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Do you think Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?


Do you believe Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?  

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one giant dummy spit by the left in the US, I find it pathetic that all these morons cant accept hillary was beaten and is as crooked as sh*t, admittedly donald isnt an angel but he won, time to accept it and stop trying to make excuses and bring up all the fake crap, should concentrate on what the dems have done instead, they would sit very well with thaksin as they all think the same , criminals the lot of them. I dislike who wins aussie elections but at least we dont spit it like you lot, kindergarten is in play for the dems, you guys need to tie your dummies to a string so you cant lose them.   dummies are pacifiers in case you lack the knowledge, let it go for sh*ts sake

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one giant dummy spit by the left in the US, I find it pathetic that all these morons cant accept hillary was beaten and is as crooked as sh*t, admittedly donald isnt an angel but he won, time to accept it and stop trying to make excuses and bring up all the fake crap, should concentrate on what the dems have done instead, they would sit very well with thaksin as they all think the same , criminals the lot of them. I dislike who wins aussie elections but at least we dont spit it like you lot, kindergarten is in play for the dems, you guys need to tie your dummies to a string so you cant lose them.   dummies are pacifiers in case you lack the knowledge, let it go for sh*ts sake

Not an Aussie topic. You're trying to project and it doesn't work. Clinton isn't president. trump is. So yes trump's issues are what matters now and they're not fake. Nobody is suggesting trump didn't win the election. Also nobody credible is suggesting the Russians didn't work hard to help him.  

You're Australian. You can forget it. Most Americans can't and shouldn't. Don't lecture Americans that trump should not be resisted. You have no credibility to do so.





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On 5/21/2017 at 0:31 PM, Dagnabbit said:

There is no evidence of any wrongdoing yet. So of course he wont resign ir get kicked out.

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Smoke  usually  indicates   fire.  Trump  advocates  amongst  other  things  the  proliferation  of  CO2. Well  known  to   be as a  component  of  basic   fire  extinguishers !

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Smoke  usually  indicates   fire.  Trump  advocates  amongst  other  things  the  proliferation  of  CO2. Well  known  to   be as a  component  of  basic   fire  extinguishers !

There is massive circumstantial evidence already. It's reasonable to expect smoking guns are probably on the way.
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22 minutes ago, MajarTheLion said:

1) Yes of course everyone has a right to their opinion. Specifically, what gave you the impression that I don't hold that belief?


2) Yes, I read the poll. And unlike you, I also read the moderator's post that accompanied the poll. Go back, find your error and you'll be up to speed.


3) I never said the current FBI director said the current investigation is a witch hunt. Those were my words and my opinion. You are simply dodging from the main point, which is that the current FBI head says he has seen no "whiff of interference".


4) With regards to Comey, the president can fire the FBI director (and many others who work for him) any time he wants. You lose.


5) If Trump did half of what he is accused of, the legal system shall run its course and he will be given the proper punishment. However, given the plethora of complete nonsense and non-stories, most of the "half" you dream of aren't even criminal offenses- merely leftist b*tt hurt from a stunning election defeat.


6) Yes, Trump's election has brought the fascists out of the closet. I'm glad we can agree that Antifa and Black Lives Matter need to be dealt with sooner rather than later. If you'd like to compare the one event in Charlottesville with the plethora of violence and murder we've seen from terrorist organizations like Antifa and Black Lives Matter, I'll be happy to accommodate you. Let's start with that Black Lives Matter chant: "What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!"


7) As far as public support for white supremacists, the KKK, etc., that is flat out FALSE. But feel free to show me where Trump has supported these groups. I will happily debunk your efforts.

1.  You are a Trump supporter.


2. The OP is about 6 months old.  No error.  Perhaps you should quote or at least cite as few people in threads like these go back and read the OP repeatedly to cater for johnny come lately types.


3. You implied it.  I don't believe that someone with your power of argument did that by accident.


4. Yes, he can.  Why did he do it?  Time will tell.  Perhaps you lose.


5. Again- time will tell.  There seems to be an awful lot of dirt flying about, and an awful lot of respected US agencies involved.


