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Thailand seeks German partnership for 4.0 industry goal


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Thailand seeks German partnership for 4.0 industry goal


BANGKOK, 16 May 2017 (NNT) – The Ministry of Industry has resolved to attract Germany into a partnership that would help the Kingdom achieve its Thailand 4.0 goal. 

The Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Science and Technology, German Embassy to Thailand, the Federation of Thai Industries and German-Thai Chamber of Commerce have engaged in a seminar attended by executives and experts from both the public and private of the two countries to discuss industry in the 4.0 age. 

The Thai side used the opportunity to entice Germany, which is a leader in 4.0 industry, to help drive the Kingdom’s industrial sector via a civil-state mechanism. They urged German organizations to help elevate Thai small and medium enterprises, to develop its laborers and support research and innovation. 

The German side meanwhile indicated keen interest in increasing investment in Thailand, up from a current 600 German companies with interests in the nation. 

Industry Minister Uttama Saowanayon said a Thai-German Industry 4.0 driving joint commission would be set up using a civil-state mechanism. Initial frame work for the commission is to be completed in 2 weeks and it is believed the body will help accelerate Thailand’s trajectory towards the 4.0 era.

-- nnt 2017-05-16
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Thai government is bagging for money not for help. getting retired germans in Thailand already is not enough. but what about if foreigners can use their experience and skills in here, uhm? no way, bring only money. I am not german but worked in germany for long, have PhD since 1983. i tried to contact thai authorities and officials with proposals that can make millions Euro businesses in Thailand. whoever i had contacted - universities, automotive institute in thailand,   national technology center  - just have been ignored. even my investments are not appreciated - after almost 6 million Baht investments and marriage since 2008 I have yet every three month get out of the country to extend my marriage O-visa. lovely. and you know the rule for Thailand - do not make business in here - or will lose everything. i heard some horror stories from foreigners who started own business, were very successful and later on have lost everything. anybody has better experience?

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9 hours ago, Oleg57 said:

Thai government is bagging for money not for help. getting retired germans in Thailand already is not enough. but what about if foreigners can use their experience and skills in here, uhm? no way, bring only money. I am not german but worked in germany for long, have PhD since 1983. i tried to contact thai authorities and officials with proposals that can make millions Euro businesses in Thailand. whoever i had contacted - universities, automotive institute in thailand,   national technology center  - just have been ignored. even my investments are not appreciated - after almost 6 million Baht investments and marriage since 2008 I have yet every three month get out of the country to extend my marriage O-visa. lovely. and you know the rule for Thailand - do not make business in here - or will lose everything. i heard some horror stories from foreigners who started own business, were very successful and later on have lost everything. anybody has better experience?

You are so right mate its money and only money that talks to the few here and anyway anyhow they will try to relive you of the money you worked hard to get in your home country. As for investment at 49% you are on to a looser from the onset. But now the majority see what the few have done and are jumping on the bandwagon.


I would love to see a list of the benefits expats feel they get in this place that I do not get at home, give me ten please and if you can I will change my tune until then I will stick to the facts and they are loose loose loose and get bitten by nasty things like insects.


I would have thought the Germans have enough on their plate keeping Europe to their way of thinking, moving in this direction I cannot see but hey they once wanted to take over the world, hence Brexit

Edited by wakeupplease
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7 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

You are so right mate its money and only money that talks to the few here and anyway anyhow they will try to relive you of the money you worked hard to get in your home country. As for investment at 49% you are on to a looser from the onset. But now the majority see what the few have done and are jumping on the bandwagon.


I would love to see a list of the benefits expats feel they get in this place that I do not get at home, give me ten please and if you can I will change my tune until then I will stick to the facts and they are loose loose loose and get bitten by nasty things like insects.


I would have thought the Germans have enough on their plate keeping Europe to their way of thinking, moving in this direction I cannot see but hey they once wanted to take over the world, hence Brexit

Germans are not interested in South East Asia and in Thailand particularly. No way. They wish to control Europe, that's all. And for now they cut all programs even education budget being overloaded by migrants and related cost. It would be best luck if President Trump will start some hotter actions against crazy leaders of the North Korea and if American Navy would have bases in Thailand. Like in Pataya and Patong. For recreation of mariners. :smile: Thailand has to seek a closer alliance with America. As America is interested to be a strategic player in the Pacific Region. But it is not what Thai elite is looking for. They just want to keep status quo and easy money for themselves. They consider American influence as a danger to the status quo. As for expats - the only benefit in here is tropical climate. Global cooling is coming and it will be nice in Thailand - more rains and not so hot. 

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"The Ministry of Industry has resolved to attract Germany....."

"The Thai side used the opportunity to entice Germany,......."

No noticeable luring or seducing at least. 

"....the body will help accelerate Thailand’s trajectory towards the 4.0 era."...

Exciting times ahead-------------stay tuned.

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On 5/16/2017 at 4:16 AM, webfact said:

4.0 goal


On 5/16/2017 at 4:16 AM, webfact said:

4.0 age


On 5/16/2017 at 4:16 AM, webfact said:

4.0 industry


On 5/16/2017 at 4:16 AM, webfact said:

4.0 era


4.0  million times mention 4.0 with fancy suffix will make it happen.


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In theory this sounds quite simple, the practice looks different. For example, the construction of an electrical machine control cabinet is already problematic. It is very difficult to get high-quality components. The market is flooded with cheap china products of the lowest quality. Even with standard components such as screws, drills, keys, the necessary precision and shear strength are missing. The whole equipment would then have to be imported to build hightec products.

With an import tax rate of 90% or more, entrepreneurial activity makes little sense then.

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On 16.5.2017 at 4:43 PM, Oleg57 said:

Thai government is bagging for money not for help. getting retired germans in Thailand already is not enough. but what about if foreigners can use their experience and skills in here, uhm? no way, bring only money. I am not german but worked in germany for long, have PhD since 1983. i tried to contact thai authorities and officials with proposals that can make millions Euro businesses in Thailand. whoever i had contacted - universities, automotive institute in thailand,   national technology center  - just have been ignored. even my investments are not appreciated - after almost 6 million Baht investments and marriage since 2008 I have yet every three month get out of the country to extend my marriage O-visa. lovely. and you know the rule for Thailand - do not make business in here - or will lose everything. i heard some horror stories from foreigners who started own business, were very successful and later on have lost everything. anybody has better experience?

The government has no interest in small fish. They dream of multi billion dollar investments of the big international conglomerates.

They do not understand that the source of ideas and innovations in Germany is fed by many, many SMEs.

As a small foreign entrepreneur, even if you are married to thai, you have almost no chance. The gigantic paper war and the many officials who want to have 

financially a share, make many foreign entrepreneurs crumbly.


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On 16/05/2017 at 9:41 AM, Emster23 said:

Perhaps if they dropped 51% Thai ownership requirement, they might get some interest. Without that, just more hot air.

The Thai government already provides the possibility for 100% foreign ownership of companies through BOI sponsorship.

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