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Do you think Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?


Do you believe Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?  

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9 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Re; $25 million+ spent/wasted on charity balls for Jan 20....


No surprise.  Besides all the other problems Trump and his cronies are causing in the US, they're also skimming money hand over fist - every way they can.  The head of the WH Ethics Office quit because he was overwhelmed with the cavalcade of issues re; Trumpsters' cheating/stealing. The departing chief recommended an adept replacement (from his staff) but, surprise!, Trump appointed a corrupt person who is going to allow Trumpsters to cheat and profit and waste money as fast as they're able.


Slight correction: the $25 million+ was said to be "spent" for the concert alone.

Out of $107 Million taken in.


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12 hours ago, heybruce said:


So...what do you think these three words were referring to? 


BTW, that was an actual Trump quote.  Three words on record from Donald Trump in the context of him firing Comey when Comey was investigating Russian attempts to influence the presidential election.  Three direct and to the point words.  What don't you get about this?


4 hours ago, rhodie said:

No, the 3 words are used in a narrative to speculate what Trump was referring to. Publish the full sentence/paragraph and allow the reader to form an opinion.

You were given a link to a video of a NBC interviews.  Trump's own words; "Regardless of recommendation, I was going to fire Comey.  Knowing there's no good time to do it....This Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made up story."   https://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/video/trump-connects-comey-firing-to-russia-questions-in-nbc-interview-942122051703


Trump fired Comey because of "This Russia thing."  He made up his mind before the Justice Department recommendation.  He gave no other reason.  Again, what don't you get about this?

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4 hours ago, rhodie said:

The poll is whether Trump will be impeached or not. I am commenting on the topic. If I read every article posted in this topic I would never be able to do anything else. And most of them are just copies. A reply here with a reference to the article and a quote on what points to grounds for impeachment in the article will allow me to give my opinion. It will not contravene fair usage. Cheers.

With the speed you are posting you will not find the time to read others links.

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Clapper: Intel assessment of Russian interference casts 'doubt on the legitimacy' of Trump victory

"Our intelligence community assessment did serve to cast doubt on the legitimacy of his victory in the election,"

Clapper said of Trump in a CNN interview Friday evening."


"I think that, above all else, is what concerned him, and I think that transcends, unfortunately, the real concern here,

which is Russian interference in our political process which, by the way, is going to continue," Clapper said."


"It was the most direct assertion about the impact that Russian operatives had in the US election —

the investigation of which has evolved exponentially in the last four months under special counsel Robert Mueller, who is overseeing the Russia probe on behalf of the US Justice Department."


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4 hours ago, iReason said:

Slight correction: the $25 million+ was said to be "spent" for the concert alone.

Out of $107 Million taken in.

                       US Republicans are surely the world champs at overspending, while also (possibly) stuffing millions into their pockets when no one is looking.  Let me qualify that, '......when no decent person or Democrat is looking.'


                       Even with Romney/Ryan, when they ran against Obama in 2008. They promised to shovel tens of billions toward the military - on top of what top brass asked for in their budget requests.    Trump is doing the same pandering, except now, 8 yrs later, it's more like 'hundreds of billions' rather than 'tens of billions.'

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1 minute ago, boomerangutang said:

                       US Republicans are surely the world champs at overspending, while also (possibly) stuffing millions into their pockets when no one is looking.  Let me qualify that, '......when no decent person or Democrat is looking.'


                       Even with Romney/Ryan, when they ran against Obama in 2008. They promised to shovel tens of billions toward the military - on top of what top brass asked for in their budget requests.    Trump is doing the same pandering, except now, 8 yrs later, it's more like 'hundreds of billions' rather than 'tens of billions.'

I think you're confusing the U.S. military brass with the Thai military brass.  Especially in regards to accumulation of wealth.  


The pentagon has tried to close a number of military bases, in the past.  And they have tried to turn down many expensive (and impractical) weapon systems.


Congress has a history of inflating the military budget for their own purposes.

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6 minutes ago, rijb said:

I think you're confusing the U.S. military brass with the Thai military brass.  Especially in regards to accumulation of wealth.  The pentagon has tried to close a number of military bases, in the past.  And they have tried to turn down many expensive (and impractical) weapon systems. Congress has a history of inflating the military budget for their own purposes.

No matter how you slice it, US military, in it's 10,000 incarnations, overspends massively.   Sure, porkbarrel projects are a part of the waste, but also vets benefits, viagra, billions of $$'s for air-conditioning in M.East, non-recycling, ........the list goes on and on......   

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1 minute ago, boomerangutang said:

No matter how you slice it, US military, in it's 10,000 incarnations, overspends massively.   Sure, porkbarrel projects are a part of the waste, but also vets benefits, viagra, billions of $$'s for air-conditioning in M.East, non-recycling, ........the list goes on and on......   

