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Do you think Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?


Do you believe Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?  

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Mike Pence, campaign transition chief who claimed he knew nothing of Michael Flynn's undisclosed work for foreign nations, and insisted on several occasions that there were no russian contacts or meetings whatsoever, lost his Chief of Staff in the recent past as well:


Mike Pence’s chief of staff resigns as Trump-Russia scandal heightens

"This one isn’t all that difficult to figure out: Mike Pence’s chief of staff didn’t sign up to run a Vice President’s office that will be defined and consumed by an ongoing criminal investigation into the President’s campaign."


"And so after less than six months on the job, he’s already out the door. Who’s next?




Vice President Pence Announces Departure of Longtime Aide and Chief of Staff, Josh Pitcock,

and Hiring of Nick Ayers as New Chief of Staff

"After more than twelve years of service to Vice President Mike Pence, including most recently as Chief of Staff, Josh Pitcock informed the Vice President of his intention to depart at the beginning of August."


"Pitcock served in several roles for Pence in Congress, including as his Chief of Staff, ran the DC Office for then Governor Pence, and was a senior advisor to Pence during the presidential campaign and transition."



More professionals who have seen the writing on the wall.

They are acutely aware of their counterparts who have fled the White House in the past and are being hung out to dry by the occupier, and forced to pay their own incurring, mounting legal costs.



Edited by iReason
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I hope not, I actually agree with many of his policies. I truly think he will make the US great again, of the bloody liberals and media stop hounding him and let him get on with doing a good job.

I get the narrative now. Blame his massive failures on "liberals" and the free press which he calls enemies of the people like the fascist that he is.

Sure that garbage will work with his deplorable base.

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If Trump is ineffectual—even though Republicans control the Executive, the House, the senate, the Supreme Court, the majority of State houses and the vast majority of State governorships— it's somehow the media's and liberals' fault


If the stock market and employment go up apropos of nothing Trump has done, it's somehow a Trump achievement.

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54 minutes ago, MrPatrickThai said:

I hope not, I actually agree with many of his policies. I truly think he will make the US great again, of the bloody liberals and media stop hounding him and let him get on with doing a good job.


they most certainly will not….they won't have jobs otherwise.


hillary has started up her moaning again….not fit to be president….groan…it never ends.

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'Step right, step left': mercurial Trump leaves supporters reeling

"As Trump turned to Democrats for a second time in two weeks, Republicans on Capitol Hill were left wondering whether they had lost sway with the president despite having control of both chambers and a mounting legislative agenda."


"There was also a furious backlash from some in the Trump base, including a photo of a “Make America great again” hat going up in flames on the rightwing website Breitbart."


"What remained unclear was Trump’s strategy – if he has one."


Screen Shot 2017-09-17 at 10.06.27 PM.png

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1 hour ago, MrPatrickThai said:

CNN are a joke, only very misguided people would continue watching thsi nonsense.


Calm yourself.

No matter how hard you try to deflect, this has nothing to do with your opinion of CNN.


Reality is:


Investigating the White House and it's associates are:

The F.B.I.

The House and Senate Intelligence Committees

The Senate Judiciary and House Oversight and Government Reform Committees

The Department of Justice with Special Counsel Mueller

New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman along with the I.R.S. financial crimes unit

The Central Intelligence Agency

The National Security Agency

The Treasury Department

And the Grand Juries in Virginia and D.C.


The F.B.I has raided the house of the occupier of the White House' campaign manager, Paul Manafort.

In the case of NSA Michael Flynn, the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, and the Treasury Department, which also has a financial-crimes division are investigating him. 

Grand Juries in Virginia and D.C. have been convened. 

Federal prosecutors in eastern Virginia have already issued subpoenas to Flynn associates. 

Another FBI target is Carter Page, one-time Trump campaign adviser on foreign-policy issues.


And the fact that the occupier of the White House' son admitted that he, 

along with Senior Advisor to the White House Jared Kushner and said occupier's campaign manager,

Paul Manafort, held a clandestine meeting with agents from a foreign adversary, Russia.





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6 minutes ago, MrPatrickThai said:

Totally off-topic, and out of order.

Linking Trump to the KKK is plain witch-hunting at it's finest.

Did you actually watch the clip?   You're probably still in tears because your woman lost so you're not thinking straight.

It's not actually.

trump's Dad was arrested at a KKK rally.