6.  I'm not sure of your point here.  Are you saying BLM and antifa are fascists?  These are not the groups to which I was referring, and they are not fascist groups.  I was referring to neo-nazis and the alt right movement who have flourished under Trump's approval to the extent that they are regularly spreading their messages of hate in the streets.


7.  He may 'fool' you, but that is only because you choose to be 'fooled'.

Edited by Slip
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51 minutes ago, seajae said:

one giant dummy spit by the left in the US, I find it pathetic that all these morons cant accept hillary was beaten and is as crooked as sh*t, admittedly donald isnt an angel but he won, time to accept it and stop trying to make excuses and bring up all the fake crap, should concentrate on what the dems have done instead, they would sit very well with thaksin as they all think the same , criminals the lot of them. let it go for sh*ts sake


"by the left in the US, I find it pathetic that all these morons cant accept hillary was beaten"


One of youse guys drops in every once in a while with those same tedious platitudes of gibberish.


Only youse guys. Because that's what youse guys believe others believe.


But, as with the rest of the simplistic one-dimensionals, you are very wrong.


Investigating the White House and it's associates are:

The F.B.I.

The House and Senate Intelligence Committees

The Senate Judiciary and House Oversight and Government Reform Committees

The Department of Justice with Special Counsel Mueller

New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman along with the I.R.S. financial crimes unit.


In the case of Michael Flynn, the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, and the Treasury Department,

which also has a financial-crimes division are investigating him.

Grand Juries in Virginia and D.C. have been convened.

Federal prosecutors in eastern Virginia have already issued subpoenas to Flynn associates.

Another FBI target is Carter Page, one-time Trump campaign adviser on foreign-policy issues.


And the fact that the occupier of the White House' son, along with Senior Advisor Jared Kushner and said occupier's

campaign manager, Paul Manafort, had a clandestine meeting with agents from a foreign adversary, Russia,

has raised a lot of interest. To put it mildly...


Now, if you think all these professionals are doing their job because of some silly "sour grapes" nonsense,

then you are at best, simply uninformed.

And clueless as to the seriousness of these investigations.


"let it go for sh*ts sake" ?



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1 hour ago, MajarTheLion said:

If you'd like to compare the one event in Charlottesville with the plethora of violence and murder we've seen from terrorist organizations like Antifa and Black Lives Matter, I'll be happy to accommodate you.

Let's start with that Black Lives Matter chant: "What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!"


"the plethora of violence and murder we've seen from terrorist organizations like Antifa and Black Lives Matter"


Accommodate away.

And feel free to show evidence of your hysterical, hyperbolic bloviating.


And starting with a chant from angry crowd? That's your opening statement?

Pretty weak and insubstantial compared to your claims.


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2 hours ago, seajae said:

one giant dummy spit by the left in the US, I find it pathetic that all these morons cant accept hillary was beaten and is as crooked as sh*t, admittedly donald isnt an angel but he won, time to accept it and stop trying to make excuses and bring up all the fake crap, should concentrate on what the dems have done instead, they would sit very well with thaksin as they all think the same , criminals the lot of them. I dislike who wins aussie elections but at least we dont spit it like you lot, kindergarten is in play for the dems, you guys need to tie your dummies to a string so you cant lose them.   dummies are pacifiers in case you lack the knowledge, let it go for sh*ts sake

Yes, everyone should definitely concentrate on what the dems have done, (despite the numerous investigations that have already occurred with zero findings of wrong doing,) and under no circumstances should anyone think about the potential criminality of the sitting Potus and his partners in crime.   Who are the dummies again? :clap2:

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8 hours ago, iReason said:


"the plethora of violence and murder we've seen from terrorist organizations like Antifa and Black Lives Matter"


Accommodate away.

And feel free to show evidence of your hysterical, hyperbolic bloviating.


