be blamed for the depressing economy. Of course you will deny that this is fake news. 

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