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Husband claims he played fake Russian roulette with wife but didn’t take all the bullets out


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In Vietnam I actually  saw the body of a Viet Cong who was hit by a M-16 round that entered his elbow and exited through his chest.

He was quite dead.

But that is different as the M-16 round is deliberately designed to be dynamically unstable and tumble erratically through the human body bouncing off bone for maximum killing effect and damage.

Not the same thing, deliberately designed to kill.




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4 hours ago, 2008bangkok said:

Sounds feasible, I mean come on we have all gone round our mates for a beer, had a skinfily went round granny's to grab a gun and fine home played russian roulette with the Mrs who of course is perfectly fine with it all.

speak fer yerself.................i only ever get a machete to play russian roulette

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Oh well life goes on  at 27 he  did not have a job but still found money to get drunk Oh thats right Thailand has only an unemployment rate of 1.2 % he be one of the lazy Thais who hates work so he just just dont bother to work he wont be counted in that 1.2% The law still  is in force The man is king in Thailand and women must obey he just did not like what she wrote like My husband is a drunk and he hates to work question What was Granny doing with a gun? Shooting wildlife for supper i suppose

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4 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

I would assume, this time, the police are probably 100%  correct.

Bullet entering the forehead and exiting the nape of the neck would mean a downward shot at a lower person and a normal person would themselves point the gun at their temple. Just saying .

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Don't they test for gunshot residue over there or hasn't that technology reached Thailand .

If the lady doesn't  have residue on her hands  well she didn't fire the gun .

If he did there's your answer . 


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54 minutes ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:



I don't understand what's wrong with women here. Terrible choices they make.

There was nothing wrong with the victim here.


The piece of faeces she was married to had all the wrong.

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4 hours ago, 2008bangkok said:

Sounds feasible, I mean come on we have all gone round our mates for a beer, had a skinfily went round granny's to grab a gun and fine home played russian roulette with the Mrs who of course is perfectly fine with it all.

and to spice things up, we add role play .... so I play I am her playing Russian roulette .... and then she plays she is her or something like that .... being drunk, not on purpose obviously, I do not remember the details ...

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4 hours ago, Thechook said:

Shot in forehead and exited through the nape sounds more like an execution.  Roulete is normally through the temple

check his fingers for gunpowder  even thai can do this

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4 hours ago, Thechook said:

Shot in forehead and exited through the nape sounds more like an execution.  Roulete is normally through the temple

I hope she at least only shot herself once to make it more plausible. 

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For the bullet to enter her forehead and exit at the nape her neck she would have to pull or rather push the trigger with her thumb, or perhaps turn the gun upside down, I would say not imposable but very unlikely.

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My first question is why is he smiling?


My best guess is the bullet was a 22, short hollow point, and the low velocity ricocheted off the bone internally and struck an artery in the neck.


All the blood on him and inspection of the exit wound by Police confirms this.


 I would be very suspicious too.


His biggest mistake was telling the police he emptied the gun, admitting possible negligence.  If she  had a history of suicide attempts one could  build a defense for him and allege she loaded the gun leaving reasonable doubt. 


He should've said he didn't know what happened and made no further statements.


 It appears that his problems and life just got a whole lot worse. 


Hopefully, her family members will not seek physical retribution.




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7 hours ago, 2008bangkok said:

Sounds feasible, I mean come on we have all gone round our mates for a beer, had a skinfily went round granny's to grab a gun and fine home played russian roulette with the Mrs who of course is perfectly fine with it all.

Yeah, i do it all the time. Wheres the problem?

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