And starting with a chant from angry crowd? That's your opening statement?

Pretty weak and insubstantial compared to your claims.


Because a white man's hurt feelings is the same as a black man's crushed skull.

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The case for Trump-Russia collusion: We’re getting very, very close


"In backing Donald Trump, Russia’s oligarchical class sought not only to disrupt U.S. politics but also to reverse sanctions, both those applied in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and those connected to the Magnitsky Act, which targeted officials involved in human rights violations."


"In seeking Russian support, Trump sought not only to become president but also to make money: Even as he launched his presidential campaign, he hoped to receive a major influx of money from a proposed Trump Tower in Moscow."


"Certainly the Trump campaign had this kind of information — recently, one of Trump’s online campaign managers bragged to the BBC about their ability to “target” on Facebook and elsewhere."

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Russian politician says 'let's hit Trump with our Kompromat' on state TV


"Speaking on Russia-24, Nikita Isaev, leader of the far-right New Russia Movement, said the compromising material should be released in retaliation over the closure of several Russian diplomatic compounds across the US."


"When asked whether Russia has such material, Mr Isaev,

who is also director of the Russian Institute of Contemporary Economics, replied: "Of course we have it!"


"An explosive dossier compiled by a former British spy earlier in the year included salacious allegations about the former real estate mogul's personal conduct, which many speculated could leave him vulnerable to blackmail by the Kremlin."


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The Russia probe is closing in on a circle of key Trump aides


"Special counsel Robert Mueller is interested in interviewing six key aides to President Donald Trump as he investigates Russia's interference in the 2016 election."


"The aides were all witnesses to critical events that Mueller is examining."


"Those events include Trump's decision to fire FBI director James Comey, the White House's response to revelations that former national security adviser Michael Flynn could be vulnerable to Russian blackmail, and Trump's role in drafting a statement responding to news that Donald Trump Jr. met with a Russian lawyer last June."


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The case for Trump-Russia collusion: We’re getting very, very close
"In backing Donald Trump, Russia’s oligarchical class sought not only to disrupt U.S. politics but also to reverse sanctions, both those applied in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and those connected to the Magnitsky Act, which targeted officials involved in human rights violations."
"In seeking Russian support, Trump sought not only to become president but also to make money: Even as he launched his presidential campaign, he hoped to receive a major influx of money from a proposed Trump Tower in Moscow."
"Certainly the Trump campaign had this kind of information — recently, one of Trump’s online campaign managers bragged to the BBC about their ability to “target” on Facebook and elsewhere."

My money is on Jared Kushner. The one wanting a secret communications channel with the Kremlin.

"The candidate, in turn, asked his son-in-law to take over his Facebook initiatives."



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22 minutes ago, kunfish said:

I believe what Michael Moore said: Trump will be re-elected.


Things are still up in the air, but he's upset Washington and he's an independent according to today's NYT. He's a real enigma and won't be going anywhere.

What Moore said was actually a lot more nuanced than you suggest:



“Eight million Obama voters voted for Trump,” Moore continued. “We just need to convince a few of them–hold out our hand and bring them back. Can we do that? I think we can do that.


But I do agree trump could potentially be reelected with his current 35 percent support levels ONLY because of the structure of the electoral college. 

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11 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

What Moore said was actually a lot more nuanced than you suggest:



But I do agree trump could potentially be reelected with his current 35 percent support levels ONLY because of the structure of the electoral college. 

We will have to see who the Dems bring to the table. Biden is considering, despite his age. I forget who else. Both parties have been shaken up, so...the Dems will need someone moderate who will campaign in Wisconsin and PA. It was a close election. Team Hillary failed big time - as much as the Republicans failed in their statistics. If you believe what you want to believe, then there's the risk of failure.


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Here is an informed list.

Many are surprised Al Franken isn't on it but he has been clear he doesn't want to run and would only do so if aggressively drafted. So I guess he really is probably out. 

