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My experience today at Immigration

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1 hour ago, muzmurray said:


I really don't see how, seeing as your wife's blue book and ID card don't have YOUR address on them,(it may well be where you live, but her blue book is not proof of that).


Marriage certificate as proof of address - behave.


Nothing in your post could even remotely considered proof of YOUR address.

muzmurrey, It's a pity you don't read posts properly before before making your stupid comments. Your knowledge and experience of Immigration is obviously very basic and limited.


My wife's Tabien Baan and ID card was the proof of address and the marriage certificate was (believe it or not) the proof we are married. And this form of PROOF was suggested by the Immigration Officer while we were sitting at his desk applying for my extension.


Just to add, whenever I've applied for a residence certificate in the past immigration (at both Jomtien and Si Racha) they have required and accepted my wife's Tabien Baan, ID card and the marriage certificate as MY proof of address. We have lived in and owned the same house for well over ten years so maybe that's helped.


 I have just repeated an ACCURATE account of what happened to me at Jomtien immigration. I have lived here for several years and Jomtien used to accept a residence certificate as proof of address in the past, but stopped about four-five (?) years ago. Not knowing about the change I supplied a residence certificate (applied for to re-new my Driving Licence). As I said, the IO suggested using my wife's details.


  I now have my own Yellow tabien baan and pink ID card so I no longer need that option. But I do know that other people I know personally have definitely used the same proof of address option because , based on my experience, they did exactly the same as me, and more recently.

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1 hour ago, muzmurray said:


I really don't see how, seeing as your wife's blue book and ID card don't have YOUR address on them,(it may well be where you live, but her blue book is not proof of that).


Marriage certificate as proof of address - behave.


Nothing in your post could even remotely considered proof of YOUR address.

1. The marriage certificate is proof of marriage it has your name and wifes name on it.

2. Wifes Tabien and id card together with marriage cert is acceptable  as proof of address.

Or how do i get my 60 day extensions to visit wife with only wifes tabien and ID card?

Or how is landlords tabien and ID plus lease acceptable as proof of address.

None of these tabiens have my name on them.


Edited by jeab1980
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50 minutes ago, jeab1980 said:

1. The marriage certificate is proof of marriage it has your name and wifes name on it.

2. Wifes Tabien and id card together with marriage cert is acceptable  as proof of address.

Or how do i get my 60 day extensions to visit wife with only wifes tabien and ID card?

Or how is landlords tabien and ID plus lease acceptable as proof of address.

None of these tabiens have my name on them.


All of your points are very pertinent when applying for an extension based on marriage, the OP however was applying based on retirement and immigration accepted the Tabien Baan with his child in it in lieu of a TM30 report.

In reality, even if you are applying for either the 60 day extension to visit the wife or a retirement extension, then neither prove that you actually are living at that address, hence why there are some immigration offices that are requesting pictures of you in the house and outside and even Thai neighbours to verify this.

For an extension based on work CW office are now requiring loads of pictures of you in the office with Thai staff etc. but don't seem to give a hoot about where you live.

It is all designed to try and ascertain that people are living where they say or working at an actual company and was tightened up after the Erawan shrine incident, to be honest I do not think it proves that much, as these things can be arranged, but it seems to satisfy immigration!


The OP managed to extend using the Tabien Baan as proof of address, the problem is that the inconsistency of the different areas and immigration officers may mean that he is not so lucky next time, the moral of the story is, take this kind of stuff with you and present it, if accepted great, but bring as much as possible to back it up, ideally a TM30 or slip etc.

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6 minutes ago, Mattd said:

All of your points are very pertinent when applying for an extension based on marriage, the OP however was applying based on retirement and immigration accepted the Tabien Baan with his child in it in lieu of a TM30 report.

In reality, even if you are applying for either the 60 day extension to visit the wife or a retirement extension, then neither prove that you actually are living at that address, hence why there are some immigration offices that are requesting pictures of you in the house and outside and even Thai neighbours to verify this.

For an extension based on work CW office are now requiring loads of pictures of you in the office with Thai staff etc. but don't seem to give a hoot about where you live.

It is all designed to try and ascertain that people are living where they say or working at an actual company and was tightened up after the Erawan shrine incident, to be honest I do not think it proves that much, as these things can be arranged, but it seems to satisfy immigration!


The OP managed to extend using the Tabien Baan as proof of address, the problem is that the inconsistency of the different areas and immigration officers may mean that he is not so lucky next time, the moral of the story is, take this kind of stuff with you and present it, if accepted great, but bring as much as possible to back it up, ideally a TM30 or slip etc.

I said 60 day extensions i know pictures are required to be taken re ext based on.marriage.

I know the op got his retirement ext with proof from tabien his child lived there.

I was pointing out what is accetable for proof of residence.

Yes i agree all immigration office have diffrent rules ect. 





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21 hours ago, evadgib said:

Having seen reports about TM30s I carried a completed one in my bag last week as a failsafe but am pleased to confirm that it wasn't needed. Re pers data; 2x diagonal lines with a handwritten phrase in the middle across anything useful to a fraudster was accepted too although I had spares incase they werent!☺


(I was sent home like a naughty schoolboy last year for daring to redact as per western SOPs!)



It was absolutely  the first thing they asked me for.  Yes, if you're in a private rental, you need it.  You should actually already have it done, and have the "receipt" portion of it in your passport.   Since it's supposed to be done within 24 hrs of arrival, if you're showing up for an extension with the TM30 form in hand having already been in the place for some period of time, you're actually delinquent and could be fined even tho' you're just a renter because Jomtien will consider you a "possessor".

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5 hours ago, sumrit said:

muzmurrey, It's a pity you don't read posts properly before before making your stupid comments. Your knowledge and experience of Immigration is obviously very basic and limited.


My wife's Tabien Baan and ID card was the proof of address and the marriage certificate was (believe it or not) the proof we are married. And this form of PROOF was suggested by the Immigration Officer while we were sitting at his desk applying for my extension.


Just to add, whenever I've applied for a residence certificate in the past immigration (at both Jomtien and Si Racha) they have required and accepted my wife's Tabien Baan, ID card and the marriage certificate as MY proof of address. We have lived in and owned the same house for well over ten years so maybe that's helped.


 I have just repeated an ACCURATE account of what happened to me at Jomtien immigration. I have lived here for several years and Jomtien used to accept a residence certificate as proof of address in the past, but stopped about four-five (?) years ago. Not knowing about the change I supplied a residence certificate (applied for to re-new my Driving Licence). As I said, the IO suggested using my wife's details.


  I now have my own Yellow tabien baan and pink ID card so I no longer need that option. But I do know that other people I know personally have definitely used the same proof of address option because , based on my experience, they did exactly the same as me, and more recently.


Your wife's details for your retirement extension ? (what about those that are retired but not married). Immigration stopped accepting residence certificates ? (what about those that are not married)



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3 minutes ago, muzmurray said:


Your wife's details for your retirement extension ? (what about those that are retired but not married). Immigration stopped accepting residence certificates ? (what about those that are not married)



The guy was saying as a married man what immigration accept. Insted of trying to pick holes in his statement you could tell everyone as a single man on retirement extension need to prove residency. 

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