He continues to try to suggest an equivalence between Nazis/KKK/white supremacists and those that oppose them.

He suggests many of the Nazi/KKK/white supremacist racist goons that were marching with tiki torches that first night at Charlottesville were good people.

KKK are not good people.

Nazis are not good people.

White supremacists are not good people.

Breitbart "alt-right" race baiting trolls are not good people. 

trump is not a good president. 

He should not be president.

He should be removed.

That doesn't mean he will be though. 

Evil often triumphs in the world. 

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2 hours ago, iReason said:

Disappointed Trump supporters say he's 'going soft' on border wall promise

"Trump’s campaign promise to build a wall along the US border with Mexico was a main selling point that led conservative elected officials such as Justin Simmons, a state representative in Pennsylvania, to throw their support behind the real-estate developer turned politician."


“I’m actually disappointed in that deal by the president,” Simmons said; “I think a lot of people are starting to wonder if he’s going soft on that issue."


“Subject to getting massive border control, we’re working on a plan for Daca. People want to see that happen,” Trump said, adding: “The wall will come later. We’re right now renovating large sections of wall.”



Here is the latest "Trump Regrets" on Twitter



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He's totally nauseating. 

Speaking of nauseating, our perverted misogynist president has recently retweeted a violent gif ... again. How such a sick person ever became president and has the nuclear codes is a national disgrace. This is not OK. It's clear what the clown is up to. He knows some hard core trumpists are now burning his fascist red hats because he might be soft on the DACA people. So he's got to go strong with the red meat with something else. He's busted on the wall. Everyone knows the wall is never happening. But you can always woman bash Hillary Clinton. 



I've decided not to post his violent video.

You can go there yourself and see more evidence of what kind of super troll scum the potus is. 


It's a video of him doing a golf swing and then the ball hits Hillary Clinton making her fall down. 


The kind of thing you might expect from an immature 12 year old. He's over 70. He holds the highest office on planet. What is wrong with this picture? 

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Fox News Finds Itself in Third Place Behind MSNBC, CNN


Fox News is losing its mojo.


After parting ways with the most-watched personalities in cable news and firing its founder over allegations of sexual harassment, the conservative-oriented Fox dropped to third place last week in prime time among the viewers that advertisers court, a spot it has rarely occupied in its two-decade history. Meanwhile, left-leaning MSNBC soared to No. 1 for a second straight week, helped by news on probes into the Trump campaign’s alleged ties to Russia.



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4 hours ago, MrPatrickThai said:

I hope not, I actually agree with many of his policies. I truly think he will make the US great again, of the bloody liberals and media stop hounding him and let him get on with doing a good job.

Actually, what Trump as POTUS has " tremendously" achieved is a lot of damage, "like never in History" , most notably to the American brand - and all that it once stood for.

Trump is "fantastic" at deconstructing.  Because he is lazy. 


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1 hour ago, MrPatrickThai said:

... there is nothing linking that his father was charged with any crime or was a supporter of the KKK ...

Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot were never charged either.  So by your assertion they, along with Donald and his Dad, must be innocent and are actually some fine people.


Make the Trump crime syndicate great again.

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3 hours ago, EvenSteven said:

Understatement of the year.





Are you aware that Romney is seeking The Donald's support in his run for the senate?


Will you then post all of the nice things Romney will say about The Donald?  Just wondering whether you really care about Romney's views or whether you just look for any negative comments about Trump.


Oh, BTW, Hillary's recent pols are below Congress and way below Trump.

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1 hour ago, Watchful said:

Romney is seeking The Donald's support in his run for the senate

Where do you find this?

  • The idea of Senator Mitt Romney should scare Trump.”
  • "Polls there [Utah] showed Trump’s favorable rating as low as 19 percent and his unfavorable rating as high as 71 percent, largely thanks to Mormons disliking him.”


  • “If I could get a really outstanding person to run for my position, I might very well consider [retiring],” .... “Mitt Romney would be perfect.” - Sen. Orin Hatch


Romney doesn't need Trump.

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Talking Point Memo has an interesting paragraph today on the mood in the White House as the noose tightens:


Tension between the two comes as life in the White House is shadowed by the investigation. Not only do Mr. Trump, Mr. Kushner and Mr. McGahn all have lawyers, but so do other senior officials. The uncertainty has grown to the point that White House officials privately express fear that colleagues may be wearing a wire to surreptitiously record conversations for Mr. Mueller.

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