No, the list doesn't go on and on.  Unless, you're talking about the names of young kids injured or killed while in uniform.

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This  topic  has  gone  off the  rails . Down loads the same as opinions , lack truth .

   President Trumps , credibility ,  and impeachment is engineered by those parties, who  want  a subservient , take no notice/ reaction to NKorea,  and  just pray , he goes away .

   Sales of Bibles , will increase , a good investment .

Edited by elliss
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1 hour ago, elliss said:

This  topic  has  gone  off the  rails . Down loads the same as opinions , lack truth .

   President Trumps , credibility ,  and impeachment is engineered by those parties, who  want  a subservient , take no notice/ reaction to NKorea,  and  just pray , he goes away .

   Sales of Bibles , will increase , a good investment .

I don't know what you are trying to say here, but I was frightened when I read "President Trumps".  Please tell me the use of the plural was a mistake, I don't want there to be more than one!

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1 hour ago, elliss said:

Down loads the same as opinions , lack truth .

President Trumps , credibility ,  and impeachment is engineered by those parties, who  want  a subservient , take no notice/ reaction to NKorea,  and  just pray , he goes away.

I am assuming "Down loads" refers to source based reporting and publications.


Please feel free to substantiate any of your claims with the same.

Shouldn't be so hard, given that you have stated them as fact.

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On one of the American news broadcasts a commentator said that there is now a suggestion that Manafort was sent by the Russians to work on Trump's campaign.  So far, I can't find a source for that accusation.  However, it is curious that Manafort took the job running Trump's campaign for free, without a salary.  Maybe payments from the Russians were sufficient.


Meanwhile the Dept. of Homeland Security, previously run by Gen. Kelly, the last hope to manage Trump, took ten months to notify twenty-one states that their electoral functions had been attacked by the Russians in the 2016 election.  Shows the contempt that Trump and Kelly have for American Democracy.  At the same time Trump immediately called a commission to investigate non-existent "voter fraud."


It would seem to me that failure to live up to his oath to defend the Constitution by protecting the election process could be an impeachable offense.  I hope it makes Mueller's list.

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14 hours ago, heybruce said:

Trump fired Comey because of "This Russia thing." 

Let's not forget Trump's declaration to Russia’s foreign minister, Sergey V. Lavrov, in the Oval Office, along with the Russian ambassador to the United States, Sergey I. Kislyak:

“I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job,” .... “I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”

Sean Spicer, the White House press secretary, followup comments to Trump's statements:

“By grandstanding and politicizing the investigation into Russia’s actions, James Comey created unnecessary pressure on our ability to engage and negotiate with Russia,”


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15 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

Let's not forget Trump's declaration to Russia’s foreign minister, Sergey V. Lavrov, in the Oval Office, along with the Russian ambassador to the United States, Sergey I. Kislyak:

“I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job,” .... “I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”

Sean Spicer, the White House press secretary, followup comments to Trump's statements:

“By grandstanding and politicizing the investigation into Russia’s actions, James Comey created unnecessary pressure on our ability to engage and negotiate with Russia,”



Then there was that time at the G20 meeting after the formal meeting between Putin and Trump, that Trump went over and talked with Putin without any American advisor or translator present.  That would be a first such unaccompanied contact between a US and Russian president.  And this is the same administration that attempted through Kushner to set up a communications line to Moscow that would be secret even from US intelligence.


So, if it walks like a duck, etc. etc.

Edited by CaptHaddock
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Kushner used private email to conduct White House business

"Presidential son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner has corresponded with other administration officials about White House matters through a private email account set up during the transition last December, part of a larger pattern of Trump administration aides using personal email accounts for government business."


"Aides who have exchanged emails with Kushner on his private account since President Donald Trump took office in January include former chief of staff Reince Priebus, former chief strategist Steve Bannon, National Economic Council director Gary Cohn, and spokesman Josh Raffel, according to emails described to or shown to POLITICO."


"Private email traffic among White House aides — some of it sent between personal email accounts rather than to or from government addresses — could skirt the requirements of the Presidential Records Act, which requires all documents related to the president’s personal and political activities to be archived."



But, but, but Hillary...



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2 hours ago, iReason said:

Kushner used private email to conduct White House business

"Presidential son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner has corresponded with other administration officials about White House matters through a private email account set up during the transition last December, part of a larger pattern of Trump administration aides using personal email accounts for government business."


"Aides who have exchanged emails with Kushner on his private account since President Donald Trump took office in January include former chief of staff Reince Priebus, former chief strategist Steve Bannon, National Economic Council director Gary Cohn, and spokesman Josh Raffel, according to emails described to or shown to POLITICO."


"Private email traffic among White House aides — some of it sent between personal email accounts rather than to or from government addresses — could skirt the requirements of the Presidential Records Act, which requires all documents related to the president’s personal and political activities to be archived."



But, but, but Hillary...