The biggest surprise on this list is Governor Jerry Brown. Yes, he'd make a great president and should have been president before, but so very old. Also Sanders, also very old, but not surprisingly good chance he will be running and well positioned as well:




As far as the importance of the democrats going more left or more moderate, in the current political climate, I think that's overrated. trump has changed things maybe permanently. Ideological labels may be much less important in upcoming elections. 



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3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Here is an informed list.

Many are surprised Al Franken isn't on it but he has been clear he doesn't want to run and would only do so if aggressively drafted. So I guess he really is probably out. 

The biggest surprise on this list is Governor Jerry Brown. Yes, he'd make a great president and should have been president before, but so very old. Also Sanders, also very old, but not surprisingly good chance he will be running and well positioned as well:




As far as the importance of the democrats going more left or more moderate, in the current political climate, I think that's overrated. trump has changed things maybe permanently. Ideological labels may be much less important in upcoming elections. 



I'm all for Sanders or Biden if they are up to doing it. Both are great. Someone mentioned Michelle Obama, but it's too soon and she's had enough. Also, Deval Patrick, black politician. 


Most people are moderate. It's just a personality contest for presidents and just getting that 0.5% or so to win the election.


The other question is if the Electoral College will be canned. But that's a ways off. I doubt it will ever be changed.


America needed Trump to stir things up. There's a reason people get elected. I didn't vote for him, but held my nose going the other way. As much as people dislike Trump, they prefer him over Clinton and the Establishment - or perceived as such.

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1 minute ago, kunfish said:

I'm all for Sanders or Biden if they are up to doing it. Both are great. Someone mentioned Michelle Obama, but it's too soon and she's had enough. Also, Deval Patrick, black politician. 


Most people are moderate. It's just a personality contest for presidents and just getting that 0.5% or so to win the election.


The other question is if the Electoral College will be canned. But that's a ways off. I doubt it will ever be changed.


America needed Trump to stir things up. There's a reason people get elected. I didn't vote for him, but held my nose going the other way. As much as people dislike Trump, they prefer him over Clinton and the Establishment - or perceived as such.

Clinton won by a strong majority. The majority NEVER preferred him and the minority that did is considerably smaller now. He'll never have high approval ratings because he plays only to his hard core base. BUT, because of the electoral college, yes, he potentially could be reelected. 

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

Clinton won by a strong majority. The majority NEVER preferred him and the minority that did is considerably smaller now. He'll never have high approval ratings because he plays only to his hard core base. BUT, because of the electoral college, yes, he potentially could be reelected. 

Unfortunately, and sadly, for a woman who wanted to be president all her life, didn't play the rules of the Electoral College. She did lose. Sadly. Because of their hubris and incompetence.


Bill Clinton was amazing going out there last year saying so humbly to people out here, "hey, I'm a hillbilly just like you." Trump got Clinton's 1992 and 1996 voters. Bill Clinton and others tried to tell Hillary's inner team to appeal to the forgotten people in the Midwest and other areas. Bill knew. Others knew. But, Hillary's team relied on one statistician for the whole race. She could have won easily if she'd listened.


She still lost and could have won. It's not hard to play the game. The electoral college was set up to give lower population states more equal power so that states had more equality in elections - for right or wrong.

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1 minute ago, kunfish said:

Yes, back to point, Trump is in no danger. Presidents have enough power anyway. He'll be around and probably re-elected. He has nothing to worry about.

A Trump (and all his cronies) in prison is of little or no value to U.S. interests (strategic, intelligence, Treasury, ......) This is why I think senators, senior party figures, Intelligence Agency chiefs will have Trump (and all his cronies) work for them against Russia. To do this they need to have sufficient leverage against Trump (and all his cronies) to put the fear of God into them. The Russians will be doing the same but in the other direction. If Trump et al are not assassinated by one side or the other, they may well crumple under the pressure. In 2018, Trump will announce he is not standing for re-election (if the Intelligence Agencies allow him to stand down). He is completely owned and totally compromised by multiple parties on several fronts.

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