I imagine the odds of that being discussed on Hannity are a million to one.


And if it is it will be - 'but it was during the transition 

-  'It was only for social engagements with other key white house staff'

- 'It was just for discussing Russian Orphans'.

- Kushner didn't understand.

- He's a nice young 'boy' and we all make mistakes

-'meanwhile Fox News have heard that crooked Hilary.........'


Edited by Andaman Al
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20 hours ago, lemonjelly said:

It's surreal, really, I still can't believe that such an obnoxious idiot (where is  "Nambia"?) could be the president of the worlds largest economy..... if the man had 2 heads he'd be twice as stupid. 

  What  are  you trying to say , about the American voters ?. 

    Spit it out .555

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20 hours ago, iReason said:

Kushner used private email to conduct White House business

"Presidential son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner has corresponded with other administration officials about White House matters through a private email account set up during the transition last December, part of a larger pattern of Trump administration aides using personal email accounts for government business."


"Aides who have exchanged emails with Kushner on his private account since President Donald Trump took office in January include former chief of staff Reince Priebus, former chief strategist Steve Bannon, National Economic Council director Gary Cohn, and spokesman Josh Raffel, according to emails described to or shown to POLITICO."


"Private email traffic among White House aides — some of it sent between personal email accounts rather than to or from government addresses — could skirt the requirements of the Presidential Records Act, which requires all documents related to the president’s personal and political activities to be archived."



But, but, but Hillary...



At Least 6 White House Advisers Used Private Email Accounts


https:/nytimes.com/2017/09/25/us/politics/private-email-trump-kushner-bannon.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage

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Ethics experts say Trump administration far from normal

"Ethics laws are based on the idea that norms will be followed,

said Walter Shaub, former director of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics (OGE)."


"For example, Shaub said that before he resigned from OGE in July, he had to fight to get his hands on financial disclosures for President Trump’s appointees."


“We didn’t have the chance to resolve conflicts of interest and the White House ethics officials not only didn’t want to fulfil their responsibilities in support of ethics, they didn’t know how,” Shaub said."


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IRS Gives Trump Staff Financials to Mueller’s Russia Investigation

"The IRS has given Special Counsel Robert Mueller financial information for members of the Trump presidential campaign and administration."

"The documents may include tax returns and supporting information such as real estate or banking records, reports CNN."

"The disclosure of the IRS's cooperation with the special counsel investigation comes after it was recently revealed that Mueller's investigators have locked in on former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, who has extensive financial ties to Russia, and even allegedly offered to privately brief a friend of Putin's in July 2016."


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The IRS and special counsel Mueller just took a big step forward in the Russia probe

"A federal prosecutor can bring in IRS-CI whenever he or she is investigating tax charges," said Renato Mariotti, a former federal prosecutor in the Securities and Commodities Fraud Section of the United States Attorney's Office."


"Mariotti said tax returns tell federal prosecutors to whom a person of interest owes money — and who owes them money — making the returns invaluable not only in identifying potential conflicts of interest, but also in revealing potential tax crimes."


"That Mueller has enlisted the IRS-CI, Mariotti wrote earlier this month, "very strongly indicates" that he has uncovered evidence of a tax crime and is investigating it."



It's heating up nicely... :thumbsup:

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10 hours ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

Trump is still president. Nice!

Puerto Rico, an island close to the US mainland with over 3 million US citizens, has been without power, clean water and phone service for a week, we are getting closer to a war with North Korea that would devastate the entire Korean peninsula, his promise of better and cheaper healthcare than the Affordable Care Act has once again been shown to be a lie, tax reform and infrastructure don't seem to make his radar, and the "big, beautiful wall" is now a refurbishment of existing fence.


But at least he's on top of the issue of football players kneeling during the national anthem.  Is that what you find nice?

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10 hours ago, heybruce said:

Puerto Rico, an island close to the US mainland with over 3 million US citizens, has been without power, clean water and phone service for a week,


Right around the same amount of time in consecutive days, that the dotard has sat alone, obsessing and "Tweeting" over a football player who knelt in silence a year ago.



Really, quite disturbing.


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2 hours ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

Trump is still president. Nice!

Nice for the ever shrinking percentage of Americans that are strong trump supporters, that is.

Frankly, my dear, your repeated posts in the same vein as above, are nothing more than very cheap baiting / heckling. They add no value to the actual topic.

We're all aware of the name of the moron currently holding the office of president.

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5 hours ago, heybruce said:

Puerto Rico, an island close to the US mainland

Trump must be reading this forum, because it seems he just found that out from heybruce:


BuzzFeed News (@BuzzFeedNews)

26/9/2017, 11:05 PM

Trump on delivering aid to Puerto Rico: "This is an island sitting in the middle of an ocean. It’s a big ocean, it’s a very big ocean." pic.twitter.com/d3zkbKmQxr

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